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16141973 No.16141973[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me last night
>wrote a perfectly crafted shitpost just under 2000 characters that summarised my life
>didn't binge at night because I binged in the morning
>had the Sunday night wagecuck blues
>went to sleep and woke up earlier than usual,
>woke up, browsed internet, drank coffee
>had a shit, shaved, showered; it took longer than expected, so on future days I'll need to browse the internet less, like a taylorised cuck
>walk to underground station, feeling demoralised by the OfficeStaceys
>feel sad at Monday morning blues
>wondering how to balance trying hard at work with maintaining a mental distance
>become reminded of Zizek talking about how people in concentration camps tried to maintain an ironic distance because reality was too painful to bear
>underground train stuffed with Staceys
>get in to work
>do menial shit
>have meetings with other employees
>had lunch break
>sat in more meetings
>worked more
>literally saw two 6'2" blonde literal GigaStaceys on the underground train on the way home; was totally demoralising
>decided right there that one final binge was imminent
>saw another tall brown haired GigaStacey on the way to buy the binge
>bought chocolate, haribo, Doritos and dip, pot noodle, supermarket sandwich; ate it all
>was planning on going to the gym but postponing it until tomorrow because it would be a bit of a joke after that binge
>waste time online
>now it's 9:38 pm, I'm lying in bed

I have a job interview for a job that I was raging about random people on LinkedIn having in one of my recent rants, but I don't even know if I'd take it now. It's a sales graduate position for Unilever. It's not really an upgrade on my current job, although I'd earn more money. But even if I somehow got it, it's like admitting that my life is banal.

>> No.16141994

nice blog; I skimmed it.
Stop tugging your willy to pixels that make up naked women on your computer and do 10 push-ups right now

>> No.16142003
File: 273 KB, 1220x1627, 1569576463182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me more, handsome

>> No.16142010

is this a boomer or genx? hard to tell....

>> No.16142041

What would the ultimate luxury classic binge be?

>> No.16142066

Go see a therapist you morose cunt

>> No.16142069

>chocolate, haribo, Doritos and dip, pot noodle, supermarket sandwich
>was planning on going to the gym
probably better heading for Accident & Emergency + stomach pump. Unless Burger, of course - no point in adding bankruptcy to your list of woes

>> No.16142086

He's a Londoner

>> No.16142137

yeah, then no wonder he's a miserable cunt

>> No.16142203
