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16115246 No.16115246 [Reply] [Original]

>six figure high status job in low COL area
>literally cannot a single match on Tinder or a date IRL
What is the point?

>> No.16115256

how tall are you? did you scam people?

>> No.16115260
File: 191 KB, 1024x1042, 70531713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is on Hinge now I'm a boomer and even I know that

>> No.16115273

>how tall are you?
>did you scam people?

>> No.16115329


>> No.16115352
File: 231 KB, 425x282, 95dogurinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use okcupid dude thats where i met my eharmony soulmate from facebook's coca cola line where they worked with JIF to try and get users to say JIF instead of GIF
just saying this is a big cumspiracy that the peanutbutter industrial complex is trying to chnage the internet
fuck off if you don't belieb me
invest in rsr its not a real investment

>> No.16115357

What career bro? I need to know what careers are available in an area that isn't a concrete hellscape

>> No.16115388

Make your profile interesting and eye catching. If you want to flex your salary then include a pic with you in a nice outfit leaning on a newer sports car or flexing your Rolex or something. Do something to catch a woman's attention.

Also, how do you look? Invest in your health and start hitting the gym if you haven't already. Nothing says success like a dude who makes money and looks the part. Work on your social media image as well as your actual rl image.

>> No.16115401
File: 382 KB, 715x1000, 77037277_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will they learn...

>> No.16115472

Go speed dating, stop being a beta. You're trying too hard women don't like that shit. When you're around women everything about you other than your mouth should scream "I'm swimming in pussy and yours is just another" desperation stinks. Confidence and self assurance is like bait for women

>> No.16115474

Just fucking talk to some women and stop being retarded. If you talk to 20 women you'll probably find one attracted to you that wants to fuck.

>> No.16115492

Don't listen to this shit. Get off the apps and just go face to face. You'll be way more successful.

>> No.16115561

Boomer logic. Even face to face he will still need to do the same. Stand out and look the part of success you retard.