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File: 472 KB, 648x412, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16141343 No.16141343 [Reply] [Original]

The project’s mission is bold – to build the world’s most inclusive peer-to-peer marketplace, fueled by Pi, the world’s most widely used cryptocurrency. And create a smart contract protocol that is secured and operated by everyday people, not a concentration of whale miners like Bitcoin.

Pi Network is built upon the shortcomings of Bitcoin:

Technical knowledge requirements
Hardware requirements
Initial capital investment required to mine Bitcoin

Though Bitcoin is a revolutionary invention, it failed to reach the masses on planet Earth, even after 10 years, with the status of its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto’s presence unknown. The entire cryptocurrency spare consists of 40-45 million users in total, however, out of the mentioned number, Bitcoin users are estimated at 5.8 million, PayPal boasts 235 million active users, Mastercard has 35.7 million American users and another 604 million active international users, and Visa accounts for a whopping 336 million American users and another 736 million users globally.

Research produced by University of Cambridge estimates that in 2017, there were 2.9 to 5.8 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet, most of them using Bitcoin.

Bitcoin, in essence, is to be re-imagined, re-branded and its properties need to be changed as there was 10 years for Bitcoin to reach much more users than the numbers in its current state.

This is what Pi Network has done.

Pi Network solves the above mentioned 3 key challenges categorized as accessibility.

use code TKONE for mining bonus

>> No.16141349
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Properties of Pi Network:

>Smartphone application - 17 mb - simplified down for the everyday end-user
>Serves as a wallet, which allows sending/receiving Pi Coins
>Tech allows you to mine on your phone without draining your battery
>Fair distribution allows every user to earn Pi >Coins every day, based on the level of their contributions
>Eco-friendly and doesn’t use proof-of-work algorithm, instead created its own consensus algorithm that would also be extremely user-friendly and ideally enable mining on mobiles, firstly, with nodes,secondary.
>Clever reward system, giving a 25% increase of base earning rate to both inviter and invitee, whenever mining simultaneously.
>Fair earning opportunity relying on social contacts instead of multilevel or pyramid
>1 person : 1 account : 1 device with anti-bot measures and verification
>The chat allows users to stay engaged more and network with its community

Search Pi Network on App / Play Store.

It is invite-only there you'll have to use my code, which is " TKONE "

>> No.16141355

until I see you calling out each and every thread I brought up you're just a shit talking bitch picking what you think is an easy target. if you tried this in a chainlink thread you know you'd get btfo worse then this thread right now so you pick what you think is an easy target.
now run along little sissyqueer and go talk shit and call out all those other threads and come back only when that's been done. wont do it and just wanna queerpost back? proving my point and you're an undeveloped brain poster. now fuck off low IQ peasant.
and yup you think im gonna hold forever? this is my 7th year in crypto dumbfuck im gonna get out the moment I can sell and make money. but like a rookie faggot you assumed that since you hold forever and never make profit everyone else does the same retarded shit. lol probably a career buy high sell loser dumbshit. seethe more retard you'll never make it like me

>> No.16141378
File: 2.37 MB, 1200x1598, VJaGeMz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking scam - pic reated

>> No.16141393
File: 13 KB, 179x282, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw they introduce kyc
that pic is from ads that run on phones to make micro pennies

>> No.16142027
File: 273 KB, 1032x611, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for pi coin accumulation thread

>> No.16142198

New working referral code:

Download Pi Network app from google play store or the app store!!

>> No.16143025

Lets go pi marines. Make it count while its hot

>> No.16143089

This is the kind of scam for sub 60IQ people.

>> No.16143228

this has pundi x written all over it

>> No.16143254

Use code Jfvimvspio or your mother will die in her sleep.

>> No.16143302

"The code for Chad"

>> No.16143916

use code tkone for bonus mining

>> No.16144471
File: 106 KB, 945x936, Pepe Kapix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use my code and you will have a 25% mining boost. OG miner and chad team, join us!

>> No.16144789

How much time to mine 1 pi coin?

>> No.16145492
File: 33 KB, 359x347, 428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use code now frens


>> No.16145505

How much time to mine 1 pi coin?

>> No.16145512


Alone. Right now 4 hours.

>> No.16145575

Does that worth the energy cost?

>> No.16145740

>Retards General
Is what this thread should be retitled

>> No.16145837

How many do you guys have? Sitting at a comfy 11k here

>> No.16145863

Who here gonna scoop up millions of cheap pi on the day of the dump when withdrawal is enabled?

>> No.16145874

Nice stack, I'm sitting at 7481

>> No.16145948

This 100%

>> No.16146394

Problem with this Pi shit is that all the users are fighting to refer people. Usually with bullshit and made up claims....

Any referral will work. Any comment like "working referral" or "extra bonus" is a lazy lie.

That said please use code: