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File: 131 KB, 700x700, aPjpmMB_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16067942 No.16067942 [Reply] [Original]

Was your degree worth it in the long run? Debating whether spending the next 4 years of my life in class is worth it.

Opinions on going into the trades?

>> No.16067958

Depends on what you want to become.

>> No.16067977

Dont make the same mistake I did
avoid Finance/economics/Business admin

Go for stem, ideally electrical engineering or math

>> No.16067980

If you're pursuing a degree, go into STEM.

>> No.16067994

Have you looked into welding? Welders make 300k/year! Your pic makes it look like your already on the path.

>> No.16068021
File: 73 KB, 600x430, ayy lamo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If welders made 300k/year medical and law schools would become completely empty lmao

>> No.16068025

if only a robot could weld that clean.

>> No.16068057

now grind it off and paint it faggot, nobody will ever know or care about how neatly you welded it!

>> No.16068058

I got a degree in Computer Science. Never used the diploma (went straight into freelance work), never used most of what I learned (algorithms theory etc. almost never gets used in the real world you just use an existing library).

If it was worth it, it was because it forced me to spend a bunch of time programming. Would I have been able to be disciplined enough do that anyway? Who knows. I can definitely see how someone could self-teach in a much more effective and efficient way than wasting 90% of your time learning shit that doesn't matter, but that's with hindsight.

Anyway my advice is, learn what you need to learn for the job you want to do on your own, and then if you need to, just cheat to get past the degree requirement of the hiring process. Plenty of people get away with it and it isn't that complicated. Save yourself years of student loan payments. Forget about the prestige and proof that you're smart, it's all bullshit anyway.

>> No.16068065

You’re an idiot. I studied finance so I could do investment banking. Now I’m 26 and make $275k a year.

>> No.16068069

STEM is getting automated. Trades are superior especially the ones that require technique.

>> No.16068070

Pfff, you don't know shit!
300k is minimum!

>> No.16068073
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Definitely not anytime soon but it will be commonplace within 2-3 decades

>> No.16068081
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I'm old enough to be your dad so let me give you dad-like advice:

If you don't know what you want to do when you get older, go to college and get a generic associates degree...just take the core classes and do enough so you can transfer that 2 years into 4 if you like...two years of school will probably clear your head as to whether or not you will want to go forward. 2 year degrees are relatively cheap at comm colleges, and you can do a part time job while in school for extra money.

Only go into the trades if you feel you have the aptitude for it. No sense in telling you to be a welder if you don't care to weld, etc.

Bottom line, try school. If you don't like it (you may not) there's plenty of time to do other things and you won't have later regrets of 'never trying'.

keep this in mind...every study shows college educated people getting paid more over the long term as opposed to not being schooled, but you already knew that.

My son tried college twice and hated it and now he works with his mom in real estate and as a 27 year old he just bought his first duplex this summer...his note is 1200/mo and his rents are 1900/mo, so you do the math. I'm helping him buy another as we speak... took him nearly a decade but he's finally finding his groove.

Good luck.

>> No.16068101
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, my mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underwater welding
Oh of course you got that number from underwater welding, the infamous unicorn job that tradies often swear on.

It's great IF you get the job. I heard it's next to impossible to get that ob without nepotism/connection. Get on line, buddy.

>> No.16068105

Fucking lol based boomer posting pic related

>> No.16068109

HVAC is the only good trade.

>> No.16068123

I don't listen to black people, let alone women

>> No.16068137

I'm sorry, this was supposed to be posted in another thread... I meant to simply say 'buy Link'.

>> No.16068143

please tell more about how to gain freelance work
what is the secret, honestly? (how do you get noticed in the sea of pajeets)

>> No.16068158

>Have family connections to get a job.

>> No.16068181

Yes. Health information management. I get paid six figures to look at peoples medical records and move numbers around on a screen.

>> No.16068193

it always helps...it really does
if you think the world is a level playing field where people only get by on their own merits, brother you're in for a fucking ass-reaming surprise

>> No.16068215

dang those welds are beautiful

i graduated with an engineering degree from my state’s flagship university with a 3.7 gpa and 2 years later I have yet to work as an engineer. the industry my degree applies to is very much an old boys club though so very difficult to get into if you don’t know someone so take that for what it’s worth. maybe I’d give you a different answer 10 years from now but up to this point my degree hasn’t given me any opportunities I couldn’t get with a high school diploma

>> No.16068221

Nepotism makes the world go round

>> No.16068225

Stem has much wider career options.

>> No.16068232

no. the time on university depressed me.
all i know for job i learned outside university.

>> No.16068255

sounds so boring

>> No.16068260

STRM, or specifically TEM, is the last place to get automated

>> No.16068270

I did finance at a big state school. Making $140k/yr now in my early 30s doing consulting work. It isn't amazing, but not bad considering I went to a pretty average tier school.

>> No.16068281

Medical records can be hilarious.

>> No.16068290

In my trade I'm guaranteed $80,000 a year after I journey out. If you do big projects as union you get to bullshit a lot, there's no corporate environment, and the work is extremely easy once you get to a high enough level.

>> No.16068339

Welders are amazing! It doesn't have to be underwater to get 300k! You'll never be a welder with your terrible attitude.

>> No.16068341

>now grind it off and paint it faggot, nobody will ever know or care about how neatly you welded it!
Well that's simply not true.
Ugly welds are weak welds.
If structural strength is needed, even if the welds are completely hidden, you better believe someone cares about the quality of the weld job.

>> No.16068379

It's time to leave Michigan Anon

>> No.16068390
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I don't want to be one. I'm doing fine financially and am not interested in dying young from carcinogenic fumes.

>> No.16068414
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whats the R stand for?

>> No.16068428

this guy knows what's up.

>> No.16068576

Retards who reply despite knowing it was a typo

>> No.16069152

>IT degree
>90k in debt
>no job

No it was not worth it, and yes I am retarded

>> No.16069167


What if I struggle with calculus because I never studied well as a kid?

>> No.16069190

how the fuck do you think anyone learns hard material? study it longer, keep studying, make flash cards, work with people who understand it, study groups, etc

>> No.16069208

Then what are you doing on here?T.exbanker

>> No.16069227

Accounting Degree
Work at a CPA firm
Objectively a bad idea if you look at what I'm trading my time (most of my waking hours at and outside of work) for at the present value
I get a 10% raise every year and the progression is very aggressive - i'm likely getting promoted in December for the second time in 6 months.
My only ways to make it (outside of investing) are:
>Executive management in industry
>Director/Partner of CPA firm
>Do my own thing with the knowledge I've gained - very open ended

Or I could pivot into finance but I think I'm too deep already.

My brother is making 54% more than I am starting out with his chemical engineering degree - not even working for an oil company

>> No.16069491
File: 160 KB, 676x673, WeldingThisPartySucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to Welding School
>Make Good money in Heavy Industry
>Put Myself Through Mechanical Engineering College
>TFW - Journeyman and BSME
>Feels Good Man

>> No.16069590
File: 117 KB, 812x800, 6239F70B-1A11-4514-81B8-FA8835BA049A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t advise helping your son to buy at peak housing bubble. But he does have renters so that will help. Also great advice dad.

>> No.16069623

What they don't tell you about welding is how stressful it is and how terrible it is for your health. Enjoy working 50+/hrs a week breathing in metal fumes while you stoop, kneel, and bend constantly, completely destroying your body by the time you hit 50. Underwater welding is even more dangerous. My metallurgy professor collapsed both his lungs by igniting a hydrogen bubble and got the bends which ended his welding career and almost his life. The pay isn't even that good, you just don't have as many expenses. All of your living expenses are covered and you spend most of your time on an oil rig where there's nothing to spend money on.

>> No.16069929

College was worth it in the sense that it is the only time in your life you will be surrounded by young pre-wall women. The social aspect was awesome

My degree was architecture. Working 40+ hours a week for $45,000 sitting in front of a computer screen and getting laid off on a whim. Now I'm a firefighter, work 24hrs, off 24hrs, work 24hrs, 5 days off. Sick, Vacation, Comp time. Workout, fight fires, do a ton of ems stuff...get paid $86,000 a year, and enough time for another job if I wanted

>> No.16069955

nope. majored in Industrial Engineering. Now i'm 35 and living at home. I work Uber and Walmart now. Engineering is a complete joke. I know tons of engineers with no job. ChemE, Electrical it doesn't matter. All engineering is garbage now. Good luck 87pct of university degrees are worthless.

>> No.16070194

Trades are for tards. The truly patrician route is to get a 4 year degree in philosophy. Nothing will set you up better in life that learning how to think and argue and critically reason. Well, maybe nothing. You might blow your brains out after coming to terms with existential truths

>> No.16070222

Math and Economics. Majors were strong enough to generalize well for a strong career in banking. I’m switching to tech and am back school but the Math has provided a very strong base.

If you combine CS with just about any major, you’ll be just fine

>> No.16070223

no , short the system and long bitcoin
t.bs and ms in cs

>> No.16070245


The socialization Aspect. Getting Good classes from renowned Teachers.

The understanding of learning HOW TO THINK has put me miles ahead of most peers who haven't gone.

Try to focus more on a degree that teaches critical thinking; in an area you are interested in.

Knowledge is potential power. Chances are very slim you will have the ability to discover the wheel again by yourself in a better and more structured way. The feedback is also good. But again all dependent on going to a good university.

Also which person who contributed ANYTHING did not go to university? Almost none. That should be enough of an answer in itself.

>> No.16070257

>Most make up to $80k
>A select few make $300k
You didn't even watch the video, did you?

>> No.16070418

Working on marketing degree, what are you thoughts? Currently in accounting and I think this shit is straight hard as balls


>> No.16070560


>> No.16070634

I'm a good welder, I want out.
Found a dying trade that's like basketweaving on autocad/cadence pays 60-90k a year sit in a chair doodle, get to work whenever.

>> No.16070676

If he is from Michigan he is an embarrassment, three of my highschool friends already have guaranteed jobs before graduating as electrical or mechanical engineers, just get an internship and don't be fucking retarded. There are job fairs all the time super ez to get jobs if you put in the time to network.

>> No.16070700

>transitioning from trades(aircraft maint) to engineer
>the bliss of sitting in a chair
>all the asians and white guys smarter than me are off at elite unis so I feel among the smartest

>> No.16070701 [DELETED] 

If I were a burguer I would work at McDonalds and invest everything in crypto, what a pity that this is not possible in the third world

>> No.16070720

Yeah, I was CS and it was worth it. I enjoyed the upper level maths and theory. Making a solid salary now working on something I enjoy plus have enough free time to pursue side projects.

Definitely would do it again.

>> No.16070861

Good programmers that work at top tech companies are generally good at theory and algorithms. There’s a high correlation.