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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16174566 No.16174566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>day one of /noweed/

I'm done being a nigger biz

>> No.16174573

Good work bro. You should celebrate with a bong rip

>> No.16174627

You’ll be back real fast. Bout to dab when I get out of my cube

>> No.16174630


>day 1
good fucking luck

>> No.16174637

Shoo shoo nigger Jew
I got this.

>> No.16174651

Taking a few weeks off is recommended. I'm myself taking a 3 month trip to asia from my LINK gains (only sold a minuscule part of my stack) during which I wont be toking up on the sweet green herbs.

>> No.16174673

I thought weed wasn’t addicting

>> No.16174674

Is weed really this addictive to some people? I tried it a few times, smoked/ate, never really got much effect and never felt compelled to return.

Only drug I've ever tried that i felt was truly addictive was coke. Did it once and then made sure i never did it again.

>> No.16174693

>all or nothing
>incapable of doing a vice in moderation


>> No.16174702



gonna make it

>> No.16174749

Je bent nog steeds een junkie eric

>> No.16174770

it is recommended but it is god damn hard

>> No.16174782

im gonna blaze one right now faggot lmao you mad?

>> No.16174785

Lol imagine falling for the drugs meme in the first place. This board is full of degenerates

>> No.16174795
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>tfw week 2 of no weed

Don’t feel extremely different, just bored more often and video games aren’t as fun. Spend more time cooking and reading. Also my dreams at night are fucking crazy.

>> No.16174799

Anyone who tells you that smokes weed.

I smoked weed for years it ruined my brain. I have up but now I'm growing it because maybe I can make money

>> No.16174803

i hate smoking weed, it makes me realize that im in such deep shit for investing my entire net worth into link

i have zero in my bank and 15k link

i have no job , no skills, and im 30 years old

it makes me fucking scared as shit for my future,

fuck weed.

i do like that it gives me a little creativity, but then when im sober and read my ideas again i realize its fucking stupid, fuck weed. ill stick to alcohol, it makes me productive.

weed was fun as a kid when watching movies high was fun, now it makes me realize how sad my life is. and how much of a failure my family must think of me

>> No.16174820
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>taking a 3 month trip to asia from my LINK gains
>only sold a minuscule part of my stack
>toking up on the sweet green herbs

>> No.16174819

Habitual weed smoker for 5 years here. Only smoke like once a month now. There pros and cons to both. Still think being high all the time is better than NPC life, but that feeling of doing nothing while high for years straight really gets to you.

>> No.16174833

shoo shoo nigger jew

>> No.16174848

You'll be back. They always come back...

>> No.16174853

i stopped smoking week about 2 years ago. feels great.

been addicted to kratom for 5 years instead

>> No.16174858

I just got a new ounce. Weed unironically makes life tolerable somehow. After months of being sober it just starts to fucking annoy me that there is still something, like a spice I need to have in this life and weed fills that perfectly. I don't think I will ever stop weed.

>> No.16174866

Good anon. Now you see that these jews push drugs. They do it in media and pop culture, and then literally every druggie thinks they are special. More people have done drugs regularly at some point that havent. Your unironically based for saying fuck you jew and never touching the shit.

>> No.16174869


Smoking rots your brain 100%

I smoked oil and weed for a year.

>> No.16174887

how is being high all the time good?

when i was high i would forget things, i would lose shit like crazy. i lost my phone at a festival high, i have lost my keys on college high ,i have lost wallets and money at the mall, hell i even sold some of my link at the bottom while i was high.

i do like to smoke weed and listen to music while high, but then my brain starts making really fucking depressing music videos to go with the song.

>> No.16174925

This. People acting like constantly smoking weed doesn't effect your memory are deluding themselves. Enjoy having zero memories of any kind when you're old

>> No.16174939

Day one of my heroin binge, weed is for pussies

>> No.16174951

i wish i was as strong as you

>> No.16174966

>Also my dreams at night are fucking crazy.
this always happens for a couple weeks after you stop smoking entirely
i dont know for how long though, i always started smoking again so i dont know if it's a short term experience or you'll dream like that forever if you quit weed

>> No.16175047

I bought a volcano vaporizer with my crypto gains.
Im high all the time and it feels great. Smoking weed with flame is bad. its the hydrocarbons that you inhale that fuck you up. I just inhale pure thc air, feels good. herb only no dabs that shit fucks you up to

>> No.16175111

do you think it's worth it to invest in a handheld vape (i'm talking an expensive, properly designed one from japan or germany etc)? im tired of water-pipe bongs; it's starting to damage my lungs as per my doctor

>> No.16175212

You feel good? I never really lost things like that while high.

>> No.16175326

Going to go for a 3 month break so we’ll see but, yeah lots of nightmares and vivid dreams. Will often have a dream that wake me up in the middle of night, used to dream when I smoked too but it was more mild and I would almost always sleep straight for 8 hours...lot harder now

>> No.16175349

I tried this too but honestly my lungs didn't like all the hot air. I think you're deluding yourself thinking it's 100% safe

>> No.16175369

day 10 here, we are going to make it ;)

>> No.16175404

It's better and safer than smoking, but it still is a drug affecting your system. It would be completely silly to assume that it is harmless. The real benefit is minimizing the harm and saving on wasting less product. I literally became wealthy by saving the money I would have spent on weed and instead buying Bitcoin with it.
>t. some dude who has been vaping cannabis since 2011

>> No.16175412
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Psychedelics > weed

>> No.16175434

You don't have to make up stories bro, we're all frens here

>> No.16175439

other than potential for traumatizing you for life and giving you hppd, yeah theyre better
t. someone who has nothing but bad trips

>> No.16175444

good luck! i'm starting too in a few days. i'm in a wake n bake binge for the last couple days but at least i'm not smoking every single day like I used to a year ago

no symptoms are forever, they all pass sooner or later

>> No.16175451

I've already done nothing for years straight and I was sober for all of it. Should I start toking so I can at least enjoy the ride?

>> No.16175472

Don't do psychedelics if you have a fragile mind. It's pretty fun tho and can be quite transformative

>> No.16175474

Lmao once you've had a sufficiently bad one it's really hard not to keep having them. Your brain just assumes it's happening again and with the loss of time perception you feel like you're literally back having the same one.

>> No.16175479

>government bans a drug
The jews did it!
>government later legalizes the same drug
The jews did it!

This is your brain on /pol/.

>> No.16175484

I bought my first vaporizer in 2011 and slowed my consumption down to 1/3rd what it was when I smoked. I then lost my local connection to weed in 2012 and had to use Bitcoin which I mined to score some. I don't see what is so unbelievable about that story. I've been on 4chan since 2006.

>> No.16175486

It's not if you aren't a retard

>> No.16175487

>why would they ban some drugs but not others hmmmm maybe the drugs do different things

>> No.16175495

>t. Weed addicted coper

Ok bitcoin millionaire. We believe you

>> No.16175540

its not that I have a "fragile mind" at all, its that I am extremely unwilling or unable to loosen my attachment to my ego. When the trip starts taking me way out into the cosmic waves or whatever the fuck and I feel myself losing that connection to my body, I start panicking and the trip gets really ugly. Hell, I cant even take aenesthesia without panicking due to having to give up control

>> No.16175549

Accurate, I tripped dozens of times in good settings with a good mindset and never had a bad trip. Then one time I took 200mg harmaline and 100mg DMT as pharmahuasca and the combined hypertensive effects and speed of onset (I was full tripping 5 minutes after ingestion) made me feel like I was losing circulation in my limbs, toes were ghost white, ice cold and almost totally numb. Spent 6 hours in a hot bath wiggling my toes sincerely believing that my body constricting itself to death.

No actual damage but I can't do any psy in any amount now without worrying so much about my heart and health that it's not any fun anymore. If I ever took another heroic dose like that again I probably would die just from worrying myself to death.

>> No.16175554

depends on your personality. If I start smoking I'll end up high from wake to sleep every day, it's not easy for me to control myself with some substances. But then I can go only smoking a few cigarettes a month and don't have issue quitting when I want

>> No.16175556
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Not quite a millionaire yet.

>> No.16175568
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>> No.16175577

Damnit in an alternate timeline I could’ve been you. Same story except I didn’t go online and start mining. I should just neck

>> No.16175610

> all drugs are the same
> all /pol/acks are the same
> all reasoning over time is the same

Let me translate you to english:

>> No.16175617

well, try and learn something. I'm in similar boat, I know a little about so many different computer things, can't choose what to specialize in

>> No.16175627

ouch. I'm stuck on that stuff too, have been taking less though

>> No.16175631

i bought 10x that everytime i bought in 2016

>> No.16175648

does it smell?

>> No.16175661

good way to end up wondering why you're hearing voices 20 years later

>> No.16175662

And how old are you and what's your backgroound? I'm about 25 and a high school drop out and have been buying Bitcoin with all of my spare money since 2012. I'm very close to being a millionaire once again.
If a loser like me can succeed, everyone in this thread should be a winner.

>> No.16175670

Lol look at the timeline idiot. When they were banned, no jews, when they started infiltrating commies and hopped with drugs, jews. Dumb

>> No.16175765

Same here Kratom bros. Been on the shit for more than a decade. When I first started, I bought it because I read on a forum that it is actually good for you and not addictive at all. LMAO

>> No.16175791

no weed is life on easy mode