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File: 2 KB, 303x166, PNK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16094051 No.16094051 [Reply] [Original]

Finally doubled my bag of this during that heavier volume spike a few days ago. Pretty comfy for 2020, since Vitalik keeps shilling the hell out of it.

How can we being more cases on board? I'm a patient goyim, but this should be at least 20x from here. If you believe in ETH, you should support Kleros.

Newfags : Read between the lines on PNK. This is your chance to make a sizable multiplier before the next major bull.


>> No.16094083

Stanford / JP Morgan peeps are unironically on the fellowship. i have 2M. will buy more. anyone who doesn't have at least a 1m suicide stack of this is retarded. no FUD. vittie shilling. send it, nerds.

>> No.16094158

Shit I forgot about that. Comfy.

>> No.16094431

Why the hell have I not heard this before. How the hell is this still so fucking under the radar. Thanks for making my bags lighter anon.

>> No.16094445

what does it even do

>> No.16094792

Fcking checked. Micro cap token with Vitalik shilling it. It's obvious enough that this will be huge

>> No.16094845

Pump like a 2017 ICO. Just gotta hold it for a few months to a year, don't be a neurotic beta switching between biz flavors of the week. That's not how to make it.

>> No.16094846

not on binance pass

>> No.16094852
File: 278 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20191031-000648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also disputes is misspelled

>> No.16094865

Ya omg and kyber worked out great. Vitalik really knows how to pick em

>> No.16094996

>not buying before binance

you realize "dispute resolution" is a thing, r....right?

Kyber will be huge.


>> No.16095011

oh, my bad. disute. indeed! good catch. kek.

>> No.16095016

where the fuck do you even buy a bag??? i live in the US.

>> No.16095056

Uniswap. Or : Get a buddy / anyone (pay 'em a fee) outside the US to get you a burner account for IDEX / normie binance. Win / win.

>> No.16095085
File: 46 KB, 678x387, Screenshot_2019-10-31 Law on Blockchain Become a Juror - Dispute Resolution on Ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shilling this retarded shit faggot

the vast majority is made up of librul NPCs who believe we need to stop eating cows cause their farts are ruining the environment, if this thing ever gains traction we're even more fucked

>> No.16095147

this is called not hanging a jury.

>> No.16095150

What in the literal fuck. I'm only here to make money.

>> No.16095179

most are. this is a great thing to hang onto a bit after you exit, staking aside... IMO, this either 100x's in 1-2 years, or just ride bull with everything else and pitters off. Doubt Vitalik would be shilling so hard if he didn't think it had a future, tho.

>> No.16095193
File: 8 KB, 240x240, B8F5C9FC-38C7-4F4B-8075-74F7DD0E0DA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$400 volume


>> No.16095305

VB is an autist. He likes funky things. He isnt the bastion of normiedom. Kleros is a good idea, thats all, upon further scrunity one can plainly see the failures of PNK as a speculative investment.

>> No.16095307

That's how early you are

>> No.16096183
File: 127 KB, 1682x700, BOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn shitskins shilling this crap again. WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU NEED BLOCKCHAIN TO ACT LIKE JUDGE DREDD?


>> No.16096298

do tell.


cool it, rakesh.

>> No.16096876

I'm not getting it. It actually has *some* use in the system similar to Maker. Fud me on this anon.

This guy is literally seething. Top kek.

>> No.16096890

It's the only thing in the space doing what it's doing. Yes, it's taking a while to fully take off, but all the good ones do. It has no real competition (especially, it seems in the eyes of Vitalik) Sure, there's that dirty "A" word copypasta, but, wew lad. Never happening.

>> No.16097207

Crypto moon shot kids can't wait more than 3 days. The absolute state.

>> No.16097367

not my problem. let 'em chase.

>> No.16097762

And chase they will.

> Biz never learns

>> No.16097890

everyone buying this deserves the loss they are going to take. courts on the blockchain.....holy fucking cringe.

while vitalik is an idiot, he doesn't shill this shit like these fags want you to believe. he thinks it's a cool use of blockchain....because he's autistic as fuck and lives in his head, not reality.