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16099843 No.16099843 [Reply] [Original]

NKN introduces D-Chat: A server-less, secure and private chat for individuals and groups.

Unlike any other mainstream consumer chat applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or WeChat, D-Chat does not use or rely on a single centralized server. The entire application lives on your browser plug-in, and all your data are safe on your own device.

And in contrast to many blockchain based chat applications, D-Chat uses off-chain data transmission instead of on-chain data. This means we can send any number of messages and even large image files (up to 4MB), without worrying about blockchain data limit or consensus time.



Could we have an actual alternative to centralized and insecure chat applications? Imagine if this was improved to be more user friendly in the future, with better integration for the end user and smartphone apps.

In the meantime 98% of the other shitcoins have nothing to show even if their lives depend on it. Reminder this is just one of NKN real world usecases, with many more available soon like nCDN and TUNA.


>> No.16099857

Ok but when is this useless shitcoin going to do anything other than dump

>> No.16099862

if so, why is the exchange actions so slow?

>> No.16099868

the serverless multiplayer game i think was more intriguing. not sure why they didn't continue developing that. maybe they did.

>> No.16099894

The game was community made and would still work but needs porting over from testnet to main and that hasn't yet been done.

No advertising as of yet :(. The team are working away on clients for nCDN which is important, but it means there's very little marketing going on. I'm taking the chance to buy what I can while cheap, because as soon as this starts getting picked up properly and shared around, we'll have consistent green dildos coming our way. When that'll be however, I'm unsure.

>> No.16099905

Baseless P&D's are over since 2018, kids. You want to be in stuff playing the longterm game, which will be based on having a working product.
Otherwise go buy the next Howdoo and tell me how that goes.

They are. Should be deployed by Q2 2020 if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.16100123

Are you talking about TUNA, or SpaceCats?

>> No.16100384

Tuna, got the mixed up for a moment.

>> No.16100686
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Helo frens, I have few 100k NKN. Will I make it?

>> No.16101087

post this on /g/
maybe we can trick them into dropping Matrix, and pumping our (worthless) bags instead.

>> No.16101140

Yes. 100K is the perfect bag for retiring in 2 years.

>> No.16101184

but in all honesty, the coin is fucking worthless, for a very, very long time.

>a forum feature, which would work like a distributed forum, where creating a thread would cost a coin or two, and the coins would be paid to anybody that is sharing the board data to other users, so as to incentivize the distributed part.

yet another vaporware zero chan alternative

>> No.16101302

Actually the main FUD I can come up with is this. Just why is the token needed. Since their complete work is done offchain. What stops any third company to copy this model a replicate it exactly as they are, dropping blockchain altogether.

>> No.16101355
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You need to incentivize the nodes to stay in the network. All other p2p networks except TOR have turned to dust because nobody runs a node.
Found this info graph on the gitlab page.

>> No.16101461

Are you missing the point where they have a massive and global nCDN which can deliver content at 50ms anywhere on the planet and has better through-put than CloudFlare?

>> No.16101487

What they have is a centralized app and that they've not disclosed how it works, at all.
I would not be getting hopium from that. It is all so backwards that it hurts. And I think it will hurt.

>> No.16101741

> oh no. a business making money with a centralised app, on top of a decentralised network. We're all doomed.

>> No.16101808

What exactly is this centralized app?
afaik, only centralized thing is their fiat-gateway managed by NKN company. It is meant for the big clients who don't want to buy tokens in order to buy NKN services. This 'centralized' thing is necessary for gaining adoption among companies.

>> No.16101841

The entire nCDN node part is centralized. There's a thread on the forums where they quickly admitted that.
the software that enables nCDN in a node is likely gonna be closed source

>> No.16101867

Urbit is doing the same thing and integrating LN and Ethereum which is much better than using some illiquid shitcoin for these kinds of payments

>> No.16101883

>The entire nCDN node part is centralized.
That doesn't make any sense. nCDN (like any other service/mining) nodes in NKN network are run by community.
>the software that enables nCDN in a node is likely gonna be closed source
And this is your assumption.

>> No.16101901

I'm just repeating what they said, man. It makes just as little sense to me. Which is why I'm not putting any hope on this enterprise. The chances of anything remarkable are low.
They've communicated so poorly that I'm going to assume it's gonna be shit.

>> No.16101924

And you won't source any of your claims?

>> No.16101939

find thread "questions about ncdn"

>> No.16101955

nCDN is a closed application. But it still run over a decentralised network. nCDN self-serve client Beta should open this week or next, which means anyone with a website can test it out for their content delivery.

>> No.16101964


>> No.16102012


Have you even read it? Yawn

>> No.16102027

>The nCDN coordinator is jointly developed by NKN and content owner, and is centralized.
>is centralized.
yep, that's a yawnkes! from me.

>> No.16102033

I guess you mean this one?
>Infrastructure that will serve paid clients will be centralized/partially centralized?
>The infrastructure is partially centralized for paid customers (content owner)
>The source of the content (e.g. Game of Thrones) have to come from media store by YouTube
>The nCDN coordinator is jointly developed by NKN and content owner, and is centralized. This is mainly used to find
>the nearest NKN node for the video streaming user, as well as providing statistics and and analytics for the content
>owner to better cache the content across all the nodes
Like what exactly is the bad thing in this if this is the correct thread and part you mean?

>> No.16102047

Dude, the fucking coordinator basically makes the cdn work, and it's centralized.
It's a fucking sham

>> No.16102056

i dont care about dchat. but im comfy in yanbo

>> No.16102074

Lol what? How the customer control of its own content / traffic monitoring customization is a bad thing. How can that even be decentralized? Content owner has to give an input how their content is delivered and used etc.. The network itself is still decentralized and run fully by community which is the most relevant thing here.

>> No.16102077

That seems to be the case for everybody. I mean, the chat works quite well, and if it had more than 1 person developing it, it would be very good in a very short time.
But everybody goes "binance wen," "ncdn wen," "moon wen," and rubs off their dick.
Because NKN_ORG has done NOTHING to attract developers, this thing is still at fucking 2 cents.

>> No.16102089

You will need to bend over and kindly ask Yanbo to insert his 2" dick inside your anus to have nCDN work for you.
great, fantastic decentralization. sad.

>> No.16102114

I see you are losing with your tenuous arguments and just throwing bad words in the air. That, if anything, is just sad to see :(

>> No.16102116
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You can do it yourself via the self-serve client dumb-ass. nCDN is a freemium product.

>> No.16102123

where is the source code?
where are the details on how it works?
oh yeah........ NOTHING