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16095716 No.16095716 [Reply] [Original]

What is the fatal error in Segwit that Satoshi talked about?

>> No.16095730

If I gave you a cheque without a signature on it would you accept it?

>> No.16095740

>inb4 that's completely different

>> No.16095748

>honest man disrespects fellow developers working on the project of his life.
Literally no one ever does this.
He was talking about the error in his judgement when he started believing he was satoshi.

>> No.16095798

So go ahead and hack it, dumbass.

>> No.16095840
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>implying segwit removes signatures rather than splitting them for compression
Where did you brainlets crawl from

>> No.16095870
File: 231 KB, 986x452, btc is the fork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a hash of a signature is a signature

>> No.16095874

this guy gets it.

>> No.16095876
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>> No.16095894

if i give you the hash of a signature you can't tell what key made the signature. A hash of a signature is not a signature

>> No.16095903

Fatal Law Flaw. They cant fix it only remove segwit can fix it.

>> No.16095909

Aids. He's got full blownsies.

>> No.16095939

this. SegWit was a legal fuck up and it is unfixable

>> No.16096128

He's been babbling about this bullshit for years. He said he was going to prove segwit is broken in November 2017 but never did. Now everyone forgot and he's trying to do the same trick again

>> No.16096144 [DELETED] 

Worst of all, it's not even his original ideometimes it's random publications online from whica. He has few original ideas. He usually steals ideas from others: sometimes it's the BCH camp, sometimes it's old forum posts, sh he plagiarizes his papers.

>> No.16096148

Worst of all, it's not even his original idea. He has few original ideas. He usually steals ideas from others: sometimes it's the BCH camp, sometimes it's old forum posts, sometimes it's random publications online from which he plagiarizes his papers.

>> No.16096176

Yeah he promised all year they were going to break segwit in November and flip btc dominance and make bch #1. He's lying again but I do wonder if bsv will get a crazy pump, I almost got some when it was cheaper but personal disgust stopped me

>> No.16096201

he is talking bullshit for way too long and there are still people who fall for it. i will never understand the mind of the bsv cult members

>> No.16096232

>man who has been proven to be a habitual liar makes yet another statement which for some reason isn’t immediately disregarded.

>> No.16096911

here is Craig not understanding Base58, which was invented by satoshi