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1609005 No.1609005 [Reply] [Original]

What type of healthcare market can the American consumer expect now that Trump has won and Obamacare is soon to be history?

Are insurance premiums finally going to plummet?

>> No.1609017

Well insurance companies will be able to cross all state borders right? I guess that would increase competitiveness and bring prices down

>> No.1609025 [DELETED] 

>Are insurance premiums finally going to plummet?

No, because like every other American company, they'll refuse to take a loss in revenue, even if their expenditure is far lower than it was before.

>> No.1609029

>Are insurance premiums finally going to plummet?

No, because like every other American company, they'll refuse to take a cut in revenue, even if their expenditure is far lower than it was before.

>> No.1609040

rates will continue to rise as we go back to what we did before- not paying.

>> No.1609048


why won't rates go down?

I thought Trump's plan allows for more competitiveness between the insurance companies in the marketplace

more competitiveness causes the price to bid down, right?

>> No.1609050

because about 1/4 of americans can't afford it at any price, and those will be the ones using the ER and not providing their name, or racking up thousands in medical debts and declaring bankruptcy.

and those costs will be passed on to hospitals who will then pass them on to their only paying customers- the insured.

>> No.1609052

Insurance is a scam. Anyone who buys into it might as well just test their luck at a casino, it probbaly has a higher payout rate.

>> No.1609076

Without individual mandate and cutting people under 26 out of their pools there's a lot fewer healthy bodies insured to cover the costs of unhealthy fat fucks. Also health insurance was incredibly expensive before Obamacare too, repealing it is a step backwards at this point, we might as well just socialize it like every developed country IMO senpai.

>> No.1609078


>repealing it is a step backwards at this point, we might as well just socialize it like every developed country IMO senpai

yeah well with Trump in the Oval Office and a Republican Congress that's not going to happen

will we at least avoid next year's premium hikes when Trump dissolves Obamacare and reveals his new plan, whatever it is?

>> No.1609084

I think the new plan introduces some additional tax incentives for healthcare savings accounts, which Trump seems to prefer. That and allowing insurance companies to do business across state lines, which hopefully should lower rates.

It's not the worst plan, I guess.

>implying the point of insurance is to get a payout

You're a fucking retard.

>> No.1609085

>yeah well with Trump in the Oval Office and a Republican Congress that's not going to happen
of course it is.

that was the GOP's plan clear back before Obama got into office. Obamacare is modeled directly on a plan that was put into effect by Mitt Romney when he was governor.

The GOP doesn't hate socialism, it just doesn't want the Dems getting credit for it.

>> No.1609087

It'll be the same as the shit pre-ACA system, it's not like repealing it is going to magically fix a broken system, my insurance premiums for me + spouse and dependents (not that I actually have any) was 600 a month in 2007 and its 800 a month now post Obamacare (same employer same carrier), I think at this point it's just a scapegoat for conservatives to blame problems that always existed with our country's medical care system.

>> No.1609094
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>It'll be the same as the shit pre-ACA system

Then what are his plans to lower actual rising healthcare costs?

>> No.1609102

Think it's mostlly the thing about letting insurance companies conduct business across state lines, increasing competition and hopefully driving costs down.

Although I work for a company in Washington that has health insurance through BCBS of Illinois, so maybe that's already a thing.

>> No.1609103

It's just dank memes about the free market being a magical cure, it's so awful he's literally proposing special savings accounts so people will have something to cushion the blow when the get fucking reamed by their HMO.

>> No.1609104

Healthcare savings accounts are already a thing, you mong.

>> No.1609110

He's proposing special tax free ones though, his whole thing is that you should basically just save money to pay your medical bills instead of trying to actually fix anything.

>> No.1609112

Healthcare savings accounts are tax free, though. You contribute to it from pre-tax income like a 401(k).

>> No.1609116

Heres the plan.

We enact fat prison.

Anyone over 500 lbs gets thrown into fat prison for 2 years or until they lose weight.

They get force fed a proper diet and get taught how to make proper meals.

That would solve 90% of our healthcare problems.

>> No.1609118

Okay then he's proposing things people could already do to fix a healthcare system most rational people already knew was broken. His plan then was basically do nothing but appeal to rustbelt retards who are convinced that Obamacare is literally Nazi Germany IRL and proposing that we replace it with nothing but blind faith in capitalism.

>> No.1609121

Well, basically.

>Obamacare happens.
people complain
>Obamacare is repealed
people complain

>> No.1609123

most of 4chan is too young to remember Obamacare happened for a reason.

both sides hated the way things were.
both sides promised to fix it for years.
one side actually tried.

>> No.1609125

Isn't it on its last legs anyway, with insurers pulling out of the exchange?

>> No.1609127


it was just a stopgap to get us to a dem congress so they could socialize the bitch completely.

we see how that turned out.

>> No.1609139

Also keep in mind that the insurers aren't the major part of the ACA. Most of the people that got coverage probably got it through Medicaid. Private insurers only helped the middle class, most of which already had insurance through their employers. Also ironically enough much of the middle class works for the government, so their insurance is also provided indirectly by taxpayer dollars. So the ACA was primarily an expansion of socialized medicine via Medicaid, with some kickbacks to private insurers.

It hasn't had time to work though, the fines for not having insurance aren't fully in effect even now. It will be repealed before we get to see it fail on its own to cover middle-class young earners that don't think they need insurance.