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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16179118 No.16179118 [Reply] [Original]

Even if crypto moons again like 2017, cashing out is a meme.

>deposit delays on all major exchanges
>exchanges freezing and orders not submitting
>bots front running your
>no liquidity even if you deposit and your order goes through

Cashing out is a meme. Unless you have all your funds on an exchange ready to go. Market takers always lose to market makers.

You will never be able to cash out.

>> No.16179130

Thats why coinbase has usdc nerd

>> No.16179137

what? are you saying that the end game here is to cash out to "actual money"? Crypto has no actual use as currency?

>> No.16179169

Dude just send to exchange now and verify for 2 years

>> No.16179207


>> No.16179606

Yes it is a hedge index currency.

>> No.16179615


>> No.16180024

Stop making excuses, you and I know damn well if you buy low and hold until the price is high, then actually sell, you will profit. All the shit you mentioned sucks dick but you can still cash out.

>> No.16180099

wrong jew

>> No.16180113

We won’t see another 2017 until 2025.

>> No.16180209
File: 29 KB, 327x450, dr stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Cash does, it's by far the safest way to "cash out"
But I am still going to dump bags on the decentralised peer to peer exchanges local.bitcoin.com so I can get stacks of soon to be worthless paper. I just want to throw some around and make normies seethe.

>> No.16180229
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>He doesn't just market dump his stack close to the top and return in a year

>> No.16180264

>no liquidity
yea man ur 400 dollar live savings gonna wick the shit outta btc

>> No.16180279

Based and stablecoinpilled

>> No.16180300

then get one of those crypto cuck cards