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16062253 No.16062253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

and always wants me to meet them like he's gonna marry them. almost all of them are new age wine aunts. this one asks me personal questions then tries to give me life coaching advice. she also snorts when she laughs

what should i do?

>> No.16062263

Let your dad live his life and fuck who he wants and stop being a faggot.

>> No.16062266

try to fuck them until your dad gets mad at you and stops bringing them around

>> No.16062273

his dad should stop having op meet with them. Thats retarded.

>> No.16062276
File: 227 KB, 670x573, E1669BDA-60B2-4F97-95FA-0E0149B074EE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should stop Thot posting for one CoomBrain.

>> No.16062279


>> No.16062330

There are so many lonely boomers, and if you know some of them, close relative, friends of parents friends etc. It is kind of disheartening to hear how lonely they are.. what makes it worse is that most of them are never gonna find someone to share the remaining part of their life with, for all sorts of different reasons.

You should be glad that your dad is not lonely, it feels bad to have a lonely parent because there is not much you can do and it hurts seeing someone you care about suffer like that.

>> No.16062336

replace that with neets. Do you feel as bad?

>> No.16062345


>> No.16062368


>> No.16062385

Neets are a different kind of breed, their natural element is loneliness.. they claim they want a gf or whatever, but this is just because they have never tried it and from the outside it looks really nice. In reality, then they don't want that, they don't want a rich social life and a cute gf. They want their solitude, their internet and alcohol/weed.

>> No.16062389

probably ask her if she can hook you up with a friend's daughter

get some you fucking idiot

>> No.16062402


Have NEETS contributed anything to society? Do you have a brain? You must be a NEET

>> No.16062412

have boomers?

>> No.16062471
File: 187 KB, 1080x1350, C6DBB6F1-49F4-49B2-BE14-C808024A55B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. >>16062273 I just want the roasties to stop talking to me
my dads ex muslim military and would actually behead me seeing as thats against Islam to bang your dads temporary wives
Fucking thots is the loneliest thing man

>> No.16062510

her daughter will be roastie jr. no thanks

>> No.16062516

okay then go play world of warcraft in your gamer cave

what the fuck do you want to hear

>> No.16062528

how do i get these roasties to go away

>> No.16062536

when in doubt, wipe it out

>> No.16062566

When she gets drunk on wine finger blast those roast beef flaps.

>> No.16062576

You move out it’s your dads house he will do what he wants. Don’t like it? Move and don’t go meet him when he’s with a roastie. My dad got divorced then married a roastie and it’s painful to see DESU.

>> No.16062711

I think if neets have a social gathering irl, they can make friends there.

>> No.16062738

lool gross
Yeah theres no point reasoning with boomers about roasties. theyll just think youre gay

>> No.16062765

are you saying i have a small penis?

>> No.16062799

split roast them with your dad

>> No.16062927

Fuck her and let her know your her dad

>> No.16062996

>getting cucked by his dad
>uses the term "roasties"
Spotted the incel

>> No.16063026

This. Get a job faggot, then move out. Or stop being gay and wingman for your dad so you can fuck the roastie's daughter(s).

>> No.16063076 [DELETED] 
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Well then you have to behead him first to assert your dominance around his next roasty he brings over.

>> No.16063148

My dad is dating some liberal and I told her that I will lead the zoomers against the boomers and their jew masters.

>> No.16063198
File: 1.43 MB, 900x5969, 2019-08-25-dads-fiancee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16063245
