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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 112 KB, 1200x600, truckcaraccident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16118868 No.16118868 [Reply] [Original]

>driving on highway
>get hit in the back by UPS truck
>driver is apologetic. is his fault
>planning on exaggerating pain and getting lawyer for maximum settlement
>driver was a nice guy, dont want to screw him over; just want to get paid by his company.
am I screwing the guy over by milking this or is his punishment going to be the same? or is he already fired? I just want to get money because I need it.

>> No.16118921

Zero impact on the employee.
Sue his company’s pants off .
You’ve earned it anon
Just don’t be cheap, hire a lawyer,
1st go to the ER and tell them you’ve thrown up and feel head dizzy since the accident, they will do CT and MRI, will come back clean but it’s a expensive test .
then get in lots of chiropractors visits.
Say your back and bum are in pain and u cant sleep. Let it drag out for 3-4 months then settle
You’ll be compensated $20k-$30k + medical bills.

>> No.16118926

His fate is the same regardless. Go for max not just for money but because you might actually have long term injuries that haven’t surfaced yet from this

>> No.16118930

Do you know how fucking rich UPS is, do you know how shady and half-assed their practices are?

Sue the ever living motherfuck out of them, it has zero impact on whether they fire the employee or not, zero

>> No.16118945

The more treatment equals more bills which equals pain and suffering.
Also say your neck is hurting badly and you can’t turn it all the way.

Do this before u get a estimate for your car or see a lawyer.
The Emergency Room is the 1st stop you need to make like within 24 hrs of your accident

>> No.16118950

I know someone that did this and they got $2 million. Whether or not it was an accident or an "accident", I don't know.

>> No.16118985
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Don't forget to claim Hollacast trauma and anti-semitism.

>> No.16119039

UPS has a strong union so nothing will happen to the driver unless he has a history of incidents. I worked there briefly and there were drivers who would show up drunk and just get sent home because they couldn't be fired. 1 driver got fired for accidents but it is because he had like 7 incidents in a few month window and cost the company hundreds of thousands in property damage for just being careless

>> No.16119205
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>can I commit insurance fraud
>is there anything wrong with it

The amount of shekelsteins and handrubbing in this thread is disgusting I bet the people advising you to commit fraud complain about spics milking the system

>> No.16119228

Who gives a shot nigga. Just milk the system as much as you can. You think rich people give a shit about being honest or ethical? Fuck that noise.

>> No.16119233

Fuck off nigger

>> No.16119245

Stay cucked my man

>> No.16119275

based undercover shekelposting
defend the insurance jew, goy

>> No.16119279

I've been in this situation but I was in a taxi and it was some random dude not UPS driver. I opted not to go for the insurance fraud.

>> No.16119293

from what i've heard if a ups driver gets into an accident they are put back into the warehouse as an unloader/loader. so he probably wont be fired but he will lose his nice comfy driving job.

>> No.16119294

Old girlfriend got hit by a drunk driver getting off work one night. Car was totaled. Got a concussion and went to the ER. Within 72 hours the guys insurance had offered her $30K towards a new vehicle as long as she settled. She was a nice girl so she took it.

Don't expect a large company to be that forthcoming with anything. Take that money hand over fist, it's yours.

>> No.16119335
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>> No.16119342

Did it originally get reported as an injury accident on scene? Did you leave in an ambulance?

If so it's reported on his CDL MVR as an at fault injury accident anyways..don't think there's a difference in severity until deaths occur. Will only effect him if fired/trying to get hired elsewhere...in which case the firing will report it anyways as "fired because of accident/injury accident".

>> No.16119769


>> No.16119855

no ambulance. and guys its actually Fedex, not UPS, sorry got mixed up. They're equally big though. I just spoke with a lawyer. the crash wasn't huge like the pic. just a dent. It felt more intense though from inside the car because my car is so little.

>> No.16119884

Is this the can I sue thread? 6 years ago some dick t boned me and I slowly lost feeling in 1/3 of my thigh over a day or two. Went to the ER and they said it was just swelling and it may take months or a few years to heal. Been 6 as I said and I can still barely feel it. Used to wake me up random nights like a flaming knife dragging through my leg for about a minute. Still happens but not as much. Has it been too long?

>> No.16119964

Spics, nigs, and boomers all leech off of this monopoly money shell game so much you'd be retarded not to. The entire FIRE sector has raped American prosperity so hard giving them anything but a bullet to the head would be letting them off easy.

>> No.16119966

You can try. It would help if the guy is rich or something. find a good personal injury lawyer in your state and ask. they do free consultation and with the guys im talking to, there is no fee unless you get a settlement.