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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 294 KB, 750x804, 0CD2F2A0-C047-43B0-B075-E10529851FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16132028 No.16132028 [Reply] [Original]

How do we profit off the roastie menace?

>> No.16132040

WTF do you think Prozac does you mouth breathing piece of shit?

>> No.16132041
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1572158393689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Haircomb? You may be wondering, but this little gem is like no other.
It does not even use ECDSA which is quantum prone and replaces it with what?
A pure SHA256 that secures Bitcoin mining for more than 10 years. The results
are promising. Remember mimblewimble? It uses pedersen commitments for anonymity
but Natasha invented that pure hashlocks again are sufficient for this purpose.
Did you enjoy learning more about haircombs in today's Wonder of the Day?

What's the price? 10 million sats? Haha, no, we're giving it away nearly for
free to early adopters, only 546 sats per claim. Mining fees apply.

>> No.16132042

Omg LOOOOL now that is epic. What is Le professional talked in Le ebonics and had Le depression? LOL

who said woman can't be funny? Who said you have to punch down to be funny? Haha what a queen

>> No.16132050

Notice how she's brown/paki and talks like a nog? Why do they all do this?

>> No.16132128

Women follow whatever popular culture pushes. Right now that’s nog culture but it’s coming to an end.
Investing in cat food and divorce law firms. It’s been a shame and a lot of us will feel the sting of loneliness but anons I’m here to tell you you don’t need women 1/100th as much as they need you. Women of our generation are a meme and in the next decade when their looks fade they are going to set an example for humanity forever how bullshit manipulative behavior will leave you alone, depressed, suicidal and broke.

>> No.16132143

spamming doesnt get people to invest in a coin fool

>> No.16132166
File: 61 KB, 600x600, 1572158393689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Haircomb? You may be wondering, but this little gem is like no other.
It does not even use ECDSA which is quantum prone and replaces it with what?
A pure SHA256 that secures Bitcoin mining for more than 10 years. The results
are promising. Remember mimblewimble? It uses pedersen commitments for anonymity
but Natasha invented that pure hashlocks again are sufficient for this purpose.
Did you enjoy learning more about haircombs in today's Wonder of the Day?

What's the price? 10 million sats? Haha, no, we're giving it away nearly for
free to early adopters. Only 546 sats per claim. Mining fees apply.

>> No.16132231
File: 3 KB, 125x93, 1571000931496s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need to somehow get control of the mainstream media and social media to end this clown world hell hole. normies have a short memory and follow whatever the media tells them, so i think we can change it around pretty fast, the question is, how do this?

>> No.16132263
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filtered oops you dun goofed stupid idiot

>> No.16132294
File: 46 KB, 800x450, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



more like how do we profit off of cringeworthy twitter culture that is pervading maintstream pop culture

>nooooo you can't own property!
>nooooo you have to speak in ebonics!!
>nooooo you have to dislike every single thing blonald brumpff does! it's fucking NOT OK to normalize bronald bumf at ANY COST
>noooo you have to think these brand tweets created in a conference room and paid to go viral are funny!!!

shit unironically makes me want to kms myself

>> No.16132301
File: 931 KB, 848x1427, 64A53E04-49DD-485B-91EA-34F76A5FEADC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start a mass news media firm based on 4chan ideology. Call it Helios News Network and pretend it’s some grass roots news media upstart, viral marketing and memes originate from here and so can news

>> No.16132332
File: 97 KB, 1214x1067, 65806DDD-93B2-4A7D-A37D-2985B8A84232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pod casts/ and YouTubers my man, after this bullrun there are going to be a lot of very wealthy anons. Go look at the view counts on JewTube of popular streamers and podcasts. They absolutely shit on channels like CNN and Fox. This will work for for Gen X and under. boomers will always be retards but it’s not 100% their fault since all they’ve ever known was (((main stream media))). They will get with the times or we will meme them so hard as retards no one will listen to a word that comes out of their drooling mouths mouths in their nursing homes. Honestly we should be shilling crypto on these platforms as well after BTC hits 50-60k. If we get a few very popular roasties to shill Link it’s game over.

>> No.16132339

This is super solid as well. we can pretend Reddit had the idea but use our content since reddit is normie approved.

>> No.16132358

You nigger. That's actually a pretty good idea

>> No.16132410
File: 26 KB, 386x225, 25464757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would i make profit off something like this? and could i start it for $1mm?

>> No.16132430

>how can I profit off of controlling the narrative that controls the behaviors of normies
A million ways, however we need to turn it around and use this shit to push the greater good instead of just becoming a new group of greedy kikes that will just repeat the cycle.

>> No.16132450

um, but without profit, it will fail, because you need a continual source of funding

>> No.16132473

My man we can profit more than we could dream by controlling the media and crypto markets I’m just outlining that we need to not abuse that and just become a new group of kikes. Become the philosopher Kings plato spoke of instead of just hook nosed yids of a different background.

>> No.16132623

Publically fund it with crypto and allow users to access highly red-pilled articles for BTC/ETH/XMR. Wouldn’t need more than a domain and a simple website for people to upload content to. Even if it’s just based on /biz/ posts, content creators could get awarded in tips/crypto for good articles similar to Steemit model. Call it something like Helios Credits (HXC)

>> No.16132697
File: 113 KB, 1200x840, 5A15FF78-E471-4296-9517-22BFFE701D03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creation and registration of the site from ground up should be anonymous, with light to no moderation except filtering out the low-IQ no value posters. Site should remain unbiased but promote good values with a strong foundation of morals and strength. Counter to the modern degeneracy that has become rampant.

>> No.16133589

I will be the Hermann Goring of the new nazi party.

>> No.16133817

hire a model that is ok with being nude. Take thousands and thousands of photos of her and then create onlyfans. Larp as woman. profit.

>> No.16133847

start by explaining that their mistrust in men is just a misplaced assumption from their mistrust of power, and then tell them to try and imagine a man that isn't abusive but is powerful and ask them if anyone they have ever met is like that. Maybe they'll figure out what tards they are and go date somebody.

>> No.16133952

It has already started, the way those women look at men is like a vampire, they haven't quenched their thirst for semen but also they seek stability, the safe dock. They are broken, both physically and mentally.

>> No.16133997

>pretend it’s grass roots
What are you some kind of glow Jew? It would literally be grass roots.

>> No.16134019

I'll get on it tomorrow.

t. BS in journalism, newspaper reporter and oldfag

>> No.16134101

>treating women like adults

you've already failed

>> No.16134130

why would you want to be a retard

>> No.16134210

This is extremely based and red pilled.
Yep and over the next decade they are going to have to pay the toll for this. We need to raise awareness so dumbass betas don’t bail them out as well. You reap what you sow.

>> No.16135160
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>> No.16135163

Kill Jews in Minecraft

>> No.16135233

Because it's what I'm good at.

>> No.16135402

women are fucking scumbags

>> No.16135510

based. but not the villagers, we need to go after the end dragons