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File: 54 KB, 448x375, leverage1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16112351 No.16112351 [Reply] [Original]

This is to those who do not trade bitcoin. Why are you not trading? I honestly think the point of all this is to trade..Find a timeframe where you feel comfortable. Learn TA, obviously use stops, use trailing stops to lock in your profit. Be wary of fees, make sure your trailing stop takes that into account. People who have a solid strategy are already trading. Do you really think that crypto is going to be used as payment for coffees and sextoys let alone cars...
If you want anonymity, use monero OR normal fucking cash. Thats about it for crypto. Bitcoin is not anonymous. Does not scale unless centralized as fuck which is no better than using Paypal.

Dont fall for the hodling meme. If we ever see a golden bullrun it will be because of the dullars getting weaker. By the time you cash your bitcoins out, your 100 000 or even 1 000 000USD will be worth jack shit.

Trading is entirely possible. What we need is volatility and as long as people hodl this shit we wont have any volatility. Only whales who dump on unsuspecting and masochistic hodlers who apparently like to hurt themselves...

Trading is hard but not impossible and when you find a way which works for you might even get surprised. Hodling in my opinion is just as risky if not more unless you are a time traveller.

Btw, you know what 100x leverage is for on bitmex? shorter term trading with small amounts. risk 5 dollars and bet as if you put 500. risk 50 usd but put 5000.

The point also is not to be right all the time but enough times to be profitable. If you are right 55-65 percent of your bets, you are good as long as you also manage your risk and dont fuck everything up.
Those who rekt their whole stack on leverage basically dont know what they are doing.

>> No.16112363

why do all that shit when I can just burn my money at my local casino, at least I get thots giving me free drinks

>> No.16112383

too hard for /biz/tards

>> No.16112393

Burger here. Two words:
>Tax liability

>> No.16112424

did you read my post?

>> No.16112439

how bad is it?

>> No.16112532

has anyone tried scalping ethereum on bitmex? I suspect the fees would be way too high but still wondering just in case anyone tried it.

>> No.16112533

>If you are right 55-65 percent of your bets
lol. implying its that easy

>> No.16112568

>use monero
good advice

>> No.16112585
File: 103 KB, 1504x656, Screenshot 2019-11-01 at 21.34.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but xbtusd share charts bro

>> No.16112595

You can be profitable even being right less than 50% of time if you only take trades with good R/R ratio.

>> No.16112607


LINK $1000 eoy

>> No.16112614

the fees fuck you unless you are a millionaire

>> No.16112618

Last I checked on monetary gains over $1199 and the gov takes 25-30%. Not to mention the state eats 7-10%. If I knew how to do that shit I’d do it even though I’m only holding about 300 across the board. Wouldn’t even know where to start.

>> No.16112621

What are some good resources for learning TA?

>> No.16112711

no shit retard. Still not easy. Actually if you are trading on mex and using anything other than 1:1 rr the odds are not in your favour because of the way maker rebate and fees work.

1:1 rr implies
-0.025% maker entry + 0.075% take stop -0.025% maker entry - 0.025% maker exit = 0%
compared to if you get stopped out more than are right on something like 2:1 rr

>> No.16112724

Start with babypips. Investopedia is another good reference. Also Thomas Bulkowski' books go into a lot of detail on trading various chart patterns.

>> No.16112783

Thanks fren. I've looked at some of investopedias stuff but it just seems to scratch the surface. I'll look into the others. Really hoping to be able to start swinging bitcoin profitably constantly. I've been able to +10% or so on a day but then almost every time it all gets wiped out on a bad trade and I'll end in the red.

>> No.16112794

Consistently **

>> No.16112847

Most retarded post I've read on this subreddit

>> No.16112854

You can also search youtube for live trade examples of patterns. The more sources of information and points of view you have the better.
> but then almost every time it all gets wiped out on a bad trade and I'll end in the red.
What's your risk limit per single trade?

Best of luck to you on your path!

>> No.16112860

I completely agree and that is the biggest hurdle. I will say this. Since three days I started scalping with bitmex and the fees are really annoying the fuck out of me.

I have a poor fag (like probably 80 percent of the guys here)

I am considering dumping the 1m charts and going 3min charts or 5m

I am not yet profitable trading crypto but I am also not rekking myself. As it stands now, on bitmex I have to be profitable at least 0.15 percent per trade to cover for all the fees. After 0.15, the trailing stop takes over (thanks to Bitmex helper add-on which automates some of the order management.).
The guesswork is not that hard and that is why they have so much fees. You can be right often enough to feel as though its profitable but then the fees just take it away unless your ROE is higher than the market order fees. Limit orders are too slow to be reliable.

Sorry If I was too enthusiastic but I know that its possible and that is exactly why I put so much time into it.
I still think hodling shitcoins is just as risky

>> No.16112892

get experience on the 1 min. After two weeks dont trade and just think about price and a theory for trading. Do this once or twice. Then trade the 15 min - 4h

>> No.16113026

I was honestly just winging it for the most part. I learned my lesson after losing ~$500 in a week of stupid leverage trading at 50x and with no real strategy. I'm now actually trying to learn some decent TA and price action strats and am just trading with a $50 account using what I'm learning until I can consistently stay green. Then I'll step up to a 3-500 account. The hope is to be able to eventualy average 3-5% a day on a $5000-1000 account and do this shit for a living. I cant really get any decent jobs so this is how I can hopefully break out of poverty.

>> No.16113043

We have have it not too bad in crypto land compared to forex. Yes crypto is manipulated as fuck but afaik in Forex they dont have access to volume data for the currency pairs. Volume is very useful for spotting eventual tops or bottoms. OBV is a very nice indicator too. I just hope we get more liquidity in this house soon.

>> No.16113062

my country will absolutely rape you on taxes if you hit a certain number of transacitions in a year. when you add those taxes to the risk, it doesn't end up being worth it.

>> No.16113135

which country?

>> No.16113136

everytime I made a loss that hurts was always my fault because of not sticking to the plan.

>> No.16113160 [DELETED] 
File: 871 KB, 600x752, vsog4o0qs2w31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prime XBT objectively best margin trading platform https://primexbt.com?signup=101253

>> No.16113164

Yeah well I'm my case I didnt even have one kek. I just look at it as I payed for a valuable lesson. At least I wasn't one of those retards that goes all in with 50k on 100x.

>> No.16113182

post fees shill

>> No.16113185


LMAO omg, very nice... respect. But you can shove it up ur ass XD good one though, and creative, really

>> No.16113217 [DELETED] 

>.05% crypto
>.001% forex
>.01% commodities

>> No.16113313

This is some cool strategy you've got here, but 3-5% a day is too much and basically impossible. Try setting reasonable long-term goals like 20% a month. You'll find it much more stable and sustainable.

>> No.16113343

the forex fees are pretty good desu. can trade the 15 min comfortably on audusd and gbpusd

>> No.16113359

I don't see why that's impossible considering btc is as volatile as it is and ripe for swinging. Besides that's a goal for way in the future. I'm just trying to consistently stay green at this point and learn the fundamentals.

>> No.16113366

if the fee of 0.05 also applies to market orders it can be interesting for sure (better than bitmex). what is the spread for btc?

>> No.16113375

actually Binance futures has 0.04 fees at the moment for market orders but the liquidity is so low that youre begging to get rekt.

>> No.16113383

and binance futures probably has the worst interface of all crypto exchanges combined. that shit is so buggy and primitive its not even funny

>> No.16113434

>daytrades crypto for three days
>shills daytrading
let's see, you're also in your early twenties and have never earned more than $20 an hour.

>> No.16113445 [DELETED] 

no order book (support says they're working on it) along with lmao100x leverage as your only option are negatives but not an issues for me

>> No.16113461 [DELETED] 

yeah forex and commodities (crude oil) following current events have been successful for me

>> No.16113487

>Another shill thread
If the Nigger goes to jail for market manipulation and fraud, TOS gets adapted that the trading engine "can't see" positions and this market gets regulated to hell and back, I might think about opening a hedge, till all of those things are not met, never gone open a single position on the mexican

>> No.16113498 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 640x687, 5meu5vatiqv31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shilling my link one more time check it out pls today was good for me up 60%

>> No.16113645

got nose of crypto in october 2017, swinged 3 shitcoins with nice gains. lost those gains in the dumpening of january or whenever that was and broke even (sold into tether). Got a 15 percent win on SPF crypto sometime in may 2018. Lost some more on some low cap shitcoin thought it would pump. (Still no clue what I am doing).
fast forward to november 2018 started looking for shitcoins again thinking we reached bottom. neither win nor lose pretty much. then come the final dump. was not in tether at the time so lost a bit.
Fucked around with gekko trading bot but did not have access to my binance account so was only backtesting different strategies. Forgot about crypto just before the bull run.
Got back in in august. Learnt about volume profile + some other ta. Was a btc bear which was the smart choice. Shorted chainlink from 1.70ish to 1.50ish. Did not cash out in time thinking it would dump further, instead it went back up. Basically was a retard.
Trial and error.
Had a look at forex with demo accounts (Forex and Oanda) not too bad but still looking at crypto as a possibility.

Am self employed repairing bicycles for equivalent of 16 dollars an hour when offering my services to a workshop. Otherwise, can be as profitable as 30 usd per hour if I have enough clients on my own. Its just not very stable. 27 years old.

I shill trading because we need liquidity in the crypto market and I sincerely think hodling is more risky.

The three days I am talking about is me being on bitmex. And I like it because I can actually focus on working on my strategy instead of being frustrated with the lack of order options and spread as is the problem of every other exchange.

>> No.16113671

good luck lol

>> No.16113676

As far as I know, he is not in USA

>> No.16113681

what about you?

>> No.16113727

at least I am self employed

>> No.16113734

Don't know how and I'm (((American))) anyway.

>> No.16113920

Shut up, peasants, do something useful after all.

>> No.16113926
File: 1.01 MB, 1285x1974, Eggnog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does capitalism taste like eggnog?

>> No.16113991

>Yes goy, do a ton of transactions, it increases your chances of getting rich! Check out my fine exchange, we only charge you 0.25% for every trade, plus a small withdraw fee.

BTW, BITMEXICO fees are based on your leveraged position, not only your margin. If you play at 100X, you're paying 100x fees.

>> No.16114015

No shit. That's the way every exchange operates because your trading the full value of the leveraged position. Why would you expect the exchange kikes to only charge you .05 percent of $100 when your making a $10000 trade?

>> No.16114161

>That's the way every exchange operates
Do research.

>> No.16114178

hon hon hon je suis une baguette

>> No.16114446

Ok every major exchange. I guess if you wanna trade somewhere with a 5 btc daily volume you can trade with only the margin being charged for fees.

>> No.16115052
File: 88 KB, 768x767, ss+(2019-11-01+at+07.42.20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyones going to actually margin trade, memorize this chart.

>> No.16115567
File: 277 KB, 2048x1536, 1572233087823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i look for volatile coins to go scalping/day-trading? What platform do I use and what parameters do i set it to?

Also, is paper trading a meme? I read everywhere that trading with real money is a different animal altogether.

>> No.16116628
File: 41 KB, 750x458, 1571388434507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you three golden titbits, free of charge:

>> No.16116654

damn it, the state takes some too? capital gains tax is a real ass pounding, this is ridiculous

>> No.16116662

Wait.... wait... wait...

People buy cryptos to hold? Holy fuck what are you retards doing. You'd have to be a drooling moron to get beat by fees with this kind of fluctuation.

>> No.16116669

I tend to agree with it but I’ve only ever done traditional trading.

Can you explain to me how to do a $5 Hail Mary lomgshot ?

>> No.16116677

lmfao if this isn't how your brain naturally operates. i feel bad for logiclets.

>> No.16116690


what's sad though is that crypto fluctuation is so ridiculously high that you have to actively try to get beaten by fees. i've siphoned off my initial investment in the last month just so i feel like less of a retard if the whole thing crumbles while i'm in. i did strike on bitcoin and rlc though, considering a hold on rlc because of the situation in china.

>> No.16116707

RLC is wicked. True /pol/

>> No.16116731


Because I am not a degenerate gambler. Obviously, every single time someone makes money while trading, someone else loses out. Even large fund and prop traders with decades of experience end up blowing up more money on single trades than their accumulative salary over the years. The only way you get by trading is by sheer luck of delusion in a market cycle that fits your trading style. The moment the market returns to a different cycle you are fucked. You may last a few cycles, you last a single one. In the end, on average funds make only a few percentiles more than bonds. And the top funds stay top funds for an average of 3 years before closing up shop. So being a trader is a fucking retarded zero sum game.

>> No.16116740

>t. bring back the gold standard

>> No.16116769


Fuck rocks, fuck bonds, buy Crypto.
If you don't believe me, use Google, I am stating quite hard facts.

Bonds on average are still a better investment than trading boomer finance.
Hodling so far has been a better investment than trading.
Even most Crypto funds even are in the negative.

Anyone who really thinks they can outperform the market will on average end up buying a rope. Statistically yes, there will be a cohort of traders who will make ten to hundred fold more than the average, that is a absolute statistical and also a absolute randomness laden metric. But they aren't any better than a gambler in Vegas.

Please start trading, set up that cool trading desk in your room.
Just remember what this anon said once you blow up.

>> No.16116779

also you know, just in case somebody impressionable reads this post: morons like this are watching day time tv bitching about their successful friends.

trading is a dope game, if you do it right, you have enough of an edge on the uninformed actors to edge out a few bps over 50/50 and if you really know something well, i mean beyond just bullshitting yourself, if you become a true domain expert, you can trade with a guaranteed return.

the really important thing is to siphon liquidity on successful trades so that you have something to show for your work if everything goes tits up. then the only thing you'll have to bitch about is the same "what if i had invested in x" that every daytime tv-watching droolbag does anyway.

its so funny how class-locked people become, how can you miss the fact that people who "lose everything" trading are right back where they were in society like 2-3 years later

>> No.16116790


Remember me when you blow up.
Don't hold back the tears, it will be okay to cry.

Maybe you will find my comments funny now, but your time will come, believe me.
I have seen plenty of traders with your attitude enter and exit the market as a risk manager.

>> No.16116808


t. silicon valley risk team manager

"risk manager" what backwater you live in?
risk portfolio manager, portfolio management, risk engineer, risk data analytics specialist, anything other than "risk manager" go take your flyover stink somewhere else.

>> No.16116813

>If you are right 55-65 percent of your bets, you are good

5 minutes on wikipedia page about statistics is all you need.

>> No.16116824

>, how can you miss the fact that people who "lose everything" trading are right back where they were in society like 2-3 years later

Some people re-enter yes, but they return with less money than they lost.
And only 1/50 of the people who exit the market and lose everything return net positive.

Anyways, good luck. On average you'd be richer as a dentist than a fund manager, managing 500 million.


> "risk manager" what backwater you live in?

UK, London. AXA.

Anyways, good luck.

>> No.16116832

major larp. if true you are one of the least presentable risk specialists i've ever encountered online, i wouldn't buy your advice for a dollar. that or you're an adjuster or something.

>> No.16116844


sorry, I did not know I should be presentable on a basket weaving forum.

>> No.16116884

no but you shouldn't knowingly give bad financial advice like "hurrr tradin da gamblin"

acting like the bombs are going to drop on every living person is ridiculous. a lot of people have held safe savings that'll end up in their estate ffs.

and let's not pretend, if you want to leave shit to your children, you should be buying anything other than real estate between cities and suburbs.

>> No.16116892

FUCK Benjamin Graham

>> No.16116915
File: 96 KB, 680x794, 532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still recovering.
i blew up a margin account in 2009 (interactive brokers)
now my bitmex account was blown up on that big pump after being careful for so many months with my strategy. days like that make you irrational. shorted with average buyin like 8700... and that was nearly after six months of longing every dip. it's only like 5% of what i hold in btc but it still sucks.

>> No.16116920


What I am saying is that statistically you are more likely to lose money as a trader than to make money.

> a lot of people have held safe savings that'll end up in their estate ffs.

You are ignoring the people that did not make it while trading.
Those who are supplying the winning ones with funds.

That's the 1%.

For the sake of your 'estate' get a real job, and invest in promising ventures with your income.
Reality is, you may never make it, but at any rate you can have a financial comfy life if you don't play financial market based Russian roulette.

Trading careers on average will be short lived, you will not beat the statistics. Especially not leveraged.

>> No.16116923

post trade history

>> No.16117880

thats just not something you should do in the first place. leverage does not change that

if you believe in trading to be a skillful task you havent understood a bit of financial markets

>> No.16118314
File: 81 KB, 1032x568, thffgfgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

local marginfag here. Run a free btc calls discord. Pretty comfy.

ask me anything

>> No.16118334

>implying your calls are worth anything
cmon. gtfo to reddit with that normie bullshit

>> No.16118390

worth friendship and building a community, nothing like having dozens of people believe in you. autism hodlers probably wouldn't understand.

>> No.16118475

>worth friendship and building a community
ever heard of going outside and meet with people irl?

>nothing like having dozens of people believe in you
no matter how many people believe in you, you wont make any better returns because of it

>> No.16118519

>why don't you engage in a time-consuming activity producing no added value and in which you put your assets at the mercy of an oversea centralized provider operating outside of the law
traders are unironically the lowest lifeforms of society. even jews are at least successful in their own scams

>> No.16118525


>> No.16118834

for you fags who daytrade crypto/are learning trading:

discord dot gg/nrMx8BM

>> No.16118909

for any of you fags who are willing to learn day trading is:

first advice: trading is a ZERO SUM game. period. for you to win money, somebody has to lose.

Lots of people have inside information which is basically cheating and fees might seem ''small'' but over the long term makes it even worse if you over trade.

Trading over larger timeframes is the real red pill because fees won't cuck you. it's ok to have false positives in larger timeframes, but in smaller ones you will be cucked so hard you will lose money.

Second advice: Bankroll management is also the real red pill. don't chase big gains because in order to achieve those you will most likely be running too much risk.

It's much better if you are able to make ''mere'' 5% per month here and there than to try to game the system making 100% per month. Sure, there are exceptions like the peak/end of a bull market when every shit goes up no matter what you do, but in general it doesn't work like that.

So all in all is: SURVIVE, preserve your capital so you can live another day to get a small edge in the market, which is perfectly doable. I suggest following

1) Peter brandt

2) Bob loukas

3) alessio rastani https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJjRjmthxPCoQaAL44tR6g

there is a reason REAL long term winners don't shill trading and make it not seem glamurous. hint hint: IT IS NOT glamurous. It's not about them huge gains. It's about consistency. small winnings here, small losses there and they end up accumulating, that's it. sometimes you get lucky with a big win, sometimes you also get unlucky, that's part of it.

Don't be fooled by those guys who try to trading seem effortless/glamurous because it's not. If the guys teaches this, it's for sure he or she is a charlatan and/or is not aware of the risks they are running.

good luck frens

>> No.16118918

are you using your own indicator or what?

>> No.16118947

Why you want people to trade this so bad? Do you perhaps have vested interests? Are you working for an exchange? You ain't get my money.

>> No.16118994

You have to be so fucking carefull. I felt things were going to explode at 7500 one way or another. So I kept my size small and isolation high. Had a short in at 7500 and then a rejection from ~7300 made me take a long on 7400. I cut the short quickly after a break of 7500 and let my long ride.

I usually never isolate positions but sometimes you just have to, and it's a great feature on BitMex cause stops are a fucking scam.

>> No.16119010

All those indicators you can find on tradingview. With most of any indicators you'll use you'll have to modify the inputs though.

>> No.16119580
File: 40 KB, 1235x747, indic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know. I'm building my own indicator there but still needs more testing. I thought it was your own indicator because of some similarities

>> No.16119749

Holding is not nearly as risky, you need to read some more books. No nobody will be using bitcoin or whatever other coins for payment if anyone believes that they are emotionally invested and not to be trusted. Bitcoin is a commodity like gold . Etherium is a computer . Chainlink is an Oracle . These are what you should be holding and by day trading you could potentially lose far more future value than if you simply hold and 2 years. I shoul know I beat the market by a bit over 5000% with this one simple trick, I held and you should know what you own and who you own it with