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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 112 KB, 888x1334, Winter'sBooty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16070102 No.16070102 [Reply] [Original]

Make an account on Waves DEX and buy some WAU coin.
WAU coin is a low volume forced scarcity coin. So don't invest too huge of amount and you have to cash out slowly but the buys always eat through the order book and price just broke 100 waves per WAU. This econ nerd shit is the only thing making $ in crypto outside BTC

>> No.16070118
File: 50 KB, 620x352, Ariel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 million tokens ever and 0 inflation. Tokenomics on this one get weird


>> No.16070125

ya its been doing well for a long time. i wonder if it will pass bitcoin in price. more exchanges prolly adding it too

>> No.16070143

It took me a long time to understand it and now that I do I won't give it's secret away but it's brilliant. Pure supply and demand drives this coin

>> No.16070230
File: 76 KB, 768x960, korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I brought this coin here a year ago when it was under $0.45. Everyone called it a pajeet scam and told me that volume wouldn't pick up. But price increases at a steady rate, from $0.11 to $90 over the last 2 years. You do have to be slow in cashing out, without more than 5% slippage, but sometimes the order book explodes with buys and sells.

A great store of value has market scarcity from demand or lack of supply, WAU creates the perfect formula for gains. Others should design this coin on other platforms, it's not that hard to figure out

>> No.16070246

shit I didnt know it hit over 90$

>> No.16070327


>> No.16070361

lost me once I spotted her mark of the whore tat.. probably some arabic sheik property markings tat. alot of dubai portapotty sluts get those arabic property tats these days

>> No.16070390

It's even more impressive with waves crashing vs USD. WAU trades against Waves right now and has more than 2x in the last month. Anyone who uses Waves DEX should store some WAVES in WAU. I can't believe Waves doesn't push this coin as a low cap gem and reason to use their platform.

>> No.16070401

I thought it was a mark from the photo editor because the og has a bar through that part but you could be right?
Ariel Winter from modern family

>> No.16070459

Dude, unless you are talking about making 100$, no one needs to pay attention to this. The orderbook is thin as fuck. You can't buy/sell shit. It's the worst kind of investment I can imagine. It's as liquid as a rock. Good luck cashing out 20$.

>> No.16070484
File: 130 KB, 750x795, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's rising buy walls programmed into the token, so there's automatic buyers but where's the reserve or fund for those orders? I still have to answer questions about the buy and sell orders fund and how that's coded.

This coin was made for a whale, $11k in buys would send price 10x and the rising buy orders would limit the crash back down. that 11k could be $100k on paper but liquidity would be shit unless the gains drew enough attention

>> No.16070489

i saw spikes up to 60k but its general low volume like all the others. it has higher volume than bcash zec euro and lira all the time

>> No.16070506
File: 122 KB, 1200x927, Callous+greasy+sheep+mentionlist+cringebinge_cdf267_7241548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>imagine the smell

>> No.16070514
File: 33 KB, 406x452, 1523391444652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's rising buy walls programmed into the token, so there's automatic buyers
>posts porn with every post
are the pajeets back?

>> No.16070524

i'm usually not one of those "tattoo ruins it" fags but in her case it really does. that tattoo is shit, it looks like she has a line of stitches like she had hip surgery

>> No.16070538

I ate through both sides of the order book fooling around a little but making $100 at a time is exactly what you use this coin for. Don't invest a huge %. I put under $500 in for over $1,000 in BTC and $10,000 left in WAU but I did it right.

Are you too good to 10x or 100x on a small investment? It's riskier than 99% of investments, act accordingly motherfucker.
I swear you guys are so lazy and give up too easily

>> No.16070550
File: 115 KB, 640x640, CutieAsian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I taught the pajeets how to shill with antshares you newfag

>> No.16070554

You're damn right I'm lazy. I'm not spending one afternoon spoofing the orderbook of some low liquidity shitcoin to make 100$. 100$ alone are the fees I make on some of my trades.

>> No.16070557

shes hot no fags allowed. wau turns out to be the best performing crypto since it launched, hence no homos allowed. shes hot or your gay

>> No.16070566

dude its been going for 2 years it aint as small you think it looks

>> No.16070578

What's your top 3-5 trading indicators or top 5 cryptos for the next 2 years?
I know some traders specialize or use more indicators, i just want what everyone uses first or the most

>> No.16070597

These kids have never touched a boob so they can be picky in their minds. Ariel is a 9-10

>> No.16070620

who gives a fuck if she's hot if she's a pass herself around slut that has property markings. stop virtual signialing for girls you wont fuck virgin white knight. and typical incel manuver to see a girl he wants "insulted" and rush in screaming fag at the person. She wont touch your tiny peepee defending her she's obviously an oil baron's property. now go virgin white knight on >>>/r9k/ they love your kind there

>> No.16070626

stopped another virgin white knight rushing in to defend m'lady thinking if I defend enough girls one will touch my peepee. dont forget to be the incel while calling me one that's a popular virgin white knight tactic

>> No.16070638

k shes still hot even though you want me to have a small peepy for some reason

>> No.16070697
File: 15 KB, 355x355, ShockingButtPlug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit bro, you meet the clinical def of an incel. You're mad about some crazy story about how a young american actress must belong to a rich arab oil prince? In your head you made her a slut and won't touch her over some obviously false shit.
You're school shooter pyscho.
get a grip bro, it's a pic of a sexy girl. You're throwing your virtues and judgements around the wrong place, baby-dicked incel. I'll fuck sluts especially when I'm fucked up on drugs and drinks.
>ewww a slut
Grow up, peter pan

>> No.16070709

I never once said she wasnt hot you undeveloped brain poster I said she was a tatted whore. yet your virgin ass got all fired up and went oh boy oh boy I can virtual signal a girl and came in white knight guns ablazing thinking idk what and yet you still wont get laid. I know this might come as a shock to your virgins but someone can find a girl attractive and still not want her cuz he's gotten laid at least once and he knows a slut cant pairbond and thus would be useful past pump and dump. but hey not my problem virgins get all worked into a shoot cuz someone dare "insult their waifu" and go into protect m'lady mode. ps she wont fuck you and nice attempted zing about me giving a fuck about your dick past mocking you for trying to get it touched thru white knighting but whatever cope helps you not eat a gun daily

>> No.16070713

I need to get this shitcoin to a youtuber with an audience. Who's popular now?

>> No.16070730

spotted another seething virgin going into white knight rage mode cuz someone insulted a girl he'll never fuck. why do you care what I like or dont like virgin? it doesnt affect your life if I want or dont want this girl so why rush in like virgin mcneverlaid attacking me. she wont fuck you let alone ever know yet you white knight like you were raised by a single mom or something to do that

>> No.16070738

you can't white knight with no ladies around you dumbfuck.
You keep saying virtual signaling but it's virtue signaling I figured the first time was autocorrect but you keep doing it.
Go to bed little boy who only fucks girls who lie to him about being virgins

>> No.16070753

lol getting desperate to project mladies honor I see. she wont care nor fuck you loser stop giving a shit what I think. is that your single mom raised simp or are you autistic and just have that autistic "cant lose' brain? either way stfu only you cares I dont want this tatted ho but considering you got triggered over me not wanting her it's obvious you have almost no experience with females and wouldnt know what to look out for with girls. you probably think she has a low dick count. LOL I await your next autistic blowup while trying to out talk me. still wont get you laid either
>you can't white knight with no ladies around you dumbfuck.
yet you keep argueing and seething over what I said and no ladies around. HMMMM must be that single mom simp raising showing along with autism

>> No.16070759

I defend a womans right to be a slut because it has an effect on my penis directly. You're either a young virgin or an old pedo. You're so sensitive to another man fucking your woman b4 u even met? fucking psycho shit.
You guys use your personal insecurities to slut shame woman, why? To make sure you find a pure wife? You guys are the worst pussies in the world. I have to fuck a women before marrying to see if we're sexually compatible, sorry I run through your potential wives.

>> No.16070773

why would you think I'm angry?

>> No.16070794

How did this cunt turn out so hot. She was a fridge and 6/10 at best in early seasons.

>> No.16070823

lol again you keep making all these hilarious things up in your head and running with them as fact. I'm neither a young virgin nor an old pedo. i'm a guy that doesnt want a girl that shows signs of being a slut and if you knew anything about pair bonding and hypergamy you'd understand why but you dont hence my guess you have limited experiences with females and still think you'll find the one in 2019 to get married and have kids with lol. And I dont want a pure wife nor a wife in 2019 im not dumb enough to get married and risk half my shit. But again making up shit in your head and running with it as fact shows itself once again. And my personal insecurity? again back to pair bonding and hypergamy and what that means for long term relationships with females something you clearly know nothing about nor understand or you'd get my statement and not go HURR INSECURE!.

>> No.16070827

apparently tattoos make a girl a slut maybe they made her hot too

>> No.16070840

>breast reduction surgery
>dressing lile that in public

>> No.16070863

you sound like a legit psycho. Go find your amish women, I don't shame mormons for not fucking before marriage even though I disagree.
You idiots act like people care about your opinion. You post in my thread and wonder why I responded? You have to be a retard to not understand all of this.

I do like looking up all your gay shit like pairbonding and hypergamy, the definition includes marriage btw.

It makes sense now. You're likely a closet homosexual acting out weird mommy experiences in future female relationships

>> No.16070894

If Boy George here is done.

Any smart contract programmers ever mess with ETH contracts like those deflationary cryptos?

>> No.16070920
File: 1.18 MB, 1400x1400, 1572324698997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seen this on wau coin twitter. its the mars rover from mars exact as nasa but with a forest and lake in the image, the weird thing is it looks exactly like what nasa released to the pixel from mars. these are some serious nerds

>> No.16070948
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20191025-101522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the nasa one with the one from the wau coin twitter above

>> No.16071046

Yeah I've read some of their takes across Btalk and twitter and they or him think outside the box with a nerdy focus on it all. They interact with Szabo if I remember and they have some of his views on currency. Nerds need to learn how market better, these meme kids aren't eating up nasa rover shots. I just keep counting my gains

>> No.16072063
File: 42 KB, 488x594, hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys, check out this cool coin!
>what does it do? it makes you money!
>what purpose does it have? how does it work?
>haha don't worry about that, it just makes money!

fucking scamming jew go kill yourself

>> No.16072469
File: 35 KB, 395x701, 1324335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what does it do? it makes you money!
>what purpose does it have?
I'm sorry that I'm greedy and I'm not only investing in ground breaking cryptos with the coolest future use cases.

You dum dums are all wrapped up in future use cases that you ignore what actually moves price, supply and demand.
I bet your portfolio has use cases up the ass but little gains over the last 2 years.

Stay poor and keep the dream alive though brother, LINK will reach real adoption someday. In the meantime let the adults talk about making real money. You idiots are full of negative opinion but its all based on your gut.

Do any of you guys write your buys and sells down? Do any of you have a plan when investing in crypto or you go off of coolest logos?

Like teaching monkeys math with you guys

>> No.16072841

Money is money. Get off your high horse

>> No.16072860

Niggercoin RIP 2017 Nevar Forget /biz/.

>> No.16073006
File: 49 KB, 634x705, 1562587878839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I agree, Its pump and dumpers like you make even the legitimate cryptos look like shit. Go instill your CRAB somewhere else you filthy little scalper.

>> No.16073238

> Its pump and dumpers like you make even the legitimate cryptos look like shit.
You act like I influence the fucking market. Sorry WAU coin isn't world changing like exchange tokens, or smart contract platforms struggling to scale defi.

Do you even use these cryptos or do you just buy ones with future use cases?

You idiots bought so many coins with future uses that will never pan out. But I'm the greedy mofo giving crypto a bad name, so you know don't listen to me on investing.

What do you buy or suggest we all buy?

>> No.16073845

How is he a pedo?

>> No.16073924

Holy shit the trust issue makes sense now, WAU found the solution.
There is no incentive to behave as a bad actor if you're the only user of a token.

>> No.16073934

>ground breaking
Looks like breaking into the double digits for total users would be a good start.

>> No.16074382

>Holy shit the trust issue makes sense now
BTC solved that problem, not every crypto has to replace bitcoin.

You guys let your emotions and biases influence your investments too much. If you don't understand something it's a scam. Every crypto is the "next BTC" with you guys. I own every biz alt like RSR and LINK and so does everyone else here.
I'm not sure that more users would be a good thing for price growth. One or two smart users could drive this higher than 10 buyers with an equal $ bankroll. More users make cashing out slightly easier but I enjoy having a crypto asset like this.

If you look at the chart you'll see that it's growth has been constant and increasing recently. It's never had a red week, in 2 years. That growth isn't seen in any other asset.
WAU went from below $0.50 in 2018 to $97 right now, but low liquidity requires strategic cashing out.
It is what is but clearly not good enough for serious investors like yourself.
What type of crypto strategy do you pick with?
What's your top cryptos for gains the next 2 years?

>> No.16075019

you losers never have any good cryptos to shill

>> No.16075768

bump for the investors who look for gains