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File: 469 KB, 1322x1115, Screenshot 2019-11-06 at 13.45.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16160119 No.16160119 [Reply] [Original]


.. so apparently the iExec cofounder browses biz and congratulates his pnd group on the pamp.

>> No.16160121


>> No.16160128

holy fuck based

>> No.16160174
File: 1.24 MB, 902x1200, 1548455610780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck would the cofounder of iExec post biz memes? What's his end goal?

>> No.16160187
File: 530 KB, 700x525, iexec scammer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16160203
File: 23 KB, 814x619, mauwihiyubp11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be labeled a racist frag lover
unironically this is why dag is the superior of the LINK-RLC-DAG 4chan schema.
>they just ban anyone!
because they know exactly who you are and do not want to associate with you, at all.

>> No.16160351

They are posted on the official telegram tol you mong. Also Haiwu posting racist frogs is based as fuck

>> No.16160423

Haiwu is based af and guarding us roundeyes from chinkscams (because he has a RLC stack too).

>> No.16160509

Fucking subhuman indonesian tranny shills basically confirmed on here at this point. As if it weren't obvious enough already.

>> No.16160559

Is there anything worse than dog eating scammers monetizing apu? Leave him alone!

>> No.16160588

Holy shit he’s ugly

>> No.16160608 [DELETED] 

Those IExec threads stopped being organic quite a while ago.

>> No.16160619
File: 71 KB, 808x922, 0118A3BE-6817-42CA-87C6-E480024891B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The community makes memes. Do you wear a helmet ?

>> No.16160630


>> No.16160688

> n-no it's just organic interest sirs no 500 rupees per day to rip off other memes and spam biz here sirs
Fuck off, you damage control curry cockroach. The only thing organic about the attention that rlc receives is the disgust its shilling campaigns receive from anyone with an IQ north of 60.

>> No.16160704

This confirms that they have been astroturfing and doing a shill campaign.
Lmao. rekt.
The LINK shilling has been organic from holders themselves for 2 years straight, while Iexec has had to pay people or manually do it themselves.

>> No.16160724

You know what is worst than shillers?
> anons taking their time to fud something they don’t care
Maximalists are cancer

>> No.16160727

How the fuck does this guy see?

>> No.16160774
File: 121 KB, 754x1158, A6C03B5A-BAF5-4D06-BE75-A0623A6083CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ass blasted gravel coin holder
Jfc man, sorry you are losing money with gravel coin. Told you to sell it @ $5 with the gravel devs

>> No.16160789
File: 113 KB, 646x665, 6AF85B27-E860-4D04-B0E2-DC6E7B9D7409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>digital gravel is the future
Keep holding on anon, $1000eoy, ammirite?

>> No.16160847

> reflexively comparing his shitcoin to another manipulated shitcoin as a form of argument
Wow Ranjesh, your brain is working overtime today. I'm guessing you managed to luck out and catch a rat to eat in addition to drinking that Ganges soup.

>> No.16160855


>> No.16160863

>copy/pasta’ing the same stupid shit in multiple RLC threads
>calling other people indian
Transjeet confirmed. Fuck off curry nigger.

>> No.16160888

I was unironically waiting for a dip to get a small bag but now I won't, Chainlink's team is so much more professional - we linkers are blessed

>> No.16160942

> spams biz with dozens of rlc threads an hour for several days with his fellow pajeet mouthbreathers
> acts surprised / indignant when called out for being an obvious pajeet
Oh wow you're right fellow biz user, my bad - I am the one who is at fault.

> getting angry at someone else using copy-paste once for convenience because it kills the rlc shill during yet another one of his rlc shill attempts
> insists that I am his fellow pajeet for seeing through his scampaign and telling him to fuck off
KEK. A+. No, Ranjesh. No.

>> No.16161029

But you are still an indian. Sorry you got burned trying to swing trade, faggot.

>> No.16161094

>”Chainlink's team is so much more professional”
>oops 630,000
>Adeline chink female
>”W-who considered themselves a linkmarine? H-heh”
>”We’re going to m-make it in like, a month.” - July or some shit 2019
>spelling errors on main net site
>formatting errors on rushed main net site
>no revenue other than dumping printed Ethereum tokens
>cringe and overused Steve Jobs 1 outfit thing
>clinical obesity
>beard to hide lack of any discernible jawline
>98% of supporter base consist of rabid autistic fart sniffing retards from slow moving 4chan boards
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>”so much more professional”

>> No.16161131

i'm starting to wonder if this is what being a rockstar in the tech world looks like. hundreds of retarded NEETs from 4chan making fun of everything you do.

>> No.16161205
File: 165 KB, 680x1066, 1572272782602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic stuttering retarded faggot

Pick one

>> No.16161214

Holy fuck, the autism is strong in this one.


I'm not even a linker and it is clear that the link team is more professional than pumping their own coins using a pnd group, then posting biz memes about it. Meanwhile 0 users on iexec mainnet since the first "production ready release" in 2017.

Funnily, the threads on biz before V2 and V3 are EXACTLY the same, same shitty memes, same language used, promising major adoption. Then - oh wonder - it dumps at release because no is using it because its an actual unuseable mess and should have never been released in that state , but of course Gilles wanted his pump. Good that the co-founder now basically openly admits to paid shillers on biz, sponsoring pump and dumps, and what else he calls his "marketing team".

>> No.16161229

Any time the founders talk about price I instantly abandon all thought of buying the coin.

>> No.16161248

first they laugh at you
then you laugh to feel included
t-then you poo your pants

>> No.16161264

100% short

>/biz/ poster
>french degrees

Price target: 0

>> No.16161289

>then your devs dump on holders
>then your price tanks 60%
>then your bags fill w gravel


>> No.16161302

Not reading any of this. You are way too vested and are 100% trying to fud im an attempt to buy the dips. Not today kashif.

>> No.16161346


>> No.16161383

no one needs your 4000 rupees, Rajesh.

>> No.16161565

Where did he talk about price you negative IQ mongs?

>> No.16161572

He's talking about the CMC rankings you dolt.

>> No.16161676
File: 226 KB, 720x540, cedric-villani-smoking-hookah-5a4e87e279d3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French degrees are worth more than your pay to win/affirmative action amerishart degrees

>> No.16161911

So what. He's saying RLC has is the most valued decentralized computing platform right now, and he's happy about it. Nothing to do with the price of it.

>> No.16161925

*RLC is

>> No.16162022

>Nothing to do with the price of it.
CMC ranking is 100% about the price you idiot.

>> No.16162090

Its also about exposure, you fucking idiot.

>> No.16162100

The discussion is about the chink iexec dev talking about the price in OP.

>> No.16162163

sell signal

>> No.16162184

The discussion isn't about that at all, thats the voices in your head telling you something that literally isn't there.

This is why you are poor, and a faggot.

>> No.16162195

>The discussion isn't about that at all,
Yes it literally is.
See >>16161565
>Where did he talk about price

You absolute mong.

>> No.16162341
File: 45 KB, 558x614, 1565048411456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16162433

Holy shit how can anyone defend this

>> No.16162445

So, basically just like the LINK team then. This should be a massive buy signal according to linktards

>> No.16162463

>basically just like the LINK team then
When did the Link team ever shill the Link price like this?