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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 421 KB, 1011x1074, Annotation 2019-11-04 162807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16142410 No.16142410 [Reply] [Original]

Stock market is at an all time high. Conspiracy theorists, doomers, and cryptotards on absolute suicide watch. Sorry losers, everything is not crashing, we are all getting rich in the boomer markets while you chicken littles screech about the sky falling day after day.

>> No.16142427

This is your daily reminder that indexes have only quadruple topped one other time in American history, 1929. Wonder how those algo bots with all their quantitative data are doing topkek. By the way, didn't we hit another top today?

>> No.16142435
File: 56 KB, 1024x1024, 1566927656111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16142489

Index funds didn't exist in 1929. Anyway did they have unlimited QE and negative interest rates back in 1929? No? Then your metrics aren't applicable now either.

>> No.16142555

It will unironically roll over in 2020, or 2021,maybe.

>> No.16142562

>2016: The markets about to crash
>2017: The markets about to crash
>2018: The markets about to crash
>2019: The markets about to crash

Stay salty doomerfag.

>> No.16142677

This. It will never go much higher.

>> No.16142781

Do you enjoy consistently being proven wrong?

>> No.16142795

Wrong. The fed would rather hyperinflation than a stock market crash, meaning stocks will keep rising relatively speaking

>> No.16142810

We are at a new high, its no longer a quadruple top retard

>> No.16142939

Consistently wrong on what, stupid nigger? Did I say this before? Do you see the future? Fucking retard.

>> No.16143073

How can you possibly think this is Bullish. If this correlates with the rumours of DB crashing. And they end up being true, this crash will be fucking bad.

>> No.16143090


Boomers win again. All they do is win. Is there a more chad generation in the history of the world?

>> No.16143166

Sure seems like you are taking it personally. I know you doomerfags are all the same. ITS GOING TO CRASH ITS GOING TO CRASH ITS GOING TO CRASH. Day in and day out for years without any sense of self awareness. Meanwhile everyone else is getting rich around you and you stay poor.

>> No.16143355

It's a roll over.
Shut up, retard.

>> No.16143377

This fucking retard doesn’t know that the dollar is melting due to inflation. He thinks he is actually making money.

>> No.16143388

>gets it

>> No.16143729

A dollar can actually be used to buy goods and services in the real world. You literally cant use crypto to buy anything, not even drugs anymore. I guess unless you are maybe a terrorist. Sorry you lunatics, I am sticking to real money and real markets and they are not going to crash anytime soon.

>> No.16143737

we /eternalbull/ now

>> No.16143744

I disagree. Stock market crash and the fed survives. Hyper inflation and it’s literally game over for the feds existence

If I were in their position I would let the market crash and blame trump rather than hyperinflate

>> No.16143746
File: 20 KB, 1159x357, hurr whad abot shabowstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inflation is dead

>> No.16143841

Imaging buying the top.

Thx just sold 100k. I've already exited most my bags. Just like I did before the 2018 correction.

It's not hard to know we need a correction. The problem most likely though now is the bull trap.

Stocks drop 10-15-20% across the board everyone buys and then the real exit occurs on the dead cat.

>> No.16143876

So I dont think this would gain traction on /pol/ but apparently Trump is invested in DB really heavily https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-deutsche-bank-mueller-2017-12 which I find super interesting. It doesnt solve anything but certainly takes the story to a different angle and makes me even more cautious as to what is happening in the market.

>> No.16143918

ITT retail bagholder Hopium.
Big money is selling you their bags for top dollar.
(((They))) are exiting equities.
Wake up.

>> No.16144091

he wouldnt be a big enough shareholder to have power within deutsche
he's just considered a footsoldier to the bankers

>> No.16144105

you missed out, we get it

>> No.16144314
File: 183 KB, 400x295, 1572414647640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This for realz

Timing the market will fuck your butthole

>> No.16144393

Trump will blame the fed or libtards for impeachment.

>> No.16144417

So you don't know what selling into strength means?

>> No.16144423

>Someone who is intelligent on /biz/

The fuck you doing here?

>> No.16144540
File: 100 KB, 1712x906, totally normal market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally normal market. definitely not inflated

>> No.16144619

Something that eternally rises?!? I’m going all in tomorrow morning! I’ll be on the phone with a broker 9AM sharp!

>> No.16144779

lol this
op is a jew
kike shill thread
crypto is the more real money

>> No.16144794

Crypto literally doesn't even exist.

>> No.16144834

still inflates off a much higher supply, retard

>> No.16144904

the fact that you made this thread means it'll crash tomorrow

>> No.16145347

yes, stocks go up when the economy is doing well. you know, actual fundamentals, instead of 1 btc volume crypto pump and dumps

>> No.16145350

This lil nigga fucking gets it

>> No.16145676

Consumer inflation is flat, true.

>> No.16145714

Sounds like the concept of money in general.

>> No.16145766

This chart is like when bitcoin was $700 a piece. In another 10-12 years we will finally see the crash of all crashes.

>> No.16146243

stop your short db shilling. nobidy is buying your xmr.

>> No.16146248

Excellent bait.

>> No.16146269

Factually, you are correct. But this new era of unlimited QE and debt accumulation is unprecedented, and nobody can foresee exactly what consequences it will have. You cannot possibly think that treating money as monopoly money that can be multiplied at the press of a button has no ramifications on the structure of the economy. Or do you?

>> No.16146281

Ok.. The internet "literally" doesn't exist. All these conversations are happening in your head. Literally, you're talking into a machine.
That doesn't make the internet any less real than "real" life. Same reasoning for Bitcoin.

>> No.16146320

I dunno. Seems to follow the much greater efficiency of industrialization and product output pretty straightforwardly. But perhaps there is an unseen inflation of value in our now service-based economy where value is assigned on potential return and staying power versus actual output.

>> No.16146445

permabulltards always get the rope

it has happened every single time

>> No.16146495

I can meet you in person. I can withdraw real cash money from my bank. There is no possible way you can hand me a bitcoin. It literally does not exist, its all a bunch of magical made up internet numbers. There is no single bitcoin that actually exists in the real world unlike the very real things I can buy with very real money in a very real market.

>> No.16146550

Late 21/early 22

>> No.16147054

>new paradigm
kek thanks for the sell signal retard

>> No.16147182

Are you faggot ? I can just go and withdraw btc etn and few other cryptos just like that from ATM.

>> No.16147197

If you go to your... exchange? Will you hold your bitcoin? Can you hand it to me? Can you hand it to the cashier at the market? The answer is no. Because they don't really exist.

>> No.16147467

ITT: posts that will age exceptionally poorly

>> No.16147517
File: 385 KB, 750x752, 1572417426528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comony is 2wice as good as 2007! Eveyrone has a phone sooo... who needs a hpuse