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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16091224 No.16091224 [Reply] [Original]

Who does /biz/ agree with?

>> No.16091263

I think this all boils down to penis envy

>> No.16091282

Hayek was correct. Free market capitalism with a hard money. I personally would caveat it with taxes to create a social net for the most vulnerable and infrastructure projects.

Keynes was a paedophile and sodomite.

>> No.16091302

I don't agree with any of them. Life is meaningless in terms of money, I would be just as happy living in the forest eating seasoned rice in a tent vs in my house with 250k in the bank. Human existence is trivial with our concerns, Only worsened by jews.

>> No.16091316
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isn't it obvious

>> No.16091328

Fuck keynes

>> No.16091342

Based keynes

>> No.16091355


>> No.16091375


>> No.16091378

there's nothing to agree on, just facts to check: we've been and we're still influenced by keynes theories. there's an infinite amount of problems. so his ideas were retarded. that's all we need to know.

>> No.16091387

Haven’t had any great depressions though have we? Faggot

>> No.16091391
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>Hayek: Dude, economic freedom is all that matters. The freer the markets, the freeer the people. Government internvention is bad
Imagine if we listened to that idiot in 2008. We'd all be screwed.

>> No.16091427

Keynes is unironically the reason we have nice things

>> No.16091432
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>> No.16091443

The US governmemt intervened and gave money to the banks in 2008 instead of letting everything go to hell. How is that bad, retard?

>> No.16091487

they did it because it would have been cheaper than to FDIC back everything that fell apart, it shouldn't have happened in the first place but most of those loans the banks were being told to make them in the first plce by the government

>> No.16091580

It hasn't been 100 years yet. There is a depression about every hundred years or so. I'd say give it another 50-100 years with zero depressions before we're in the clear. This economic system is an experiment and in just a few generations everyone is now poor. The banks have taken everything. The banks profit from breaking the law and manipulating the markets because the punishment is always just a fine worth less than the profit they made.

>> No.16091625 [DELETED] 

The banks fucked up. They should have failed and given companies incentive to innovate. If the economy crashed it would have allowed the less privelaged to buy cheap assets. They never had the chance. Now everyone has been priced out of everything. The gen x ers and boomers boomers and the banks own everything there is to own. There is nothing left that's cheap besides crypto.

>> No.16091649


People with net worths of zero have less to lose in a crash than the rich. The lip service is that they were bailing them out for the sake of average people, the truth is that they were giving banks and rich bankers a big fat get out of jail free check, courtesy of Joe Taxpayer.

>> No.16091676 [DELETED] 

>>16091443 #
The banks fucked up. They should have failed and given companies incentive to innovate. As a consequence the taxpayers had to front the banks and their ongoing experiment which has let to more debt. If the economy crashed it would have allowed the less privelaged to buy cheap assets. They never had the chance. Now everyone has been priced out of everything. The gen x ers, boomers, and the banks own everything there is to own. There is nothing left that's cheap besides crypto and soon the banks will own that too.

>> No.16091723
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The banks fucked up. They should have failed and given companies incentive to innovate. As a consequence the taxpayers had to front the banks and their ongoing experiment which has let to more debt. If the economy crashed it would have allowed the less privelaged to buy cheap assets. They never had the chance. Now everyone has been priced out of everything. The gen x ers, boomers, and the banks own everything there is to own. There is nothing left that's cheap besides crypto and soon the banks will own that too.

>> No.16091810

accept the facts and shut the fuck up, your life is all about waste

>> No.16091812

Both are right depending on what you look at. Hayek is right in a more theoretical sense. Keynes is right in a more practical, policy-oriented way.

>> No.16091855

Most people on /biz/ would say Hayek, because it is the generic libertarian/conservative school of thought.
Until recently i would have included my self among in this "/biz/" group.
However, there seems to be some sort of consensus that boring money for financial growth is a good thing. Borrowing money for a car, a business startup, etc. is good for your personal finances. Borrowing money for normal spending like going to the movies or going out to eat is not good.

I think you can to some extend apply this to a nation at large, investing in infrastructure, etc. is a good thing. Even just mindless money printing might be a good thing, if it increase the productivity, and you could always just roll this stimulation back once the economy becomes strong - so it doesn't end up being a permanent thing that cause the market to be artificial.

>> No.16092805


Keynes creates public good. Hayek creates private wealth.

>> No.16092849
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>> No.16093183

neither. economics is not a science, it's a religion.

>> No.16093195

this. you're all retards.

>> No.16093212

as if a government is wholeheartedly capable of lowering spending in order to make this "model" work

>> No.16093228
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These based. Cant believe this was a whole thread dedicated to jewish alchemy.

>> No.16093271

Hayek actually supported universal healthcare and a guaranteed basic income.

He was kind of a based free market guy because he didn't take it to a total demagogic extreme and recognised there were areas for the state to have a legitimate role in protecting people from destitution.

Milton Friedman was also kinda cool in that sense, with his negative income tax.

>> No.16093294

2008 crisis was because "we" listened to keynes.

>> No.16093385

the only people who say keynes are
>greedy landords/real estate owners
>BS job workers that are parasites on the society

>> No.16093387

Keynes with an asterisks. I agree that investment is basically gambling and more with his ideas on fundamental uncertainty but I'm more sceptical about solutions.

>Hayek was correct. Free market capitalism with a hard money
How don't you know Hayek supported competing currencies? He wasn't for "hard money" but a free market in money. He was less dumb than the Rothbardians there

>> No.16093388

Donald Fucking Trump

>> No.16093484

debt unlocks potential that would otherwise go unused

>> No.16093533

If Greenspan hadn’t cut rates to save the stock market in 2001 the GFC would have never happened.

>> No.16093639

it wouldn't be needed if capital didn't centraliza in the hands of the few

>> No.16094822

Hayek was in favor of a social safety net you stupid bastard. One of my main gripes with him. Was too soft. Couldn't commit to full an cap

>> No.16094829


>> No.16094914


100% this

>> No.16095018

In the long term, yes.

>> No.16095072

Only brainlets fall for false dichotomies.

>> No.16095779

at least we can buy telephones and tvs right?

>> No.16095834

underrated. song bangs.

>> No.16096564

Hayek, hands down!


>> No.16096583

Keynes but Friedman also had a point.
Hayek is a retard who can't see beyond the limited scope of academic economics