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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16167103 No.16167103 [Reply] [Original]

>boomer parents forcing me to move out
>I work full time and make more than both of them combined
I just wanted to stack sats

>> No.16167121

im asian and the complete opposite
i want to move out but my parents want me to live with them

>> No.16167122

How old are you brother? I'm 32 and I help my parents with the bills with my warehouse job, but both are hinting they want me to move out to start my own life.

>> No.16167135


>> No.16167153

Get a box and trade crypto at the library

Based homeless daytrader millionaire

>> No.16167154

That's better than mine

I """owe""" my mom 13,000 because I borrowed 23,000 for living expanses
I moved halfway to Russia to try to shorten my expanses and she fucking tracked me down and took me back to to the states so I could pay off my debt

I'm going to a warehouse job on the 14th so hopefully get some quick cash so I can get rid of this bitch vampire

>> No.16167164
File: 31 KB, 660x574, F0BD28F4-F3B2-412D-8C9F-61798D2A47E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m asian

>> No.16167169

>forcing the only person who will ever love them and care for them out onto the street at such an early age
Move out and do not return. Don't even answer phone calls or visit on holidays for at least 3 years. Check your voicemail every once in a while.

That's it.

>> No.16167170

Be thankful
1500 a month to some landlord

>> No.16167183

meant for

>> No.16167213

"time to grow up" lmao, day of the pillow when?

>> No.16167235

I'm getting kicked out soon probably, I have a rucksack with food and water and a tent stocked already. If LINK mooned it would keep me from becoming homeless. I completely hate my dad since he charges me 400$ a month for rent of my hot ass poorly air conditioned room. I don't eat or take any utilities up besides electricity, wifi and sometimes water as I take showers every 4-5 days. When LINK moons I'm going to cut all contact with him. I will not show up for his funeral and I hope he dies a lonely and disabled death with health problems.

>> No.16167277

Give them what they asked for and then some, withhold all affection toward them. When you make it later in life tell the cameras that your parents were total wastes who kicked you to the curb. You will eventually start getting fake crocodile tears voicemail messages. They will try to emotionally manipulate you into giving them money, don't do it.

>> No.16167592

Posts like these make me glad I never had to deal with fucked up parents

>> No.16167678

unironically this

>> No.16167711

fuck off leddit this is my cope thread

>> No.16167718

Im all in on ALGO at 20 cents, people are sleeping on it. Lots of positive news surrounding the project and is extremely bullish right now.

>> No.16167781
File: 118 KB, 779x750, pocketnetlogo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mining on pocketnet.app it's still somewhat of a secret and people don't even contest every stake on the content side.

Cracked 10k users now and is traded between 2-5cents on the site and I already got a decent ever growing bag.
I don't even bother with the referall link because I get enough from the mining.

>> No.16167790

holy shit im definitely going to check that out. thanks man!

>> No.16167794

>I work full time and make more than both of them combined
Then stop being a leech. You should definitely pay rent or move out.

>> No.16167798

i do pay rent

>> No.16167802

boomers are such aids
muh "throw kid into the street cuz don't understand bitcoin"

>> No.16167818


so you tried to flee and got outjewed by your mom?

>> No.16167817

keep stacking sats, fuck paying rent live in a van

>> No.16167821

Maybe they just want some privacy. Or maybe it's awful living with you. You make more than both of them combined so you can afford it. I don't see the problem,

>> No.16167863

wow so insightful

>> No.16167872

Imagine spending 1,500 to fly over to a different country and stay there for over 2 weeks to try to get 13,000

>> No.16167887

>thinking I'll ever give them my number

>> No.16167919

>putting unnecessary expenses on yourself
Ain't gonna make it

>> No.16167937

Move out you fucking leech.

>> No.16167938

>not living in your car
never gonna make it

>> No.16168000

Change your number when you leave

>> No.16168007

What's that? Incel say what?

>> No.16168024

he is moving out, great contribution

>> No.16168047

I don't leave my room 90% of the time. I am actually losing hair thinking about the future and I'm already 20yo. I make all my rent but this month I've decided to not pay him and just say fuck you. My room is literally 80 degrees all the time even in the winter. Cannot get good sleep, Cannot meditate, Constantly in a hot room which stresses me out.

>> No.16168074

thank you

>> No.16168099

If you make so much. Wouldnt they want to leech off you? Why they burn bridges eith you?

>> No.16168123

He's insufferable to be around

>> No.16168149
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It could make a little sense if you were able to buy a home and thus build some equity but right now is a horrible time to buy. So they are basically pushing you out at the worst possible time. Lol good luck with current rent prices.

> basement room for rent
> $1,200 a month

>> No.16168172

>if link mooned
>when link moons
kek pick one idiot
this is the average link holder hahaha, praying some greater fool comes along so he doesnt have to live in a fucking tent

>> No.16168392

Well I could get an apartment for a year or so, But I only have 10K link so living in a tent is frugal and is not bad at all. And you think your so better than me because you live in a house/roof over your head? we will be the same in death. Only a jew can have such views.

>> No.16168434

Point well taken!

>> No.16168543

LMAO'ing at all of you. grow the fuck up

>> No.16168601

trying but its hard since boomers ruined everything

>> No.16168640

>making enough to move out, won't move out.
you're a disgusting human.

>> No.16168648

>give all your money to a shitty landlord

>> No.16168733

Try seeing if giving them rent works. Cheaper than paying a landlord and it goes to your parents at least. Double win.

Currently mid 20s no idea if my parents want me out. Im unemployed as well. Then again I'm fairly sure they'd attempt to visit me and my siblings super often if we all moved out.

>> No.16168785

Well that crosses one off.

Its either privacy. Idk what theyll do fairly sure theyll try visiting you often cause theyll get bored often assuming you are their only child.

Or they noticed youve never had a gf and they want grandchildren. So they want you to get out so it "forces" you into getting a wife and having children as you are no longer at home.

Fairly sure my own mom wants me to have children. Not sure if she's realized it yet but I've never had a gf and am mid 20s.

>> No.16168793

>I'm not white.

Jesus christ /biz/. Am I the only white person on this board?

>> No.16168804

OK, boomer.

>> No.16169501

You deem to be a toxic person.

>> No.16169630

Wait you only take a shower like every 4 days, and spend 90% of your day in your room, then REEE at your father about meditation when you see him...

And wonder why he's trying to kick you out.

>> No.16169656

I'm living in a truck and making 500 bucks a week but too retarded to trade crypto from my phone
Plz help