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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16149705 No.16149705 [Reply] [Original]

This shitcoin goes up every month and I post it here so you lucky fucks can get in early. 1,000,000 coins ever
0% inflation
designed with algo buys and sells to guide price up
wash traders dream
And the volume keeps picking up every time I shit post it here.
It's so easy to shill because a few buyers send price up every time.
Sorry this one doesn't have a world changing use case like saving kids in Africa, I'm greedy though.

Started 2019 at 5 Waves per WAU coin, today it's at 129 waves. This shit never goes down for long

>> No.16149754

Its the ultimate cryptocurrency when you think about it. A non inflation asset that is designed to always rise in price by manipulating the shit out of it. No one ever loses money cause it only goes up. It is the perfect store of value. The perfect means to transact. Is this peak capitalism?

>> No.16149755
File: 63 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

updated chart in pic
volume is equal or greater to the BSV pairs on waves now

>> No.16149772

>It is the perfect store of value. The perfect means to transact. Is this peak capitalism?
Don't let the central bankers and hedge funds get a hold of rising geometric sell and buywalls.
In all seriousness, these are totally new experiments in market dynamics and fundamentals but it gets ignored because no one cares about nerdy economic shit

>> No.16149889

This coin has doubled in a month and it has 5 fucking reddit followers. This coin would 10x in a month if it ever got 100 or more members of their sub.

The resistance here is low, stop fighting the market, just buy BTC and keep your shitcoins to lotto ticket amounts so you keep your stack growing without too much risk. Cash out shitcoins into BTC when they pump. Too easy

>> No.16150101

Waves DEX has easy sign up, no KYC, put a small % in and watch it grow so fast you have to start taking profit before it gets out of control

>> No.16150366
File: 130 KB, 750x795, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coin popped to 130 Waves after posting this

>> No.16150404

Some youtube coin shill could send this one to the moon, real quick. Right now it's easy to shill this silly crypto because everything else is dead. This type of shit is the only thing worth selling

>> No.16150662

Are you srs?? I first saw this when it was 0.27 usd WHY THE FUCK DIDNT I BUY

>> No.16150914

Waves DEX will add USDT soon. This can be fun

>> No.16151156

It keeps climbing up, while most cryptos go down.
Thanks for posting. I hope they add stablecoin staking soon

>> No.16151202

Fuck off scamer
that this is running with a smart contract behind it and you can't sell you "imaginary gains"

>> No.16151260

Do you speak english?
My BTC stack has increased and my $ in WAU has gone up. Why do you make things harder than it needs? What shitcoin should I buy instead?

>> No.16151273

can you fully sell your shit token?

>> No.16151338

holy shit it has like $300 volume your rich sir may Vishnu bless you

>> No.16151429

This is one of the bigger volume pairs on waves over the last month. Only BTC has real volume of any kind right now. Volume is still a 10x from a month ago. Wait for it to 10x 3 more times before buying please. I'd hate for you to make $
Yeah and if you knew how to place a sell order, this coin is guaranteed to eat it. Look at the chart if you don't believe me.

>> No.16151459

You know, looking into this shit and doing some research, hello no not even research, COMMON SENSE tells one what a piece of scammy shit that is.

It feels good to point out dirty pajeet scammers.
Of course you keep fighting because 10$ buys you a ton of dirty curry you poor fuck.
Keep dreaming that one stupid idiot will buy that shit.

>> No.16151550
File: 38 KB, 474x592, HotGeek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you idiots over use words you don't understand and you ruin crypto for newbs because they don't understand any of this.

You haven't done research because you have no specific flaws to point out other than volume is low. Makes sense on a small cap on the waves DEX. That's why I'm shilling it here, because a small effort makes my investment go up a big % and the people who follow my advice get bigger gains for less $.

You guys shit all over it for being low volume and then you'll buy after the gains are gone. You guys trade on emotion and let your bias' control your decision making.

>> No.16151912

this is the crutch of someone who doesn't understand crypto. You shouldn't rely on common sense or your gut, everyone should be writing every crypto trade down, price, date, amount, exchange.
Trade with a plan not based on your gut.

I know XRP and BSV holders just hate this shit because they pretend to be important investments but they'll never see real gains. Nothing like WAU coin. XRP is at $0.30, so glad I put $100 in XRP when it was at $0.25 in 2017. WAU coin started at $0.11 in 2017 and hasn't stopped going up. Even if volume doen't pick up, I don't mind cashing out slowly

>> No.16152235

Same volume as the BCH/BTC pair today