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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16177527 No.16177527 [Reply] [Original]

>have the perfect idea to make shitloads of money
>cant execute it because it is somewhat complex
>cant talk about it to anyone because they could try and steal the idea (its something that has never been done before)

how can I grow a business from here? how can I get what I need without exposing my genius idea to the world?

>> No.16177550

Hardware, software or service?

>> No.16177558


>> No.16177574

Compartmentalize the project into smaller and smaller subsections until each person working on a piece is unable to see the bigger picture. All information is on a need-to-know basis.

This will dramatically increase costs and development time however, and workers will require more oversight.

>> No.16177576
File: 71 KB, 720x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us the idea but using a food analogy.

>> No.16177597

>Compartmentalize the project into smaller and smaller subsections until each person working on a piece is unable to see the bigger picture. All information is on a need-to-know basis.
how can I learn how to do that?

I cant I dont want to expose my idea to the world
I'm scared they will steal it

>> No.16177619


If you're not smart enough to obfuscate your business from chinese insectoids, you are not an American. I hope a chink steals your idea and makes glorious money for the chink mainland race, you fucking incompetent pig.

>> No.16177639

i just backtraced your ip and found your google searches. it was hard to figure out your idea through all of the gay porn but i did and i'm stealing it. get fucked op

>> No.16177643

You literally just copy what the CIA, FBI, NSA, etc. do every single fucking day. There is an endless wealth of information on this shit on the internet. Are you fucking retarded or something why do I need to spoon feed you?

>> No.16177647

I never was american
I never googled it but I know it doesnt exist yet.

>> No.16177660

braindead pajeet confirmed, looks like you're incapable of independent thought or research so I wouldn't worry too much about having ideas OP

>> No.16177661

>There is an endless wealth of information on this shit on the internet.
>why do I need to spoon feed you?
because this is /biz/ and we talk about business and this could be helpful to others not just me?
if you have information please share

>> No.16177678

if I google my idea then google could steal it
but I know that it doesnt exist , nobody has done it before. only I have the idea
I know because I monitor that field very closely

>> No.16177688

If you don't know how to program, your software idea is likely very dumb because it won't scale. There are very few real steve jobs in the world that can come up with software products that valuable independent of their implementation.

>> No.16177692


Oh, you're not American? Then please tell us your business. I'm sure it isn't anything special. You're not special anon.

>> No.16177708

You could create a cryptocurrency where nodes rate the validity of business ideas and a higher amount of tokens held unlocks access to higher graded business ideas. Anybody can submit a whitepaper and are then rewarded by tokens when a node verifies it as a legitimate business idea. The higher the grade, the more tokens one receives. Nodes are then retroactively graded by the success or failure the implementation of the business plan had in real world economy and are accordingly deducted or rewarded for accuracy of their rating which is then weighed to average the total node rating of a whitepaper. The highest rated nodes also receive tokens. Everything is kept perfectly anonymous and decentralized. It could usher in the 4th industrial revolution as the invisible darwinian hand super-accelerates our capacity for developing and carrying out the best business practices.

>> No.16177727

Before you buy, let me tell you a story.
I was visiting San Francisco to see one of my friends. We went to a strip club, and while I was there, I saw Sergey, surrounded by women. He was throwing tons of money at them, but not just bills. It was stacks upon stacks of $10,000, sealed up with the white paper bands, like he had just come straight from a bank.
I went up to him and congratulated him on the success of Chainlink as of late (this was about a month ago), and he started laughing. He took a hefty swig from a bottle of Dom Perignon, and said, "Yeah? You think I care, stinky?"
Confused, I asked what he meant, and said that he had obviously put a lot of work into LINK and he should be proud.
"Fundamentally, I don't give two fucks about Chainlink, kid."
He was about to say something else but one of the strippers tapped him on the shoulder. Sergey pulled out from his pocket the biggest ziplock bag full of cocaine I've ever seen in my life. It looked like one of those gallon bags, almost bulging at the seams. The stripper ran off into a back room with it.
He then pulled out a Zippo lighter.
"You wanna know what I think about Chainlink?"
He snapped his fingers and a stripper handed him a bottle of Hennessy. He then pulled about 20 stacks of bills from a duffel bag, threw them on the floor, poured cognac all over them, flicked his Zippo, and dropped it onto the pile. Almost instantly the whole stack caught.
I stared at him, speechless.
"It's called a 'PUMP and DUMP,' kid."
He laughed as he watched the pile burn before losing interest and going into a back room with his entourage of strippers following carrying duffel bags full of what I assume was money and coke.
This is the man you are supporting by buying LINK.

>> No.16177748

>have the perfect idea

No, you don't.

>> No.16177750

I dont need to create that technology I just need to put the pieces somehow together
it can scale
its a very special business and it could generate hundreds of millions of dollars.
I cant go more into detail really.

why are you giving your idea away like that?

>> No.16177763

So you believe either
>there is a real person sitting there watching everything you google
>there is a bot watching billions of searches a day looking for million dollar ideas

Yeah okay, maybe you should think about going to school or reading books or something dude. You really need it holy shit.

>> No.16177804

I dunno, man, read Zero to One.

>> No.16177830

>why are you giving your idea away like that?
because everyone has ideas all the time and nobody is interested in stealing "ideas". Ideas are worthless, execution is everything. So either do it or stfu. What even is this software thing that you can't just make an mvp of by yourself? That's basically impossible nowadays, unless you can't program of course.

>> No.16177836

>idea guys

>> No.16177842

I wouldn't put it past google desu. Would you google your private key with millions worth of crypto behind it?

>> No.16177849

>it can scale
Part of how your application can scale is the design of the application itself. Are you going to be making API calls? Or will it be mostly offline (aka 1-2 calls per session)?

>> No.16177865

>what are algorithms?
whats that?
but I do
I saw it clearly and I wrote it down
I thought it through for over 2 weeks now and I didnt find a weakness in my idea
the only problem is making it real but once it exists its easy and generating almost endless money
but this idea is really really golden
I want to do it but I lack the knowledge and dont know where to start
I could afford to hire people to work for me on it a year or two but I dont know how to organize that and how not spill my ideas to employees that could do it without me
it can scale I know it
it has online features yes

>> No.16177909

>I want to do it but I lack the knowledge and dont know where to start
bro just learn to program it's really not that hard especially if you have a clear goal in mind
just learn python or js/node and get some aws services or whatever
but desu you are probably way too infatuated with your idea roght noe and it's really not that great

>> No.16177921

but it is really great
its already driving me insane because it would make insane profit

>> No.16177948

well there's really no helping you, either you build it yourself, contract it out to some webdev firm (they won't steal your idea shut up about that) or nothing will happen.

>> No.16177965

which field of software? gaming? e commerce?

i bet your idea is utter shiz
t and the fact that you never talked about it with someone proofs that

>> No.16177974

Ideas are worth nothing

>> No.16177975

Yes, I have worked at Walmart.

>> No.16177990

this guy gets it

>learn to program it's really not that hard especially if you have a clear goal in mind

the best way to learn to program is when you actually have a real-world project you're passionate about and can see your progress manifest. Learning programming when you have no goal, when you're just following steps, going through motions, is a huge chore, but with that big project in mind it will be easy to learn and very satisfying.

>> No.16178034

listen to the incels guy.
Can't get help because will be stolen.
Can't get a patent coz patent office will steal it.
Can't even google it coz google will steal it.

Did you consider that once you get it released (which you clearly won't), someone just needs to implement it slightly better than you (because they talked to people about it and aren't retarded) and you're back to where you are now. Just talk about it or forget about it.

Yahoo was around before google. Myspace before facebook. Nasa before space x. IBM before microsoft.

>> No.16178053

>whats that?
What's Google?

>> No.16178077

the idea is almost perfect
I'm not retarded and I thought it really through. I think daily for hours about it and write it down and it makes sense
It works and its already my 4.0 version of the draft.
wrote around 46 pages so far at few points the idea was flawed but I fixed it over time and figured out solutions
thats a billionaire idea that I have
its a bit complex but in theory it works.
I use duckduckgo

>> No.16178123

the idea is really genius and it works
most of what I need already exists and I just need to put the puzzle pieces together in the right place and right time its such a genius idea that I dont understand how nobody has come up with it

>> No.16178137

and its a real possibility that google or the patent jews steal it so I have to be extra careful
the idea is a one in a million idea its such an elegant solution and I make a ton of money and dont do anything once its set up.

>> No.16178142

maybe it is... I guess we'll never know

>> No.16178146

>I use duckduckgo
ddg pass their queries on to Bing, M$ pajeets are probably stealing your idea right this moment

>> No.16178159

it cant be slightly better than me because my idea is already flawless
I solved problems that they will only encounter in the late stages of the draft by then I could already have the monopoly business
I'm like 5 years ahead of them

I didnt type my idea into any search engine
nobody knows about it
I know where to look and NOBODY has a solution like I have

>> No.16178171

you will see
in 10 years every human could use it

>> No.16178181

>talk about business
Talk about your business then you poofter
Should have been the end of the thread

>> No.16178206

nice. well i'm a software dev if you want some help getting the idea stolen *cough* I mean, getting the idea to market

>> No.16178214

please dont steal my idea

>> No.16178224

Holy shit. I just figured out your idea. LMAO it's so obvious why hasn't any one done it before. kek thanks op gonna take it.

>> No.16178280

Do a provisional patent yourself. Its $40 for a single drawing, you need to google for a company that specializes in patent drawings. Then go to the U.S patent website and fill out the form for a provisional patent and save the PDF. Then you need to write a Specification, details of how the invention works. Stanford University has a Specification template to follow but you should also youtube how to do a provisional patent yourself for more advice on this. Once all 3 documents, the drawing, Specification and U.S patent application are ready, submit them electronically through the U.S patent website for about $125. Should take you a week to get the drawing. This puts your idea on patent pending status for 12 months until you can commercialize it. Still try to protect your idea and look at other similar patents to yours for guidance on how to write your Specification.

>> No.16178320

Sorry slick.. figured it out after the 6 post.. already submitted my patent and started coding it.. going to make me stinky rich.. Thanks OP

>> No.16179268

fucking kek

>> No.16179515

[part 1/3]
I'm a software dev employed in a well paying position that I like, so not interested in stealing your idea.
I can offer you my advice in a gentleman's agreement like fashion, but of course, you only can take my word for it, I'm just an anon on some image board at the vast shores of the internet.

You can write me here directly using https://sela.io/pgp
I will look in this thread, or if expired then in the /biz/ catalog tomorrow, 24h from now on.
You can generate a public/private key pair as well if you want to, so I can identify you from then on easily.

My public key is:

Version: OpenPGP v2.0.8
Comment: https://sela.io/pgp/


>> No.16179521

[part 2/3]


>> No.16179534

[part 3 / 3]


>> No.16179540

[part 4 /3, was still too long XD]


>> No.16179549

fuck off with this shit

>> No.16179550

OPs idea is something along the lines of:

>Uber for some other service
>Social media for an "untapped" nieche
>A variation of whatever is big, but "different"

Even if it's not, it probably isn't that great. OP comes of like a schizophrenic person, just that instead of it being "the CIA is following me" it's "I have a billion dollar idea". Listen OP, someone mentioned Steve Jobs in the thread. The reason he got big is because he was a great businessman, proactive, and opportunistic, same with Bill Gates. All the cucks who think their strength was"tech" are deluded beyond belief. Watch a documentary on either one of them, of course they understood tech, but neither came up with their ideas, they stole it off another sucker who was too braindead to monetize it (like OP). The Tech Messiahs are really The Business Cowboys from Hell.

>> No.16179556

Steve Jobs wasn't a programmer at Apple, dummy. As far as I know, he never wrote a single line of code, when he worked at Atari, he designed circuits, not code. And, Jobs didn't design any of the apple products that they sold. He was the marketing guy.

>> No.16179688

OP here, just got on home wifi. My idea is a decentralizd oracle service. Anyone want to help me? please dont steal

>> No.16179722

Bro wtf does that even mean? You have to give it a more marketable name, let people now what your shit does, what problem does it solve for them.

>> No.16179728

Haha very likely total bullshit.
Ideas are a dime a dozen.
Exexution is the important part.
Your idea is shit anyway OP, you are young and inexperienced.

>> No.16179740
File: 26 KB, 480x392, IMG_20191015_131519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya had me going

>> No.16179755

>Ideas are a dime a dozen. Execution is the important part.

Summed up 95%+ of business and startup people. You can get rich with a beat to death idea if you do it right and deliver results. Most retards are just looking for that one idea that'll make them big, when nobody who is top 1% got there sitting on their couch thinking. This is the exact same problem incels have, but applied to money.

>> No.16179762

Steve jobs didn't make the fucking software, he just promoted it. Fuck people like you who think Steve Jobs did anything other than shill

>> No.16179774

Ideas are worthless - the finished product is what counts. This is especially true for software...

>> No.16179793

The era of Product-oriented software businesses is fading. Read this 8 year old blog post, all of which is even more true today: https://gist.github.com/chitchcock/1281611

The tech doesn't have to be perfect, but focusing solely on products while not working on your platform is a bad idea. Product is important, but less important than ever for software companies

>> No.16179799

he only "cant find a flaw" because hes making major assumptions and as it turns out those assumptions are the flaws

i bet its a "youtube for X" type idea or "a cloud service for Y niche market"

>> No.16179811

>I thought it through for over 2 weeks now and I didnt find a weakness in my idea
Implementation will expose the weaknesses. That's why ideas are worthless.
Pure mental masturbation.

>> No.16179844

I know he wasn't a programmer.

>There are very few real steve jobs in the world that can come up with software products that valuable independent of their implementation

I was saying there are very few steve jobs who are good at coming up with product ideas. I'm basically regurgitating this blog post >>16179793

It's much more reasonable to have an average idea and an average tech implementation.

>> No.16179902

Op heres a statistic I would like to share.

Only .1% of people who see see or read something act on it. This is backed up by impulse advertisment data.

I would imagine when that something is a multi-level project like starting a buisness even less act on that advice and even less follow through.

This is why you don't see kickstarters getting ripped off most of the time. You can tell people everything about your idea and they still wont give a fuck. People don't know how to monetize, they can't see the niche your trying to fill, they think your idea is stupid and they think your stupid. Investing is being able to really drill down and find when another person's idea is valuable. Entrepenuership is being able to take your head out of your ass and realize how to show value to others. Simple as

>> No.16179918

Okay you are legit retarder chunk or a bot, stop answering this nigger fagot

>> No.16179955

Guys...stop entertaining this delusional faggot. Let the stupid thread die.
He doesn't even understand that ideas aren't worth anything until you make something with them. That fundamental disconnection from reality means that nothing we tell him is going to click

>> No.16179967

>cant execute it because it is somewhat complex

There are tons of ideas like that, they sound nice but are actually impossible in practise, that's literally why no one has done it yet.

>> No.16180028


I'm on the same boat. I'm considering moving to San Francisco and spending every waking hour trying to charm some genius comp sci twink just so I can get this project going. My idea is on the very edge of current tech trends, haven't heard anything similar to it anywhere (but let's face it, there's most likely someone working on it already). I have the business model figured out, I have the perfect exit strategy, I have an MBA, I have managed businesses before (my own with a decently sized team), I am a very capable pitcher, I have access to angel investors, I know what the perfect proof of concept to hook them in would be. But I'm lacking execution. I couldn't code a single line of anything (nor do I know anyone who could), and the time it would take me to learn it would make me miss the train. Fuck this.

>> No.16180055

To tack on with this, if people actually want to steal your idea it's a bad idea. People are stupid and lazy, if they think your idea is good and want to steal it, its a stupid idea and your probably lazy.

When I see a can of coke I imagine the supply line. Somebody had to buy ingredients, materials, a factory, transportation, regulations, advertising, management, r&d, ect ect. And pay salaries for everyone involved in that.

All that and the case of coke I'm looking at has 7 bottles for 1.69 each. Fucking pocket change. If someone told me they planned to set all that up and then sell the final product for fucking pocket change I would probably laugh my ass off at them and tell them it would never work.

>> No.16180622

>make insane profit
Nothing makes insane profit anymore. They make insane revenue

>> No.16180721

>cant talk about it to anyone because they could try and steal the idea (its something that has never been done before)
I know that feel. You can't even trust your siblings?
Start learning to code if you're not lying. It's worth it. That's what I've done.

>> No.16180742
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 2D8DB8D5-AAED-4B14-A4B9-700A4AC56A69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.16180770

God damn pajeet’s get off biz

>> No.16180965

>Compartmentalize the project into smaller and smaller subsections until each person working on a piece is unable to see the bigger picture. All information is on a need-to-know basis.

Ahh the Kentucy Fried Chicken 11 Herbs and Spices strategy.

>>inb4 the 11 herbs and spices have been publically avalible for years and the seperate suppliers thing is just theatre

>when he worked at Atari, he designed circuits, not code.
Assembled, he assembled circuts on a production line.
And a fun fact that no one asked for: apparently because he was such a dirty hippie at the time they put him on the night shift so he wouldn't bother any of the other employees with his macrobiotic pugnent oder.


>> No.16180984

>put the pieces somehow
Something tells me you're woefully underprepared to undertake this venture and that even if you could sift through a /biz/ thread for some genuine and pragmatic advice you wouldn't be able to apply it.

>> No.16181016

So it's the same code for all stores then?
>t. Safeway lackey

>> No.16181054

I had the exact idea for nextdoor long before it existed, and I was too lazy to do anything about it. I told myself someone smarter and with more resources was probably already building it anyway. Never thought about it much until nearly a decade later I got a postcard in the mail inviting me to join nextdoor. I wanted to jump off a bridge.

Just thought I'd provide you some extra motivation. Pursue your idea relentlessly.

>> No.16181109

the numbers for produce often seem to derive from the producer and not the store from my experiences, it would explain why half of our produce isn't in the fucking system