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16096592 No.16096592 [Reply] [Original]

What does biz think?

>> No.16096601

this is so tiresome, there will be no recession

>> No.16096605

I would say right before so (((they))) make sure Trump doesnt get re-elected

>> No.16096651


>> No.16096668

My thoughts too

>> No.16096709
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Firstly the stock market has grown 80% since 2009 whilst a optimistic estimate of overall economic growth in the US is only 40%

Second, Negative interest rates on gov. bonds, never before in HISTORY has this ever occured. Now guess what happens to all those negative interest rate bonds when interest rates inevitably GO BACK UP. THEY BECOME FUCKING WORTHLESS. 17 TRILLION DOLLARS worth of bonds take a 60-90% price cut.

Thirdly and lastly, this entire stock market rally has been complete bullshit, you can unironically thank boomer pension funds for that. On average every american government pension fund for public employees is AIMING for a 7.5% YEARLY ROI. That's absurd and it has led basically every pension fund in the country investing in dog shit and making everything overpriced. These pension funds collectively manage 7X the amount of broad money that the Federal reserve manages.

So basically yes, there WILL be a recession. And there will probably be a bailout since nobody in the government or the central banks is will to just let the CORRECTION happen. So, basically if the government doesn't make REAL change in how we manage economic crisis, we are just going to end up printing a shit tonne of increasingly worthless USD and effectively just start throwing it out of helicopters in order to keep this machine we are stuck in from BLEEDING TO DEATH.

Basically buy bitcoin and make sure it's secure.

Fuck the fucking (((bankers))) they need to be disembowed and hung from their own entrails.

>> No.16096729
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And you have stupid sheep all going crazy about investing in overpriced INDEX FUNDS

Index funds fucking disgust me, it was a good idea to begin with when only 5% of invested funds was in index funds and it was just meant to 'ride the wave' of the overall stock market.
Now index funds ARE the stock market, few people are buying individual stocks anymore, now people just buy indexfunds and this results in companies becoming way overpriced.

>> No.16096734
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>it'll keep going up forever

>> No.16096753
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I took a look this summer at all the US recessions since the Great Depression.
I was surprised to find the majority started during the Winter prior to a Presidential Election.
From that angle, there should be a Recession announced in December 2019 or January 2020.
I say 'announced' because we're clearly in a recession as it is, but nobody has the balls to just say it. They're squeezing the last drop of blood out of the stone.
Looking into it really made me lose all hope in politics and economics.

>> No.16096758

Priced in.