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16176644 No.16176644 [Reply] [Original]

I have about $23,000 sitting in my savings account, but I already have a crypto portfolio worth about $53,000 (2.34 BTC, 128 ETH, 31 LTC, 2150 LINK). I don't know what to do with the 23k, I've always felt safe having that in the bank (lol), but other than crypto I don't see anything that doesn't seem absolutely inflated to fucking shit to park it in. Putting it in the stock market feels like putting it into Bitcoin in December 2017. What do I do with it?

If I buy more crypto with it, the only one I'd consider is Bitcoin, because I'm more or less looking for something that's lower risk. What do you think? Buy another whole BTC?

>> No.16176651


>> No.16176664
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I said the only crypto I'd consider buying was BTC. No respect. Blocked!

>> No.16176698

buy 15 ounces of gold

>> No.16176701

Precious metal? desu, i think holding cash is not the worst thing in the world.
I know it is kind of a meme and all, but the economy seems bloated and close to popping. If that happens, then you would be in a prime position to pick up some cheap stocks when the bottom comes in.

>> No.16176705

Do you own a house? If you live somewhere with relatively low cost of living, that's a down payment.

>> No.16176710

I’m in literally the exact same situation as you OP. $23,000 in savings, $50k in bitcoin. I’m thinking real estate? How old are you and what’s your work

>> No.16176712

Buy another bitcoin

>> No.16176714

Just keep it there, it's not that much money, consider withdrawing some physical cash in case banks go insolvent, or some bullion even. At least while the future of the economy is uncertain.

>sign a mortgage
>right before the depression
dumb retard right here

>> No.16176722

I would totally do this, but I travel way too much and don't have a permanent home to store it in.

Yeah this might not be too bad of an idea, I've been waiting for a crash since 2015 though and they keep lowering interest rates and printing more money to prevent it from happening though, maybe keeping the money on hand isn't that bad of an idea though.

>> No.16176741

I keep my gold stored in a bag using neodymium magnets to hold it in the most unusual of places that no one would find it in a million years. Just think smart, and never put gold in a bank or a safe.

>> No.16176743

I'm 31 and I do design work, work remotely so I'm living in a cheap country for higher standard of living.

Kinda worried about what's gonna happen when the recession hits though, we are so long overdue for one I worry about how horrendous it's gonna be.

No I don't own a house yet, but I do plan on it within the next 5 years.

>> No.16176759

brb w a metal detector

>> No.16176777

Chiliz anon, CHZ. Easy 10x in the next month. They are partnering with major football club, aka football club pouring money in it. It litteraly free money if you jump on the bandwagon now.

>> No.16176834

Sell shitcoins for Bitcoin, buy gold at a solid custodian since you can't have physical, and keep 5 grand in the bank as a reserve. Keep stacking sats with spare income. Easy sleeping, 0 cognitive overhead.

>> No.16176837

I would add some precious metals...
Maybe buy 500-1000 ozt of silver
We are not sure if crypto is recession proof. Gold and silver are. I have both.

>> No.16177274

>how to vomit while driving

why is this skill necessary?

>> No.16177662
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I now have cancer from this post. Buy Tezos. Your never gonna make it. Think about it. Your could die tomorrow. Or right now actually. Watch your back David

>> No.16177668

There will be a recession but it isn't going to kill the housing market like the last one. Might be a little dip, but nothing to get too worried about.