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1608983 No.1608983 [Reply] [Original]

I really want a cuck entry level tier job but...



>> No.1608986


If you're like 18, nobody cares that you don't have xp

>> No.1608987


I know that feel. My plan was to get a computer engineering degree, but I failed the first semester after I transferred from a community college. Now, I requested a change of major to accounting and hope that this works. If it does, I plan on doing internships. tfw have to build my credit to get jobs now.

>> No.1608990


tfw 28 years old.

>> No.1608996

volunteer looks good on a resume

>> No.1608999


What did you do the last 10 years?

>> No.1609009

What do you think your odds of getting hired are if you apply to 10 jobs? what about 1,000?

This is a numbers game bro. Embellish some shit on your resume, and fucking practice interviewing with people. Then just apply to 10 jobs every fucking day forever. I promise you, you will get one.

I was in the same situation and I sent out 70 resumes. Only heard back from 3 places. 2 of them wanted interviews after prescreening. 1 of them made an offer.

>> No.1609015



>> No.1609046

I've literally never had a job before, how do I fill the page?

>> No.1609047


may sound like a ridiculous question, but

why start now?

>> No.1609049

Parents are old.

>> No.1609051

because I lack self fulfilment and I want to go and do something useful

>> No.1609059

Are you me OP? I am also a 28 NEET with literally 0 job experience, and parents are getting old so I have to start making money.

I am thinking of becoming an entrepeneur only because I wouldn't know how to go to a job interview and hand in a resume that was a piece of papaer with just my name on it and bullshit my way to get the job.

>> No.1609064

Make up something that's got transferable skills but wouldn't make you look like a liar, i.e. listing several years experience as a gas station attendant in a different city/state and then applying for retail jobs or listing dishwashing experience then applying for busser jobs (refuse when they ask you to work as a dishwasher)

>> No.1609148

>tfw applying for jobs an hour a day for roughly 6 months with no job experience on my resume
>zero callback
>know a local business owner and an actual real estate agent both happy to be my references for fake jobs

What could go wrong? I've always been a competent liar, overly trusted by authority figures and just intend to use this to get my foot in the door to some min wage shit, nothing outrageous.

Unless I'm lazy and don't do some research into what I say my skills are, get greedy, or screw up and contradict myself during an interview, then I don't see how they could possibly figure out I'm bullshitting. If the references say I worked for them-- I worked for them. Right? Worst case scenario they just don't hire me.

I'm sick of being an unemployed bitch, and I don't want to wait until I finish my degree to enter the workforce.

>> No.1609154

All a resume is is a list of lies about your situtation.

>> No.1609167

ill tell you the secret. i had to learn this the hard way and i hooe you read this sometime. to get any job you have to network, now i know what your saying with who, where, how? you have to literaly call soneone who is doing the job you want and either flat out ask him if he can hore you or work for them as a janitor, once your in the conpany its up to you to kick ass, this is how u get jobs in 2016. i worked as a janitor for google then got my net plus and ccna i asked for a networking job and boom. Thats the secret