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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16071993 No.16071993 [Reply] [Original]


other boards where people are just shitposting have flags, but /biz/, where you can easily tell a scam by a third-world pajeet or other flag doesn't have flags? GIVE US FLAGS

>> No.16072000

back to pol incel

>> No.16072010
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eat shit pajeet

>> No.16072020

it is that faggot again

>> No.16072032
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>> No.16072039

>be from Israel
>start using a proxy to hide that fact
>start demanding flags so that people can no longer detect him as a Jew
>his name was OP
Nice try, Schlomo.

>> No.16072043

>/pol/ and plebbit
what next? please post a BSV shill comment and, presto, just like that you might be the most hated person in here

>> No.16072041
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>> No.16072047

>oh no not /pol/
back to plebbit, newfag

>> No.16072049

holy shit, of course, Twitter
/pol/, reddit and twitter, the normie trifecta is complete, go back

>> No.16072054

notice how the subhumans who seethe at the thought of flags for biz are all pajeets? flags for /biz/

>> No.16072070

If you werent a newfag here, you would remember how we used to have a 'this belongs to /pol/' report submission option. /pol/ has been flooding our board for years.

>> No.16072080

>If you werent a newfag here
originalfag. try again, post-chanalogy pajeet newfag. if you weren't a newfag, you'd know what sage was. thanks for the bump, street shitter

>> No.16072093

nice trips and fuck you I want flags and im sitting in the great lakes state and am white. cry more shill we wanna know what country you shillfags are from and we mostly know it's pajeets that are against and constantly shit post any talk of flags. ALWAYS pajeets and trolls. so what are you pajeet or troll or both? and cute you try to play the muh pol card as if that's some great autovictory card to play. i'll claim muh i win! such undeveloped brain posters these days

>> No.16072109

i want flags so i can filter every shitskin country's flags, like yours. or at least i can know the scams for sure. fuck you niggers

>> No.16072110

You just lost, go back.
/pol/ deludes themselves that all VPNs are blocked on 4chan. That is almost an impossible feat. Even the Chink government isnt able to block VPNs in time that are continuously popping up. Having flags will just make you feel a false security and trust pajeets easier, when you see them falsely showing that Switzerland flag orsmth. Just be skeptical of everyone and you dont need flags, tard.

>> No.16072118

cry more, shitskin. flags for biz

>> No.16072153

>You just lost, go back.
shitskin COPE

>> No.16072193

Calling them dumb pieces of shit will for sure get them to add it

>> No.16072205

why are you so racist?

>> No.16072208

Is it for biz, or just makes it easier to be racist. I thought the whole point of 4chan was anonymity

>> No.16072212
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data, evidence, facts, and statistics

>> No.16072237

Hi poo

Flags are a must please mods do this

>> No.16072259

Gib flags

>> No.16072326

and stay there.

>> No.16072330
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>> No.16072336

and there there

>> No.16072342

git ta fk plebbit filth

>> No.16072423

Easiest way to spot low iq is to find the posters that complain about blindly following bad trading advice and trying to find a blame correlation to FLAGS as the reason why theyre retarded. Add to that cryin about le leddit boogeyman and boom it's too obvious. You really should stick to /pol/ is the best advice you'll get. Know your place trailer trash we don't want you here.

>> No.16072430
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>Easiest way to spot low iq
is skin color

fuck off pajeet nigger

>> No.16072444

Agreed. Give us flags, I'm tired of street shitting poojeets shilling shitcoins.

>> No.16072458

>there are white people out there that spent their entire life graphing a charts about black and white

>> No.16072470

> has no answer to explain his retardation
Are you even trying? Your perfect board for subhumans already exists.

>> No.16072471

t. seething shitskin

>> No.16072478

>graphing a charts
nigger detected

>> No.16072477

>t. seething poorfag

>> No.16072480

>Your perfect board for subhumans already exists.
we're already here. /biz/ doesn't have flags yet

>> No.16072491

lmao you live in a shithole country. the dinner i bought tonight probably was worth a week's worth of your paycheck, pranjeet

>> No.16072492

easiest way to spot an undeveloped brain poster is they constantly fall back on muh pol as their get outta debate tactic. sorry not sorry you're stupid and having a debate on this with logic and reason is beyond your skill.
but hey fire back with more muh pol as if that's a auto win card peasant

>> No.16072495

We need flags

>> No.16072508

and you living in first world with all the endless possibilities and you are still a low iq poorfag. The culling is already here and your kind will be removed from the gene pool.

>> No.16072523

lol you're an untouchable. go shit in the ganges and then drink out of it, sanjay.

>> No.16072528

sounds like you are quite familiar with the caste system.

>> No.16072529

We're high enough IQ to not shit in our drinking water, now go poo in the loo, shitskin.

>> No.16072536

Fuck off, flags are required.

>> No.16072537

Great. Then get the fuck out. Go home you add nothing.
Quite the difficult feat when the topic of debate is complaining about niggers and JooO's. So go ahead, all ears anon provide a good reason why a place that never needed flags suddenly needs flags. Your next post will be along the lines of: So babby newfag's, normies, and autists can easily spot scams.

>> No.16072540

this would actually be a good idea.. i'd certainly like to filter out poor countries as they literally have no purpose posting here

>> No.16072541

I know that you used your tongue to lick noble assholes clean, untouchable nigger. Every day you wake up and wish you were born white, but you'll always be stuck in your mud shell, in your mud country. Eat shit oh wait you already do, it's in your drinking water and in your curry LMAO

>> No.16072542

> thinking cheap pajeets will pay for new vpns.

>> No.16072554

This isn't the board for you, go back.

>> No.16072556

>Great. Then get the fuck out. Go home you add nothing.
back to plebbit, newfag

>never needed flags
false assumption. your non-argument is false before it even started. cry more shitskin, nobody wants you here

>> No.16072558

Actually you started off on the wrong foot by claiming this board never needed flags. correct that typo first.

>> No.16072566

Get the fuck off my board, shitskin

>> No.16072567

a lot of assumptions, understandable coming from a retard who needs flag to spot a scam.

>> No.16072568

I've said it before: the reason flags aren't allowed here is because the mods take payment to allow spam and scam threads. Flags will kill these dead so the mods will never permit them.

>> No.16072571

lol you shit in the street

>> No.16072579

what do you mean
mods don't do it for free then ?

>> No.16072581
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checked for kek. click this link and request flags for /biz/. enough is enough

>> No.16072582

No excuse at all. I've been in crypto since 2014 and not once have i been conned. However disabling the spam and scam threads will instantly improve the quality of the board and yes, help anons who may have otherwise been fooled.

At any given point i run 30+ threads filtered. That is unacceptable.

>> No.16072586
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fuck off pajeet

>> No.16072600

there's literally no need for flags
1) any legit white man should be able to spot pajeets by their speech patterns
2) any legit white man should make their own investments rationally, and not blindly follow some fag on a low-effort shitposting board
basically you deserve to lose your money
it wouldn't help all that much either because many of the pooposters are in the UK, canada, burgerland
a blanket IP ban on israel, north america, africa, UK and india/pakistan would make more sense (as well as permabanning all chainlink threads)

>> No.16072608

Nope. Some of the spam groups have directly confirmed it when antagonized that they will not be deleted or banned due to having the mods on side. In a telegram I've been part of we've mass reported clear spam and some threads get deleted some never do depending on who is making the threads.

The mods are just mentally ill trannies, not principled anons whose calling was to be a mod. A group reaches out to them with payment and that's it. We will not get flags.

>> No.16072614

fuck off pajeet

>> No.16072621

What a tired false argument from a non-white. You are still 100% free to invest in a project where all the threads come from ethiopia.

Nor is the effect just clarification. The identification at first glance of these areas will reduce the number. As said I've never once fallen for anything near a scam but the quality of this board is still unacceptable. Maybe filth a brown like yourself can wallow in but no human

>> No.16072631

sample text for requesting flags
it seems that /biz/ is even more full of spammers and useless shitposts than usual, and this thread >>16071993 is really driving the point home with a lot of people wanting flags and many arguing against it. the ones in favour of flags seem to be remarkably intelligent, albeit quite upset, than the ones arguing against flags (why would they be so against it?) we already have IDs implemented from nearly the beginning to reduce bad faith posting, and things have gotten "hotter" in the crypto and retail investment arena since then, which arguably necessitates further measures to ensure people get good usage out of the board. i think this would improve the quality of the board content, and attract many more users to /biz/, including some who may have left already due to the spam and shitposting. please add flags to /biz/. thanks!

>> No.16072634

And there you have it. Nothing but "intelligent"
conversation here. Fascinating. You're no better than actual niggers at this point

>> No.16072639

to request this, click the feedback link at the bottom of the page, as indicated here >>16072581

>> No.16072646

There has been plenty of discussion itt, just not with you. You get the responses you are worth.

>> No.16072648

cry more, shitskin

>> No.16072670

I said correct your typo you refuse. the stupid one and the problem is you. but hey keep on prancing around thinking you won by starting with the board never needed flags which is wrong and when called claiming im stupid. I see what level of troll you are and im above 3rd grade tier trolling. we'll continue this only when you stop purposely making typoes then calling others stupid for putting your bullshit on blast. I hear >>>/b/ enjoys shit posting as a thrill thing try that board and loves people using slurs to be underage or mentally underage edgy. try again in a few years kid 18+ mentally included to post here

>> No.16072672

Probably not. There's a sad failure british man with colitis who just comes on all day crying about /pol/ and how he shits his pants continuously. You can tell him apart because he gets so angry about any racism he ragequits all the time.

>> No.16072680

I'm all for flags, but this anon is right.
However, let's not be defeatist about it, so here's a fucking bump.

>> No.16072702
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>> No.16072711

Yeah i still make feedback forms and /qa/ threads, just so if there's ever any reveal they can't say they didn't ignore requests.

>> No.16072714

Hello R*ddit

>> No.16072724
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hello, pajeet

>> No.16072726

I didn't give a (you), because you're retarded. "Typo"? Do you even know what that means? I'm not sure I can dumb down what I've typed further for you to understand. And yet, you still can't come up with a good enough reason for why flags are needed. Not a single person in here has. Just projecting insults. You're not worth the time of day anon

>> No.16072727

Correct. How would that stop retards from flooding the board with useless posts? Especially when dealing with groups, the situation becomes one-sided bc it's a hivemind vs individual autists. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for flags but the Asian menace that floods this board makes me think that a rangeban could be more effective.

>> No.16072730

Flags are the far opposite of reddit.

>> No.16072734

>you still can't come up with a good enough reason for why flags are needed
so i can filter shitskin countries

>> No.16072743

Fuck flags. All they do is bring non stop race jokes. Gets old. It would be a distraction.

>> No.16072752

Imagine not posting feedback on the dedicated feedback board that chinkmoot actually reads, ranshiit.
Someone who doesn't know how to get chinkmoot to read your messages and make a change definitely is r*ddit and or newfag.

>> No.16072755
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nigger detected

>> No.16072760

If you had flags a range ban would be unnecessary. Say you kept seeing howdoo threads all had an indonesian poster and responders. You could quickly deduce not only is it a scam but likely just one or two men spamming it.

It would mean any thread by them on it or the new cross thread posting that has started would be so easily dismissed that it is not economically viable for them to continue.

The level of these threads would plummet. About half the catalogue is currently made up of them so there's a long way to go. Then all you'd have left would be genuine indonesian posters. It improves the board quality without banning anyone.

>> No.16072765

> anyone reads /qa/
Make a thread there saying you're going to kill yourself in 30 minutes, post your address and swallow a bottle of paracetamol. We can test your genuine belief in /qa/ real time.

>> No.16072782

Go ahead screaming into this echo chamber, I can create the thread for you, retard.

>> No.16072784

funny the exact same applies to you. I called out your typo (that was my way of mocking you attempting to say flags arent needed but like the pajeet you are you didnt get it so now I have to explain I was making fun of and mocking you by calling your blatent lies a typo.) Stupid undeveloped brain poster. And I said I wont continue this discuss until you correct your typo (your purposely twisted wording we never needed flags) and you not only ignored it but didnt change your lies and stuck to them. So you go hurr you arent worth a reply yet I think this unbased wipes his ass with his hand pajeet thinks he's gonna check me? LOL no no poo that's not gonna happen. Again once you stop lying and saying flags were never needed we could continue this convo but since you'll never admit you lied and that the board has always needed flags I know the convo is over and all because of you. Do try to twist the words more stink cuz I am amused at desperately you're flailing around trying to frame this as you're the victim everyone else is the big bad racist. Go on I await you're next hilarious reply that has nothing to do with what I keep putting you on blast for and just more poo speak that means nothing. bonus points if you can reply without bringing up racism and how you wiping your ass with your hands is not relevant to you being a shit poster. protip you cant and wont so it'll be more babblespeak pootalk where you claim you're above me to reply but the reality is you're beneath me in life in toliet use so go shit up somewhere else >>>/lgbt/ might be your speed but you might get tossed off a building for that so idk. awaiting your sure to be hilarious reply handasswiper

>> No.16072786
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>nationality, ethnicity, income, political affiliations, gender, sexuality, age, class, upvotes, downvotes, profile pitctures, friends list, likes, dislikes, post history, kyc, for /biz/

go back to facebook you fucking shill

>> No.16072788

I think this poster is correct and fuck you /pol/ mongoloids for flooding another board.

Fuck right back where you came from. I'm not replying to any of your posts but know that being a non-ironic /pol/tard is tantamount to being the lowest of the low kind of human. You have to go back to your containment cesspool.

>> No.16072789

looks like someone doesn't want their flag shown. fuck off pajeet

>> No.16072795

>Fuck right back where you came from.
fuck off back 2 reddit, nigger. shitskins aren't human

>> No.16072798

>It improves the board quality without banning anyone.
This is true. On /int/ you can quickly differentiate between the anons who bring lulz and value to the table from the pure shitposts. Regardless of their origin.

>> No.16072802

I'll keep posting here and on feedback forms, don't worry your wee little head about it.

>> No.16072809

>I want to filter peoples ideas by nationality
Unironically go to facebook if you want to know anything about the people you talk to on here

>> No.16072811

They're more human than you, you dumb fucking cross-poster low iq absolute mongo. What is this shit even? Are you and your 3 other cunt troll /pol/tard "friends" trying to astroturf here? Fuck right back to your autism chamber and honestly have sex.

>> No.16072817

muh pol retort everytime

>> No.16072821

Muh pol-boogeyman retort everytime. What, you don't browse /pol/. Fuck off.

>> No.16072822

Exactly. Only people who have never visited flag boards insist it ruins discussion. Even /pol/, a board about international disagreement is barely about the posters' flags. You get comments added on top of normal post content if relevant and that's it. So instead of 'fuck off with your scam' it becomes 'pajeet fuck off with your shit spam'.

The arguments against the feature are so terribly weak that they really just have to be foreign scam groups protesting.

>> No.16072823

nope I dont care for pol and it's bullshit postings. I hang out on here and retro gaming and occasionally see what shitposting is going on on asp. where do YOU hang queer?

>> No.16072827

seething shitskin. You're subhuman. Retarded nigger. Go shit in your drinking water, sambo

>> No.16072835

Learn how to use 4chan before passing any opinion you fucking idiot.

>> No.16072842

The nigger is so triggered he thinks twitter replying bothers us. Shitskins hate the fact that they aren't white.

>> No.16072845

I don't believe that but /biz/ and /ck/ mostly.
VPNs destroy any argument for flags. Either way, flags are against the whole idea of anonymity in 4chan. If you want more identification, there's reddit or normiebook.

>> No.16072851
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itt: make /biz/ less pseudonymous

>> No.16072854


>> No.16072856

Also I really shouldn't respond to an interloping redditor but as for human it really depends on how you define it.

If we mean by characteristically human activities then no browns and blacks aren't as human. If we mean sheer biology then we get into what is human? It seems the neanderthal/hh.sapiens conbination is vital to us, where denisovan and others diminish it a bit. Define it to continue.

>> No.16072859

Shitskins won't pay for VPNs and most are banned here, faggot. Now keep seething because you are afraid to show your flag

>> No.16072861

stupid burgers cant respond to posts so they have to make fun of the posters location, the absolute state

>> No.16072870

Try to find a vpn that works. They're few and far between and most of all, not free. Your bottom tier scam groups will not be paying for a vpn. Beyond that if brigading biz is really so profitable for them then I'd like to raise their bottom line.

>> No.16072886

I am in the UK and I want flags. Fuck pakis and pajeets

>> No.16072912

T bh I think we'll see a lot of the scams coming from asia and russia.

>> No.16072922

>if brigading biz is really so profitable for them then I'd like to raise their bottom line
Used the same argument in my feedback forms: Forcing dedicated shills to buy passes will help monetization. Not sure if it will offset the bribery of mods tho.

>> No.16072923

isn't your country infested with jeets and pakis?

>> No.16072929

That's a good point, though we know passes are just a nice extra and hiro historically makes money selling user data.

>> No.16072947

yes. They are subhuman

>> No.16072975
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>> No.16073010


>> No.16073317
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Ah yes flags -- now threads where everyone forgets to sage Link, digital oil, and flavor of the month scams can do just that AND be justified in calling out third worlders. Congrats faggot, you made the board a better place! Surely the problem isn't that mods need to be stricter on duplicate threads.


>> No.16073327

Can you fuck off? I can smell the curry through my screen

>It would mean any thread by them on it or the new cross thread posting that has started would be so easily dismissed that it is not economically viable for them to continue.

>The level of these threads would plummet. About half the catalogue is currently made up of them so there's a long way to go. Then all you'd have left would be genuine indonesian posters. It improves the board quality without banning anyone.
Correct again but the reactionary cunt inside me has a few issues. You already pointed out that jannies are in this. Also the sheer amount of shills can easily fuck autists like me and you. On top of that bagholders shill their bags making the problem bigger.
Are you Scottish?
I'm not white myself (med) but damn that was a laconic burn
Can you explain to me how all anglosaxons bash pakis and pajeets online but irl you all seem chummy and give me shit all the time? I don't even look brown ffs

>> No.16073353

you really don't need to worry if you aren't posting contrary to the intent of the board, or at least can string a coherent and original sentence together. look at /int/ for examples, people from third world countries are some of the funniest and most based posters on there, while canadians and swedes are the most hated, as you might expect if you think about it. indians, on the other hand, were completely bullied off the board for exactly the kind of shit posting that i'm seeing in this thread from the anti flagposters. everything in its right place.

>> No.16073376 [DELETED] 

Op is right
We need to get rid of shills since jannies and mods do fucking nothing about it

>> No.16073378

You just missed the entire point of the post you mouth breathing faggot. Holy fuck I'm impressed.
>nah dude it's fine it's pajeets ruining the board

>> No.16073386
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pic related

>> No.16073394

>you really don't need to worry if you aren't posting contrary to the intent of the board

>> No.16073409

Nonidiots know who the pajeets are already

>> No.16073414

STOP BEING A FUCKING NIGGER HOLY SHIT. I'm saying the board is fucked way beyond that. The board culture is fucking ruined here -- flags don't make any difference but introduces a /pol/ tier excuse to fuel an inability to just scroll past shill threads.
>nah dude just buy link lol board is fine
Fuck off. Honestly -- this thread is positively glowing.


>> No.16073416

terrified pajeet identified

>> No.16073432

perhaps the triple negative at the start of my post is giving you propblems. people on /int/ get along fine with other people from all countries. the flags won't cause discrimination unless a certain flag gets associated with extremely shit posts (as was the case with india on /int/). what are you worried about?

>> No.16073435

>just buy link and stfu
Unironically good advice

>> No.16073442

Flags solve no problems. I told you the problem. Anonymous image board. If you wanna talk about things with more accountability, go to another website.

Now fuck off. Sage

>> No.16073454

we have IDs on here for a reason. do you think they improve the quality of the board?

>> No.16073474

No not particularly because people just pull out their phone to shill their threads

>> No.16073490

Hmm i can think of a feature that would make it immediately obvious if some OP switches to his mobile to post in his thread.

>> No.16073517
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>> No.16073518

i think you see my point though. unless you're autistic which i guess is possible. accountability does improve quality on a board where there is an incentive to post in bad faith. flags would make it tougher to shill4pay, and make people maybe think twice before spamming the same shit 50 times a day, in the same way it prevents a retard from samefagging their own thread 50 times. it's worth it and will improve the board.

>> No.16073528

Me either, besides Biznessmen are accepting of lots of diverse backgrounds, it does not matter, as long as the mods make money off them.

>> No.16073530

Why does the one board that discusses financial investments which can bankrupt anons NOT HAVE FLAGS? WTF MODS

>> No.16073547

Fuck you nigger

>> No.16073550

I am scottish. As for why people might give meds issues and not browns its partly because one comes with huge legal consequences. We don't have any actual problem with greeks/italians etc. I go on holiday to Italy every year. We make fun of the french, the Irish, the germans etc etc. The ones we don't make fun of are the ones we genuinely don't like.

As for post quality with flags, sure you'll still have bad posts and bagholders but it's not about controlling what gets posted about. It will just make co-ordinated spam so apparent it makes it economically unviable and removes that element.

>> No.16073551

he means flags you numbnut

>> No.16073556

Why are you so worried about flags being implemented? Do you have something to lose shit skin?

>> No.16073560
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>> No.16073598

It's hilarious how the sole response is "it's so easy to spot anyway so what's the point?"

Well then by the same virtue what's the harm if it changes nothing? If it was so blindingly obvious then it wouldn't be done, clearly some anons fall for it: by the amount of spam threads clearly a lot do. I have no partiality to foreign con groups scamming anons.

In a board as terribly low quality and spammed by discords as this is, with real money on the line, it is inexcusable that it does not have flags.

Of course as i said earlier though the mods take payment from these groups so will never allow it.

>> No.16073602
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reminder to click the feedback link at the bottom of this page to request flags if you think it would help the board

>> No.16073667

What? No, I don't. Fuck off you dumb retard.

>> No.16073692

multiple threads are better than shills flooding unrelated thread to shill their coin. Id' rather have 10 chainlink threads all the time instead of linkies flooding PM threads screeching about PMs and the thread devolving into another LINK thread.
> As for why people might give meds issues and not browns its partly because one comes with huge legal consequences
I'd ask you to elaborate on said consequences but I don't want to slide the thread more than I already do and I'd rather try to figure it out myself. I don't mind the banter, it's the passive aggressive behaviour and straight up discriminatory behaviour I'm facing at work. Maybe it's a Norf thing. Last thing and back to the topic: Where can I eat some proper haggis?
>As for post quality with flags, sure you'll still have bad posts and bagholders but it's not about controlling what gets posted about. It will just make co-ordinated spam so apparent it makes it economically unviable and removes that element.
I agree that bans can cause more harm than good and that's why I'm in for flags bc it makes what you posted apparent and could eventually discourage shills from posting too much in the long run (hopefully).

>> No.16073739

Seething 3rd worlder

>> No.16073762

we dont need flags but we need general threads to stop the shitcoin spams. since the mods are corrupt it wont happen though

>> No.16073828
File: 220 KB, 1834x426, modsequalsgods.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is encouraging. this fag's post was deleted and hopefully he was banned. mods may be paying attention

>> No.16073958
File: 29 KB, 310x308, so_beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump to add some fuel to his seething.

>> No.16073987

>multiple threads are better
No, they really aren't. Why do you think the latter happens?

>> No.16074019 [DELETED] 

he's paying for his cows mortgage, he's obviously worried

>> No.16074035 [DELETED] 

> Anonymous doesn't mean you can curry around with your shill threads
fuck you nigger

>> No.16074059

Any shill thread still gets tons of bumps of newfags calling them shills. Can you explain how flags help /biz/ self moderate when they clearly have no self control?

>> No.16074112

Austria palest country in the world. Neat.

>> No.16074125

you must understand how flags would help people identify excessive amounts of spam soming from one place. it's not perfect but the way it works is simple. if someone or a building full of faggots are spamming something they'll all have the same flag, that's it, simple as that. if you want to argue about the pros and cons of it then that's fine but asking him to explain something very obvious is just hunting for things to nitpick about.

>> No.16074141 [DELETED] 

This way any useless shill thread would be just ignored.
This is what pajeets who post shit for a living fear the most.

>> No.16074161 [DELETED] 

I opened a ton of threads on /pol and i never used my country flag, no one asked for it.
Why? Because i posted interesting threads and that's it.
Fucking pakistani and indians here give 0 contribution, posting pictures and copypastas and killing the good threads.

>> No.16074177

for someone who is very against this idea you must have your own reasons why you think biz is better without flags. i'm sure there are good reasons, so i'd like to hear yours. if you are capable of having a discussion in a non combative way, that is. i know it's fun to be a prickall the time, and i usually do the same thing. but if you would like to talk seriously and actually add something to a conversation for once, here's your chance

>> No.16074232

But they don't ignore shill threads currently. You're fucking glowning because you didn't even finish my post.

Here's a better rule: one thread only for any non top 10 coin. Enforce that, the board will clean up tenfold. Besides, what we learned from /pol/ is that its nothing but smelly Americans.

It's an anonymous image board. I don't need to explain beyond that. That IS the benefit.

>> No.16074252
File: 75 KB, 1385x1200, kikelink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we had flags it would be much less convenient for JIDF to shill it's extra income steam.

>> No.16074348


ALL free VPN and IP proxies are banned on 4chan
pajeets would not put money on paid VPNs, doubt they can even fucking set it up, they're all phoneposters

put flags in

>> No.16074371

There are paid proxies that are cheaper than VPNs and are generally unkown to the brainlet anon. My supplier even offers Indian ones. I guess time to buy one.

>> No.16074397

It doesn't filter out the smarter pajeets but I think flags catch enough dumb ones (most shitskins) that it's worth it.

>> No.16074422

of course you don't need to you angry little jizz swizzler. but you can if you want to actually participate in a discussion.

also one thread per coin is an alright idea. i'm guessing you're sick of link threads anon. you can have multiple topics for a single coin, as long as the topics are different enough they should be allowed to have their own threads. maybe you should just buy some chainlink, you might be less upset about this whole mess

>> No.16074429

Possibility that make mods unable to put flags:

Because 90% of posters here are indians or are from low IQ country who just wants to get rich quick. Anons who wants flag are the minority here and would likely leave the site if they see indian flags around 90% of the time. Hence traffic on biz will become slower. Jannies don't want this to happen.

For me personally, as an asian (proof: read my english) and somewhat middle high IQ myself, support the idea of flag.

>> No.16074432

>implying there aren't paid shills/fudders in developed countries
>implying there aren't millions of proxies that are undetectable and not blacklisted
>implying there aren't other ways to change your ip and spoof your location
It will change nothing but I don't give a shit either way

>> No.16074477

so to recap, the guy who is really butt blasted by the anti-spam discussion and "doesn't have to" give any reason why, is upset about a certain coin or coins having too many threads at once (read: LINK). really makes you think

>> No.16074494

Every one of your points has been btfo in the thread if you cared to read.

A lot of spam groups hate link because it has made their capture weaker. So many are first trying to attack link so that they can reintroduce their scams.

>> No.16074553

i used to find it hard to believe anyone would be dependent on this site for an income, but it gets mentioned here a lot so maybe that happens. i am starting to picture the guy as a very pissed off neckbeard who has a comical hatred to chainlink for whatever reason, so he spams chainlink threads to get "revenge" on them. he doesn't give up much info though, so who knows