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File: 192 KB, 663x715, p65z15z2f2l21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16144243 No.16144243 [Reply] [Original]

There are literal women who sell their vaginas to MindGeek Jews to be used as BBC reciprocals and literal wagecucks who slave for 70 hours a week for Mr Shekelberg while all I do to earn thousands of dollars a month is press a few buttons in my margin trading account from my comfy NEET cave

>> No.16144262
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 0778B04E-5F7B-4ADF-B84B-2549C23A6142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do the Jews want us all to be addicted to BBC interracial cuckold porn?

>> No.16144264
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, WorldEndEconomica-FoodDownYourThroat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a trader is a profession.
You're no N.E.E.T

>> No.16144269


No idea fren. They have moved onto incest porn now.

>> No.16144287

How do you margin trade successfully

>> No.16144302

neato and you're going to provide the pics and proof so we can all go neato not a larp right? otherwise thread will be hidden and op mocked for being a shit posting queer

>> No.16144311


Use low leverage only. Have high levels of collateral. Use high timeframes never below 4 hour candles. Best to use daily.

>> No.16144316

This. Wagie cope.

>> No.16144340

I think they also get off to it and want to bring others down to their level

>> No.16144403

Do you just use support/resistance + price action? On average how many trades do you take per day?

>> No.16144420
File: 382 KB, 715x1000, 77037277_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me traders are not wagies.

They are self employed.

>> No.16144439

They really love diversity so they can blend in as another different face in the crowd in the big bustling city, while they take goyim shekels.
There also seems to be something going on between jewish men and black women and iv'e seen jews on tv portrayed with them often (sopranos, ray donovan).

>> No.16144442

still waiting on this proof you were going to provide anon

>> No.16144473
File: 181 KB, 390x389, 5A9CE39E-EFD0-463B-B9D6-5D6567BCBEBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16144489

>There are literal women who sell their vaginas to MindGeek Jews to be used as BBC reciprocals and literal wagecucks who slave for 70 hours a week for Mr Shekelberg while all I do to earn thousands of dollars a month is press a few buttons in my margin trading account from my comfy NEET cave

>> No.16144513


Watch Krowns crypto cave on YouTube for good intro into crypto trading and a good indicator setup. Mostly use EMAs, MAs, basic meme patterns, volume profile and sentiment

Fuck you nigger

>> No.16144533

so basically babbys fake larp got it. thread hidden that one thing in all fields and you're a queer. later queer

>> No.16144558

The state of this cuck demanding anonymous posters on an anonymousr imageboard to provide credentials to personally satisfy his onions ridden coombrain

>> No.16144587

They're colonizing white areas but instead of using their own people, they're using nigs. In a few generations they'll have a whole population of sub 100 iq brown slaves with no culture, and a few token whites and asians to maintain a breeding population for sex slavery.

>> No.16144707

Checked him out.
Seemed pretty good.
I see he uses 10min bars on his scalping stuff. I’m assuming that’s just more advanced and usually he does longer term trades?