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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16121886 No.16121886 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/, i'm just some dumb bitch from FL but I don't want this life. I'm 18 so i've decided that through years of doing nothing with my life and not learning anything, I want to change that so that I can actually live a life, go around the world but i'm latino so... naturally poor. I've decided to move out from this house and maybe move to some place like Ohio or something and save up 4k to buy some cheap 20,000 house or something. I want to then dedicate my time to find ways to become rich. Sell a well thought out product and market the shit out of it, stream, have a youtube channel for some extra income, make some money off a shitty app. Maybe rent out a property or two. I want real guidance, it's hard trying to pick out the pieces when all i've been dealt are fucking crumbs. I want to live a good life so please. Tell me anything you think might help. Or give me ways on how to make money. Anything please, I don't want to seem desperate but I can't continue to lie to myself and it hurts to know I am. Someone told me to just start doing it but I can't seem to find any motivation to do a lot of things anymore.

>> No.16121964

Meet some rich guy from /biz/ who also lives in FL.

>> No.16121975

women are only good for one thing. monetize it or die poor

>> No.16122029

Tits or gtfo

>> No.16122054


>> No.16122082

I am glad we are still following protocol in such trying times.

>> No.16122120
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The only jobs for young women are prone bone.
Look just post a selfie somewhere and some thirsty lame will start to stalk you and send you money.

>> No.16122131

omg you are such a brave lady for writing this emotional message, i hope you find your happiness in life my beauty

>> No.16122373

im a fucking guy

>> No.16122424
File: 15 KB, 292x192, C4E73689-4E29-4E9F-B8AD-EDC13820ECCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why the hell did you address yourself as bitch you dumb tranny

>> No.16122437

And? It's 2019 ignoramus

>> No.16122448

stay strong anon

>> No.16122449
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>> No.16122451

show boipucci

>> No.16122467
File: 382 KB, 715x1000, 77037277_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the way you type you should like a trannie.

Go dilate

>> No.16122472


>> No.16122496
File: 103 KB, 394x317, vergin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will help you: Roger Vers business story and how he became a crypto billionaire


>> No.16122502

Show feet
>will take anything I can get

>> No.16122581
File: 117 KB, 654x960, 8B1C52AC26A24192AA8EE3DB084537CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is such a comfy pic on so many levels.

Ok OP first thing you need to do is get rid of your victim mentality, like calling yourself a bitch and saying you have no opportunities because you are latino. You have more opportunities here than anywhere else so make the most of them. Go to college or to trade school if you can it will open more opportunities than never studying. If you join the military they will pay for your college education and you get basic medical insurance. If you are smart you can try and pick a job in the military that will teach you skills you want to use when you get out. Why do you want to move to Ohio? Will your business benefit from the move or just the cost of living? You need to start making money and saving/ investing it whether in crypto or stocks or in a hedge fund so start looking for jobs while you plan your business idea carefully. You are 18 you can become a trucker or an oil rig worker and make bank for a couple of years. Getting an insurance adjuster license in Florida is very easy and costs about $400 and adjustors can make ridiculous amounts of money without needing any sort of degree and having limited experience, especially in hurricane season. Now get the fuck off 4chan and go do something

>> No.16122926
File: 1.70 MB, 3024x3024, 1567920317893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to be rich without having to wait until i'm in my late 20's and i feel that if i put my mind to it I can accomplish it, you said i have a victim mentality and i was like this cunt, then i read up on it and holy fuck im blind. i put ohio because weed lol, its reduced there and its cheap living. I don't like the household i'm in as well and i'd like to live alone for a bit and have a life, find a girlfriend, make some new quality life lasting friends, you get where i'm going? I feel the military isn't for me, maybe the position where I get to be on the boat but that's about it. But I want to be a multi-millionaire before 23 basically. I'm sorry if this paragraph is long or poorly thought out or written very poorly.

>> No.16122977

reread the above if necessary, but this is based god and good spirit of /biz/ talking to you to stay out of here
just google jeff bezos - fucking latino from fl who made it (btw avoid trannies)

>> No.16123454

Post butthole