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File: 415 KB, 1016x660, F68A6A3C-CDAA-411F-A0A0-49A348F84EB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16123867 No.16123867 [Reply] [Original]

>average daily wages of a Roman soldier/day labourer was 1 denarius a day, equivalent to 3.11 grams of silver a day
>therefore an annual income would have been 37 troy ounces of silver to live reasonably back then during the height of the Roman Empire
>mfw you just 1100 ounces of silver to cover you for 30 years
>if every person had 1100 ounces of silver today there would be a massive silver deficit of 8.6 TRILLION ounces
>all research suggest about 2 million tones of silver has ever been mined, roughly 70 billion ounces
>below ground reserves would only yield another 10 billion ounces

My goal is to accumulate firstly, 1100 ounces of silver and then around 4,400 ounces for the rest of my family. Maybe more.

>what to buy?
Buy coins, or big bars (min 10oz). For coins get:
>Perth Mint Lunars

>> No.16123908
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Absolutely, unequivocally, unchallengably based.

>> No.16123919

member silver? yea i member

>> No.16123968

Also the population of the world is like 30x larger now so the value is higher cause silver would have to be dispersed among each person thinner

>> No.16124003

Yep fell for the shiny rocks meme years ago. Sometimes I put a 1kg bar in the freezer so I can feel the searing cold of silvers high conductivity on my body.

>> No.16124004

Yea I accounted for that. If you wanted to get everyone alive today 1100 ounces of silver you’d have a deficit of 8.6 trillion ounces.

>> No.16124041

Top notch, impenetrable FA there, anon. I'm sure no one has ever considered such fool-proof reasoning as to why silver is so utterly undervalued. Where can I read your newsletter. Do you have a referral to your favorite spot silver dealer? Please help me make it.

>> No.16124048

Just wait until we mine asteroids for trillions of tons of the stuff. Then watch us develop transmutation on a large scale. Your shiny metals will be worthless.

>> No.16124086

This is just sad. What the fuck are you citing ancient Rome for? Do you want to be paid in bags of salt? Are you stacking fucking salt??
Get a fucking grip man

>> No.16124093

TWO. THOUSAND . YEARS. of reliability. But muh fiat toilet paper is the real deal forever obviously.

thinking realistically in the 21st century i see. faggot

>> No.16124127

How do you explain the price being so low now? Why should it ever correct to the value it was at in Roman times?

>> No.16124139
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>> No.16124150

Salt has more than 2 thousand years. Ancient Romans were paid in salt too. Why aren't you stacking salt bags? How much salt do you own?

>> No.16124154

>TWO. THOUSAND . YEARS. of reliability
That's because shit moved slowly in the past. Think about it.
>hunter gatherers 150,000 years ago
>agricultural revolution 12,000 years ago
>industrial revolution 250 years ago
>digital revolution 50 years ago

Things just didn't change as quickly back then. It's over now.

>> No.16124161
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Just put an order in.
It's sort of an early Christmas gift to myself.
Yes yes, I know the premium is high on these and yes I know I could have save about $20 had I ordered via echeck, don't care.

>> No.16124172
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Silver has always had good value and held a certain ratio to gold,this is the only time In history it has been so cheap,take that as you may but we are a long long way from space mining,if space is even real...

>> No.16124175

Why the fuck would you be wasting your time buying silver when you can be stacking giant bags of BEAUTIFUL GOLD at a DISCOUNTED RATE!

>> No.16124176

They did that in early Rome, not imperial golden age Rome (88 Ad - 192 AD).

>> No.16124181

Fuck that trade options and leaps on SLV,GLTR,GLD and GORO.
You'll get paid much more much faster and then be able to buy what you want.

>> No.16124190

Buy tubes of eagles or maples or recognizable silver coins.

>> No.16124206

So what? If we're being historically accurate those lads weren't paid in silver either so what the fuck are you bringing it up for? Sling your rocks somewhere else boomer

>> No.16124208

I already have a bunch of eagles and junk silver.

>> No.16124236

Why are you getting so angry?

>> No.16124240
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>> No.16124260


>> No.16124272

cost to mine being what? At present doing anything in space costs about 100000x more

The US can't even get back to the moon...

>> No.16124277

Jews have controlled the price of all PMs since the Rothschild's took over the Bank of England

>> No.16124298

Do NOT purchase any Canadian, UK, Australian, and NZ silver and gold coins due to the reptilian shapeshifter that is imprinted on them. Remember that symbols are the key to telepathy. This is why the image of a lizard on the coin is a big deal. The mystical properties of gold are distorted with a negative resonance pattern if the image of a lizard is on it. The entire Universe is a holographic matrix that is being projected from the surface of a distant singularity.

>> No.16124351

How much if you wanted to give them one bitcoin? How about 10k link? How much of a deficit?

>> No.16124384

Bitcoin isn’t real, it’s essentially imaginary.

>> No.16124397

Libertads are epic. I also like Philharmonics.

>> No.16124413

Reptile free coins, good choices.

>> No.16124426

Fiat currency is the dominant currency right now. of course the original form of money is not going to dominate. there can be only 1 form at a time.

the Industrial revolution changed many of the ways we define wealth, and salt became a very accessible commodity easily extracted using the tools the market created over the past 200 years. The wealth of the industrial revolution hinged on the continued scarcity of gold and silver, along with a reliability of stable supply. Salt did not retain that scarcity and stability of supply, so it was thrown out as money or at least devalued enough that people stopped trading with it.

what does that have to do with the reliability of gold and silver

based. buying $4,000 worth next week

its literally growing on trees with how cheap it is. Buy while the dollar is still the dominant currency.

Cause silvers at an even bigger discount, but buy both anyway

Schizo or ironic schizo, your post contributes nothing to this thread

No guarantee that electricity will be reliable when inflation causes the civil instability it caused in Venezuela, therefore even though chainlink will find its use in the coming decade(s), it cannot be used as a permanent store of value. Cash out your rocketed link bags in 2025 or something and buy shit central bank stores worth of gold an silver. bitcoin is a joke compared to other cryptos cause it has basically no use cases. It served as a primitive experiment in the idea of a digital currency and has been taken over for use as a ponzi scheme for speculators to get greened or pinked on.

>> No.16124459

Let me guess, you have a big stack of maples and you're trying to cope with all those inter-dimensional demons at night? Krugerrands are the way to go, along with Pandas, Libertads, and Phils.

>> No.16124471

>you're trying to cope with all those inter-dimensional demons at night
Seek help and LSD rehab
>you have a big stack of maples
I only have bars, idk what all the other pointless terminology is. it's just silver no matter the shape.
>Krugerrands are the way to go, along with Pandas, Libertads, and Phils.
"" ""

>> No.16124487

Aluminum was once more expensive than gold. Maybe the cost of producing silver is simply lower.

>> No.16124495

I've never done LSD before. Believe it or not, the holographic principle of the cosmos is actually very scientific. Read Chapter 9 of the Hidden Reality, written by a world renowned physicist (Greene):


Here's just one paragraph from that chapter that will blow your mind.

>For black holes, we found that the link between information and surface area goes beyond mere numerical accounting; there’s a concrete sense in which information is stored on their surfaces. Susskind and ’t Hooft stressed that the lesson should be general: since the information required to describe physical phenomena within any given region of space can be fully encoded by data on a surface that surrounds the region, then there’s reason to think that the surface is where the fundamental physical processes actually happen. Our familiar three-dimensional reality, these bold thinkers suggested, would then be likened to a holographic projection of those distant two-dimensional physical processes.If this line of reasoning is correct, then there are physical processes taking place on some distant surface that, much like a puppeteer pulls strings, are fully linked to the processes taking place in my fingers, arms, and brain as I type these words at my desk. Our experiences here, and that distant reality there, would form the most interlocked of parallel worlds. Phenomena in the two—I’ll call them Holographic Parallel Universes—would be so fully joined that their respective evolutions would be as connected as me and my shadow.

>> No.16124496

In a world without electricity they’ll come first for your shiny rocks, don’t kid yourself. You 5000 oz of sliver is still nothing in a world without electricity

>> No.16124503

Silver isn’t abundant in the earths crust like aluminum.

>> No.16124512

Paper money isn’t real, it’s cloth with an ink stamp

>> No.16124514

Silver is way better than any cryptos no matter how hard you pivot. Bitcoin is garbage.

>> No.16124517

That has nothing to do with lizards and demons you dense motherfucker. youre conflating shit because like Terry A Davis, you dont know where to draw the lines between the provable and the mystical (unprovable) so you just blabber on with frankensteined bullshit with a few pockets of reason imported from the genius of others.

>> No.16124521

Great plan. If we don’t nuke ourselves first before the correction.

>> No.16124527

Not if they don't know I have or don't know I dug it in the grave marked Unknown right next to Arch Stanton at the cemetery on Sad Hill. in Minecraft

Also see Weimar Germany

>> No.16124549
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This is sound advice. Same reason /biz/ has been so bad since late 2017. It's been hijacked by these satanic symbologists.

>> No.16124578
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Oh wow look, a fucking hexagon created by the 2D projection of a cube from a certain angle. a hexagon, a very common shape in nature no less.

>> No.16124581

>That has nothing to do with lizards and demons you dense motherfucker.
I was merely talking about the scientific validity of the holographic Universe. If you're interested in learning about the reptilian archons here's a great introduction:


No need to get angry fren, keep stacking!


>> No.16124594

>If you're interested in learning about the reptilian archons
I'm fine, dude. Theres no standard of proof by which any of this stuff can be validated, which is why I'm so tired of seeing it posted

>> No.16124599

>what does that have to do with the reliability of gold and silver
>grug use spears, rocks, chase animals 100,000 years
>why aren't you investing in spears?
Nobody uses silver for money anymore and they never will again. The Lindy Effect is over for silver money.

>> No.16124626

>he thinks space is real

>> No.16124639
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It's also blue. Not to mention how Jewish it is to shill a lie for money.

>> No.16124641

Spears are not used because they are inefficient compared to modern methods of combat or hunting. you have not stated your case as to why gold and silver are irrelevant in a modern economy. you are just doing exactly what lefty twitter shills do when they say they're on the "right side of history"

>> No.16124642

I dont mind pay a high premium if I like the design as well.

>> No.16124649

Do the math I asked if you’re going to reply faggots

>> No.16124657

wow really putting forth some compelling evidence for your case I see. Will you acknowledge anything that goes against your case or will you keep pushing all the feel good confirmation bias .

>How much if you wanted to give them one bitcoin? How about 10k link? How much of a deficit?
give who? what do you mean by deficit in this context?

>> No.16124697

I was shilled heavily into crypto until my job sent me here into the bay area. Local power company, PG&E, has shut down the power in the area a couple times to prevent wildfires. I've realized when SHTF crypto will be worthless. Cope faggots

>> No.16124704

You stupid faggot I responded to your argument of TWO THOUSAND YEARS and demonstrated why it is WRONG.

>you have not stated your case
You've already done it for me:
>Silver is not used because it is inefficient compared to modern methods of trading or saving.

I see what's going on here. The dishonesty of the argumentation seemed familiar.

>> No.16124716

Imagine not having solar power + batteries + starlink internet.

>> No.16124724

That's a jew rune and you know it, anon.

>> No.16124732

>he isn't stacking bags of pure salt and silver
stay poor, faggerino

>> No.16124738

I will, but no one else is going to. And the one who will wont accept BTC as payment when that time comes

>> No.16124768
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o rly?

>> No.16124795

People will do what they need to do to have internet. Zoomers have never even seen a world without internet. It probably comes before food in order of importance for survival for them. You think they're going to accept boomer rocks as payment without googling if they're actually worth anything first?

>> No.16124820

you are so fucking stupid I hope you are a troll

>> No.16124824
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Always some kike posting the asteroid mining omegaLARP

>> No.16124852

Cope. 99% of people are not going to buy your silver until they've checked it's price on the internet.

The internet is so valuable that people will ensure it continues to work. That's obvious unless you're a larping shtf boomer.

>> No.16124875

buy gold.
silver is constantly dropping in value compared to gold.
silver-bugs are a bunch of losers, no?

>> No.16124923

Fuck all this bullshit. I lost power for 5 days last week and they tried evacuating like 200k people

>> No.16124935
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>> No.16124936

>it is inefficient compared to modern methods of trading or saving.
no, you didnt explain why this is the case. I didn't think I needed to explain why spears are inefficient these days, so I didn't. But throw me a bone here, why is silver inefficient at trading and storing value?

>> No.16124942

>I see what's going on here. The dishonesty of the argumentation seemed familiar.
words words words.

>> No.16124943

dude I dont understand why or how you people do it out here. I'm suck in fremont for another month I'm absolutely miserable about it

>> No.16124959

I personally like bars, but some of the coin designs just look sweet. Might buy a couple 10ozs this week.

>> No.16124963

Honestly buy gold over silver. If you're buying it to hedge against literal apocalypse you might be fine but at the end of the day, gold won for a reason

>> No.16124967

Wtf is this gif from?

>> No.16124972

There will always be collectors. 30 years from now when the globalists have won and we are all digital slaves, silver and gold coins will be highly valued as collectibles like they are now. That won't change.

>> No.16124973
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>> No.16125047

Silver money isn't real, it's rock with a picture

>> No.16125063

People agreed for millenia across civilizations that silver is money. Fiat always reverts to its real value of nothing

>> No.16125073

People agree for millennia that things need to operate in X way- real value isn't a thing. Value is what we give something. Fiat loses value once people lose faith in the government backing it in the same way precious metals would lose value if people didn't give it value.

>> No.16125085

>Fiat loses value once people lose faith in the government backing it

Sounds like a good time to start stacking PMs then

>> No.16125095

I stack PMs. I'm just not deluded to think the value they have is some universal constant.

>> No.16125145

Lounging around while nature produces and abundance of food for you and then collecting it as needed is an awesome system. Idyllic. We didn't stop using spears because we found a more efficient way. The world changed and everyone adapted.

My main point is the world has changed and silver's lindy effect run has ended. If you think it's going to be used in the future you need to make arguments based off first principles of why it's more suitable than what we are doing now.

So you think the fiat ponzi is going to end soon? OK, any number of things could happen next. What are silver's prospects? Silver is good since it can't be inflated by a centralised group whenever they want. It is also highly divisible and fungible. Great. In the modern day though it really needs to work on the internet (something that wasn't around 2000 years ago). A fungible and anonymous crypto currency is just fundamentally better than silver .

>> No.16125525
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The true patrician choice is to collect Copper, Aluminum, Gold, and Silver. Melt your Copper and aluminum into ingots, bars, or small biscuits using a muffin pan. Usually Gold and Silver are in cool and aesthetic forms already so no need to melt it down.

Copper and aluminum are the most abundant and useful metals you can collect now for cheap, if shit hits the fan, you can use these metals to make a great number of things.

If you have no internet access, if the interwebs are down, or if you want to reduce your digital footprint in the end of times, you can always use Gold and Silver as currency, there's a reason they've been used for as long as they have.

>> No.16125544

>Boeing has developed a weapon that can target and destroy electronic systems in a specific building.
The blockchain is preserved in most of the world and my paper wallet is unaffected.

>> No.16125594

>A fungible and anonymous crypto currency is just fundamentally better than silver .
When electricity becomes unreliable due to the aforementioned civil instability due to fiat being inflated away, a cryptocurrency is just not viable any time soon. We would need a truly free society that never ends up just going on fiat before we could safely transition money to something like that.

>> No.16125401

A fungible and anonymous crypto currency is just fundamentally better than silver *in the year 2019* I mean to say. Obviously in 200BC when there was no internet silver was superior. That's my point.

>> No.16125473


Oops, did some government just wipe out your internweb monies by pushing a button?


>> No.16125742

Loss of electricity would not be permanent and the more unreliable it becomes, the more people will put things like batteries and solar panels in place. Even shithole countries in africa have electricity. I met an Iraqi who lived there during the war. People had generators or access to them for when the power went out.

Shtf people are 95% larpers. They want to go back to the idyllic simpler times. Sorry, shits going to hit the fan but as bad as it would be without electricity, it will probably be worse (but there will be electricity and internet).

>> No.16125983
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I hold silver but sometimes I feel like these infotexts left out the fact that silver was mined by hand back then. Nowadays you have gorillion sized excavators exploding rock 24/7 and automated processes. It's true silver is limited but you can't deny that the quantity silver found hasn't risen from the Roman ages.

>> No.16126045

Sure, i'll trade you a months worth of food for whats on your paper wallet. When the electricity goes out, you will have nothing.

>> No.16126056
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Plus most silver is only mined as a byproduct of metals people actually want. I still hold my silver as a reminder never to listen to boomers. Also where am I going to sell it anyway lmao

>sure I'll trade you a months worth of food for some shiny rocks

>> No.16126064

You will because everyone else will be doing the same. Shiny metal is money.

>> No.16126260

Bitcoin killed any hopes of a silver revival, and one day gold will be today's silver.

>> No.16126632

That's cool, never thought of that
Might buy a kilo just for that.

>> No.16126676

nobody is arguing that bitcoin would still have value if electricity didn't exist.
that's just a fucking insane thing to think would happen.

>> No.16126736

where the fuck can i get these bad boys? sauce please

>> No.16126826

Yeah when thinking about a SHTF scenario people imagine we will be going back to stone age when in reality the US and Europe will just become one giant favela. I wonder how quantum computing will affect bitcoin/crypto's sustainability

>> No.16126843

Silver is more used than gold, electronic devices, solar panels use a lot of silver and most of it is permanently lost

>> No.16127402
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If there is no electricity, the most valuable currency will be gas, ammo, food. Any sane government will not consider cryptoscam as a currency. Central banks hold neither silver, nor uranium, or anything like that, only GOLD. GTFO Crypto Larpers.