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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16062286 No.16062286 [Reply] [Original]

Is there ANYONE on /biz/ who actually owns more than 5 BTC? It seems like everyone is just working on getting just 1, not just here but reddit and everywhere else people are praising others for "finally" joining the 21mil club

>> No.16062314

not me. I still only have half. I was a retard that was throwing money at school. I wish I never bothered (still havent finished). I could have had like 4btc right now (when it was 3k). Now I only have .4 (bought at 8k).

>> No.16062340

fucking school is a scam. Bunch of bullshit filler work that isnt even going to be used in a job (even with applicable majors. Like the AS I did was in the electrical trade and most of it was bs honestly. I would have learned more with an apprenticeship but no one wanted to hire me. Anyways, trades are shit but ik with the bachelors im doing (i.e. bus econ) I will probably use like 1% of this bullshit if at all.

Fuck school. Fuck employers. I want to make it and flaunt my money to everyone I hate

>> No.16062451

I have 9.5 BTC and a net portfolio value of 11.5 BTC

>> No.16062520

port value of about 50BTC but zero actual BTC.

Who the fuck holds BTC in such small amounts, kek? You have to use alts.

>> No.16062544

I'm currently holding 3 BTC, my goal is 7 BTC but I'm waiting for below 7K prices before buying in.

desu I should have probably bought the remaining four at $7,400, but I didn't expect another tether pump so soon

>> No.16062817
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short school and profit

>> No.16063068

protip: everyone on /biz/ who calims to have even 1 BTC is a larping poorfag neet

>> No.16063147

Damn, that must be comfy

>> No.16063163

Really though? There must be people here from 2012-2016 who made it, r-right?

>> No.16063182

0. I'm not holding that dino coin. I'm holding Ethereum and LINK.

>> No.16063189

>going on plebbit
Leave forever

>> No.16063204

I have >1 BTC and roughly 5 BTC worth of crypto total

>> No.16063230
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Same I want to kill myself avg buying ETH $280. I SPENT 3 YEARS JUST BUYING AND LIVING LIKE A SLAVE.

and link is by far my best gainer literally how

>> No.16063452

Maxed at 2.25, currently 0.65. My mistake for not cutting alts.

>> No.16064232

I had a little over 300 BTC early on, but I quit for like 6 years and deleted my wallet. My coins will be siting there forever.

>> No.16064323

Goddamn my dude.

>> No.16064374

Oof how have you not KYS’d?

>> No.16064396
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>I want to be an object lesson shown in a Citadel OPSEC class
Never gonna make it but your name WILL live forever

>> No.16064398

lmao i have 31675 links stay poor fegits

>> No.16064404

>not just here but reddit and everywhere else
go back

>> No.16064431
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How am I supposed to be all in and own some BTC ?

>> No.16064432

I have 66 BTC.

>> No.16064449

32 ETH
5000 LINK
1000 BAT
20 NEO

Perfectly balanced portfolio, the recent dumps looked like a steady climb for me, due to LINK pumping when BTC dumps and the rest of the coins steadily gaining.

>> No.16064477

>Is there ANYONE on /biz/ who actually owns more than 5 BTC?
Of course there is. What kind of pajeet must you be to be unable to imagine someone on biz owning more than 50k worth of btc lmaoooooo.

>> No.16064480

14 BTC and about 45 BTC total portfolio value. Peak was about 100 BTC portfolio value but needless to say I fucked up bigly, and now I am hoping ETH will moon again and help me recover that BTC value.

>> No.16064508
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Do you mean actual 5 BTC or just 5 BTC value? I got 20k LINK which is almost 6 BTC. Idk why anyone would hold actual Bitcoins. The development has been hijacked by (((blockstream))) to keep it from scaling. Without scaling, Bitcoin can't do shit. You can meme your digital gold all you want, but it's simply not.

>> No.16064527
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>> No.16065358

Over 7 BTC now, accumulate a little more with every big dip

>> No.16065780

I feel for ya bro, did you ever get back in?