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16115972 No.16115972 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone redpill me on something that will really make me think?

>> No.16115989
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>> No.16116002


>> No.16116131

What were the human's end goals in The Matrix? If it was to recreate a hierarchical human society like the one within the matrix itself, just without machines, what's the point of them even fighting the machines? Should they embrace the matrix, everybody wins. Should they reject the matrix and fight, the humans win, but they live in a shitty recreation of what the matrix already was, a hierarchical human society, just with a blown out sky and living in the ground eating slop.

tl;dr: the humans literally had no good reason to fight the machines, but this is often overlooked.

>> No.16116194

Cheers anon I loved this. Thank you.

>> No.16116201

Thank you

>> No.16116262
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you live in a deception in which you do not recognise yourself as a mere beast. The illusion is apparent all around you because 99.9% of people go about their daily lives without considering their own nature, happy to work, exploit, consume etc just to please their beastial unconscious nature. They exist as slaves in a system that they do not understand. You, however are beginning to wake up. You see the desires of most people as profane, that almost everything people do is to satisfy their beastial urges. You see the ignorance of people as their weakness, perhaps you will consider death as greater than putting up with this ignorance, perhaps you will consider killing everybody as even greater.
You live in the dialectic now, anybody you may encounter might be an agent of the system and whilst you can navigate most people easily, occasionnally you will cross somebody who knows their beastial nature. This person may be awake or asleep. If they are awake they will pose a challenge, but not a threat. If they are asleep they may well kill you and thus your mid brain will trigger flight or fright responses that your prefrontal cortex is yet to understand. Much of the work you do will occur in a fantasy state as the nature of people (and yourself) gradually becomes apparent. Ultimately you will know your greatness and your evilness as one in your own being and you as the master of all creation if you can sufficiently navigate the esoteric path.
Best of luck.

>> No.16116271

Human heat < ask

>> No.16116272

>"It is dangerous to show man too clearly how much he resembles the beast, without at the same time showing him his greatness....[and] to allow him too clear a vision of his greatness without his baseness. It is even more dangerous to leave him in ignorance of both." -Pascal

>> No.16116276


>> No.16116287

If I don’t live for my beast tendencies, what do i live for? What’s the end goal? Why am I given the chance to see the other side of it all?

>> No.16116335

Observe the lack of real satisfaction found from whatever vices you have. Turn that dissatisfaction inside and see what your will really desires. Question everything and do not be afraid of social convention. Tame the beast and make it your slave towards a higher goal. You hold the carrot and the stick. Choice is the problem.

>> No.16116353

I love this board. Thank you anon.

>> No.16116386
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You choose your own level of involvement.
Oh, wait. My bad. That's Fight Club.
Still. Good advice.

>> No.16116392

Carve your initials into some Aspen bark at the very least, faggot

>> No.16116442

exodus 3:14, know it and you will have the key to freedom from slavery

>> No.16116470

Im you, we are all you.

>> No.16116567

>Question everything and do not be afraid of social convention. Tame the beast and make it your slave towards a higher goal. You hold the carrot and the stick. Choice is the problem.


Just to add, be curious about spirituality. Not from a "another fad" standpoint, but from a neuroscience / quantum mechanics / healing standpoint. Why HRV (hear rate variability) goes high of you attend a devotional congregation ? why DHEAS increases if you do a charity and help someone. Inquire different belief systems such as Buddhism / Qi Gong / Yoga. Question everything but open for possibilities. Science based on clinical studies / statistics / classical nature is too restrictive and a synonym of materialism. Instead embrace quantum mechanics / indigenous believes on interconnectedness of all things in earth / sustainability / spirituality.

Life is too complicated to be arisen randomly from a bigbang. There are other bodies that vibrate at higher frequencies. You can't experience that in a NY business office. Go for a 2-month trip in tibet and realise that.

t. An atheist techie who have transformed himself to spirituality ('bhakti')

>> No.16116617

Be careful with atheist techies, they lack historical knowledge and naturally have greater faith in materialism. The light of civilisation is oh so fragile and while darkness serves it never wins. Hold onto the light at all costs.

>> No.16116623

>they lack historical knowledge and naturally have greater faith in materialism. The light of civilisation
agreed !

>> No.16116625

>99.9% of people go about their daily lives without considering their own nature, happy to work, exploit, consume etc just to please their beastial unconscious nature.
I miss being 17 and thinking I'm special

>> No.16116635

It’s true, you just gave up at 17.

>> No.16116650

It's not true. They're the same as you and vice versa

>> No.16116658

Knowledge is power. One has the abstraction while one lives in ignorance. It is the master/slave dialectic played into reality.

>> No.16116696

Good man. Lots of dark magic taking place in silicon valley. Useful for the moment but futile ultimately.

>> No.16116720

Unapplied knowledge is worthless. Stop spending so much time in your head and take action.

>> No.16116841

People have different levels of self awareness and introspection. Assuming everyone is the same is naive. Think, even you yourself had different levels of introspection etc. at different ages in life. If it can vary that much in one person, surely it can vary between people as well. Two 40 year olds may have very different understandings of the world and of themselves.

>> No.16116900

The Jews did 9/11, lied about the holocaust and attacked the USS Liberty

>> No.16116933
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wat dis word mean?

>> No.16116955

read philosophy; or just watch Ghost in the Shell original movie and then the sequel Innocence

>> No.16116998

Nice to see a fellow hardcore atheist growing out of the religion and spirituality is stupid. I am by no means religious and think most of the main religions are just cozy story we tell our self to feel good, but that they may have some deeper truth to it. What really made thinks click for my overly logic mind was Christopher Langans Cognitive Theoretic Model Of The Universe (CTMU). It is a complete theoretic model of the universe and it includes the mental and spiritual part of humans and God too. With god is meant the everything, the universe and the reality as a whole. Not only the creator, but also the created. A hard concept to wrap around and may sound like newage, but it is built from the ground up stone by stone with logic. It was always impossible for me to accept a god or higher being as described in the mainstream, but with the CTMU it is different. It is a rational way to thinking of the god concept. He is a very interesting guy and his theory is very unconventional, but to me it seems more plausible and complete than any other theory I have encountered. Give it a read, at least just a quick glans in the start to familiarize yourself with it. It is a heavy theory to digest, but very satisfactory

Great read!

Is it now I tell you that bsv is unironically bitcoin and craig is an unironic satoj? :-p
look into it. seriously

>> No.16117015

All of you fags are probably white and yet you think Eastern spirituality is so healing. Yoga this esoteric that.

Have you fags ever considered religious pluralism? Maybe what Jesus taught was the condensed version of yoga? Maybe loving thy neighbour and doing unto others is all you need to reach the same state? Think about it dummy.

As a practicing Sikh I see the best parts of faith available to everyone right in their own backyards. You guys need to stop chasing shit you already possess for free.

>> No.16117044

go back
diversity is a meme and it's unwanted

>> No.16117184
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> forgetting this deleted scene

>> No.16117195

Lmao please continue to waste your time anon. Have fun with your shit life being jealous of strangers lol the elites are laughing at you because you can't tell enemies from friends from npc.

And also try to seperate the good from the bad when you try to clarify your thoughts. You doomers are so cringe lol Have fun blowing each other on this silk textile exchange forum.

>> No.16117252
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Seethe more incel

>> No.16117267

People use redpill in an unironic way to espouse some hidden or secret 'truth', that ends up being white supremacist pseudoscience or bullshit incel resentment towards woman because the person offering the redpill is a useless miserable fuckboi.

But the Matrix uses it in a way to suggest either a transperson realizing themselves or a realization of the fundamental slavery that is capitalism (using workers as batteries).

This is because 'redpillers' tend to be illiterate and uneducated Shinrah bootlickers

>> No.16117297

>but this is often overlooked.

No it's not lol, Cypher's entire thing was having realized that and betraying the others to go back in.

>> No.16117352

NEO wasnt the one, Agent Smith was.

NEO questioned everything not understand his purpose where Agent Smith was a disease vector from the start that stood apart from the agents. He was supposed to be the best of them and instead he corrupts and sabotages it to climb out of the prison that is his existence

>> No.16117366


>> No.16117373
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For Young Anons, Cheatcodes for Adulthood.

1. You are valuable. Even now, within you, exists enormous, untapped potential.
2. Take care of yourself. Be your own father and mother in adulthood. Appreciate the things you do for yourself.

3. Physical reality is the highest authority.
4. The universes operates on cause and effect.
5. Balance is the universal law.
6. Change is the universal constant.

7. What you choose to believe changes how you perceive reality. (Confirmation Bias)
8. Breathing is the most important thing you’ll ever do.
(Practice mediation. Sit in a comfortable position and pay attention to your breathing, thoughts and emotions will occur, accept them and return to your breathing. Over time deepen and slow your breath. (“theta” binaural beats are a useful shortcut))
9. The most important decisions you’ll ever make is how you choose to eat, sleep and exercise.
(Whole-food, plant-based diet with healthy fats (eg. nuts, virgin olive oil) and proteins (eg. beef, eggs, fish).)
(Set aside 9 hours for sleep every night. Have an hour of relaxation beforehand. Caffeine can cripple sleep.)
(Lift weights and do HIIT cardio. Give yourself ample time to recover and stretch often. Do your facepulls.)

>> No.16117392
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10. People are inherently and oft unalterably illogical. Generally humans are tribal and think according to the herd (Ad populum).
11. To understand some one look to their motives, and then their history. Only trust somebody to do what they’ve done before.
12. Our species has a natural inclination to create false dichotomies in an effort to understand a world too complex to grasp.
13. Attractiveness, ability and humour are everything in the social sphere. Attractiveness is a by-product of good health.
14. Talk sense to a fool and they’ll call you a fool. You can’t help somebody who doesn’t want help.
15. Knowledge without application is meaningless.
16. Everything is made of patterns, if you understand those patterns, you can manipulate them.
17. To fully understand something look at it from as many different perspectives as possible.
18. The ego is just a necessary tool for survival, it’s an illusion which changes over time.
19. Inner peace is not being a stone beneath the sea, it is to sail the surface and feel free.
20. It’s better to play with the hand you have, rather than the hand you wish you had.
21. One can not be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.
22. An intelligent mind can entertain ideas without accepting or rejecting them.
23. Friendship and family give life more meaning that philosophy ever could.
24. Specialization of skill is good for the economy but not for the individual.
25. Niceness is often a refuge of the weak however it feels good to be nice.
26. Endorsing your appreciation of an action is to promote that behaviour.
27. Hope can be as crippling as fear yet can also lead you to salvation.
28. You have the absolute freedom to choose what you’re enslaved to.
29. Insults can often reveal more about the donator than the recipient.
30. Lust is akin to a drug that corrupts logic, it’s often called love.
31. Doing nothing can be more productive then doing something.

>> No.16117400
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32. Love is grown through the shared collection of experiences.
33. Randomness, chance and probability are human inventions.
34. Creatine and Lion’s Mane are worthwhile, safe nootropics.
35. There is no such thing as free, everything requires a cost.
36. Exposing yourself to a fear will eventually eradicate it.
37. The key to strength is the understanding of weakness.
38. Mastering the basics is the heart of real achievement.
39. Good/Bad, right/wrong are subjective by definition.
40. If you’re smart, you either win or learn, never lose.
41. Permanent happiness is a fictional state of being.
42. Nothing is original, creativity is cut and paste.
43. Honour your parents while they are still alive.
44. Paths to enlightenment are often demonised.
45. Lying is a highly useful and valuable skill.
46. Reality>Imagination; Actions>Thoughts.
47. Discomfort is an intrinsic part of growth.
48. Genius lies in understanding simplicity.
49. Contentedness is the core of happiness.
50. The key to freedom is responsibility.
51. Money is a currency of opportunity.
52. Repetition is the way of discipline.
53. Destruction is a form of creation.
54. Doubt is a means to intelligence.
55. Laughter can save your sanity.
56. Pain is an opportunity to learn.
57. Knowledge grants power.
58. Drugs are simply tools.
59. Listen to learn.

>> No.16117408
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60. Death is final, absolute and inevitable.
61. You could die tomorrow. You could actually die tomorrow.
62. Death gives life purpose.
63. The purpose of life is to survive and reproduce.
64. There is no objective meaning to life, meaning is a human conception.
65. The subjective meaning of life may be whatever you choose.
66. Time and energy are finite currencies.
67. Every moment you spend is an investment.

68. You are simply a point of consciousness (with limited control) observing the largely automated operation of (an inherently flawed) biological machine as it reacts to it’s environment.
69. Enjoy life and have fun, because why not.

>> No.16117541


>> No.16117559

Agent Smith was The One.

>> No.16118018
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Make your choice OP. Do you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?

>> No.16118023
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Also, you will find this one interesting

>> No.16118036

I think that was supposed to be part of the message, that freedom is ugly and uncomfortable and not preferable to everyone

>> No.16118038
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The matrix was about the struggle of Christianity vs Judaism.
The wachowski's got neutered for it.

>> No.16118055
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>> No.16118072

Can someone redpill me on why the Wachowskis got sex changes?

>> No.16118099
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Pic rel is most likely a larp but it gets you thinking

>> No.16118107
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>> No.16118119
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>> No.16118120

They both cut off their penises? strange, didn't know that.

>> No.16118127
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>> No.16118137

Imagine taking life advice from 4chan

>> No.16118273

You are special anon. This isn’t the end.

>> No.16118286

Any recommendations on things to read?

>> No.16118300

I’ll ready the theory. God speed anon

>> No.16118422


>> No.16118782

That movie just fuds the reality, don't fall for it

>> No.16118822

>white supremacist pseudoscience or bullshit incel resentment towards woman

You forgot transphobic BULLSHIT!!!

>> No.16118826

seriously though how do you fucking retards even exist, and how do you end up on 4chan? go back to wherever you came from

>> No.16118856

Kind of funny though, that it represents freedom in a cave whereas its the opposite with Plato. In any sense wouldnt want to live in that Nick Landian horror-crap realm

>> No.16118864

Based. I made the same decision.

>> No.16118882

Because the real hierarchical human society in the wasteland future at least has the possibility of progress, one day.
The simulation is a dead end.

>> No.16118972

same, the caveman apocolypse world looks pretty shit and the ai is bound to take over again because the humans need it to survive. I guess it would be bareable if you could jack into custom matrix sims but living the wall-e life probably would get old

>> No.16119041
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>> No.16119469

pretty good

>> No.16119571

b A S E D
brain B L O W N ‘ D