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16089897 No.16089897 [Reply] [Original]

and how u got the job

>> No.16089923

My uncle hired me when I graduated

>> No.16089930

Worked my ass off in school and took out loans to get chemical engineering degree. Only make like 65k which is pretty low compared to national average for my degree. I at least live in one of the poorest states so cost of living isn’t too bad. Coming on here makes me feel even worse regardless of whether the LARPs are real or not.
It’s my first job out of school and Im hoping to get 8k a year in bonuses since I work overtime a lot as salary.

>> No.16089934

I have an in demand engineering career and live in the bay area

>> No.16089935

Self taught Junior programmer, making 80k

>> No.16089942


I'm jewish

>> No.16089962

Large state school

>high gpa
> internships before graduating
> willing to do shit sales work

Hired by big tech company with comfy salary

>> No.16089969

Senior government IT.
They pay me six figures to do a job that could be done by any helpdesk monkey.
I spend 90% of my day flipping through social media and 4chan on my phone.

>> No.16089988

It's 1996.. I just graduated. I was a computer nerd who could Invision the future of employment. Decided to go to college for Computer Science. Found job in Automation knowing the robots would replace most of you.. job secure until skynet

>> No.16090004

Sounds like my job, a majority of my tickets are things that take 2 minutes to fix like resetting passwords in AD, can't believe I bothered getting all those certs for this, but the pay is nice.

>> No.16090018

>can’t spell envision correctly

Annnnnnd this is how I know this was written by a 16 year old.

>> No.16090027

How bro. No degree?

Engineering technician. No college, trying to make it in robotics now and go back to school.

>> No.16090029

Can you elaborate here brotha?
Interestes ina similar path. What does a junior programmer actually do on a daily basis

>> No.16090034

Deja vu, especially as I'm writing this post.

Anyway I'm looking for a job right now, probably as a over night stocker. Only because I'm 32 and I have a 9 year work gap in my resume so I need work experience ASAP

>> No.16090078

lads im kind of an excel expert, and know some vba script type shit.
have 7 years working at a pretty decent sized company running/automating some work processes..

any thoughts of what i can do next job wise?

>> No.16090085

Started a restaurant

>> No.16090099

got my foot in the door at a large public company, learned excel, fixed everyone's problems, and now make bank

>> No.16090127

i started an excel support group/email address at my company. helped 100's of people. eventually got recognized for it, then got tapped on the shoulder to help mgmt with some statisitical modeling, impressed them, and now i'm in mgmt too.

>> No.16090136

how much do they pay you now?

>> No.16090173

as other anon said i worked my god damn ass off as a developer even though i fuckin ghate it and now i make 110k/yr and the sky is the limit bitch

>> No.16090179

around $200k with bonus and stock. i work from home most of the time. but be aware, being an excel expert isn't enough, similar to coding monkeys that need requirements and design documents to make useful shit.

>> No.16090201

i make useful docs all the time with auto count ifs that auto complete charts for reporting.

i make automated excel sheets all of the time, and is do some statistical analysis for upper management with monthly reports

>> No.16090267

cool, maybe you're on your way. i've got 8 years on you.

code some VBA to do aggregation of 100s of excel templates, draw up some analyrics that people wouldn't have thought possible, automate PPT generation from the results, look for process improvements on your own, help everyone you can, people notice (eventually).

>> No.16090283

thanks dude. i work for penny pinchers but ill go down that road.

>> No.16090293

and what do you mean aggregation of excel templates?

>> No.16090314

Software Developer II - $87k

First dev job. Do boring as fuck PHP mostly. Graduated in 2010, but never really worked any tech job seriously. Studied for 3 months last fall to catch up on stuff. Got job after about a month of applications. Plan on leaving for a job with more modern languages, frameworks, etc. soon and hope to bump up to $95k then.

>> No.16090326

If you're good at excel you should get into private equity, syndication, rollups, real estate development, etc..

If you can work the numbers with a lot of moving parts you can be highly compensated. The hardest part is raising the money, but you can do small time deals on the side while working full time because of access to credit through various means.

For example, I gutted an old restaurant recently and leased it to a KFC. If I sell the property to an investor now with the strong tenant I have, I could prob make $280K after selling fees, pure profit.

My biggest problem is that I need to find something to do with the money or I'm paying a massive tax bill.

>> No.16090339

i happened to observe a scenario where my company had 100's of project estimates, all sitting in these separate excel workbooks on some share drive. anyways the ask came from mgmt to understand some broad questions about how much things typically cost, and the mgmt didn't really know where to begin (yes, their fault). anyway i took some initiative and wrote some VBA to scrape data from all of them, turn the results into a tabular structure suitable for analysis, and then delivered the results.

anyways i was just spitballing ideas/things to learn that helped me get noticed.

>> No.16090343

hmm i have about 70k in savings..
Can you elaborate a bit? how do i get into something like this, and what do these moving parts look like?

>> No.16090346


It sounds like you’re talking out of your ass desu. Why are you aggregating templates, and exporting to PowerPoint??

>> No.16090365


kek, stay poor spineless wageslave

>> No.16090369

shit, interesting. i work for a facilities services company that has hundreds of accounts.
and the hundreds of bid worksheets that went with them

>> No.16090395

By not talking like a gorilla that learned english

>> No.16090410

Plz no bully...
Why did you single me out?

>> No.16090423

50k.. even bus drivers here make more.. wtf.

>> No.16090478

i'm hoping vba will become one of those dead languages that no one learns anymore so when i'm a boomer i can make a killing off knowing it

>> No.16090709

gpa doesn't mean shit to employers

>> No.16090740

you're the second post don't be so insecure

>> No.16091424

Made £96000 last year as a train driver.

Just applied when I saw an opening.

>> No.16091467

To be fair with all the shit bus drivers deal with they deserve it

>> No.16092299

Dealer Mechanic $90k-ish but most days it is hard work and you’re moving 100% of the time.

Transitioned from being low level computer repair to car repair when I realized how many old boomers can’t even figure out how the new technology works in vehicles let alone diagnose and repair them.

>> No.16092323

Self taught developer

>> No.16092358
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cia agent, feels good
also find all of the "glownigger" memes funny

>> No.16092371

I got a cs degree from a top 10 cs school

>> No.16092420

Based. Just don’t go dancing and shooting yourself in public

>> No.16092426

graduated with a CS degree? what did your resume look like, as in what do you need to know/show to get an entry level dev job? amatuer/hobbyist asking

>> No.16092434


Never work for a penny pinching employer dude. You should leave them at the worst time so they’ll be screwed

>> No.16092446

recent cs graduate checking in, just signed for 70k. kind of poverty but better than nothing as a first job. Will probably quit within 6 months and look for higher pay

>> No.16092459

air traffic controller
enlisted USAF, joined FAA at 27, went to busy airport on east coast

not worth it, the stress is too high and I am looking for something else to do and be done with this shit

>> No.16092479

Graduated residency a few months ago, now working as an internal medicine doctor. On pace to make 300-350K yearly. That being said, studying to be a doctor sucks, and actually being a doctor sucks even more. I would gladly make 100k doing something more enjoyable and less stressful

>> No.16092500

>graduate with CS degree at mediocre stat university
>apply to 183 jobs
>land job for 40k
>raise to 43k one year later
>leave work for 70k the next year
>five years later, up to 92k

>> No.16092502

how much is your medical school debt all together?

>> No.16092520

I make 160k working half the year. Gotta love the mining boom here down under . Just wish id discovered biz sooner. il still make it though right guys?

>> No.16092523


Be glad that you make so much. I am a medical doctor in trauma and othopaedic surgery in Germany and I make 80.000 a year including overtime bonus for my 75+ hour week.

>> No.16092528

Was about 250K coming out of Med school but fortunately my dad paid off about half of that so I’m down to about 120K right now

>> No.16092529

>went to big state school
>finance major
>average grades
>started internships sophomore year
>kept getting progressively better internships
>got an offer for $62k upon graduation
it isn't a mindblowing salarybut it wasn't bad considering i was a pretty average student at an average school. the internships were the key to proving that i was a good worker.

>> No.16092531

that guy is obviously retarded, but gpa does create an opportunity at career fairs etc. where one might not be there. assume you have negligible work experience, a high gpa can be used as an indicator that you have a strong work ethic, passion for learning, so on. typically you're right though.

>> No.16092538

work as a process technician at a chemical plant, $24/hr. swing shifts so 3-4 days working at a time and one 7 day off period per month. i work a decent amount of overtime(about 60hrs/week roughly i would guess) and have made 60k so far this year. Still have my GI bill from military service but this job is pretty comfy so not in a huge rush to use it

>> No.16092567

sounds like a nightmare
how did you get meme'd into being a doctor?

>> No.16092573

Yea you European doctors work for pennies compared to us burgers. Kinda worried about what my salary would look like down the road if Bernie Sanders wins

>> No.16092577

I heard that is the most stressful job on the planet lol

>> No.16092619
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>applied to 183 jobs.

Jeez. Did you just blast out the resumes in a week or was it a gradual process over the course of months? Sounds discouraging.

>> No.16092632


Well. When I started I was young and naive and believed society that is is a good job with status that is well payed.

The fun stuff is that I get deducted over 40% of my earnings in taxes. Add to this several hundred Euros for insurance. 400 a year to a kind of state Mafia for recertification (every year or you are not allowed to practice)

And people I talk to remind me all the time how extremely well played I am and that I should do more for society and that my rich ass should be taxed way more.

These same people usually carry no responsibility and work not even half the hours I do.

>> No.16092649


grats bud. im in 3rd year med school, just finished IM residency. couldn't imagine being a hospitalist, but someone's gotta do it. are you on the 7 on 7 off schedule?

>> No.16092651

I make 110k a year driving a truck. I got the job because anyone with a truck licence can get a job. And if you're willing to work the hours, you make good money. Just start chasing higher paying jobs in the trucking industry and you get to where I am.

>> No.16092753

Yea if I could go back to Med school I certainly would have chosen something besides IM, it’s pretty soul crushing. I am working 7on/7off and I’m also doing locums so I can take more time off as I please, so at least I have the opportunity to enjoy life outside the hospital.

>> No.16092760

its pretty shitty sometimes, other times its chill

if I took a pay cut I could move to a much slower facility or tower and have a fairly stress free lifestyle

>> No.16092765
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Doesn't make at least 50k

>> No.16092782
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Me too a few months ago. How's it going?

>> No.16092784


Add to the fact the high taxes we pay. It Is ridiculous. It is not that salaries are a fraction, you also pay more taxes.

>> No.16092801

but if I did that I would be surrounded by literal nigger affirmative action hires, that couldn't cut it at a real facility and do not actually know how to perform ATC duties

so you see my dilemma

the crisis when controllers begin mass retiring (already happening) is going to be hilarious, since the FAA for the last decade has focused on diversity instead of actually growing a core of competent and capable experts, and its too late now to fill the gap

there will be nobody who can work the busy airports, and the FAA will lose its ability to administer ATC operations to private contracting companies which can offer a competitive wage to actual experts

>> No.16092814

No thanks

>> No.16092893


>Major in engineering
>Be an OK student, not outstanding
>Graduate with 3.2 GPA
>First job out of college is nothing special, but it paid over 50K

So...be an engineer, but not that good at it? 50K/year isn't that impressive.

>> No.16092912

Operations managment - 65k a year. Just gotta work hard dude. Sont be a neet. People who make under 50k a year are lazy faggots who dont understand wmor dont want to work harder or make more.

>> No.16092931

Guys I'm fucked. I got into a motorcycle accident last week and broke my clavicle, Dr put me off work for a month. I just finished paying off my debts and now I am FUCKED. I'm paying rent on the 1st and then I have $200 to ride until God knows when. What can I do from home with a broken clavicle and no vehicle?

>> No.16092946
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>> No.16093215

Bruh, a first year cop makes over 50k in any city

>> No.16093322

You have to deal with regulations in whatever type of deal you are trying to put together, talk to lawyers, accountants, insurers, contractors, etc.. Not only that but you have to come up with the money somehow. That means loans or investor money in whatever deal you're trying to put together. If you're smart and willing to talk to a lot of people that work on comission, you could have your deal in place before any money comes out of your pocket.

For example, I spent a few weeks badgering city hall about a property I didn't even own. Once I got the greenlight to do the renovations I wanted to do, I had to raise financing which was a mix of a note from the seller and bank financing. I also delayed paying contractors as long as possible for the renovation.

In total only $40K cash came out of my pocket, but the building I bought for 600K is now worth 1.4M after 300K of renovations. After selling fees, and loan carry costs, I clear nearly 300K on a good offer.

>> No.16093349

nepotism, i highly recommend it

>> No.16093369

Craigslist ad for a "generalist" ended up being a startup looking for basic writing skills (I went to college)

Hourly after a few raises is barely over 50k at 40 hours a week. Honestly hard to squeeze that much time out of the place, and also it's contract. That said, there are gems on Craigslist.

>> No.16093379

tell us in detail how you taught yourself and what else you have going for you (degrees, work xp before getting hired, etc)

>> No.16093401

applied and interviewed. have you tried it?

>> No.16093414

Yeah Europeans are pretty fucking disgusting. You should come to the U.S. You're upholding a people who deserve to die and be ruled by blacks

>> No.16093452

$60k base, probably will make 70 or so
Have friends and pester them for a job

>> No.16093547

>uni for cs
>get job out of uni
>go to different job for 50% more pay after 1.5 years
will repeat step 3, but will stay a bit longer and I expect to see diminishing returns from job hopping.

>> No.16093655

Package handler at UPS/Fedex is auto-hire easy. Can lead to being a driver within a few months if you prove that you can keep your cool and get shit done. The drivers actually make really good money, quickly scales up to like $30+/hr. Union job too, so you have some real security.

>> No.16093717

Made 52k last year based on the taxes I reported. Probably going to make 54k this tax season.

Union sparky about to finish the apprenticeship making $32/hr. Honestly I don’t feel like its enough of a wage, and thats me living in a flyover state! I can’t imagine what it’d be like on the coasts. I’m not a big spender but I’ve noticed that I’m buying less and less necessities and still spend over budget. Had i lived alone maybe I’d have more savings.

>> No.16093787

Sorry dude