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16139734 No.16139734 [Reply] [Original]

>A Texas academic created a stir last year by alleging that Bitcoin’s astronomical surge in 2017 was probably triggered by manipulation. He’s now doubling down with a striking new claim: a single market whale was likely behind the misconduct, seemingly with the power to move prices at will.
Confirms Preston Byrne's bearish thesis, that Bitcoin and wider crypto booms are created by exchanges suffering from liquidity problems as an attempt to pump-and-dump their way out of them, all the way back to Mt. Gox:
>Dramatic run-ups in the price of Bitcoin strangely seem to coincide with large exchanges having banking, withdrawal, and possibly solvency problems. This was the case with, e.g., Mt. Gox in 2013, and some have argued was also the case with long-suffering crypto exchange Bitfinex in 2017.

>> No.16139769

Basically, you bagHODLing brainlets bought into the high tech equivalent of a penny stock pump-and-dump.
No one is going to buy your worthless bags.
Any run up in price you see is pure market manipulation.
You're fucked.

>> No.16139787

Bullshit, 2017 was simply the year when everyono started talking about bitcoin (crypto), in one growing wave. It actually was already noticeable in 2016. Then the ICO craze pushed bitcoin even higher (because BTC and ETH are connected in price)

>> No.16139844

It's been like this since the beginning and it doesn't matter. Bitcoin is untethered to the global economy which means that it can be priced strictly according to greed.

>> No.16139852
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Based smug retard, gonna laugh my ass off when you lose everything

>> No.16139858

BTFO BOBO. Your pension fund will not save you

>> No.16139886
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>> No.16140013

>2017 was simply the year when everyono started talking about bitcoin (crypto), in one growing wave
People started talking about it because its price started soaring, which only happened because Bitfinex/Tether manipulated it.
You're fucked.
And worse, you deserve it.
Instead of stocks, you bought highly speculative, unregulated, non-cashflow generating digital assets, essentially the financial equivalent of TF2 hats or CS:GO skins.

>> No.16140217
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>Crypto is NOT DEAD.
>Just keep Craigposting, BRAPposting, and LNK shilling.
>Normies will come back.
>Everything is fine.
>I am fine.
>I will make it.

>> No.16140330

Or u actually use bitcoin to buy and sell shit, look most people had between 200 and 300 bitcoins, mined or paid for well before the run up to 17k I myself sold at 8k u really think anyone new it would go higher? 200 times 8k each do the math, also this was before all this kyc ballshit so it was easy to go onto tor and buy TVs laptops, gpus tvs ect and sell on Ebay, I dont know anyone that actually had the balls to cash out into a bank. I'm sorry u new fags dont have a backbone but u dont get rich over night, I has to hold fucking bcn for 4 years lol

>> No.16140367

1 whale fueled the 2017 pump. 20+ whales will fuel the next.


>> No.16140426

This is bullish. Imagine what happens next?

>> No.16140689

Normies wise up that pumps are just manipulation by exchanges, and avoid crypto altogether, the way they avoid penny stocks now?

>> No.16140937

Just wait for the class of 2020 to graduate, there is still an allure to the cryptocurrency market, doomers and zoomers are still interested.

>> No.16141200

The face of a man that knows he's "too big to fail".

>> No.16142300

Everyone has been saying this for years about BTC and somehow it still keeps going.

>> No.16142376

Bullshit because all exchanges went together

>> No.16142396

It's kept going because of the pumps.
But now the cat is out of the bag, and normies are wising up that the pumps are just manipulation, and that anyone who buys into them risks being left holding the bag.
It's really over this time.

>> No.16142607

The normies aren't wising up to shit, this info has been out there for years now. Even seasoned BTCfags don't react when I ask them about it.

>> No.16142646

Imagine thinking that normies are needed to pump btc to new all time highs

>> No.16143126

No new, outside money is going to enter this corrupt, seedy space now.
It's over.
The manipulators have cashed out, and left you hodling the bags.

>> No.16143186

>Bitcoin’s astronomical surge in 2017 was probably triggered by manipulation

>> No.16143211



>> No.16143270
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ITT newfags that don't know about the God wallet

>> No.16143317

>Bitcoin hit pieces starting again
>Last time this happened, ZeroHedge dropped all the "tulips 2.0" stories that made me hesitant to buy
>Bitcoin then skyrockets to 19k

Bitcoin's about to go nuclear again, anons.

>> No.16143329

>The manipulators have cashed out,

They are just getting started, baby. The Wall Street kikes literally just woke up. We are about to see mega kike gains this cycle. Stay poor.

>> No.16143375

These people just hate the free market. If they think this is manipulation I'd love to see what they say about all the power the media and the president have to move stocks wherever they want.

>> No.16143389

>implying there's a free market
There's not been a free market since 1929

>> No.16143392

what did you sell it for