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16066555 No.16066555 [Reply] [Original]

The Normies are breaking into Rock Busting on rumors of a lucrative deal between Chainlink and Gravel Coin.


List of popular Machines:

Where to mine:

Types of Gravel:

Register for The National Stone, Sand and Gravel Association:

In GMG we do not tolerate zoomers, gotta pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get digging to make money in this industry.

>> No.16066857
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whatchu think bout my mine gramps

>> No.16066884

any heavy equipment operators?
i looked into some courses for operator 1 and 2
about 20k for both and you get natl cert
only considering as a career change if/when i move states

>> No.16066912

How much gravelcoin is one geode worth?

>> No.16067346


>> No.16067493
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I reckon they are gonna do the e coins by weight and not by type. I think suckers out there are gonna be buying my slurry.

>> No.16067495
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Is this the new freight broker or shrimp farmer?

>> No.16067503

Gravel is the best of all rocks. Much better than yellow rock.

>> No.16067505

Gravel is the new way to go

>> No.16067529
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Checked. No-gravelers BTFO.

>> No.16067556

You can learn on your own or through the equipment suppliers. Just got to pass some dumbass test. It's easy and cheap

>> No.16067674
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No. People were asking about the next ETH or LINK. And out of nowhere, LINK itself gave us the next moonshot: gravel

It's like we struck gold with this one. Whether you wanna work at a quarry or get involved in this market you win either way. However, gravel is like buying utilities stocks: Little action/returns. On the other hand, working in the field is more lucrative bc you can mine only when it's profitable. Also, quarries will never go out of business because the uses of gravel are virtually limitless.

>> No.16067775

The worst part about broker bro is me and him started to put together a team to make our own brokerage firm. I was doing everything which I was fine with, I have a shitload of experience, but he dissapeared on day 2 and I haven't seen a freight broker thread since.

>> No.16067825

>creative mode


>> No.16067917

Gravel miners and freight brokers unite
/GM&FBG/ Gravel Miner & Freight Broker General

>> No.16067952
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You discord trannies are legitimately mentally ill.

>> No.16068015

Salty no-graveler.

>> No.16068093

Short gravel long Sea Shells

>> No.16068169

Absolutely bases as fuck

>> No.16068328

this is kind of what i thought
and i figured if i went to construction companies and told them I'd do bitch work until someone can give me some seat time and learn enough to pass a test, id learn for free and get paid to work
i just don't know if id get a "national cert" that route
but id assume construction workers would prefer jobsite experience and rep much more than a fucking $10k 12 week course

>> No.16068385
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It is an insurance rate thing, you want to get as many cheap certs as you can on your own and bother your employers to spring for CAT dealership training which is dirt cheap.

You can pirate most of the shit here to get started:

>> No.16068946

ah nice
so ill do the same thing i did for
guess I'll just have to find a place to actually let me get seat time after i blast through these cd "courses"

>> No.16068959

Imagine a world where every piece of gravel has it status updated to a global blockchain in real time by a dedicated oracle.

Sergey is truly a visionary.

>> No.16068981
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Sup GMG, what's the best engineered fill type for a retaining wall that won't be supporting anything other than landscaping?

>> No.16069047
File: 8 KB, 250x229, boomsip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really anything with a good bit of dust in it and not top gravel unless you want to spend an arm and a leg.

I do a mix of fill dirt and recycled concrete.

>> No.16069053
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But does it drain well?

>> No.16069077
File: 50 KB, 587x437, mynigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are dealing with drainage you need to go with River Gravel or anything Granite based.
Good bit of flow will erode anything else.

>> No.16069650

You need to dig drainage ditches with a sand/coarse base and river gravel top layer.
Your retaining wall should be whole boulders or concrete not gravel.
Talk to a good stonemason.

>> No.16070413

Bump for rockheads