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File: 431 KB, 2896x2896, 20191104_151722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16135290 No.16135290 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you picked up his course yet?

>> No.16135298

That guy is a shell of his former self. Just look at his eyes

>> No.16135299

The same pitch as everyone else while claiming that everyone else is a snake, just like everyone else.

>> No.16135406 [DELETED] 

What are your thoughts on the Institute of Trading and Portfolio Management?

>> No.16135411
File: 133 KB, 690x313, 3D7C0D74-613F-427E-80CD-4545CEAD8DCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, but in one of his videos, he literally says that day trading is a scam and brokers are trying to rip you off, and you can’t beat the market

>> No.16135416
File: 43 KB, 745x327, 1488472977785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what several decades of high cortisol production will do to a man. On the other hand, he's richer than anyone on this board.

>> No.16135420

but with the right education you can beat it ;)

>> No.16135461

You can find all 3 courses on the internet for free! Please here are WAY to fuckin lazy. I made a mega with all 3 & put in a /thread. No one wanted the link, the /thread fell into oblivion.

Have to say anyone that calls him a snake oil salesman hasn't put the time in.
I could post the link again, but I really don't want to help the Zoomers out, not that they would watch it.

>> No.16135471

you're saying you're profiting off what you learned from him?

>> No.16135482
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 8DEF3F3D-0759-442A-8C49-2CF915B0AB87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s 40, why is everyone say he looks so bad?

>> No.16135515

Why does he never show the P&L of his trades? What is your track record after learning from ITPM?

>> No.16135787

that was the conclusion of an historical analysis leading to the present day in which bots and HFT make it impossible to be profitable on short time frames. the winning strategy is one of consistent profitability and risk management. go back and watch again.

>> No.16135793

mega pls. we're not all zoomers.

>> No.16135846

>if you can afford my services, you don't need them
>if you can't afford my services, you need them

Yeah, brilliant business strategy there.

>> No.16135860

Because daytrading by hand is a fool's errand, you're pretty much gambling.

>> No.16135874

maybe his course is the statement
pretty kino imo

>> No.16135887

I know, enjoy fren


To anyone else looking for an explanation, I've tried to many times...Zoomers ruin everything

>> No.16135903

fucking based, thank you.

>> No.16135925

This guy looks like he's about to go jerk himself off while reciting ever line gordan gecko had

>muh greeb is guud

>> No.16136535

thank you

>> No.16136560

well i assume he's catering towards retards and highschool/college kids

>> No.16136618
File: 254 KB, 334x506, 1567549922541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you !

>> No.16136922

his TV show from the UK inspired me to get into trading

>> No.16136983
File: 382 KB, 715x1000, 77037277_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More important then technical analysis is risk management.

For example right now I am in a long trade on bitcoin.

entry is 9188
SL is 8850
TP is 10250
Can you see how the risk reward ratio on the trade works in my favor? It's 3:1.

Of course I can get stopped out and if I do boohoo it's a small lose and I have already account for it in my long term strategy. And if the trade is profitable I will make a good profit which I would have to lose three times in a row to get back where I am now which is unlikely but still possible.

That's why you trade small, often and with discipline.

Even if you just blindly longed and shorted Stoch RSI over bought and over sold signals (of course you would bias toward over sold signals in a uptrend but I digress) on low leverage and good risk management that made sure your winners were bigger then your losses you would probably do much better then most retail punters.

>> No.16136992

what is BTC keeps crabbing between 9k and 10k, then plunges below 9k again, huh? Huh?

>> No.16137029
File: 122 KB, 850x850, __atago_azur_lane_drawn_by_mappaninatta__sample-b728d25cf190580c32e542f219faa7fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make real, sustainable profits from trading you need to have the ability to stay in the game for YEARS. Most new traders blow their accounts up in less then 3 months and then think something like "durr I guess I wasn't meant to be a trader."

Then I get stopped out, but that doesn't hurt me. It also means that we would definitely be in a down trend for the next couple of months as that would put us below the 24hr 200 MA.

>> No.16137037

It would be like saying 'I failed my drivers test I guess I will never ever drive a car' or 'A girl rejected me once I guess I am destined to be forever alone.'

>> No.16137038

But you would lose a lot of time in vain while it keeps crabbing.

>> No.16137043

I do use similar strategies, but one thing that fucked me over more than once was huge slippage on the market stop orders. Meaning, a (even small) flash crash event executes the stops way too late.
How do you handle this?

>> No.16137059

I'm not gay but i would suck his dick for a low interest loan.

>> No.16137091
File: 196 KB, 850x1020, __atago_azur_lane_drawn_by_mappaninatta__sample-37d662f230ecb623da8ee13cd9e3fd5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could either just not use stop losses and just baby your trades.

Or you can try and place lower stop losses. If you place your stop loss where everyone else places there's then the bots chew though them and liquidations quickly.

Really you just need to account for slippage in your R:R That's why I tend to go for a 1:3 as the more trades you try and make to make smaller profits the more opportunities you have at getting stopped out.

>> No.16137140
File: 80 KB, 1080x1080, 0mAa7hJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Fren!

>> No.16137386

ok i just finished watching the forex and options course. The options one was quite interesting although quite basic. Forex one is completely outdated and doesn't work. You need leverage to trade on that market.
All in all, Kreil is a charlatan

>> No.16137467

Why would you say the forex is outdated? I know a couple of the videos are, but the rest the info is still available.

You obviously need leverage to trade fx, hence the pip BS

>> No.16137490

most retail forex traders these days are actually doing so algorithmically - as in they are programmers who are trading huge volumes. Kreil's techniques are still derived from back when he was a flow trader at Goldman.