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16156360 No.16156360 [Reply] [Original]

I just love how Satoshi turned out to be something completely different from what most people made him to be in their mind. They idolized him and gave him intents and ideological convictions he never expressed. Now that he is back, this fantasy world they built over 10 years is destroyed. Completely utterly exposed and wrecked. The cognitive dissonance is severe though, and that's why they are so seething and aggressive every time Craig is mentioned. He is a threat to their reputation, economy, professional life, and even their mental health.
They have no clothes on, and Craigs reappearance as Satoshi makes this painfully obvious to the whole world.

>> No.16156414


>> No.16156436
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Idk why people are so delusional. It's obvious he is Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.16156462

its because they envisioned satoshi as some kind of time traveling hero, king. But no, we got an autist that loves to stiff people.

Ive been using moneybutton recently on the bsv chain, and its fucking amazing.

I cant wait until people get blown the fuck out when BSV is king. My bags are not as heavy as I want them to be, but Ill be fine when the flippening happens. BSV /unironically/ 87k EO2020.

>> No.16156500

MoneyButton is going to be the next paypal. I snagged nearly 50 domains.

>> No.16157457

that include the name moneybutton?

>> No.16158390


Remember this?

> “I am about to demonstrate a signing of a message with the public key that is associated with the first transaction ever done on bitcoin”

I don’t understand why is he saying recently “I will sign after proving in court” or “I refuse to sign as satoshi” lol. lol. Wasn't that bbc fake stunt supposed to be real? hahaha

> “I don’t want money! I don’t want fame! I don’t wan adoration”

> “I will never do an interview ever again!”


seems legit right goys?

Here the guy from bbc with his impressions, he was face to face with that clown: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zxMU4C6bGKw

> there will be no split
bch splits

> i will destroy bch
bch not destroyed

> btc will be $0 eoy 2018
btc $4000 eoy 2018

> i am satoshi
can’t sign a simple fucking message

> says I will sign after proving in court or “i refuse to sign” but... wasn't the bbc stunt supposed to be a real signature? LOL

> submits a list of addresses of some fake tulip trust bullshit to court...
one of the addresses he claimed was signed by the real owner with a message saying the address is not belonging to this craig clown

> unlawfully registers a copyright on btc white paper and code in a stunt to cause a dump on btc
btc doesnt flintch

> next day copyright office confirms they didnt confirm this clown is satoshit and reaffirms that anyone can register anything with them
ultra fail

> gets sued over 1 Million bitcoins that never existed from some made up fake tulip trust shit using a dead guys name in the process

> loses the lawsuit and now has billions of dollars to pay to the dead guy brother of bitcoins that never existed

> some brainlets compare this piece of trash with trump, but trump is a winner
this clown is a loser

This fakethosi clown is a fucking scam a pure and simple trash bag for everyone to see.

>> No.16158859
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lol look at this coping manlet

>> No.16159729
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I have said this all along. ALL of Craig's haters, every single one of them, know that he is Satoshi. They admit it in private. Yes, even people like Greg Maxwell, Adam Back, Roger Ver, Mcafee, CZ, Vitalik, McCormack and all the other crypto clowns.

They only fight him because they now realize that Satoshi was NOT a cypherpunk. Or an Ancap. Or a mysterious Japanese futurist - he was in fact a Cop. A forensic expert. A genius economist, technologist and intelligence contractor for the NSA, for Interpol and for Australian Federal police who worked to stop CRIME of all of the worst kinds. Money launderers, child pornographers, drug lords, cybercriminals and terrorists.

That is WHY they hate him. Craig a.k.a Satoshi created Bitcoin to be the most traceable and honest money system ever invented, to stop crime and fraud above all else. A public ledger of honest money - An attempt to free humanity from organized criminal cartels and corruption.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin was a POLICEMAN. It is beautifully poetic if you think about it. Now THAT is why the COPE from all the criminals who flocked to crypto as their safe haven is off the charts.

>> No.16159748 [DELETED] 
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CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, immutable, on

>> No.16159756

>When I asked Wright what kind of martial arts he did as a kid he gave the following answer. ‘I did a few actually. I have studied in the Chinese forms Wing Chun, Tánglángquán, Kuo Shu, Duan Da, Zui Quan and lóng xíng mó qiáo. I have also mastered Muay Thai, Kenpo and Taekwondo and Chito-ryu style karate. I started with karate and Ninjutsu.’ As with most things about him, it’s not that it’s not true, it just smells of self-doubt and a need not to hide anything positive about himself. It’s the kind of truth-telling that expresses fear and gives rise to doubt, but it’s not the same as a lie.

>> No.16160770

> posts something unrelated to deflect
> no rebuttal for any points made
I really am shocked, bsvjeet. Totally unexpected.