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File: 7 KB, 114x70, Constellation_Labs_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16112233 No.16112233 [Reply] [Original]

I want to disprove the main FUD around Constellation Labs (DAG). I am a bag holder and see DAG constantly fudded on biz. Normally a little fud doesnt bother me but in the case of DAG i really havent see the team or community give responses that assure me it isnt true. I tried to ask the community in telegram and lets just say they were very hostile about a legitimate question. Here is the fud, please debunk it with evidence to back it up. Links or screenshots of official statements or even private statements from team members would be fine. Please dont post shills about how awesome the project is, i already agree with you. I am just trying to do some due diligence and having trouble doing it through traditional company communication channels.

1. The team lost $33 million presale investment. I know the team raised money recently so evidence suggests they ran out of money.
2. If #1 is true how did the team run out of money so fast? Seems like a big amount to go through in such a short amount of time.
3. The former CEO was caught day trading investor funds for losses. This was posted a million times last year and I wasnt sure if this has been debunked. I find the whole event suspicious because the team wouldnt confirm or deny it happened but the CEO disappeared and surrendered all his tokens which is abnormal.
4. Satsgang is running the community and telegram channels. I saw RNO3xx admitted to being part of Satsgang and he is a telegram admin. What other Satsgang people are operating in DAG? What is Satsgang and why are they so interested in DAG? Are there any risks having them as part of our community?

6. The CEO of DAG, Ben Jorgensen, made a marketing and community management deal with Satsgang to help pump up their coin. This one depends on #5, but I did see them all come in at once and suddenly our project started going up after a year of sinking.
7. The USAF partnership is just a small business grant. This one is i have no idea.

>> No.16112321

All 7 of them are true and everyone who has dug into dag knows it. Sell your bags if you even can. All the volume is fake, the pumps are fake. The only thing real are the dumps. Satsgang literally owns this project.

>> No.16112392
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FTM is the true DAG noob

>> No.16112398

I see you improved your English Walto, nice spin on the daily FUD tracker. Mr. Martini Guy and Michael Chen approves

>> No.16112473

what's the difference between a fake pump and a real one?

>> No.16112504

Im not a fudder, not even close. I am genuinely trying to kill this fud because im tired of seeing it. If you have something to contribute please do it

>> No.16112565

>Low-effort dismissal of honest questions.
Why not at least try to answer his questions? Every sane anon is aware of them already.

>> No.16112578

Fake pump is when you are manipulating the price using buy/sell walls. If you put up a massive sell wall nobody will buy or place orders near it. You can quickly remove the wall and market buy to pump the price. You can only do this having a monster stack which Satsgang always has. It's all about timing and making sure your sell walls are stacked long enough out to make a big artificial pump.
Other artificial pumps are based around overhyping announcements in places like Twitter, biz, and Reddit. Spam long enough stupid people will market buy. Not just dumb shill buyers in biz but people in the DAG community are convinced to market buy tokens by Satsgang. Stupid but it happens regularly.

>> No.16112597

wow that's interesting. Does it matter if it's fake though if there's always strong buy support?

>> No.16112667

Yes it always matters if it's fake. Strong buy support isn't strong if it's fake. For example if your token is mooning from internal telegram shilling your own community to market buy, eventually they will run out. Also if your buy orders disappear regularly it's fake to begin with. Dag buy orders disappear and reappear constantly. Ever wonder why :) it's not an accident, it's manipulation. That's why no whales or smart investors will ever touch dag. No fundamentals, failed business, totally artificial pumps and dumps. The token mooned 25% in one day on a weekend with no news or announcements while the whole market tanked. Then shills were everywhere talking about how it's a stable coin and strong enough to resist BTC dips. This is an obvious lie, the $3M in daily volume is obviously fake, and it's obviously a fully manipulated asset at this point.

>> No.16112778

I forgot to include #5

5. The whole team abandoned the project and there are only 4 people left in the company because they dont have funds to hire new personnel.

This one bothers me the most because it starts to prove all the rest of the fud true. I love the concept of DAG but if their team all walked out or they had to lay them off for financial reasons, that is a big problem. Has this been addressed yet?

>> No.16112796
File: 47 KB, 1709x394, dagbags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that's crazy man. I guess this money will disappear when I wake up huh

>> No.16112894

Those orders are too small to matter

>> No.16112910

No one on the Constellation team or in the community wants to disprove the fud, they just want to sweep it under the rug. It's never going to go away.

>> No.16112932
File: 354 KB, 960x775, 1572389377267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point exactly. I'm not a part of satsgang
and I've been enjoying this run.
1. Everyone keeps saying like it went to zero. Would be fucking mindblowing if their accounts went to zero. Unlikely. Nano was sitting on tens of hundreds of millions at the peak of the bull run and it's been slowly dwindling away- you could almost argue letting your alt wither away instead of IMMEDIATELY CASHING THAT SHIT OUT is a better idea. I believe the DAG team *did* cash out a large amount of that shit. Let's say it's 20 million. Let's say it's fucking 10. Or 5. It's fucking blockchain speculation.
2. As above, I doubt they literally spent 33 million. As a business THAT'S NOT PUBLIC they would never disclose their earnings reports/valuation.
3. Literally repeating yourself here, good job. See above.
4. Satsgang is a bunch of people that stumbled upon their Telegram and joined in on pumps. That's it. They're not mutually exclusive. Shit's fucking hilarious. To me this is the same as someone finding out that you've bought and sold BTC for a profit instead of believing mercilessly in the ideals of decentralized micropayments, get over it. Some of us are here for raw profit and growing our positions. This is one way to do it.
5. They contracted out a lot of shit to other countries because it saves a shit ton of money, you know, when the entire market contracts by over 80% and even more so for other projects. Mfw Nano used to cost fucking $40 per coin.
6. First time I've heard of making a community and management deal with satsgang. The fuck? Yes, someone made a 'deal' with a pump and dump group. tinfoilhat.png

>> No.16112948
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7. The USAF small business grant is so much bigger than any of you idiots realize and is literally the main reason I bought DAG after hearing about it. SBIR Phase 1 grants (which they got) are not little grants that the government says, "Hey citizen, good work!" and that's the end of it. They're designed to be PILOT PROGRAMS for future use by the providing agency, in this case, the department of defense. Phase 2 deadlines are coming up and I've personally spoken with multiple members of the team confirming their phase 2 submission. Now, here's the juicy part. I have a decent reason to believe that they've already completed this submission and were invited to Scott's base to show off their prototype for Phase 2. They got a phase 1, this means they're 'fasttracked' to a phase 2. Now, assuming they DO get a phase 2? That means the USAF is going to be meeting with them regularly on how they can INTEGRATE CONSTELLATION PROTOCOL INTO THEIR LEGACY SYSTEMS. You guys have to be so fucking stupid to not understand that the USAF P1 was effectively a first date with the United States government defense group.
As above, some of this $33 million shit is just as fucking dumb as thinking Raiblocks team had anything to do with Mercatox. You missed a pump, your fucking oracle coin is on coinbase. Stiff.

>> No.16112968
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Sergey literally regularly dumping for profit. DAG team had to get rid of their stack to comply with COI for the Phase I contract meaning that it's likely they're getting the Phase II. Government doesn't do this whole 'team allocation' shit.

>> No.16112979

Most of them are unironically too stupid to even understand what an SBIR is and how to get one. Just like the rest of the moonboy community on /r/cryptocurrency. Try going to /r/cryptotechnology and not almost getting immediately downvoted.

>> No.16112980
File: 217 KB, 3204x1514, dagbags2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping faggot. I have 4m more I can sell anytime I want

>> No.16112988

no, fuck you retard, go away with your gibberish.

>> No.16113016

I have a question for you. How much LINK do you have? Genuine question.

>> No.16113032


Im looking for real facts and what you supplied was your opinion in a favorable light to the team and satsgang. Im not going to take this seriously because most of what youve said is a real stretch.
Your point is they didnt lose ALL their money just most of it. If they embezzled it, gambled it away, or wasted it does it really matter? It would show they cant manage money and that is a big problem for investors in any business.

You say Satsgang stumbled upon DAG in telegram, then accidentally became admins? Sorry man thats just too much of a stretch for critical thought.
Contracting out shit to a bunch of different countries makes sense, if you dont have any money. Most startups in SF get a few million invested and hire locally. When building tech its important to have your devs on house for a bunch of reasons and is a requirement with any big investment tech project. Outsourcing is what you do when its not your core competence, not because you want to save a few bucks.

Honestly I am looking for some real credible answers backed up with some hard evidence and this seems like shill posting.

>> No.16113052

This is just your opinion and you have to stretch it to the point of having Phase 2 imminent when that is obviously not the reality. Stop shilling and give me real answers if you can. If not just stop posting please.

>> No.16113059

go fuck off you faggot ass concern troll. Scam or not, I've made 60k off this shit with more to come

>> No.16113073
File: 262 KB, 356x302, 1729391un22kka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your point is they didnt lose ALL their money just most of it.
There's two things they could've done, hodl'd or sold and put it in a bank account. If they say they dumped it all, their base is pissed. If they sold half then gambled the rest on BTC/ETH, their base is pissed. If they held all the way down, their base is pissed. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. That's what I'm saying.
>It would show they cant manage money and that is a big problem for investors in any business.
They won't say, which doesn't mean anything, actually.
>You say Satsgang stumbled upon DAG in telegram
No I'm saying just because you're an admin of an 'honest' group doesnt mean you can be a part of a 'dishonest' group, hence my analogy.
>Most startups in SF get a few million invested and hire locally.
From seed investors. This is speculation on the 'Internet 2.0.'
>Honestly I am looking for some real credible answers backed
This is my main point. Because you don't know doesn't mean it is what you're thinking or what I'm saying. I'm saying, most people think they're piping some hard fud by saying, "ASK THEM HOW MUCH MONEY THEY HAVE, THEY WONT ANSWER" ... Just like I fucking wont answer you. Last thing I need is some fucking NEET trying to be my accountant.
Here's another exercise for you, try asking Vitalik exactly how much he's made off Ethereum personally- you'll get no fucking answer.. MUST BE A SCAM THEN!

>> No.16113087

That's not how government contracts work. Phase 1 is literally a, "Show us you're doing something." Phase 2 is essentially granted to people that are breaking the mold only, and no other blockchain company applied for a Phase 1, making DAG theoretically a de facto go-to. You have no idea because you've probably never worked with the military. It's ALL about nepotism and doing with what's familiar. By the way, after China said they were going to invest on the forefront of Blockchain tech the military had a BIG buzz about "what are we going to do, is this valuable?"

>> No.16113115
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This entire market is nothing but speculation, so I'll go back over your questions with what you want to hear without the emotion. After answering the questions below, I feel like you're low-key trying to FUD.
1. Nobody can confirm or deny, they're a private business.
2. Nobody can confirm or deny, they're a private business.
3. Nobody can confirm or deny, they're a private business.
4. Rumors started on 4chan and are not entertained on Telegram mostly because 4chan is viewed as a racist internet forum and it's best to avoid even mentioning it.
5. Rumors started on 4chan and are not entertained on Telegram mostly because 4chan is viewed as a racist internet forum and it's best to avoid even mentioning it.
6. Rumors started on 4chan and are not entertained on Telegram mostly because 4chan is viewed as a racist internet forum and it's best to avoid even mentioning it.
7. It's a multi-stage grant that's been granted my the US military, which ((big if huge)). Don't want to gamble on it? Don't buy it.

>> No.16113146
File: 62 KB, 590x336, tumblr_ntg7a3jphV1uvq3s5o1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regarding 7, by the way, that is literally the moment I bought in to DAG as because it got a USAF Phase 1. That was literally all I needed to hear. Fuck this $33 MILLION GONE! Fud. They got a USAF grant. That's literally the end of discussion. They're DOING SOMETHING. If that's not enough for you to literally ignore this basket weaving NEETboard's "recommendations" I cannot help you. I've joined in on this keyboard storm because T B Q H I'm getting sick of seeing the $33M bullshit because it's clearly a bunch of fucking butthurt people that sold at the bottom.
I SOLD AT A LOSS TOO. Bought DAG while it was flat, sold DAG while it was flat. Thought it would pump, then
>Department of Defense.
Good luck Anon. Invest in "digital oil"

>> No.16113169

Did you buy more DAG? When will it reach $1.00

>> No.16113194
File: 86 KB, 640x401, 2B313C8E-E7CA-4438-AE0E-2377E549A17D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always trickling in.
>Those are fake buys!
Fucking retards.

>> No.16113222
File: 104 KB, 550x397, B1E7D776-4E8E-4E51-AE9B-FAFC0F4B8B80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can be like $1 if it goes to like a billion mc like link was at so not really any time soon. could do 50x though, everything up there did at one point.

>> No.16113228

I understand you are a holder too but I feel like you arent trying to get to the bottom of anything and feel the answers to these questions dont matter or have no impact.

1. Lost $33m the truth is obvious and they wont talk about it which bothers me. Its not a damned if you do damned if you dont. You either lost it or you didnt and how you lost it matters most.
2. It matters, they dont have to explain why it happened but they also dont need to have my money either.
3. Again this looks very suspicious how it all went down. The teams official response was all but rejected by the community as a lark. Nobody walks away from that much money over a disagreement with a subordinate.
4. Satsgang member as admin is actually a fact. RNO3xx admits to it and he is an admin.
5. Not a 4chan rumor. I looked it up myself there are no employees and co-founder altif left the project. No explanation why. I have seen evidence that every person listed on their team has left the project and there have been no new people appear in communications or on their website. To me this shows lack of capital. Obviously they need to fill many roles for a company of their size and funding.
6. I agree this rumor probably came from biz but so did many other rumors that came true. The evidence points to something happening. It is not a coincidence a pump and dump guy becomes admin. Either ben is stupid or complicit in my book. None of us should want him involved in this project because its unhealthy.
7. USAF phase 2 was explained to me as very difficult to achieve while Phase 1 you just need to apply and if you are interesting you are in. I dont like speculating on a clear path to phase 2 when there is no evidence to support it.

>> No.16113245

Im going to work now, I will check back later and hopefully get some good evidence to support crushing this fud. Please dont turn this into a shill thread, that only supports the fud more.
Its already happening, please stop this. Just use evidence and kill the fud please

>> No.16113254

All I know is their telegram is bumping with 10k members. To me that is a buy signal.

>> No.16113304
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Holder, but I know I'm speculating, and that's not how this game is played. Again, ask Vitalik all this shit see where it gets you.
1. They wont' answer, lack of evidence is not proof of anything.
2. They're not public, STIFF.
3. Re: Lack of evidence.
4. Okay, like I said, I've taken part in selling BTC thinking it will not go up further, thus, I am a bad guy. Join the club.
5. My mistake, I got copyhappy. AFAIK they contracted it out to a bunch of Polish guys or some shit, sounds like some Chad Fortune 500 shit like when big companies fire a bunch of English and then contract out to India. Bullish.
6. I agree, but to be honest, I don't really care. Fact of the matter is my eyes are focused on Phase 2.
7. Phase 2 is difficult to achieve unless you've got a Phase 1. Pic related. Link provided.

>> No.16113341
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For a final note then, you're just as bad as someone wanting me to disprove God. I can't do it, you can't prove it. Stiff. See below regarding the Phase 1 --> Phase 2. It's not guaranteed, but here's my flow chart of infinite knowledge:
1. No blockchain group got a phase 1 except for DAG.
2. Phase 2 is essentially only granted to phase 1 grantees.
3. The military literally has an interest in blockchain through my own personal anecdotal knowledge AND that Xi publicly said China's going to be a blockchain leader. Phase 2 is in the bag, senpai.
4. Getting a Phase 2 would mean that there's the very real possibility that the DoD would use Constellation blockchain for their internal use, which would then spread to other agencies and contractors alike. Would literally be just like the internet 2.0, given the first major adopter of the internet, was, in fact, the fucking military.
Can't promise they'll get it, BUT IF THEY DO, I'd prefer to have a bag of it.

>> No.16113406

All bots from airdrop

>> No.16114030

>All I know is their telegram is bumping with 10k members. To me that is a buy signal.
Very low IQ take.

>> No.16114144

>>Low-effort dismissal of honest questions.
Unironically what the CEO does in telegram. I'm convinced this is a complete scam