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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16143116 No.16143116 [Reply] [Original]

ITT biz name the best microcaps in the crypto space.

>> No.16143130


Nyzo, Snow, Veo, Bis, BitCash

>> No.16143146

Ah yes, the qtrade street shitter special

>> No.16143267

>t. Poor brainlet that only buys Binance coins

>> No.16143280

Fairbrix and also Tenebrix

>> No.16143290
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>> No.16143297
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>Not absolute dogshit scams

>> No.16143314

Unironically BSV.

It's the only x1000 left in the "crypto space"

>> No.16143323
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>> No.16143330


>> No.16143335


>> No.16143336

I believe it’s possible to make it, but microcaps are the only really option for most so it’s necessary to choose wisely.

>> No.16143451
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>> No.16143602

Snowblossom will be in a top 10 project in 5 years

>> No.16143713

I think there does not exist a better one. True crypto. Unlike most of the 3000+ coins/tokens.

>> No.16143786

You are all in a Satsgang shill thread. There will be no intelligent conversation or critical thinking. There will be one pajeet, replying to himself under different IDs, and agreeing with everything he has to say. Some will ask innocent questions like what is digital oil and how can I get some. Some will say the fud is bullish, some will compare it to being in ETH at .00001 cents. One thing is for certain, its all one guy and its all a lie perpetuated by paid pajeet shills dumping their bags on you.

Here is what they wont tell you:

DAG lost $33M presale investor funds and wont talk about it. They are out of money and have only 4 employees left because they cant afford to hire more. Their USAF contract is nothing more than a $100k maximum research grant for small businesses. No silicon valley investors will touch dag with a 10 foot pole and they are located in the middle of it.

Fuck this disgusting scam and the disgusting pajeets pushing it here. If you are dumb enough to be robbed by an indian you probably shouldnt have money to begin with.

>> No.16143805

dont forget they'll show up screeching that you say that in every thread and something something fud