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16123628 No.16123628 [Reply] [Original]

You have 30 SECONDS to prove that own ONE (1) just ONE firearm.

>> No.16123632

Kys fed

>> No.16123643

Depreciating asset only good for insurance, you should only buy guns if you're living in the ghetto to save on rent and/or commuting time.

>> No.16123646

>Thinks only Mutts have guns
Tonnes of guns in Europe, Just very few in the hands of the poor. This is the way it should be.

Why are the mutts so fucking arrogant?
inB4 >MUH freest country in the world

>> No.16123650


What kind of a shithole donyou live in that you need a gun? Buy shares



>> No.16123661


>> No.16123670

I have 30 seconds to close this not business nor finance related thread

>> No.16123708
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Not afraid to use it if you fuckers try and get greasy with me either

>> No.16123717
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evening niggers

>> No.16123719

>I'm a Mutt this is how we solve even simple problems

>> No.16123726

>literally no mention whatsoever of country, continent, or ethnicity in the OP
True obsession here

>> No.16123730


>> No.16123734

I own far more than just one. I want more, but I live in California which is so cucked its not even America anymore. Can’t even buy ammo here, have to go to Nevada for it now. One of my raifus is worth an untold number of felonies here btw, again because my state is cucked beyond belief.

>> No.16123743
File: 239 KB, 1086x610, balsum18-dream-holland-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depreciating asset
You don't know shit about guns. Hunting shotguns and rifles by reputable companies appreciate faster than crypto. 1980s Holland and Holland guns go around $100,000 per piece.
Limited edition art collections appreciate moderately.
Rare guns with unusual engineering like Mateba can easily do a 10x in a decade.

>> No.16123746
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>.t greatest ally
In terms of civilian gun ownership yes freest country in the world
>he cant afford h&h or machine guns

>> No.16123748

Your boyfriends dog is cute
Oh come off it, it obvious. look at what time it is. the board takes a massive dumb then you cunts wake up.

>> No.16123750

>depreciating asset
You dont know much about guns.

>> No.16123759

>In terms of civilian gun ownership yes freest country in the world
What about in Yeman where you can buy RPGs & AKS @ a market...Again, why are mutts so arrogant?

>> No.16123765

i cant because i live in a blue state that only sells rifles to 21 and over

>> No.16123771

>muh Yemen and Somalia

Its a retarded argument and you know it would you rather work and raise your family in Somalia or Vermont? There's your answer.

>> No.16123772

Yup control your chimp outs Ahmed or I will indeed end you

>> No.16123779


>President can outright ban whatever accessories he wants

Don’t complain when some Dem President bans magazines, grips, optics, trigger groups, barrels, etc etc

>> No.16123784

lmao like you'll really move to fucking yemen to buy guns.
The US is the only country in the first world where you can own a gun without a single fucking problem and we have every right to boast about it so stay salty you fucking eurofaggot.

>> No.16123785

I never said it was perfect but it is still factually and objectively better than any other country and it will keep getting better

>> No.16123806


>keep getting better

Lmao. Gun rights have been eroded for 100+ years and will only get worse as whites die off and more shitskins flood in.

>> No.16123810

Fuck guns. They should be illegal worldwide.

>> No.16123813

>appendix carrying a 1911 condition one with extended mag

d....don't shoot your nuts off anon

>> No.16123814


>> No.16123830
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In some things yes but not in others. Concealed carry of firearms was very restricted even in the "wild west" and the number of states liberalizing carry laws have increased for the last 3 decades. There is much progress to be made but we are still objectively the best country in the world when it comes to the subject of law and civilian firearm ownership. This is an indisputable fact and it is the reason why the U.N and China publish reports about the "American gun problem"

>> No.16123833

Look be honest the only thing Mutts are #1 @ is debt. You aren't free, sorry you got brainwashed by America is # 1 propaganda. You made a very provably false statement, sorry your ignorant to the reality of the world.

I would never want to live in either Somalia or Vermont. I couldn't stand being around the populous in either shithole.

Burgerland is not the first world.
Also he was using the tired, MUH we're #1 on something obviously provably false. He's a mutt, he's arrogant. he's brainwashed.
>where you can own a gun without a single fucking problem
Are you legit retarded? what about felons? What about age restrictions? what about buying full automatic new guns? What about...the list goes on Mutt

>> No.16123845

If you're ever in NYC the Metropolitan museum of art has an arms and armor gallery with some true works of art.

>> No.16123850

>he doesn't see the opportunity cost of being enough of a gun nerd to capitalize on those opportunities.

>> No.16123858
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I can see you are retarded. What country do you live in anon? Can you answer that truthfully? Because chances are Vermont has a higher standard of living and a lower violent crime rate than your country and you can own and openly carry guns freely and without permit if you are a citizen of age.

>> No.16123861

glowniggers need the rope

>> No.16123878
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>what about....
>what about.....
>what about.....
Jesus christ, if only you had any idea of how much of a fucking loser you sound like if said that to somebody here. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.16123896
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>to prove that own

>> No.16123909

>Nobody gives a shit.
COPE Harder

>> No.16123932

i've got more money invested in my guns than i do in crypto. i just bought a $1600.00 russian molot vepr AK47 last month and put a $1000.00 aimpoint comp m5 red dot on it

>> No.16123936

No really, nobody cares if you own guns.
Stop assuming that shareblue state gun laws apply to the entire fucking country.
>What is private sale?

>> No.16123992

First off you obviously care! Hence the responses.
>What is private sale?
See I already preempted this type of response where I said NEW
COPE Harder Mutt

>> No.16124013
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Then buy used???

>> No.16124031
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>I already preempted this type of response where I said NEW
Make your own you faggot

>> No.16124034
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>> No.16124046
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fuck off glow nigger

>> No.16124081

I lost them all in a boating accident

>> No.16124085

Not everything needs to appreciate in monetary value

>> No.16124097
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Rent free nigga

>> No.16124107

Of course!
It's just the one Anon made a obviously false statement. Then Mutts do what Mutts do, defend the U S A.

Its basically a STEM from world war 2...the 3d printed stuff is cool also, shame about the longevity.

>> No.16124544

nice try ATF

>> No.16124589

>europe has guns
0.22 cal and BB guns don't count europoor

>> No.16124619
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>> No.16124622


>> No.16124628

Why the fuck is the hammer back? Have you never heard of double action?

>> No.16124813

Kocked n locked mofo

>> No.16124821

Nice try feds

>> No.16124833

I got six hand guns, six rifles, and six crossbows for each of my family members

>> No.16124857

I assure you that the only person on 4channel who has more firearms than myself is burt.

>> No.16124869

For some odd reason I have a marlin 336. Will eventually come around to getting a mossberg shorty and a couple revolvers. How you guys feel about uberti?

>> No.16124882

Sorry but I live in a country where schools don't get shot up.

>> No.16124891


I bench your max deadlift, I don't need a firearm.

>> No.16124904
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>> No.16124914

Wilkes total of 2500 lbs.
I doubt it senpai

>> No.16125000

> 2500

I military press this at maxrep.

>> No.16125008

One day i hope i have as much swag as you

>> No.16125021

>vermont is America's
Face facts. Our country is a jew shit hole. Its not freeb anymore. Actual third world shitholes are more free

>> No.16125025
File: 1.04 MB, 500x281, 67f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Depreciating asset
LMAO guns and ammo prices increase and NEVER decrease. Ammunition is probably the safest investment choice we have in the economy; the only risk is if the government suddenly bans all ownership and takes it from you. Besides that you are 100% guaranteed to make a clear profit just hoarding ammo and selling it double online during a panic.

>> No.16125053


>> No.16125128

Firearm control doesny lie in the gun, but the ammo

>> No.16125195

Boring collection but functional