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File: 17 KB, 689x445, 4679FDF8-A5DB-411A-BF4A-6DD2FB6D5539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16093380 No.16093380 [Reply] [Original]

Were there ever any breadcrumbs regarding this? In hind sight it seems so obvious. Google is all about data and Chainlink is about monetizing data. Should have been a no brainer.

>> No.16093398

Yeah, Big Query integration in the smart contract code before the Google announcement was made ages ago.

>> No.16093404
File: 723 KB, 1242x1864, 1544331718426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google never referenced Chainstink.

This is analogous to the VeChain + BMW "partnership".

>> No.16093409

This. I've never seen any direct reference from Google itself.
Literally VeChain tier partnerships.

>> No.16093419

Leave your basements losers

>> No.16093431

ask yourself ONE question: If you where google, would you work with some random russuion or would you develop your own orcale solution which works in like 1/10th the time ? Do you really think google dont has a bunch of the best software developers on the planet who are able to code something google intern in no time and have the control over the code etc?? Nobody needs link, google doesnt need link.... get over it.

>> No.16093454

yes the github already had this

>> No.16093456


Stellar argument, shit for brains. So glad I swung above $3.60

>> No.16093462

Deluded Linkies need to realise you are getting scammed or at least stop shit posting.
Thank fuck there are more of you now. It's nice to finally out number the retarded scam shillers. I can't wait for this shit to die off.

>> No.16093463

you could say this about literally any large tech company that acquired a smaller one. Fuck off retard

>> No.16093475

Post order history loser.
Go outside loser.

>> No.16093479


>> No.16093487
File: 209 KB, 1242x1293, 70D6EA65-769C-4E7D-A514-4148F404D787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are all in this together
>pic related, it's you and every other spastic chainlink holder

>> No.16093489
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>> No.16093495

This thread has been lost to the Indians

>> No.16093496

Stellar argument, shit for brains. So glad I swung above $3.60

>> No.16093497
File: 78 KB, 608x608, 1515706537820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table At which he’s fed.
Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.
Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!
Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.
Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he tries to think.
Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries, then tax his tears.
Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ***.
Tax all he has Then let him know, That you won’t be done till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers Then tax him more,
Tax him till he’s good and sore.
Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he’s laid.
Put these words Upon his tomb, ‘Taxes drove me to my doom.. . ‘
When he’s gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax.

>> No.16093499

Post order history, loser.

>> No.16093504


fudders btfo

>> No.16093517
File: 234 KB, 1500x2000, 1555952099347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got scammed bro.
Brainwashed and scammed.

>> No.16093531

Where's that order history at? Loser.

>> No.16093544
File: 110 KB, 536x546, 1552344158697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice how there is no direct reference by Google to anything related to Chainstink.

They're letting some literally who startups play around in their lobby in some backwater office in Belgium, lmao.

If Chainlink is not a vaporware P&D, why don't LINKlets have a fucking leg to stand on?

>> No.16093548


>> No.16093549

>would you develop your own orcale solution which works in like 1/10th the time ?
It’s been 6 years, so even with that very generous fraction we’re still talking about a 7-8 month timeframe, after which they would be way behind everyone else in the space. This tech is developing fast and link is the closest one to having a working product, companies can either get on board or get left behind. Oracle and now Google have shrewdly bet on chainlink

>> No.16093551

Post order or faggot

>> No.16093560

Old and irrelevant news. Akin to an article about some productivity extension in Google's chrome browser. Not a partnership. Not even used. Sorry dude if you just saw this, you even missed the the chance to ride the pump. It's over

>> No.16093563
File: 45 KB, 550x716, 1562978355786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Notice that this is by no fathomable means even remotely considered a partnership or agreement, or anything really.

It's just a blog written by some junior employee who probably is holding STINK bags himself.

There's no formal agreement between STINK and any of Google's branches. Zero. Zilch NADA.

The only legit thing Chainlink has going for it is blockchain-based gravel from Brazil.

>> No.16093564

This. Until the partnership is announced on the google.com main page, it's nothing burger-tier.

>> No.16093567

kek you've been waiting more than 2 years for this to die, it's just getting started fren

>> No.16093570


>developer advocate

tell me more about this Google partnership

>> No.16093574

>not google.com
Wow they have to settle for a google hosted blog LMAO. Absolutely desperate.

>> No.16093580

Laugh at this retarded loser.

>> No.16093587
File: 48 KB, 400x500, 1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shit fud kek

>> No.16093593
File: 45 KB, 694x684, 1526482106734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No agreement, no letter of intent, no memorandum of understanding, not a single fucking handshake even.

LINK has fucking nothing, but a stale presentation, a theoretical solution to something for which there is no commercial demand, and not even a single partner.

You idiots better hope there is one more mania like there was in 2017, where complete dog shit with "crypto" in the title was being sold to normies for hundreds of millions and billion dollar valuations, because there sure as fuck is no business case for LINK.

The only hope for you STINKlets to emerge from your shackles of poverty and physical atrophy refreshing charts, is for ALL of the shitcoins to run up to crazy prices again.

Not happening until 2021-2023.

>> No.16093608
File: 68 KB, 772x522, 1548287608244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You had 2 FUCKING YEARS to sell above your entry price of 30 cents, trannie.

>> No.16093614

You are either brainwashed by the shills or you bought too high to sell. Either way you are making a mistake. You must know it at heart.
Buy btc while you still can. Fren

>> No.16093626

please be respectful

>> No.16093634
File: 50 KB, 400x388, 1508702053435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drns kekekekekekekek

>> No.16093713

placed “chainlink investor” in my linkedin profile a year back or so
i showed up on google, DB and GS searches

so those are also likely connections

>> No.16093715

Holy fuck the damage control.
Enjoy sitting on your stinking RLC bags, they're going to get pretty heavy.

>> No.16093731

I can't fucking wait for this shit to tank. it will be an incredibly entertaining day.

>> No.16093733
File: 135 KB, 1200x1807, 1547605133102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine not having any argument or knowledge for your biggest gamble in your whole life, but betting your entire life's net worth (about the value of a small Kia) based on green frog pictures and memes....

The whole HORDE of desperate ChainStinkers remaining on /biz/ who somehow did not make it when it went from 21 cents to $4.00, is the STRONGEST FUCKING SELL SIGNAL, I've seen.

>> No.16093750

This. Google only works with reputable companies like iExec which also happens to be 200%+ this month as LINK bleeds.

>> No.16093755
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Did RLC really quadruple in SAT value?

>> No.16093762
File: 396 KB, 960x540, 1570925695929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMM the tranny fear is palpable in this thread.

>> No.16093774

>a theoretical solution to something for which there is no commercial demand

>> No.16093853

Junko told me. Literally. AMA

>> No.16094099

And it stayed about the same in dollar value.
Chainlink did the same except it also doubled in dollar value.

>> No.16094459
File: 816 KB, 767x849, 1570536642819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of google breadcrumbs, it ties into apigee (google is the parent company of them) as well as Digital Asset

>> No.16094464
File: 191 KB, 2702x438, 1560466838992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the dates on these screencaps of course
2018 biz was really something else, it sucks what it has become

>> No.16094472
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>> No.16094473
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Who are those chubby losers in attendance? Who pays these people to sit around conferences that don't lead to anything profitable?

>> No.16094492

Probably techy guys from companies looking for new techy tech
Usually the crowds are just weird nerds and gimps, just like in the early days of the dotcom era

>> No.16094500
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>> No.16094503
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>> No.16094507
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>> No.16094515
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>> No.16094523
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Now THIS was some good digging
Spot on

>> No.16094536
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>> No.16094549
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>> No.16094552

We've literally been hearing rumours about this garbage excuse for a partnership for years

>> No.16094560
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>> No.16094573
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>> No.16094582

would explain why we’re up 1000%

>> No.16094591

>Name is literally Sengupta
Fuck off rajish

>> No.16094649


Ahhh the slightly old days when the case for LINK was unproven but building, I miss them.

People smarter then you who bought at ICO

mmmmmmmmmm tasty salt

so real tip for anyone who is not paid FUD, LINK was banker/corporate/gov controlled from the start, The sword of damocles over the crypto world and THAT is why you see all the salt and FUD. Cryptosphere was always the little libtard ancap fuckdream and now reality is knocking and they are making a market that will be unlike anything previous in recorded history.

>> No.16094677

>so real tip for anyone who is not paid FUD, LINK was banker/corporate/gov controlled from the start,
What about the price

>> No.16094727

Well it's an entirely new market that allows corporations unprecedented flexibility in the enforcement of legally binding transactions + access to all market data so.......

you tell me?

>> No.16094793

Right.... and they just grabbed some fat fucking loser with a bunch of failure start ups under his belt to helm it all, who speaks like a 10 year old w down syndrome.... because thats what bankers do?

LMAO Linkies are next level delusional, and are detached from reality. I actually feel bad for them.

>> No.16094815

Sergey is a very intelligent and charming man, he radiates a charisma so powerful that after witnessing him speak I suffered insomnia for two nights, tossing and turning in my bedchamber, until at last I was forced to purchase chainlink, the wisest investment I have ever made

>> No.16094817

>Who are those chubby losers in attendance?
Probably richer cunts than you, Dinesh.

>> No.16094841


tell me more about the two man team and his philosophy degree......

>I actually feel bad for them.

oh don't feel bad for me, I'm up 1500% on LINK alone. How r u doin faggot?

>> No.16094856

Ya when it tanks to 200 from 350 that’ll be fuckin hilarious. Pathetic linkies Hahahaha

>> No.16094858

How mad are you fudders that I invested my life savings ($75K) in Link at an average price of $0.22 because I thought the memes were funny? How mad are all of you? You fudders would kill for my stack. And guess what you little shits? I AM NEVER SELLING. I can smell your envy and poverty from here top fucking kek.

>> No.16094878

>Google never referenced Chainstink.
>This. I've never seen any direct reference from Google itself.
>Nobody needs link
>Notice how there is no direct reference by Google to anything related to Chainstink.
>Not a partnership
>Not even used
>garbage excuse for a partnership

Something big must be coming. Fud is hitting an ATH and it is literally all retard shit. There isn't even an attempt at plausible fud. The "no google partnership" retards are ramping up after getting yet another additional unnecessary confirmation direct from google that the relationship is going strong.

>> No.16095004

That’s what I’m thinking as well. I wonder who’s paying them and how much it costs.

>> No.16095044

ID says "PRY" which is right didn't read the rest, never selling, PRY them from my dead cold hands

>> No.16095114

>what about the price
Yes exactly. Look up the minimum required payment to join the ICO and ask yourself why the hell did they price out so many people? All they did was create a large list of legally decentralized Node holders, they didn't get as much money as they could have. What a weird priority.

>> No.16095267

congrats, it's going back down to 0.2, like every single P&D shitcoin that has zero users.

Chainlink has zero dapps using it. Not a single person on earth uses it for their oracles in production.

It is going back down to 0.2, that is a certainty.

>> No.16095296

BigQuerry has not only mentioned Chainlink. But they integrated Chainlink.

This means that every blockchain or smartcontract that wants data from google MUST go through Chainlink and only Chainlink.

take a hint. buy LINK and get rich.

>> No.16095317



>> No.16095357


Man, those were the days. Such good pasta. Biz was excellent and it made investing in Chainlink so exciting. I will never forget it.

Now, Chainlink 1000 is almost guaranteed. All of it was real... its just a waiting game now. Boring as hell but oh so comfy.

>> No.16095892

kek you obviously have no clue what BigQuery is. BigQuery is not google's data. BigQuery is people storing their own data using a paid google service, which is called BigQuery. To put it simply for a brainlet like yourself, it's like Google Drive, but for very large structured data. You host your own data, you never have access to Google's data.

Do you know what this means? It means you literally don't know what you're talking about. It means you're a brainlet. It means you're wrong. It means the only reason you think Chainlink is not a scam is because your IQ is incredibly low. It means Google is not using Chainlink. It means you don't know what is an integration is and what it is not (it's definitely not in this case).

It also means 0.2EOY because the only reason the price is high is because of normans like yourself who have no clue what they're investing in.

>> No.16095900


>> No.16095906

they actually literally power nothing. There's not a single dapp with users using Chainlink.





Kek linkers are getting more and more desperate by the day as the vaporware is getting exposed.

>> No.16095914
File: 263 KB, 1434x908, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be free

>> No.16095930

if it's a scam the ignore it and go on your way. wait let me guess
>you linkies have been shitting up this board for too long blah blah
use filters and fuck off. honestly you just sound priced out and butt hurt and its pathetic

>> No.16095941

Hurrrr durrrr partnerships

>> No.16095942

>t. desperate linker getting angry after getting BTFOed

>> No.16095951

>To put it simply for a brainlet like yourself, it's like Google Drive, but for very large structured data.
Oh wow this sounds awful thx just sold 100k dear

>> No.16095956

based fudders itt
you guys carry hard

>> No.16095957

projection at its finest. you're clearing seething and you're shitting up this thread because you can't man up and control your emotions.

>> No.16095980

it would be, if you had high IQ, but you don't.

BigQuery is a REST API, i.e an HTTP API. Do you know what already works with every other service in the world and doesn't need integration with anything? HTTP APIs.

Which means BigQuery is not an integration with Chainlink. BigQuery already universally works with everything. The entire "integration" and "partnership" is a lie. They made up some graph to make it look like an integration, but that was just to fool low IQ investors like yourself, and it worked.

Which is why it's going to 0.2EOY. It's only a matter of time before normans like yourself realize all Chainlink partnerships are fake technicalities like this, which is the reason there's literally not a single dapp with users using Chainlink right now. Literally not a single one. It's vaporware with no relationship to Google/Swift/Oracle/Intel.

>> No.16095984

>t. desperate linker who got BTFOed and ran out of arguments.

>> No.16095986


>> No.16096007
File: 157 KB, 1607x827, google cloud chainlink link tokens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this lack of cope, and abundance of salt.


>> No.16096011

haha, aww, you are trying so hard, its so cute, my little fudder :`)

>> No.16096043

>To retrieve data from BigQuery, a Dapp invokes the Chainlink oracle contract and includes payment for the parameterized request to be serviced (e.g. gas price at a specified point in time). One or more Chainlink nodes are listening for these calls, and upon observing, one executes the requested job. External adapters are service-oriented modules that extend the capability of the Chainlink node to authenticated APIs, payment gateways, and external blockchains. In this case, the Chainlink node interacts with a purpose-built App Engine web service.

yeah makes sense for google cloud to undersell their own service as being relient on third party tech to make external data available on chain because... they want to help a scam artist?

>> No.16096082

guys ... I just booked a meetup at Google HQ about the benefits of array formulas in MS Excel

want to come?

>> No.16096099

there were no breadcrumbs
everyone was going on about facebook. no one expected google.
Though probably some fags will lie and say they did

>> No.16096137
File: 66 KB, 804x604, 2343940022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and this is my son's room, he's quite the little Chainlink fudder

>> No.16096164

OGs expected Microsoft. Google is a nice add on

>> No.16096277

Oh wow how much did you lose swinging? This is real desperate shit

>> No.16096372

i would actually go if this was real