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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 65 KB, 1274x704, Millionaire-vs-Billionaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16115572 No.16115572 [Reply] [Original]

Shit like this, hot chicks and fast cars get more more into the business mindset.

I see so much about "all these material things are pointless"
then why do they give me so much motivation? so much energy?
It's not even about getting those things.
It's about the power they emit. I want to emit that power.
I don't even know the fancy brands. I just like the way those things look.
I think I'm true to this way of life. I can't be persuaded away anymore.
i'm starting to become the abusive husband and father that doesn't care.
I'm turning into all these "typically" wrotten things because i'm not pursuing what's true to me.

itt: hot chicks, fast cars, fancy shit.
that's all I need.
I need to get away from being around no-ambition losers that things chakra and voodoo magic and prayers are going to make their miserable lives better.

>> No.16115724

Itt: shit personalities with no soul, taste, or culture

>> No.16115782

Some may call it selfishness but it's thr healthy thing. Targeting at mediocrity is an unhealthy practise and the reason most people are mindless sheep, even though it's not their fault entirely since most ofnthem don't possess the intelligence for something greater.

>> No.16115820
File: 70 KB, 617x602, 1556558700926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you as well as many others suffer not from greed, but from pride. Be humble, in that you will find the fulfillment you seek.

>> No.16115832


>> No.16116196


i'm actually a really nice guys.
so shit personality? only time i've been turned into a shit person is when i persist to try to be something i'm not. and i let society squeeze me into shit i don't want to be..
you sound like society.

from pride?
you mean... that darwinian thing that's kept my genetics at the forefront?
because I value myself? that's my problem?
maybe my problem is that i keep trying to believe in things that are counter darwinian

>> No.16116209
File: 985 KB, 2187x1440, 4vxjsamd5o731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16116220

this . is a piece of fucking art
thank you anon.

>> No.16116277

do nothing but listen to gangsta rap and watch porn for 2 months. It will change your life.

>> No.16116646

Imagine you manage to get everything you want.
Then what next ?
You are trying to fill a void of meaning in your life with meaningless possessions.
Also why do you want/need to emit power ?
Do you want to impress dumb people ?
Was it a lack of power in your life ?
It's good to have a big goal in life, but you have to be sure that this is what you really want.

>> No.16116656

>Imagine you manage to get everything you want.
it's not about a specific material thing though

>Do you want to impress dumb people ?
I want it to win over a beautiful top-tier wife. or at least score the best concubines

>It's good to have a big goal in life, but you have to be sure that this is what you really want.
I've really tried to be a normal man. But this is something I've driven towards. constantly.
i wake up. and I plan on taking over the world
all i think about is becoming god.
and i know that's impossible,
but it's the only thing that keeps me grounded (unironically)

>> No.16116803

What you want is maybe to have a big impact on the world.
Starting a company, writing a book, making a blog, developing a new technology, making a new discovery may be a possible way to do this.
Is there something specific you want to change or that you is connected to your current hobbies ?
You could try to make a difference with something small first in a field you have a bit of affinity with and try to extend it.

You will certainly win over a top-tier gold digger this way.
But this won't last long, and she will quickly bring you to your ruin.
The more money and power you have, the harder it will be to find a decent woman.

>> No.16116819

enjoy your shit life when you get all that stuff and realize it means nothing

>> No.16116887

You sound like youre on coke.

>> No.16116910

>What you want is maybe to have a big impact on the world.
that is exactly what i'm trying to do.

okay. i am just going to get back to coding

>> No.16116914

>i wake up. and I plan on taking over the world
>all i think about is becoming god.
sounds like some villain, OP watches too many movies maybe

>> No.16116934

You should try to make a plan for your life for very long term.
Find out what is important to you, what you like, and then what you can do.
There must be a dream you had that you gave up on because you found it to be too hard or unrealistic.
All you have to do in that case is to remember it, and try to realize it even if it seems impossible.

>> No.16116962

This is a good way to describe an INTJ personality.
The world certainly needs a savior in its current state, but I think that only somebody who is a demi-god or a very big group of smart people with a common goal would be able to achieve something significant.
4chan seems to have a group of smart people who want to change society through /pol. Some of them also went to /biz.
But somebody needs to find a way to make it more than that.

>> No.16117016

Motivation and persistence is extremely powerful, i keep a $100 bill taped above my doorway which i like to think motivates me to kick ass every day. And yes, surrounding yourself with successful people increases your chance of success. I keep my room extremely clean and buy nice things which also helps to keep me motivated. I just want the best everything and i'll do whatever it takes to get it, because i deserve it.

>> No.16117088

Comfy as fuck
Needs some more art on the walls though and then it would be 10/10 kino

>> No.16117101
File: 46 KB, 609x430, 3C936C6F-4E4D-47D2-B931-54B296D4AAF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16117116

you're a normie of around average iq, and trillions dollar marketing budgets are spent on marketing these things to you
that's all there is to it
understand the very same marketing also instills you with behavior patterns that will make these things forever out of reach for you, just close enough to get a taste but not so much you hop off the treadmill
leaving you with one of two choices (if success is your goal)
>isolate yourself from marketing so you can discover your real wants
>keep your current wants, but stop daydreaming and act
basically if you want the boat in your picture, you need to close this tab and never ever come back to 4chan

>> No.16117330

People who buy these things do it either as a dick measuring contest or as a way to try to fill the void their experience.

A middle/middle upper westerner today enjoys more luxury than kings and emperors of ancient times: exotic food at any time of the day anywhere, entire libraries, music or movies one click away, the possibility to go almost anywhere in the world in mere hours, double the life expectancy, etc... Yet most people are dissatisfied and don't seem more happy than precedent generations.

You focus on trinkets because you don't even understand that what you crave deeply is ascending the social hierarchy. You're an easily influencable loser and a poorfag who never experienced any amount of dominance and your conception of success in life is why you will never have any.

>> No.16117398

serotonin is all that matters. we dont live like kings by far

>> No.16117443

I just want to become extremely rich to help the system and finance decent and visionary entrepreneurs. The comfy life will come along.

>> No.16117456

> Having the weight of a nation on your shoulders

>> No.16117752
File: 167 KB, 983x1024, 1546721138647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't actually want them, you want the power associated with them, right? You want how they are seen as things exlusive to the elite, not like the plebs. I'm sure you will get a substantial dopamine rush when you get those things, but you will get used to them and the joy will subside, and you will be right back at square one.
It's cool to have those things, I'm sure they're fun, but don't rely on them in order to be happy and fulfilled. And if you get that rich, the people you surround yourself will probably be rich and richer than you, so given you were chasing those objects as status symbols compared to the ordinary desk wagie, now you're comparing what you have to guys that have even more money and that is your new baseline.
Remember anon wherever you go, there you are.

>> No.16117798

>having a big impact on the world
>writing a blog
kek you'd have more impact on the world by learning to shitpost better here than by writing a blog you fucking brainlet... also you don't actually have any impact on the world
>lives 70 years on a rocky spec of dust in a universe 14 billion years old
>thinks he has any impact if he does nofap and writes a blog
>there is a high chance a galactic war is going in right now in another galaxy from the hundreds of billions we can observe, not even counting the trillions we can't observe
just coom fren, this is not jewish advice even if it sounds like it, just coom into degenerate roasties and marry a non roastie if you can and believe some lie until you die...

>> No.16117825

these are plastic models

>> No.16117832

this over some stupid shitty boats

>> No.16117979
File: 52 KB, 1200x800, 66443634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might have at one point but it's been destroyed by an influx of morons all calling each other shills and jews

>> No.16117988


>> No.16117995

I just want a nice house.
Like a penthouse apartment

>> No.16118238

Yeah well we are at the top of the foodchain and we didnt get there by chakra meditation, it was the best in us that takes.

>> No.16118284 [DELETED] 

Who gives a shat?
Who gives a shat?
>Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.
Truth. But in this day and age 99% of the people living on this earth are doomed into mediocrity and slavery. Where as before there wasn't even a possibility of climbing the ladder, there is now and still so many people settle into the average or lower. I'd rather say, anything better than that. Make the world your playground. Have at it. Make a billion and spend it on frivoulous shit. It's called life.

>> No.16118437
File: 242 KB, 1024x768, IMG_20191102_153102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure that's neat and all but do you live RENT FREE?

>> No.16118501

>I need to get away from being around no-ambition losers that things chakra and voodoo magic and prayers are going to make their miserable lives better.
Come back when you are a billionaire with depression because your purposeless life has no direction. Fast cars and snorting coke from brazilian fat asses gets old pretty quick

>> No.16118603
File: 235 KB, 1280x809, 981D7102-51E2-46DF-AFF3-D64441C14F13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I worked in a factory, Everton wanted to upgrade from their Honda to an Escalade. Later, I worked in Fortune 500 corporate finance, everyone wanted to upgrade their bmw to a maserati. It’s called the hedonic treadmill, and it will consume your whole life will pointless desires that lead nowhere.

>> No.16118605

sessions per what?
Per day, month?
Why have posts remained stable like posts on /pol have been averaging 100k a day since 2016

>> No.16118611

Imagine all the bugs in there, Jesus

>> No.16118691

source is on the bottom, majority of pre election users have left when new users started posting more I think, and more lurkers than ever

>> No.16118744

>why do they give me so much motivation? so much energy?
Because you're greedy and have poor impulse control.

>> No.16118749

>I've really tried to be a normal man. But this is something I've driven towards. constantly.
>i wake up. and I plan on taking over the world
>all i think about is becoming god.
>and i know that's impossible
Are you me? That is all I want too. My gf tried to get me to feel bad for it and called me a narcissist. Well fuck her, I can't be anything else

>> No.16118750
File: 106 KB, 1068x561, marcus aurelius qoute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your ego is holding your true self hostage, take a large dose of psilocybin or DMT, or go be a monk for 10 years. either way you are in for a lot of suffering unless you tame your ego, you are weak and small if you think you have something to prove to plebs.


>> No.16118765

Maximum poorfag cope

>> No.16118774

>be a cuck lmao
Kill yourself

>> No.16118809

>then what next?
Fucking models, doing drugs, going to yacht parties, living a stress free life, getting into hobbies while you slave away 8 hours a day and get anxious about the bills. Medical issue? No prob, I'll get the best treatment meanwhile you'll end up in poverty since you can't pay the bills.
Life extension medication? Too bad you can't afford it poorfag, looks like it's time to rot away.
Seriously all you coping retards need to gtfo of biz, r9k is that way ->

>> No.16118812

this, cooming inside a 15 year old of your choosing from your 2000+ harem
>implying they gave a fuck