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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16180205 No.16180205 [Reply] [Original]

An old tactic for the fud army is to call us shills and pajeets. Let's ignore how racist and foolish this is for now. We are BSV. The most sensible /biz/nessmen in this godforsaken space. Let's avoid the idle threads that go nowhere.

We can use the catalog and if there is no general, create a general. If there is a general, avoid shitposting. All shitpost bsv threads are now greg.

>inb4 librul and plebbit

>> No.16180216

Bitcoin SV Node v0.2.2 Beta Release

The key features in this release are:

Parallel Transaction Validation – the capability to validate multiple transactions simultaneously
Incremental Block Assembly – the capability for miners to continually build bigger blocks
Internal Block Streaming – internal changes that reduce the memory requirements for processing large blocks, decoupling the memory requirements from the block size
Scaling Test Network Reset – the scaling test network blockchain is rapidly approaching 2 terabytes of data. In order to simplify testing the Scaling Test Network is being reset.


>> No.16180233
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The Genesis upgrade will also address scaling. We believe that by late in 2019 the Bitcoin SV node software will have implemented all of the safety mechanisms required to allow us to eliminate the block size cap altogether and let miners manage it without intervention from developers. So long as those changes are completed we intend to bring the planned date for allowing unlimited block size forward by almost a year and lift the cap completely in the Genesis upgrade.

The (incomplete) list of proposed changes include:

Sunsetting of P2SH
Replacing 32 math op codes with BigNumber versions
Restoration of original OP_RETURN functionality (with a fix for the OP_1 OP_RETURN vulnerability)
Limited support for the original sighash algorithm to ensure any legacy transaction that have been kept offline become valid on BSV again
Removing all extraneous limits on script sizes, transaction sizes etc…

>> No.16180255

The improvements included in this version have required extensive changes to the software and due to the complexity of these changes, we are designating this release as a “beta” version. We encourage node operators to upgrade to this version but advise caution and careful monitoring, especially for miners. We also recommend that miners maintain an instance of version 0.2.1 as a precaution.

Source code is available on the bitcoin-sv github https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv

>> No.16180271
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The Bitcoin SV Blockchain & False Reports of a “Three-way Fork”

In recent days there have been a couple of articles which incorrectly suggest that the Bitcoin SV Blockchain has suffered from a “three-way fork” over the last few weeks. These articles seem to stem from the same source, a tweet from BitMEX Research. Here are the facts.


These are the facts. There was no “three-way fork”. There was a single fork in the blockchain on July 24th due to out-of-date software, a normal occurrence that affects all blockchains that use Nakamoto consensus. Ten days later, there was a group of nodes that failed because they were using sub-standard equipment and could not keep up with volume of transactions that Bitcoin SV is designed to accommodate.

The Bitcoin SV blockchain functioned as normal, and continues to function as normal, reliably processing huge numbers of transactions. Bitcoin SV is evolving and professionalizing Bitcoin, moving Bitcoin from a prototype supported by hobbyists to a professionally supported system capable of meeting global demand for an immutable blockchain. Inevitably, this does mean that the requirements for systems which participate in the network will increase. The Bitcoin SV Node implementation team has recently published recommended system requirements and we strongly urge node operators to follow these recommendations.

Daniel Connolly

>> No.16180299

Coca-Cola employs blockchain to monitor supply chain

Coca cola adopted SAP technology. They could save money, integrate with other networks, and have more security by adopting BSV.

I recommend it.

>> No.16180349

Ripple lawsuit takes new turn as investors file fresh claims

Ripple is accused of fresh breaches of securities laws by issuing XRP monthly to general sale and promising prices would rise. However, Ripple previously argued that the case had been brought outside the statutory limitation period of 3 years.

The development is the latest twist in the case against Ripple, with investors arguing that XRP constitutes a security, and consequently its unlicensed sale was a breach of securities laws.

According to sources close to the case, the trial is unlikely to clarify whether XRP is indeed a security as claimed by the plaintiffs. The case is expected to begin on January 15, 2020.

>> No.16180357

How could BSV possibly do a 10x in the next 7 weeks? Why did Craig lie to us?

>> No.16180365

He is an autist.

Who the hell can say anything about short term price?

>> No.16180458
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>He is an autist
Says the obviously extremely autistic person bumping his own shitty thread for an hour.
Stop trying to convince others to live in your perception of reality, just find solice in the decisions you have made and the life you choose to live.


>> No.16180473

Yes, I am a bit autistic. But I am sure you can see the need for a BSV general. If you hate bsv, you should like the idea of containment.

>> No.16180485

>old tactic for the fud army is to call us shills and pajeets
If it ain't broke don't fix it. Nice meme there, Pratyush.

>> No.16180500

A general is a good idea. There are too many fake bsv shill threads that are actually troll fuds.

This is happening.

>> No.16180501
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>Let's ignore how racist and foolish this is for now

>> No.16180576
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dubs. Check em. Have you bsv anons read the Quasar upgrade 24th July recommendations – roadmap to Genesis part 2

The first upgrade, code named “Quasar”, is proposed for Jul 24th 2019 and is primarily focused on scaling. At a protocol level the only change planned for this upgrade is a lifting of the default block size hard cap. We have previously signaled an intent to raise the cap to 512MB however after consultation with the Bitcoin Association (the owner of the Bitcoin SV project) and miners representing a significant majority of hash rate it has been decided that the Bitcoin SV software will implement a default of 2GB in July. Initially a majority of miner hash rate will manually set their hard cap down to 512MB.

>> No.16180593
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back from lunch Raj?

>> No.16180625

nah just watching Joe Rogan Experience #1315 - Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell



>> No.16180632

oh I'm sorry sir
you're clearly not indian
just a gullible moron

>> No.16180678


I am giving it a good listen. It's interesting.

>> No.16180736

dear sir this is very valuable thread surely high qualitty. BSV is a tip top coin and assuredly the real bitcoin. you can make many moons if you buy right now but you cannot miss out.

>> No.16180743

good post I totally agree. BSV is the true bitcoin its very obviously

>> No.16180753

the bottomline of everything sane that can be said in regards to this whole topic is:

bsv is a shitcoin & craig wright is a fraud.


>> No.16180822

why are you so afraid of just one little containment thread for frauds and shills?

>> No.16181110

Man I am getting dubd all over the place.

Open BSV License

Copyright (c) 2019 Bitcoin Association

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

1 - The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
2 - The Software, and any software that is derived from the Software or parts thereof,
can only be used on the Bitcoin SV blockchains. The Bitcoin SV blockchains are defined,
for purposes of this license, as the Bitcoin blockchain containing block height #556767
with the hash "000000000000000001d956714215d96ffc00e0afda4cd0a96c96f8d802b1662b" and
the test blockchains that are supported by the un-modified Software.


>> No.16181182

Version 0.1.1 of the Bitcoin SV software, and prior versions of software upon which it was based,
were licensed under the MIT License, which is included below.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Bitcoin Developers
Copyright (c) 2009-2017 The Bitcoin Core developers
Copyright (c) 2017 The Bitcoin ABC developers
Copyright (c) 2018 Bitcoin Association
The golden rule of Bitcoin is never make a spendable Bitcoin unspendable. NEVER. Not even by accident.

>> No.16181217
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ABC it's been a while friend. I can feel the momentum building up, exciting times ahead

>> No.16181255
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>Preliminary testing on the Scaling Test Network show an increase from a sustained 200 transactions per second for version 0.2.1 to about 400 transactions per second with this version.

hello friend. exciting times indeed.

>> No.16181282
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400 tx is actually pretty insane, even if it's just a testnet

>> No.16181292
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Gonna post some mwilcox gems

>> No.16181296
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>> No.16181307
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>> No.16181316
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these are some gems indeed.

>> No.16181325
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>> No.16181346
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Got a couple more. This guy is the unsung Galaxy brain of BitCoin

>> No.16181419
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USD is proof of might.

BSV is proof of work.
It makes your security very cheap because you can trust miners who are demonstrating costly signals.

A costly signal can credibly reveal information. Because such signals are expensive and because less resolved types care less about an issue, only resolved types are willing to pay them. This allows for credible information transmission.

>> No.16181505


Are you looking forward to tokenized fiat?

It'll be funny to see DeFi get wiped out

>> No.16181561

you should start posting patents filed by nchain that will implode chainlink

that will get you attention

>> No.16181621

But, they won't.

>> No.16181640

They do, and did got rekt after todays patent activation

>> No.16181650

Enlighten me. I've seen Craig's lines linking two boxes together. I remain unconvinced.

>> No.16181663

>I've seen Craig's lines linking two boxes together
Well, it is simple. If anyone wants to link to boxes together they now have to pay Craig royalty fees. Or they have to do it on the BSV blockchain

>> No.16181699

You have a sense of humour, if nothing else.

>> No.16181733

Took 20 minutes to confirm 700 usd on btc chain. less than 60 seconds on BSV.

Get reked corecucks,

>> No.16181780
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I don’t know exactly. But a lot of nchain patents are on certain smart contract innovations.

Chainlink doesn’t solve the byzantine general problem. At best it is a directory chain for oracle services.

>> No.16181786

But I am willing to be convinced. How does it solve the problem of an untrustworthy oracle? Regardless of the fine or reputation, it is only more secure than getting a terrible meal at a very highly rated restaurant.

>> No.16181836


You might be wrong and wright at the same time. There is no way that retard craig is satoshi, but perhaps he's part of some elaborate distraction and bsv is actually legit. Pretty small chance though, but I like the idea of having the original protocol running as a coin.

>> No.16181848

Haha i think craig is really actually very smart. Yes he comes off as a raving madmen who is talking about everything and nothing at once.

Try this. He sounds much more interesting when he is having a conversation and not an argument.


>> No.16181849

Convince you that link solves the Oracle problem? I'm quite sure it doesn't, but that doesn't mean it won't be used to settle ridiculous amounts of money. In my humble opinion, bsv is 20 years ahead in terms of concept, but it's a utopian vision that requires too much buy-in to ever be much more than a playground for 150iq autismos.

>> No.16181959

I hope you become surprised at how many galaxy brains are actually out there.

>> No.16182020

Thanks for the links OP

>> No.16182023
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Its late. If dubs or you fall in love the thread lives till i wake up.

>> No.16182030

2020 is coming

>> No.16182066

Sure. But to what end?

>> No.16182097


If there is no Trust.
If there is no genesis upgrade
If there is a hard fork to move satoshi coins

I will donate a thousand dollars to the core developers and time stamp on biz.

>> No.16182133

I have have no dog in the btc/bsv fight. But I don't see bsv replacing specialised systems, such as Netflix, Twitter or even a (((mostly))) decentralised Oracle network. I'm in this so I can make lots of money and live a fun, meaningful life. Not to promote total global accountability.

>> No.16182195

Dude I'm gonna quit my job and build so much cool shit on bsv when link moons

Just in case I bought some bsv, it won't be enough to quit my job but it'll let me save for retirement I guess

But link moons and I'm buying a shitload of bsv and going all in on bsv dev. Got so many fucking ideas and so fucking bored working at the fang company I'm currently at.

>> No.16182202

>even a (((mostly))) decentralised Oracle network
Can't believe that people are actually posting this

Never saw it anywhere till I wrote in a bsv thread here

Now I see it come up sometimes and the guy who wrote that case for bsv site even copied it even though if you ask him he says he doesn't use biz... Yeah right

>> No.16182208

I mean, yeah, I do think bsv can feasibly obviate link

But I didn't expect that other people would understand it so quickly just from me speculating

That desu makes me bullish on bsv, too, because even link has people who... Make me question their intelligence, to put it lightly

>> No.16182220

This. Really. Get rich off link. Make cool stuff on bsv.

>> No.16182245

>Not to promote total global accountability.
Honestly if I get rich as fuck from link I do think this seems like an incredibly worthy thing to spend my time on.

I have not seen much at all and I already feel disgusted at what some people are doing to others out there. If we can make it even a little harder to traffic people and nothing else, bsv becomes an incredibly important piece of tech.

>> No.16182302

Of course. But get rich first so you can actually make an impact.