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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16168717 No.16168717 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on /biz/ RIGHT NOW that do not hold a single RLC
What the fuck is wrong with you retards? Do you hate money?

>> No.16168729

hur hur my shitcoin is the only good crypto hur hur dur

>> No.16168795

But it is... LINK is garbage and so is every other shitcoin. RLC will be top 3 within 3 years!

>> No.16168811

i was told it was a tranny scam for months

>> No.16168818

you're a brainlet if you believe this

>> No.16168836

You're a brainlet for buying into the LINK meme after it pumped. I sold that shit at 4$ and bought the RLC dip. I'm now set for life
If you are still buying LINK instead of buying RLC you are stupid and don't know how to invest. The LINK ship has sailed.
You're welcome

>> No.16168862

this has nothing to do with link you triplenigger

>> No.16168878

Yes it does. LINK is a centralized scam with a high supply held by sergey. LITERAL EXIT SCAM WAITING TO HAPPEN.

>> No.16169197

Hi satsgang / cryptowolf / iexecmonopoly / cryptochico / rlc's actual marketing team and whatever other pajeet tier pump groups are trying to spam biz.
Yes, we see you. No, we still aren't interested in your ripped off shitcoin memes or pajeet tier shilling tactics.