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File: 216 KB, 970x819, 1571860384274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16107459 No.16107459 [Reply] [Original]

You start anew, with your checking account having $1000.

Would you make it?

>> No.16107470

How do I stop thinking so much?

>> No.16107478
File: 11 KB, 225x225, jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't think goyim thinking makes you die sooner you want to live a long and happy life goyim! Here watch this celebrity news reel! Yes go on take that loan everyone else is doing it goy!

>> No.16107491

It isn't as simple as the tweet that OP posted suggests. There is actual logic behind but its got more to do with overworking your brain rather than "think more = die faster", the kikes are trying to reword it though

>> No.16107499

alcohol and weed, clearly the path to a long life

>> No.16107517

this just in, breathing too much makes you die faster.

>> No.16107548

Study: Living too long increases the chance of dying.

>> No.16107561

100% of people who drink water will die

>> No.16107593

SSRIs until you're a zombie

>> No.16107600

Life is a lethal sexually transmitted disease.

>> No.16107608
File: 178 KB, 774x1100, 1572522817999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would put 100% into LINK.
Then would go to a homeless shelter until I could find a job (or multiple jobs).
After I get the job(s), would put all of my wages into LINK, would continue going to the homeless shelter.
Would make it in 2 years.

>> No.16108049
File: 32 KB, 800x450, 1572600530324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that explains why women live longer

>> No.16108431

Start anew? I'm an oldfag, so it would have to be starting at age 18 back when I was 18 (mid-1990s). In which case making it would be trivially easy. Buy AMZN, MSFT, AAPL when they crash in a few years and buy Google when it starts up, then get into bitcoin. Would probably go into the Air Force instead of burger flipping.
Starting today, with $1000? Put it into bitcoin, I guess.

>> No.16108830


>> No.16108855
File: 90 KB, 1131x981, 6A8E3290-FF10-4F58-B136-52D4BB8F8069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>16107459I would for oil to drop a percent or two, and go all out on oil company stocks. Maybe lukoil.

>> No.16108872


>> No.16108877

Do acupuncture. You have a spleen qi deficiency. Have the acupuncturist do a bunch of points like your large intestine, kidney, liver, gall bladder and especially spleen.

When you think and worry to much you have a spleen qi deficiency.

>> No.16108896

The next crash is going to wipe out America. The fed is out of bullets. Jews have sucked the wealth of the nation dry with the fed.

If you want to buy these faggot stocks go ahead debut make sure you have at least 10 ounces of gold and 300 ounces of silver

>> No.16108912
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 123617146314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gonna live forever

>> No.16108943

Knowing the course of history is easy mode and, I suspect, not what OP was asking.

>> No.16109092

Tfw no cute pure anime gf

>> No.16109131

A good webcam, a laptop, a mic and a couple cosplay costumes+dildos. My penis will only be a plus if I market myself on 4channel.

>> No.16109158

Don't fall for their jewish tricks, anons. People like Nicola Tesla were thinking non-stop and lived extremely long lives considering the technology available to them.

>> No.16109168
File: 241 KB, 709x483, P3mgfJe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if I'm high all the time? am I safe then

>> No.16109185

If you look up philosophers. Most of them, and that is almost all of them. Live to be very old.

>> No.16109206

>actually believes this faceless horsemanure study

>> No.16109213

Tests was instrumental in creating this 100 years ago. Homozon. Magnesium bonded ozone therapy. It's a colon cleanse but so much more... it floods all your organs and cells with oxygen. Blass the guy who made it with him was murdered.


Check all the reviews. You will see it is out of stock. The website is www.the originalhomozon.com to order.

This shit was developed long ago.

>> No.16109221


>> No.16109228

don't think and die soon
think much and die soon
don't think and live long
think much and live long
many scientists think all the time and live long
literal NPCs never think and die of dementia
kikes want people to be dumb

>> No.16109372

Action > thinking, although striking the right balance is ofc ideal

>> No.16109519

Why is everyone suggesting to invest with a mere $1000? $1000 can't even buy you a nice car

I would use the 1000$ to start a business in service, something like designing websites for small business owners or w/ever. Something where the almost the only expenses you'll make is promotion. I would let it grow and invest using my profits

>> No.16109617

Cus theyre actually thinking, not having an off anxiety attack 24/7 and calling it thinking

>> No.16109706


why does it look like there's a lizard inside his head in the thumbnail

>> No.16109844

Become a liberal SJW.

>> No.16109923 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait for the process complete
6 - receive your free BTC

>> No.16110157

That's why I finished with going all in BTC. A 1000x in BTC is more likely than me finding the next Amazon.

>> No.16110273

That is more than I currently have in my account.

>> No.16110296

Do meditation anon. Just don't do it for the intention of something else (i.e calmness). Meditation is about accepting everything that happens regardless if it's good or bad. As a result you stay calm when things happen and you stay calm and collected.

>> No.16110302 [DELETED] 

How to get some free BTC

1 - simply go to bitcoin-generator dot online
2 - put your wallet address
3 - select how much Bitcoin you wanna receive
4 - click start, then confirm
5 - wait to complete the process
6 - Get your free BTC

>> No.16110959

A lot of these "scientific" studies are straight-up garbage.

>> No.16111109

insightful poster

>> No.16111141


>> No.16111241
File: 914 KB, 1280x720, e17-thumb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else watches this fat kike called Ben Mallah on YouTube? It's pretty amusing to see this jew spout everything he thinks and basically shows you how real estate works as a whale.

>> No.16111965
File: 132 KB, 1200x982, 1579593413151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my plan. I have a guaranteed strategy worked out to become a millionaire in one year with just $1000. I'll post at the end of 2020 if it works out. It should so long as there's no world war or global economic crisis that somehow takes crypto down with it.