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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16170916 No.16170916 [Reply] [Original]

yeah because working an easy, stress-free job in a creative field and collecting 80k a year basically working 2 hours a day (full remote btw) is so terrible. having health insurance, a comfy income and status among my peers is terrible. God how I wish I could be abroke ass NEET and just tend to my piss bottle collection all day

>> No.16170930
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Which job is remote and gives 80k, kek?

>> No.16170933

digital marketing

>> No.16170935

I'm NEET and make more than 100k a year by shitposting and trading chainlink
u mad wagecuck?

>> No.16170946
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Thanks fren!

>> No.16170956

$200k/yr remote worker here, havent showered in 3 days. feels good

>> No.16170963

please advise how to learn to trade fren

>> No.16171037

I had a 12 month internship but I stopped turning up after 4 months, everyone said it was really good I got such a difficult position to get
hard work, extremely high stress, uncreative just doing what you're told, low pay, 9 hours a day with some of the worst people (boomers, everyone was over 35) I've ever met in my life
genuinely never seen such levels of despair in a workplace
now I've got fuck all to do for 8 months, not sure if this make me a loser for dropping that shit but I feel a lot better
got to figure out what to do now

>> No.16171064

step 1. go online and find a book/website/videos for free (never pay)
step 2. trust no one

>> No.16171142

basically this >>16171064

>> No.16171153

I'm a consultant in a technical field. I have two clients that I charge retainers of approx $10k a month to. I do maybe 20 hours of work a week.

>> No.16171164

are you some productivity prodigy? I need to work at least 13 hours a day if I want to make some progress that day.

>> No.16171181

you're probably wasting a lot of time then

>> No.16171187

Just a heads up most workplaces are like this. Office Space is a funny movie when you're younger but after joining the workforce it's just depressing. I've been at it for 5 years and I want to kms every day. crypto better moon soon or it's day of the rope for me.

>> No.16171206
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Being a neet is all fine and dandy until you begin to get older and your body starts falling apart. Teeth crooked? Cavities? Molars breaking away? Front tooth lost? You can't afford to fix it.
Also your parents are bound to eventually get fed up and cut you off. One day you're posting threads about how nice it is to be a neet and how pathetic wagies are, the next month you're posting threads on how to get a job for a 2X year old with no work experience because you're X weeks away from being homeless.

It's hilarious how deluded these people are. And also a little sad because they don't know how harsh the real world is and how much you're fucking yourself over by not preparing for it.

>> No.16171229

This. If you're a neet who has a source of stable decent income besides depending on mommy daddy and taxpayers money then good on you but 95% of you faggots are ambitionless lazy fucks. Do something with your lives instead of browsing this shithole website or playing vidya jerking off and watching anime. Least you could do is learn to make money online but you're also sadly too dumb for that. Enjoy rotting NEET fags.

>> No.16171276

>Least you could do is learn to make money online
I mean its really telling that nobody ever discusses MMO ever on this shithole board. biz is full of basement dwelling autists who like money they should be all over online marketing schemes but its never ever being discussed here this board is an absolute cesspool and I seriously regret spendign so much time on here because Im scared the loser mentality will eventually rob off on me.
Im a lazy fuck and a major procrastinator but I figured out some productivity techniques over the years. I do timed pomodoros so put on a timer, work for 25 minutes 100% focussed. I track all the working hours I do and rarely ever work more than 2 hours a day, when deadlines approach it could be 3-4 hours. still get fucktons done in that time and my bosses say Im "fast" when sometimes I feel guilty seeing how little I actually work. I think most of the people out there are just absolutely retarded and if you put some work in its easy to look good among the mass of unwashed plebs.

>> No.16171289

What is MMO? Is that something marketing related.

> Im a lazy fuck and a major procrastinator but I figured out some productivity techniques over the years. I do timed pomodoros so put on a timer, work for 25 minutes 100% focussed. I track all the working hours I do and rarely ever work more than 2 hours a day, when deadlines approach it could be 3-4 hours. still get fucktons done in that time and my bosses say Im "fast" when sometimes I feel guilty seeing how little I actually work.
I have no problem putting in the work (even if it means 10 hours a day initially) I just need a model that can bring me the revenue that you described in the OP. Would you be willing to share?

>> No.16171387
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lmao get a load of this boomer doesn't even know what an MMO is. I thought world of warcraft came out during your childhood gramps.

>> No.16171394

I know what an MMO genre game is like WoW, but in the context of what he was saying I thought it meant something else. Can someone make a living competing with Chinese gold farmers?

>> No.16171426

Fuck off retarded normie my teeth wont go grey if i refuse to wagecuck. Dr:ns

>> No.16171449

>I seriously regret spendign so much time on here because Im scared the loser mentality will eventually rob off on me.
I felt these words. I shit you not my iq actually dropped from my biz addiction. The only thing that keeps me coming is LINK and its a shitty but decent trade off I guess. I've been spending lesser time here and I feel better.
>biz is full of basement dwelling autists who like money they should be all over online marketing schemes but its never ever being discussed here this board is an absolute cesspool
Well said. There isnt much to gain from this place really. The earlier you realize this the better.

>> No.16171469

Then leave back to redit fgt

>> No.16171489

>never worked but I have some valuable skills and could easily do some remote freelance work if I needed
>have my own place because yurop socialism and not ameritard, nice place in a nice neighborhood and in a sunny area close to the beach all paid by the taxpayers, so I don't get the parents will kick you out cope
>free health care 100% dental included, so this copes not working either
>have my home gym and do cardio and cook healthy meals
>went all in Link at the right time, meaning I have more savings than the average wage cuck
>if trying to get a roastie in my bed just lie and claim I have a job, have no desire for long term relationships so this is never a problem
Sure neet life isn't exactly paradise, there's loneliness and boredom, it'll kill the joy you get from your hobbies and financially it can get pretty tight if you're not careful, but if you are an autistic introvert none of this should bother you much as it's already your default mode, and it's still a better life than 90% of wage cucks.

>> No.16171713

What if you were cut off from all the benefits? What if your government becomes bankrupt and can't pay the bills or whatever program you're leeching off from is erased?

>> No.16171755

>working 2 hours a day (full remote btw) is so terrible.
you are lucky. It sucks for everyone else

>> No.16171815

>God how I wish I could be abroke ass NEET and just tend to my piss bottle collection all day
In all likelihood you're larping and this is the truth.

>> No.16171862

>status among my peers
Here's the real reason the wagie submits

>> No.16171897

nice larp, faggot.

>> No.16171907


the only possibility is if you were french and you don't sound french from the way you write

>> No.16171934

also the reason the wagie seethes and makes topics like this
to those obsessed by status, there is no greater insult than the existence of people who don't care about the status. the introspection it forces on them destroys them from within
falling prey to gambler's fallacy, they refuse to consider their own life choices account for this unhappiness, and so they choose to blame the messenger

>> No.16171947

nobody white gets a nice place in a nice neighborhood near the beach for free in france

>> No.16172175

why not? I'm in a nice place in a nice neighbourhood near the beach in the UK and our public housing should be an even bigger mess

>> No.16172220

You will cry when the country will no longer be able to afford such expenses

>> No.16172238

fuck off
different life experiences, different people, different difficulties in life, things that fuck you up
this is a mean and evil place of hate
don't listen to the fuck like op

>> No.16172299

MMO means "making money online" in most online marketing forums.
>>16171387 was just being a dumbass.
The fact that no one here knew what it meant shows nobody really talks about REAL ways to make money on biz.

Just pajeets shilling their scam coins to retards hoping to win a shitcoin lottery. That's all this place basically is.

>> No.16172497

You have no idea of people with lives being dominated by fear, do you? I wish you would know what it's like but you probably will never comprehend even a tiny little bit what it feels like. It's easy to judge and tell someone just to get over it. Easier for your mush boomerbrain to assume all faults in life are because of laziness.

>> No.16172530

Literally there is crypto talk 24/7 on here you. That is MMO. I’m dumbfounded by your claim.

>> No.16172723

Your beaches are rocky cloudy and depressing. French beaches have models sand wine and Cannes.

>> No.16172726

The whole country would be fucked at that point hurting wagies too. Probably more so as the pensions they actually earned would also be looted.

>> No.16172756

>everyone can have a "creative" job that pays 80k and only work 2 hour days

How'd you wander on here anyways?

>> No.16172806

Which European country and how do I immigrate there from the USA?

>> No.16172818

I wish I was content being a little virgin basement pet, honestly. Inherent human dissatisfaction is the source of all misery. But I'm not, and so I must work and keep upping my goals, if I was a NEET I would kill myself.

>> No.16172830

>REAL ways.
There are dozens of youtube videos about this and they all repeat the ecact same tropes.
>"By repeating this topic ebery day I get 500k views. Some click the affiliate link and others buy my brochure and still others pay me $1k to hear it repeated in one place. I'm rich by telling you how I'm rich"
Usually with a speech impediment.

MMO might as well be MLM for men.

>> No.16172841

i make $120,000 USD and i work like 3 hours a day tops doing affiliate marketing. Literally the cheat code to life.

protip: if you see fastfood advertisements on facebook thats probably my work, or somebody who works under me.

>> No.16172845
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Face your fear. Work through the pain.

I'm with you though more generally. Life would be different if wolves roamed the streets. Or if everyone were chained to a radiator and prodded at with a lit rag for awhile until they broke, just to know how it felt.

>> No.16172853


White collar work is pretty cash. You're basically paid for the rights to your work, not on a sheer productivity hour by hour basis.

>> No.16172854
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You do realize 2017 happened? Most NEETs on here like myself are such thanks to crypto.

>> No.16172857

Do you feel you are providing 120k in value?

>> No.16172871

This.... you NEETs just don't get it :/

>> No.16172881

Grats you made 50k, you still gotta get a job bro :/

>> No.16172922


It's not public housing in France, you just get free rent money and it's up to you to find your own place, I'm in an upper class neighborhood with no shitskins. You just have to comb through a lot of ads to find the best possible deals (complicated for the wage cuck but very easy when you are a neet with nothing but free time).

>> No.16172952
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It's sad to see the amount of newfags here. You would probably think I was LARPing if I said how much I made, but really it was nothing special. Most people (who didn't hodl anyway) made a lot of money.

Lucky for you there's another bullrun around the corner.

>> No.16172963

then we're all fucked you included
what's your point, retard
or do you not depend on society for survival, retard?

>> No.16173066

>Coordinated scumbag marketing thread to sell some stupid shit by shaming neets by telling stupid stories, shit that doesn't work and only marketers who sell that shit profit off.
>Brought to you by leeches.

>> No.16173799

fear mongering won't work here, pals

>> No.16174650
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When did you start and how long did it take?

>> No.16175228

>>never worked but I have some valuable skills and could easily do some remote freelance work if I needed
Sure thing buddy. You just don't do it because you don't feel like doing so right? Good one.
The parasite cries in pain as he strikes you.

>> No.16175291
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>trading isn't working

>> No.16175316

Hurr durr ur a newfag, everyone made $1MM in 2017, etc. stop LARPing, we've heard it all before. And yes, I've been here since early 2017. Made a lot of money, but I'm not gonna pretend it was enough to last forever

>> No.16175402
File: 31 KB, 680x430, D3144972-869B-4A5C-AE1D-505980921A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys I’ve been grinding for a decade and have accumulated a nice crypto portfolio as well as built some side hustles. This is my last month wagecucking and I’m going NEET. Everyone at my office is miserable and it’s a bunch of manipulative roasties stringing beta upper management along so they can dick around and be emotionally unstable micro managing insufferable kooks who get off on trying to manipulate men. Last week 3-4 wagies at my job were so sick they coughed/sneezed all day and looked like ass but were afraid to take time off and now I’m sick. I told my boss I was leaving yesterday for the rest of the week and he asks if there were any outstanding projects like I’m supposed to be focused on that Instead of my health. Fuck wage Cucking. It barely pays enough to make you anything more that a peasant and is completely unfulfilling.

>> No.16175416
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did he land unhurt?

>> No.16175502

how large crypto portfolio? what are some side hustles? waging is killing me