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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16107954 No.16107954 [Reply] [Original]

What is SAP doing exactly, in practice?

>> No.16108040

Theres is no Sap lition partnership. Lition wil integrate sap tech into their blockchain and they have a Sap regional cto or some shit as an advisor. Stop getting conned. Sap does not need to use lition shitty blockchain that broke for over 60 days. They cant even build a simply staking platform. These will end badly for you all!

>> No.16108127


>> No.16108152

This bitch looks a little bit downy or something.

>> No.16108156

Liton is a scam

>> No.16108229

she cute desu

>> No.16108274
File: 353 KB, 627x500, 20190922_002108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are they doing exactly? Why on SAP website they mainly talk about hyperledger fabric and lition is nowhere to be found?

What are they doing exactly with lition? How much they are committed?

>> No.16108291

Literally the face of "Privileged white cunt."

>> No.16108362

Do you think we dont know what your intention is here, greta spammer retard?

>> No.16108375
File: 187 KB, 1053x924, Screenshot from 2019-06-30 18-57-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16108382

>SAP is developing the decentralized ledger and smart contract layer

>> No.16108384

I want to hate .... Greta

>> No.16108575
File: 1.29 MB, 1433x1782, Screenshot_20191030-151414_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just proved that LIT token are worthless, even in this scenario provided unilaterally by Lition and not confirmed by SAP

>> No.16108646

SAP is objectively 1000% dog shit. I would immediately abandon any project getting in bed with this absolute piece of trash.

>> No.16108675


>> No.16108986
File: 555 KB, 1425x1343, Screenshot_20191101-072246_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SAP is objectively 1000% dog shit.
You have no idea of what you are talking about. All memes aside, SAP is huge

>> No.16109363

I'm not paying too much attention to all the wallet drama but there is someone out there with a lot of coins selling hard

>> No.16109493
File: 197 KB, 1242x1294, cooooooooooomm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16109622

Still, you are cooming

>> No.16109683

greta likes LIT, so it must be good

>> No.16109696

Considering I use that piece of dog shit software every day, I'm pretty sure I do know what I'm talking about.

>> No.16109717

Name a better alternative.
Something realistically working for 100k+ employees companies

>> No.16109720

Lmao retard
The fact that you are cucked into using it every day speaks for itself

>> No.16109855

your mother is a scam

>> No.16109967

Also this, kek

>> No.16110022

By the way, there is basically no chance that the price increases in the next 3 months
>token unlocks
>token dumps
>bep2erc bridge
>no advertisment planned untill somewhere in 2020

>> No.16110047

I'm a bit tired of people just talking about thngs they don't know about, if you want to sell guys sell and go. who cares? why you tell us that you want to sell just do it and fomo in in a shittoken.

The only alternative for those who are smart enough is to buy and if you cant see that you are not smart at all

>> No.16110074

well said, ranjesh

>> No.16110082

I'm more whiter than you

>> No.16110124

>I'm more whiter than you
sure you are

>> No.16110137

>poo coloured ID

>> No.16110395

>I'm more whiter than you
Based litter

>> No.16110449 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait to complete the process
6 - Get your free BTC

>> No.16110464

On an unrelated note, how does one stake his LIT stack? I've got MetaMask installed but my LIT is currently on IDEX and have no clue how to continue.

t. autistic cracker

>> No.16110466

go away rakesh

>> No.16110483

Fuck off spamming pajeet.

>> No.16110568

Based retard, the blockchain is broken since more than a week, how did you miss that?

Staking is also frozen

>> No.16110980

Still nobody is able to say what is SAP exact contribution
>m-muh partnership

>> No.16111011

bases 11 posts in this thread anon making the same posts 24/7 to protect our coin from bizlets

>> No.16111049
File: 333 KB, 1480x889, pasted image 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ranjesh has posted this some weeks ago
it's aiming for retards

>> No.16111107

They are fixing it. All nodes have done what they needed to. Missed staking rewards will be paid out.

>> No.16111110

Electrical engineer and we have to use it to buy shit. What do you do, neet I suppose?

>> No.16111120 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait to complete the process
6 - Get your free BTC

>> No.16111132

Checked. That's fine its more time to buy. I was with Qnt for a whole year under a dollor and biz said it was retarded. Sold it over 10usd. Just wait and see where LIT goes. Or trade for some other shitcoin. Idgaf. I bet half of biz just trades from one coin to another weekly trying to chase pumps and loses sats with every trade.

>> No.16111557

>That's fine its more time to buy
Based Ranjeet

>> No.16111632

Based autism, go to some party or something dude, is this really how you spend your friday?

>> No.16111634
File: 539 KB, 1322x1550, SmartSelect_20191101-204334_Telegram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute STATE of LIT pajeets having to pretend to be me to keep sanity while the project is collapsing

>> No.16111657

>is this really how you spend your friday?
More like 0.5% of my Friday

>> No.16111686

>14 posts in this thread since 2pm
Right. Just end your misery already.

>> No.16111697

30 second per post (and it's a stretch)
7 minutes total

>> No.16112247

Thank you shizo. Very cool.

>> No.16112272

Lition White Paper
First page.

>> No.16112310
File: 21 KB, 545x307, 1567982143021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean in practice, in detail. Where are measurable results?

>> No.16112322

>based retard
>racism from people who are scared of all black people including will smith
Look no one cares if you buy, or how white you are, or how you are a big man on the intetnet

>> No.16112849
File: 177 KB, 500x566, scientists-scientists-now-then-must-find-the-i-must-find-20733276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this 9 year old goblin faced cutie?

>> No.16112915

Thx mate

>> No.16113071

she is 16