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16133780 No.16133780 [Reply] [Original]

describe your ideal life

>> No.16133792

unironically $1000 chainlink

>> No.16133798

Unlmited money, living a low-key life in some third world country anonymously and banging brown bitches

>> No.16133802

Doing what I'm doing now (vidya, anime, shitposting) without being interrupted by regular trips to the wagecage.

>> No.16133811

Browsing /biz/ 18 hours/day

>> No.16133814

Recognizing my self-worth

>> No.16133815
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I'm respected, own a nice house with land, have guns, and a wife who will give me many children.

It's scary to have to go earn all of this, but I suppose that is the toil of man.

>> No.16133852

Having just enough invested to scrape by without having to wageslave

>> No.16133870
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Unemployed but secretly rich and raising a family.
Trick the wife into thinking i'm employed, leave the house every morning for "work" but instead go to a secret studio apartment where I spend all day playing vidya, watching anime and shitposting on 4chan. Then at the end of the day drive back home to my family, have dinner, play with my kids and bang my wife.

>> No.16133893

This is what I want to do as well. In that time I'd also include a long workout though.

>> No.16133914
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>describe your ideal life

I'm living it.

I was an early code monkey hire at a successful startup exit (hint: most of you probably use this), retired at 34 with $2.5 million in a PNW suburb. I just turned 36 in June. My net worth is now $3.25 million (800k retirement accounts, own my house outright, 2 rental properties, 700k liquid stocks, 300k crypto)

The beauty of it, for me, is there is no set scheduled or typical day. This could be bad for some people, but I love it. Sure, I've got my lazy times, but have been pretty productive.

I've done more travel, more golf, some home improvement, and a lot more socializing. And, due to a more active lifestyle, including a fair amount of hiking, and a healthier diet (due to more time to prepare/cook better meals), I've lost 15 pounds.

I guess you could say a standard day without much plans would be something like:

>wife and i are usually up by about 7 am, I'm not the type to really sleep in
>take dog for walk/feed
>have coffee and breakfast with wife and son
>check investments/crypto, read up on business news
>drop son off at preschool
>do some stuff around the house, clean or run to store
>hit the gym, shower
>lunch either in or out with friends
>go hiking in the afternoon, often with my dog or a group
>pick up son from preschool
>late afternoon nap
>dinner out with wife, sometimes friends for an event such as concert or a sporting event/game
>usually in bed by 10pm

Again, I love that there is no set schedule. The important thing is that you do keep active. My social life is so much better now than when I was wagecucking.

>> No.16133918
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>800-1000 sqft, 2br 1ba
>comfy cabin aesthetic outside
>nice modern loft aesthetic inside with poured concrete floors and exposed brick
>on 5-10 acres, enough that you never see your neighbors but not so much that it's unmanageable
>bordering a national park or some shit but still only a 20 minute drive to costco
>also no more than a 2 hour drive to the beach and also to the mountains
>2 dogs (probably viszla) and 2 cats
>no gf or wife because women are scams
>If I still get lonely, take the homopill and get a lumberjack boyfriend (but he still likes vidya)
>or just fuck my dogs
>Do shrooms or acid once a month, DMT once a quarter
>play wow classic and old infinity engine games like PS:T and Arcanum
>make my own super authentic indie games over many long years and release them online for free
>no monetization so I can stay anonymous and everyone loves me without knowing who I am
>'Die' stress-free around age 90 and get cryonically preserved so I can be resuscitated in 2077 and begin my my second life as a cyberpunk gangster
>I also cryonically preserved my dogs so I can keep on fucking them

Is there any more perfect life?

>> No.16133922

>live in cabin town usa population 601 (done and accomplished recently)
>own lambo or other super car that turns heads
>use super car to lure in cabin town sluts for panty butt walking and fucking
>spend my spare time shit posting on here giving away crypto and helping anons make it
>buy up low vol coins in large amounts (50k as example) just to watch the chaos as people show up and I buy all there bags up helping them make bank
>play mini guppy whale on low mc coins and low vol coins pushing prices down and then massively high so people can can get rich or make good pocket change
>buy up all the surrounding property so I can tear the houses down and make it more woodsy nature around me
>buy all the shut down business and turn the buildings into crypto mining fortress so I can bring in more pocket change
>purchase or operate a wrestling federation just because it'll amuse me for a year or 2
>tons of wrestling promotion running plans involving running it and avoiding the mistakes of big companies
>develop multiple video games for old dead systems and consoles with budget and marketing and selling for a loss just cuz I can
>keep investing in stuff and work on building my passive income so its bringing in more then I spend per month
>buy the guy down the road in his 70s in a wheelchair a new body
>be left alone in my down time not being boss of cabin town usa and fucking everyones 18yr old daughter cuz she wants to ride naked in a lambo for a thrill

>> No.16133951
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you can keep woman in the wilderness but otherwise it was good until this
>I also cryonically preserved my dogs so I can keep on fucking them
day of the rake can't come soon enough

>> No.16133966

I just want to not have to work anymore, and stay home with my wife and kids everyday. After every weekend I want to blow my brains out rather than go back to work. Kinda got that feeling right now desu.

>> No.16134031


>> No.16134066

These except that I would go fuck hookers instead of the vidya/anime.

>> No.16134120

800k invested in a diversified portfolio
200k liquid capital
50k passive income

>> No.16134145

RSR goes to $10, hookers + cocaine till I die

>> No.16134200

Such a nice life, I envy you bro.

>> No.16134218

Passive income stream of at least $100k per year. Living on a tropical or Mediterranean island in a storm proof gated house with a big booty goth girl. I'll need a constant supply of weed, cocaine, and alcohol. Seafood and fresh produce, hot tub, weight room, boat, a couple jet skis, and internet connection.

Honestly, if I had all that, I don't think I'd ever go online.

>> No.16134239

unlimited weed
unlimited tendies
unlimited cereal
home payed off and taxes paid for life

>> No.16134286
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i get accepted into a top uni that im planning to transfer to, i get my degree, and i work in tech.

money becomes a non-issue, and i live in a small comfy home. i have good food, and a high quality-of-life.

i have sex with boys until i endure gay death, then i find a woman to have children with. also, it would be nice if all this happened before my dad died so he knew i wasn't a total fuckup

>> No.16134303

Congrats on making it anon. Sure wish my entire future wasn’t hinging on money belly but it is what it is.

>> No.16134357

If you are trapped under a truck then none of that matters b. Figure out how to bring yourself peace without any shit.

>> No.16134386

Have enough money so i dont have to work. Pursue hobbies and interests, some take a significant amount of time. Bring people that are extremely close to me along for the ride. Reproduce and raise children with a strong but firm hand. That is about it.

>> No.16134388

same as being a neet only rich (financially independent)

after my trauma that basically caused ptsd though, Ill probably kms even with millions

>> No.16134397
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what did he mean by this

>> No.16134431

>trauma - ptsd - kms -
Fuck that b.Mindfulness, Meditation, Yoga, exercise, arts, pet a dog, get your feet wet, message, hot tube, bath, some one help me here...I won't stand for this bull-shit. You are worth love and you are a universe upon itself b. With you would go untold unfolds.

>> No.16134445

Every post in this thread is basically "ME, ME, ME! I never want to be uncomfortable, I never want to face challenge, I want to always be in a state of constant orgasm!" You people are as bad as the niggers you constantly hate on. You don't realize that life is about suffering, because only through suffering can you truly reach higher states of being. You're like teen girls who want to be famous.

>> No.16134450
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unlimited power

>> No.16134455

Living in a house in a forest away from people. I want to live a quiet life.

>> No.16134461

you sound like you take cold showers just to make your life miserable

>> No.16134465


>> No.16134474

I was changing my oil once and had a panic-quasi -attack. I thought of those soccer dudes b. Trapped in a cave and I knew one day I might need to be good with absolute nothingness/paralyzation of body, maybe the end, and i just could not at the time. Or now. So I think. What if I was stuck under a truck. That is all.

>> No.16134556

Cold showers are great, lifting is great, not being indulgent is great

>> No.16134572

browsing shitcoin forums until I die

>> No.16134576

>Cold shower
Haven't done it. In winter? I'm a bitch.

>> No.16134599

I live in the middle of nowhere in the rocky mountains and I do it. One way to ease in is to take an initially warm shower and when you're almost done turn it to cold. Once you get the taste for it it's awesome.

>> No.16134607

Perhaps the challenge is getting there plebian. Ultimately I'll probably end up starting a business, but tasting your purchased freedom doesn't mean you're giving up adversity

>> No.16134609

>wake up feeling rested and ready to tackle the day
>check portfolio, link is up to 1241 dollars per token today. Nice
>take a shit with my feet being warmed by heated floor tiles
>drink some kratom and get ready to go to the gym
>exercise for like 30-45 minutes then come home and cook steak+eggs
>have sex with my wife after she gets home from dropping kids off at school
>go collect rent money from owned properties, cruising through the city in one of four luxury vehicles (today it's a benz truck)
>come home cook dinner for wife and kids
>have sex with wife again after dinner
>watch tv while cuddling and bullshit with wife
>fall into a deep sleep at 11

>> No.16134648

Carrot and stick mentality. If you finish your work you can have a treat. See, you need to learn to love the work, not the reward. That's a way truer freedom than anything you can buy.

>> No.16134660
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Reminder that Gilles himself considered RLC to be analogous to digital oil.

"iExec introduces a new paradigm in cloud computing: it allows the trading of computing resources as commodities; in the same way we may observe with resources such as oil, gold or rice.

To understand the benefit of a global market for computing power, let us draw comparisons with the oil market. When you are stopped at a gas station, filling your car with oil, you have little to no idea where that oil comes from or how it arrived at that gas pump. There is an entire industry behind the scenes, that has standardized the whole process from petroleum extraction, to processing, to transport and delivery, and eventual utility being consumed by vehicles.

Now take the example of an application developer. A developer needs resources too, in the form of computing power from cloud vendors to ‘fuel’ his applications. However, in contrast, they do not have the luxury of benefiting from an organized and global market with abundant choice of vendors and competitive prices.

Let’s imagine you are a driver in the same situation, with no choice but to fuel a car in the same way developers fuel their apps. Being a driver in this case, you would have to call a specific Iranian or Venezuelan extractor to organize oil transported directly to your car. What’s worse is that, because each oil company produces its specific oil without standardization, the driver would probably have to process or ‘transform’ the oil so that it is compatible with his car. Today, this is the situation developers find themselves in, in the current age of cloud computing"

>> No.16134691

something about the smugness of this post angers me

>> No.16135095

Yes goyim, love the work! The work makes you happy goyim!

>> No.16135159

When Kleros hits $1 and I buy an island. That's it.

>> No.16135174
File: 82 KB, 741x721, C4BC3EB3-E95B-427E-A748-FC2C3A39E3B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu desu DESU

>> No.16136229

9 hours of sleep, plus a nap. wtf is wrong with your brain that you need this much sleep?

>> No.16136237

you are literally living like a housewife. yes youre retired but if you dont accomplish more you will die early, also its just a waste of a life

>> No.16136271

as for me, i say ideal life is 5M + in investments +1M in cds. living near villanova PA or possibly UNC. Nice truck and cute wife, 3+ kids. Spend my days programming what I want and working on a business in a certain passion of mine that I dont want to disclose to prevent doxxing myself.

>> No.16136292

Some people need more sleep than others. There's nothong weird about that fact, retard

>> No.16136304


>> No.16136305

Become as gods

>> No.16136339

im a neet just havent made it yet. actually havent even profited yet after 3 months of building 2 different products. if anyone has tips id appreciate it

>> No.16136352

>muh suffering larpers
And here you are posting on an imageboard

>> No.16136367

I want to win in a lottery

>> No.16136391

if you lived my life for the past couple years you'd kill yourself, nice off by 1 faggo

>> No.16136418

Wake up have 1 g blunt.
Take 20mg of Valium and 1mg of Xanax
Iv heroin and cocaine
Bottle of champagne
Gamble 1 million on fortune Jack
Buy 3 million in watches on eBay
Go to lunch have 3 lobsters and a steak with loads of sides
1 g blunt and iv heroin
2 four loko punch
Watch movies
1 g blunt
Takeaway Chinese

>> No.16136506
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>LINK hits 6 gorillion EOY
>Move to America, Switzerland or Czechoslovakia
>Buy gorillion dollar doomsday bunker
>Buy guns, food supplies, drugs, gas masks, etc
>Find schizo wife
>Have schizo kids
>Educate and train my family and I for the incoming societal breakdown
>NEET it out in my bunker for the rest of my days banging my wife, going out to hunt, walking through the abandoned nearby settlements hitting golfballs into windows with my kids, saying nigger out loud, etc.

>> No.16136593
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Culling elites, culling all animefags, culling all lgbtqhskfbr fags. Of course, not by myself. I'd have an army of followers do it.

>> No.16136689
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5K€ in Dividends per month , still working (for lets say 2 months). And screw around in my job and tell my boss that he should stick his raise in his arse and then quit. Oh i forgot , and shit on his desk in the office afterwards

>> No.16136743

Confy as fuck, I salute you.

>> No.16136751


>> No.16137111

Nice country house in the 20 mil range.
Own pool
Bowling alley in the basement
2 Bordercollies that I'd love to bits
Maybe even a gf that loves me for who I am
no wait that's too far, I ruined my fantasy. :'(

>> No.16137267


Travel world with secret stash of money. Work on freelance projects. Give a bunch of money to the two girls who turned down my proposals and get to see my son I haven't been able to see since his birth.

Other than that, hookers and blow.

>> No.16137303

Absolute madman

>> No.16137331

based and redpilled

>> No.16137665


>> No.16137818

Nothing wrong with any of that as long as you didn’t get it through free gibs

>> No.16137898
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i want to be vladimir putin. just imagine it... a former spy turned president, doing manly shirtless stuff in the forests and then wearing an expensive suit and luxury swiss wristwatches for top level cabinet meetings. men would straighten up and quiver with fear as you walk past. women would whisper in eachother's ears and giggle because they just KNOW you're swinging ten inches of limp dingaling meat and looking for no commitments. everywhere you go, people immediately recognize you and whether they love or hate you, they show respect

>> No.16137913

Based and colonization pilled.

>> No.16138049

where are you from you retard that youve got such a shitty education

>> No.16138136

my ideal life is when my heavy PLG bags are finally pumping

>> No.16138390
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like a schumacher, lay in bed and be filthy rich

>> No.16138461

Wake up
Make coffee
Go for run,lift.
Kids should be getting up soon, eat breakfast with them.
Kiss wife and thank her for the food.
Wife takes kids to school
Shitpost on biz
Call parents ask how the house(ranch i bought them) is. Ask how my brother is after his treatments.
Take a few minutes to appreciate the things I have and know that my childrens future is set and they can have an easier life then me.
Roll for an hour or two
muay thai for an hour
pick up kids from school
Watch movies, play games, do family stuff.
Eat family dinner, bang wife before bed.
I can probably do this everyday until i die a peaceful life filled with many grandchildren and good friends.

>> No.16138476

>banging brown bitches
You were doing so well at first.

>> No.16138485

Freelancing on a sailboat with starlink internet and travelling over the world and browsing biz 20 hours a day.

>> No.16138492

Shitposting and vidya.

>> No.16138527

Genius. I think you just described my future.

>> No.16138787

he's absolutely correct. I forced myself to take cold showers for about 2 months and now I prefer them over hot showers 99% of the time.

>> No.16138974

I'm petty sure my dad does this

>> No.16138989

The year is 2025.

I woke up at exactly 6:00. I need no alarm clock. Two women woke me by sucking my cock.
I gave 0.000001 BZC to each of the women as a tip. Three women helped me into the shower,
all while caressing me and drooling at my Bazingacoin wallet. They also came instantly after seeing my balance.

I left my 50 acre mansion and got in my gold-plated 2030 Lamborghini Murcielago (custom made for me after the dealer saw my BZC)
and another one of my bitches was waiting in the passenger seat. She was in the car all night, because she couldn't sleep without
me having penetrated her. She hopped on me and started riding my dick while I squeezed her tits and drove with my knees. In a whim,
I arrived at the gym. I threw the bitch off me, and she quickly returned to the passenger seat, where she would sit until I got back.
When I got out the car, I flexed. My bulging, huge, muscles ripped my Gucci shirt off, and six women lined up. We had an orgy,
which didn't last too long. Each woman climaxed when my cock came within five inches of her pussy, and went into an eternal state of euphoria after seeing my Bazingacoin wallet.
I came, and transferred .00000000001 BZC to each of the women.

After benching seven hundred kilograms, I squatted four hundred kilograms. I started doing my 100 laps,
but I got a phone call. It was a conference call with nineteen supermodels. They orgasmed after hearing my voice.
My bitch in the car was getting lonely, so I went back. She sucked me off as I took the drive back home.
I left her in the car, transferred .000000001 BZC to her, opened the diamond-encrusted knob and went inside.

>> No.16138995

based and goalpilled

>> No.16139022
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i want to be happy, healthy, wise, and to have a 10/10 slamming qt gf that is also happy, healthy, and wise who doesn't bang black guys ever and who is also somewhat socially autistic and likes to stay in a like but who still likes to go do fun things every once in awhile and id like to have either no job or have a job thats actually fun a profitable, low stress. and i want to get blown pretty much every day.

this is my vision.

>> No.16139026

I have a gf who loves me for who I am

>> No.16139054

Move away from cold, dark and depressing Norway. Fuck, this place. My life would be so much better in a warm climate

>> No.16139074

Making it to me means having a shitload of liquid capital to start a few businesses with. One would be a bar on a beach, one would be a dispensary in the mountains, and the last would be my actual business which I won't detail here.

>> No.16139166

The US is back to 90% white, regulations and statutes are cut to 10%of their current scope, also all kikes are relocated to Israel.

>> No.16139179

>describe your ideal life
Dan Bilzerian

>> No.16139190

Holy fucking based

>> No.16139228

Where is the park with passive income from staking ETH and PNK?

Fucking the dogs are you serious?

>> No.16139266
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already livin' it brah

>> No.16139282

Girls are meant to be fit af in Norway though no?

>> No.16139468

I am rich and not disabled. My mum is happy and busy with with lots of friends and grandkids. My father cleans himself up and becomes respectable. My brother is happy and has loads of kids. My sister has a husband and loads of friends. My young wife loves me and is happy and content.

To bad it is impossible for any of that to happen.

>> No.16139479

>To bad it is impossible for any of that to happen.
You don't deserve to be happy, scumbag

>> No.16139507

I know. God/Fate/the Universe agrees with you too.

>> No.16139663

My gf let's me sleep

>> No.16139772

lmao please greentext it

>> No.16139943

All I want right now is to pay off my debts and get out of this hellhole business I took over.

My ideal life after that would be to have a nice wooded acreage with an underground house for maximum comfy. My wife and I would spend the days tending to the land, raising our children and pursuing our hobbies (she would raise plants, I would write) and generally doing whatever we want with our time, to be beholden to no one.

But none of that, NONE, can happen unless I make it. Literally none, if it doesnt we will languish in this shit heap until we both end up killing ourselves.

>> No.16140100


>> No.16140136

What a fag you are

>> No.16140856

Owning a 100 acre farm.

>> No.16140875

Lmao this is a lovely idea

>> No.16141116

you gotta jump in with it on the coldest setting my man