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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16155830 No.16155830 [Reply] [Original]

Less than 500 wallets have more link then me

>> No.16155876
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>> No.16155897

dump it pls I get my wagies at midnight

>> No.16155924

Less than 500 wallets are more retarded than you.

Seriously, unless you're a billionaire and this is pocket change for you, how can you possibly be this financially irresponsible? Most of the top 500 wallets are not belonging to investors anyway, so if not larp then you're one of the most retarded people here.

>> No.16155963

Impressive. I'm top 1300, but I'm a newfag that's only learned about link post mainnet. Wasted years on pol instead of doing something with my life, rip 200k stack

>> No.16155984

Subtle fud larp. Remember, 10k+ stack claims are almost always larps and are designed to make you feel inadequate so you'll sell and buy muh low cap moon mission shitcoin. Average /biz stack is less than 5000 links.

>> No.16156008

based obsessed autist

>> No.16156081

larp, most of biz are in the top 10 wallets

>> No.16156151

You post this all the time

and I'm grateful for it.

>> No.16156318


Solid FUD.

10/10. Would sell entire stack again.

>> No.16156468

>financially irresponsible?
>up 10x

>> No.16156479

based + truth pilled

>> No.16156820
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>> No.16156883

less than 1 households have as many jars of my own shit on their shelf than i have

>> No.16156923


Delusional or paid shills.

>> No.16156968

Having your wallets in the top holders list so people can easily see your every move, fucking dum dums. You have no idea how much the biggest holders actually have because they split their link up

>> No.16157003

It's literally, uni ironically, spiritual and metaphysically impossible that all these larps have 10k+ stacks. We're talking about $30k here. Nobody has this kind of walk around money to spend on a meme internet token. Even 1k is pushing it. Most people can't put together $1k if their life depended on it. Fuck all you larpers.

>> No.16157019

this but unironically

>> No.16157029
File: 15 KB, 386x216, 0F4D4190-5639-40B3-B67F-9398AA46C02E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 3000 LINK rate my portfolio.

>> No.16157065

I got a 10k stack. Wish I didnt since Id rather have two btc isntead.

>> No.16157133

There are 40 million millionaires in the world. Hundreds of millions of people with net worths over $200k. You are either a child or a third worlder if you think $30k is a lot of money. Idk if you are fudding, shilling, or just being a faggot but just stop.

>> No.16157144

jesus christ, nobody on this board can recognize even the most obvious sarcasm.

>> No.16157160

and i just looked up the stats and you're wrong. so clearly you're retarded

>> No.16157179

>keeping it all in one wallet and assuming everyone is as retarded as you

KEK but also nice job whaleanon

>> No.16157205

Except a 10k stack was only cost $2k less than a year a ago you fucking retard and a fuck ton of made a ton of money in 2017 that we could throw money at LINK in 2018

>> No.16157218

“Idk if you’re being a faggot” implies he might be sarcastic. Either way it’s not funny.

And second of all, CNBC just reported that there are 47 million millionaires in the world you fucking retard. They are wrong but your 2 seconds of Google research is correct?

>> No.16157223

>Except a 10k stack was only cost
stick to your script, pajeet. you're not good enough at english to go off of it yet

>> No.16157508

Top 600 here, not as comfy as you but pretty damn comfy

>> No.16157543


>> No.16157573

There's no way 10K is a make it stack..... 70K or 80K is top 600-500 wallet..... Link was well under $0.50 for a long time during last summer. Plenty of anon with profit could've easily put in a decent amount. Hope you're right. Top 600 here as well.

>> No.16157859

1k is and always was the make it stack. 10k is fuck you money. 70k is top kek money.

>> No.16157868

I bought most of mine under $0.50. The 2018 bear market was honestly a dream come true. 12 months of accumulation under $0.50.. kek.

>> No.16157991

Average buzz stack is around 5 link considering most don't have any.

>> No.16158322

I agree. 2018 was the most difficult year of my life and the most rewarding.

>> No.16158358

Why are you being sarcastic on anon board. Fucking go back and edge lord somewhere else.

>> No.16158999

Where do you check all Link wallets?

>> No.16159013



>> No.16159020


>> No.16159651 [DELETED] 

>12 months test net
>4 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.16159677
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exchange it for 2btc then

>> No.16159694


jesus how many new fags are there here. i had 3.7k stack and that was considered low

most of my buddied had at least 80k i remember seeking 100k stacks on the regular