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File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16178458 No.16178458 [Reply] [Original]

my boomer coworkers were talking about the "ok boomer" meme today

>> No.16178469
File: 108 KB, 300x207, 1573091114571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok zoomer

>> No.16178510

Ok zoomer

>> No.16178513

Normies ruin everything

>> No.16178514

You have lived long enough to become the boomer

>> No.16178528

it's a reddit meme so that makes sense

>> No.16178532


>> No.16178764

Nice just sold 100k commie memes

>> No.16179120
File: 179 KB, 1125x729, C6FE6136-71A3-4C4F-AAEB-D16F06D6BC89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You work with 60 and 70 year olds?
Pic related

>> No.16179279

Were they really boomers?
Or just over 35?

>> No.16179308
File: 61 KB, 379x421, the next generation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16179321

they're all late 40s to mid 50s

>> No.16179401

Same. Its quite funny. The boomer meme refers to people who aren't boomers, and yet the people it refers to are ones who use it as arsenal against their parents. And the girl who used it is a green who hates the chains lmfao, but she's too stupid to know.

>> No.16179417


>> No.16179436

You aren't a Boomer unless you're 55+ idiot

>> No.16179452

OK, boomer.

>> No.16179460

Imagine seeing this and still not being all in on chainlink lmao

>> No.16179467

Why are niggers so loud?

>> No.16179518

OK. Niggerkikefag

>> No.16179622

That's the joke. But she doesn't know that. The OK boomer refers to 30 year olds who long for 90s culture.

>> No.16179676

Reddit memes are the most important part. They're like the gold standard of online content. They have a large impact on what people say and do.

How to start doing memes

Memes are like an invisible ink that can be written on anything. There are different ways to make memes that are easy to get started with.

You can create your own by using the following instructions on how to make meme templates.

Some of these memes, even memes with pictures, can be copied to your own blog and uploaded to social media, including Facebook.

There are so many memes out there, so many that are not on the internet but could be. Here are some suggestions:

Make a list of things you love. Make a list of things you hate. Make a list of things you're going to hate in the next day. Keep it handy in case of a situation you'll want to laugh at.

Make a list

>> No.16179710
File: 75 KB, 960x960, bored pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a point. 4chan disseminates into mass culture like no other website I've ever seen. Even rebbit takes its cue from 4chan, it just bastardizes everything from 4chan and ruins it before passing it along to facebook / twitter.

If chainlink breaks through to rebbit, which has already begun, it'll eventually be consumed by the masses and shoot up to $100 LINK. I unironically need to buy more LINK.

>> No.16179733

This is what I've been saying we need to switch it to. Change it to "ok nigger" and claim anyone saying "ok boomer" irl is a dog whistling racist.

>> No.16179747

This website used to legitimately have that kind of power back in like 2007. Most people had no idea where "the Internet" came up with its wacky ideas and a good chunk of then came from here.

>> No.16179761

lol yeah let's pretend that actual boomers understand or even are aware of ok boomer

memes haven't been fun since meme culture became normie culture

>> No.16179853

reddit spacing

>> No.16179884

You know what saved the bane meme? The Germanwings catastrophy. So we just need some catastrophic event to occur involving the boomer meme.

>> No.16180086

I work at a middle school and heard kids talking about it. Just kill me

>> No.16180118

This isn't true. Boomer meme started before the 30yr old boomer. The latter is a dumb biz thing. The previous is an old pol thing.

>> No.16180398

Would be fhn again if you'd actually make tgem edgy instead of just dumb

>> No.16180410


>> No.16180411

most are still working and early gen x could be considered boomers.

>> No.16180427

ok boomer is exactly amid at baby boomer pieces of shit. boomer on 4chan still means baby boomer only in specific context you dumb shit.

The joke is that boomers are still in the fucking work force working shit tier jobs along side boomers and as there bosses never giving a chance to a new generation. its been this way for a long ass time. Boomers just wont fuck off.

>> No.16180446

go back

>> No.16180460
File: 912 KB, 240x176, 1566489231507.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16180585

What I don’t get about Zoomers is that they hate their bosses and the things that the boomers built and establish themselves, yet they still wage cuck for them. Why don’t zoomers build and establish something of their own if they are so able bodied? Don’t demand for opportunities, build your own.

>> No.16180603

Why are you saying zoomers? Millenials fucking hate boomers more then any other generation. Where the fuck do you think zoomers got the boomer meme from? Boomers didn't create shit they did nothing but destroy and ride the co tails of the generation before it. Fuck boomers.

>> No.16180617

I’m a millennial, and I don’t hate them. In fact, I have respect for them and the work they put in and ingenuity that it took to established what is built. Albeit, there are retarded boomers, but that’s with ever generation.

>> No.16180658

ok boomer was a forced meme by monster viral marketing department,

i wonder how many of yall started buying sips becuase of it.

>> No.16180665

>the work they put in
no, fuck off bait.

>> No.16180726

34 year old zoomer here. I cant stand these boomer faggots

>> No.16180972

I did. No regrets

>> No.16181265

you're a millennial retard

>> No.16181279

Thats so fucking someone born in 1977 is gen y ? No lol

>> No.16181340

They keep expanding the year range of memelennial. Soon anyone born from 1800 to 2100 will be a memelennial.

>> No.16181406

>t. 30 year old boomer

>> No.16181461

I thought people started to call +30yos boomers to ‘troll’ the constant boomer strawmen arguments
But the real boomers are still 55+
I don’t get it anymore

>> No.16181535

Nuanced shitpost

>> No.16181541

>I don’t get it anymore
That just means you're old now

>> No.16181556

last time I checked the cutoff was 1980 they keep expanding it for (((some reason)))

>> No.16181559

New Zealand at it again. Get on our level USA. You guys can't even into healthcare and education.

>> No.16181577

I don't know what this is but I'm okay with it