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16060914 No.16060914 [Reply] [Original]

Share your thoughts

>> No.16060947

"Starting a discussion" by demanding others to share their valuable insights instead of contributing yourself. There you have it.

>> No.16061062

My thought is you are a dumb commie cunt and need to take your marxist bait off my fucking board.

>> No.16061116

Marxists confuse late stage capitalism for early stage communism

>> No.16061118

capitalism is awesome. if you disagree, the only possibility at play is that you're a poor subhuman brainlet. instead of advocating for communism, which will only force your suffering on everyone including normal humans, I would think that suicide would be a good harm minimization strategy.

>> No.16061127

Typicall fucking pinko

>> No.16061278

Actually this is a thread to count how many burgers are on the board
> triggered by the word "late capitalism"

>> No.16061484

Why do you kids always think communism is the solution when it has failed so many times? Is this a consequence of the burger school system's negligence when teaching world history?

>> No.16061511

Corporatism is bad. Keynesian economics are bad. Fiat currency is bad. Capitalism is good.

>> No.16061647

> another burger triggered
Why LATE capitalism triggers into your burger guts that urge of speaking against commies?
Do you feel that it's over? Your green paper pieces seem to have lost their magic?

>> No.16061690

>fiat currency is bad.
How many cows can I buy this Iphone for?

>> No.16061762

The problem with this argument is that nobody is saying communism or socialism or any other authoritarian idea is better.

It's like America is a 5/10 woman who acid bombed every other woman in the village and now whenever you talk about her shortcomings she just demands that you compare her to the acid victims.

Capitalism is basically good for those who don't believe in anything higher than progress and consumption. Its basically the most poor and desperate have nots celebrating receiving the unwanted leftovers or loaded goods from the haves. It is great when you look at how this brought air conditioning and cars and comfort giving technology to the turks world and other have nots. But when you look at it big picture you just got what they didn't need to hoard or hide anymore because they found something else off value to keep from you.

Those who believe in the foundational American values of freedom and equality should never celebrate Capitalism just because communism is horrible. Our job is to work towards a world where it is one for all and all for one. Capitalism is the epitomy of every man for himself. It works for some only because it doesn't work for the rest.

>> No.16061781

Capitalism is going to continue to evolve in the coming era. But you envision an apocalypse followed by utopia? Communists are really on the same metaphysical bent as Christians waiting for rapture, the last judgement where the wicked are punished according to some universally applicable perfect moral doctrine and the innocent are rewarded. Guess what though, society is going to continue to evolve and capitalism will take new forms.

>> No.16061814

Capitalism can be killed by making time the true currency. How you spend your time should be the end all be all and it will be once automation makes it so human ideas and behaviour are the only product left to exert our will on.

>> No.16061838

I don't even feel that it's over. It's just that all these dumbass kids wasted their opportunity during college on some clown degree, then when they graduate they see the consequence of smoking weed all four years, but instead of admitting that it's them they instead turn to blame "late stage" capitalism. It's not triggering, but it's very annoying. We're no more "late stage" than we were in the 1950's, in fact we're better off because of all the social programs that happened later on. We're suffering now because of the effects of lobbyism, and that's a consequence of corruption, not of capitalism. Having some social programs in the system are good, but having systems that are more socialist than capitalist ends in collapse every time.

>> No.16061853

Bartering is based and redpilled

>> No.16061867

Yes, we need to go back to a more spiritual society, a society focused on community. However this is IMPOSSIBLE in a multicultural society. The only ways to go from here are collapse/rebuild or slow degeneration.

>> No.16061875

Capitalism will only reach it's final stage when currency becomes decentralized and every single person in the world invests in free floating SHITCOINS.

>> No.16061898

300IQ poster.

>> No.16061902

We’re late in an economic cycle. Capitalism isn’t going anywhere.

>> No.16061905

As an immigrant I feel if I can think the way I do and share these type of ideas then I can also be part of the solution. It's not multicultural issues in America or is iq. The stupid and immoral need to be expunged. You don't want to throw away the baby with the bath water. About 10% of immigrants are not degenerates and plus you shouldn't be giving them welfare to begin with. If they can't survive you need to tell them to leave the big cities at the very least. It's insane how people can live off the government and then proceed to create crime, traffic and add to the general competition for resources in big cities. Like wtf put these ass holes in rubber rooms. Why are they allowed to slow down or out right sabotage the lives of the hard working?

>> No.16061909

Capital = anything that stores your value to the future
Capitalism = literally every system of organizing personal worth into the future. You either acknowledge that will always have to exist in a stable society or you just play the strong and take anything by force when you need it as you pretend it doesn't and that you're enriching the people rather than yourself.
If you are advocating against capitalism itself rather than a subsystem in which it is inserted you are advocating against a society in which you can have transparency in any personal progress at all. No matter what commies try, capital will still exist, of course, at most it would just shift into murky social and political capital which you almost certainly wouldn't have if you're in this website.

>> No.16061913
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Fuck off communard trash

>> No.16061943

I'm siding with Musubi, fuck off Yosugafags

>> No.16061945


>> No.16061952

> forced by mindfucking jew'd burger propaganda into thinking that only 2 systems can be possible
Basically capitalism will end when israeli temple will be fully funded

>> No.16061977

(faints due to lack of food)
(steps on a nail because the central planners haven't started producing right foot shoes yet)
(gets sent to a re-education camp just in case)
(still buys everything from the black market because it's the only way to make their retarded system work)

>> No.16062011
File: 47 KB, 800x450, honklhonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im a capitalist and i want the rapture to happen so bad, im tired of living in this leftist clown world, of free money, drugs, stds, fags, and nigs.

>> No.16062020

if you ever played monopoly, you can understand how the entire system ends, all the times

>> No.16062048

Its not capitalism when there's no free market. The creation of the FED ended the free market and thus ended capitalism.

>> No.16062095

Bro capitalism is just a word. It can be different things as an idea but in practice it is the perpetual condition of the haves bullying the have nots.

The only lasting perpetual store of value for a human is food because you need it for your body. This won't change. You need food to live. Everything else is crap. Look at the big picture. You take away negative human outlook and competing for all the other crap is going to end. Fiat itself is nothing but food. It has value because the hungry are 1000000%behind the idea that they can get food in exchange for it. If you have jew type generational wealth it will only serve your descendants so long as their peers are hungry and willing to work for fiat to feed their belies. Capitalism keeps the invective for fiat holders to maintain poverty and hunger and war but only until human beings finally see the big picture en masses. Governments and the use of force is the only thing that keeps hungry people from scrapping this whole system. Like I said time and the work humans can do with it is the only decentralised currency in perpetuity. Fiat capitalism etc etc etc or is all linked to human desire to food. LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE BRO

>> No.16062099

capitalism in its current form is dogshit, dumb bitch.

44% of 22-27 yr old college grads are underemployed (inb4 just do computer science as if everyone is capable of that. Even they have like a 24ish% underemployment rate for 22-27 yr olds: https://www.newyorkfed.org/research/college-labor-market/college-labor-market_compare-majors.html
Think about that. NEARLY 1/4 cs graduates aged 22-27 will be underemployed (don't know how it evens out over time. Still not amazing though. It's around 34% when including all ages and all majors). Also 1/4 college grads make highschool wages.
7/10 graduate with 29k+ in debt.

78% of full time workers live paycheck to paycheck ( *LITERALLY one paycheck away from homelessness and that is basically poverty* ). *42% of americans will retire broke* (so you give up the best years of your life being someone's bitch just to retire with nothing), 57% of americans can't afford an unexpected 500 dollar bill, 50% of renters are cost burdened (spend over 30% of their income on rent. Half of those spend over 50% of their income on rent), 30% of metropolis city jobs (where most jobs are created) pay hardship wages (not enough to move out with) and 32% pay livable wages (basically poverty) which leaves 38% that are decent (I say decent because you also have to take into consideration the toxicity of work culture. Also, some jobs ONLY pay livable or up BECAUSE of the hours put in. For instance, the average american works 47 hours a week. 49% work 50 hours or more a week. Both of which inflate the wage stats into looking better than it actually is), etc.


>> No.16062126
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>You need food to live
Don't forget sex

>> No.16062140


Wrong. I am American and I can be objective about this issue. I don't just say "this economy is great!" to cope.

1. Discouraged workers (someone that wants a job, but gave up and hasn't applied in over 4 weeks) are NOT counted as unemployed.

2. People who make HARDSHIP wages ARE counted as employed.

Putting those 2 together = makes the unemployment stat look better/lower than it actually is. It is a lie that fools without critical thinking believe.

Wrong. I am American and I can be objective about this issue. I don't just say "this economy is great!" to cope.

1. Discouraged workers (someone that wants a job, but gave up and hasn't applied in over 4 weeks) are NOT counted as unemployed.

2. People who make HARDSHIP wages ARE counted as employed.

Putting those 2 together = makes the unemployment stat look better/lower than it actually is. It is a lie that fools without critical thinking believe.

Really though, even if the job market was 100% perfect in terms of employment (so let's pretend 0% were underemployed), the issue of working 40 hours or more a week is still complete ass no matter how you look at it.

Really, the best solution is creating AFFORDABLE housing. Say apartments with 214sqft in size. Make them cheap as shit. Now people can survive off of part time work and not have to be slaves.

In this society, you are either a 100% conformist BITCH or you are a NEET. Shit options. You lose either way.

>inb4 "b-but 40 hours is the norm, you lazy fuck!"
Ya? According to what? Bullshit culture? That's called being an indocrinated SHEEP. I wouldn't be surprised if this society would function nearly the same if say the average person only worked 20 hours a week. Maybe less as time goes on and automation takes over (because of automation, I feel we really need a UBI in place or most people are going to get fucked up by natural selection).

fucking word limit

>> No.16062154

Part 3

>inb4 edgy kid thinks this is a good thing and doesn't realize natural selection applies to them too

Well, there's the third option, but it's unrealistic. Basically self-employment (most businesses starting out fail).

EVEN IF you want to ignore what I said about 40 hours a week being archaic bs based off of nothing more than "culture" rather than actual necessity, the rest of what I said still stands to show how the majority are indeed suffering economically (and again, that's with the average american working 47 hours a week).

>> No.16062167


>> No.16062184
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>214 sqft
>just live in a commune like the good guy communist you are.
i hate communism because i dont want to live in a commune with other retards and liberals, i cant make friends with liberals.

>> No.16062207

Competition for resources, ambition, and inequality will never end, even if the forms they take continue to shift. That's the way the universe is. The resources could be processing time, (post)human mental attention, physical space for servers, etc. It's in the nature of living things to acclimate to new equilibria and then hunger for more. When the wills of living things conflict, competition arises. Where competition occurs, inequality arises.

>> No.16062215

It's funny how socialists are always complaining about monopolies, but when the state is the sole owner of everything and prevents all competition from entering the market it's totally fine and not monopoly at all.

>> No.16062224

Who the FUCK said anything about living in the same unit with people?

>> No.16062233

>arguing about capitalism and communism in the 21st century.
You people are retarded that you bother wasting your time like this.

>> No.16062239

because its a less corrupt form of monopoly.

>> No.16062256

i copied and pasted these from my notes which is why it repeats itself. I fucked up with the pasting since I didnt double check. Thats also why it say "wrong. Im american" when that is irrelevant

>> No.16062265

>goverment is less corrupt than companies

>> No.16062293

>spend 10 hours taking a massive shit inbetween two pieces of bread
>i deserve 20 hours currency please

>> No.16062304

>because its a less corrupt form of monopoly.


Because public officials never succumb to corruption. Just like those noble, selfless leaders in Africa.

>> No.16062319

Really though who decided what valuable time spent is? Do i get to spend my time playing video games for food? What if i was a video game developer doing research

>> No.16062328

Right but time spent is immune to inflation and corruption. Look at how gentrification would work when recorded time spent throughout your life is the currency.

If a public park in your hood is getting developed. Usually its the outsiders who lobby the govt to get their way. With time as the currency the people who actually invested their finite time by visiting the park or playing there or working there. They would be invested in it and have most right to keep it from fucking up rather then greedy politicians or businessmen who just make sure to never shit where they sleep.

Then when it's time to invade another country. Take the decision making power out of the hands of the politicians and businessmen. Give the power to the soldiers who invested their finite time to defend this country, go thru training etc etc. They have much more incentive to do the right thing.

Time as a currency gives peoplee back the voting rights they were supposed to have when they acted in unison together. The govt today has used money and corruption to divide neighbours and divide communities. Many problems could be lessened or solved if human time and effort were the only lasting capital. Fiat itself should be limited and have a purpose other being hoarded

>> No.16062335

No fuck immigrants. You are cancer, no different than newfags

>> No.16062388

I am well aware that politicians are corrupt. I am saying the IDEA is good if the right people are in power (but most humans are shit stains).

I am well aware even this u.s. government is beyond corrupt as all hell and has too much bureaucracy. I mean there was a guy named elvis making cheap homes for the homeless (basically an upgrade to tents) and the city of LA confiscated them.

Obviously we have politicians that have to be shot in the head. With all that said, being at the mercy of an employer is far worse. If everything was just a free market with no regulations, employees would be even MORE assfucked. Shit wages and working conditions would be even more prevalent.

>> No.16062395

Today we have the tech to track your brain waves your heart rate everything. Computers can tell when you are trying our not often by analysing biometric data body language and ofcourse having your prior history and dna iq etc. It's not hard to make humanity stronger if the system didn't thrive on making them weaker

>> No.16062427

Even your blood chemistry is different when you are in fear in pleasure in deep thought meditation etc etc. The tech is available to seperate the good from the too far gone who will need to be expunged or otherwise dealt with.

>> No.16062450

epic gamer frog bro

>> No.16062465

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. How in the fuck would time be a currency? Being a homeless bum putting in time on a park bench doesn't add any value to anything. In fact the homeless bum with the most shares in the park will vote to allow him piss his pants all over the bench.

Everyone is equal in time. So how would this work. How much food do i get per hour of existing. Will i get food for playing video games? Will i get to tell game developers how they should design their own games?

>> No.16062476

Aren't we all newfags who die pretty soon anyways. I can't stand people of low iq and honestly America is their home base. Even born and bred Americans are fucking retarded. Immigrants are not the reason why America is dying. Its the ones who are obsessing over the immigrants but too cowardly to unite against the government or big businesses. Vote with your dollar and your time and community. Its honestly hilarious how born and bred Americans are jealous of and threatened by broken people who come here and can't even speak English. Lol

>> No.16062481

The idea is fucking awful

>> No.16062514

Go outside. This isn't reality at all especially for most the country living outside cities with less than 100k pop.

If the tech to monitor everyone's emotions exists humanity is already dead. The elite will just manipulate your brain to make you climax on heroin everytime you punch in for work. You won't even want money or tasty food

>> No.16062563

Right but that homeless bum is capitalism and fiat made. In a world where time is the currency you spend your day avoiding the path of least resistance. You go to school to learn not play you go to work to try not cope you spend your time at any geographical location and a subsequent voting right equal to your time spent there is automatically deposited to you. So when your sitting at home and some place you have spent five minutes every day of your life is up for change you have a vote instead of hoping you voted for the right local politician. Every where you spend your time from a bus stop to a park you retain a ownership/voting right. This eliminates the need for all these corrupt government hoops to get anything done where the money is to be controlled so the people must be controlled like cattle as well.

No more seeing progress on one side of town just because the right people are getting rich off of it and no more seeing outsiders getting paid to work on vanity projects or infrastructure projects while you are unemployed with your sick in your hand and no say in what is going on.

Time being currency is a concept where you have your time so you have the voting right. It takes voting power out of the hands of the undeserving who can't even be bothered to share since they just want handouts and also takes voting power out of the hands of the whales who only want to fight.

>> No.16062570

No we are not all newfags you stupid shitskin. America will be Brazil tier because you stupid fucks come here. Why? Becuase you pathetic low iq retards are too incompetent to fix your own nations. You really think having an unlimited supply of retards like you slaving away for boomers pension isn't bad for the country? There is no such thing as community because of you fucking faggots.

Immigration has never been good. What's it like being a jewish pawn though?

>> No.16062583


>Those who believe in the foundational American values of freedom and equality should never celebrate Capitalism
I'm not an American.
But I don't think the definition of "equality" you're using is the same as the definition that your founding fathers used.

>"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

When Washington said "all men are created equal" he wasn't advocating for strict material equality among all men. He was denouncing the idea of monarchy and imperial despotism which placed some men above others by virtue of birth alone.

>life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

liberty is pretty incompatible with anti-capitalism.

The strict definition of capitalism is just the respect for private ownership of property. Specifically productive property.

Capitalism should in fact be celebrated by those who love liberty, because the right to own property, especially productive property, is a fundamental component of true freedom.

The right to have your ownership of your private property respected was a right that your forefathers fought and died for because it was denied to them by tyrants of the past.

>> No.16062590

>I am saying the IDEA is good if the right people are in power (but most humans are shit stains).
Your problem is assuming anyone would be the right person. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. To believe anyone is worthy to guide all of humanity into an ideal future is fatal hubris.

>> No.16062662

Not every group of people have a county dumb ass. There are more languages and ways of life then there are countries accommodating them. Capitalism and imperialism created the waves and we still haven't reached equilibrium. You can't cry about the natural effect it has had. It's not the immigrants who gave themselves welfare. It's not the immigrants who sold out the nation. It's not the immigrants who invaded other countries and displaced millions.

I personally could never think so little of myself to pack up and leave the home I know to go slave for others. But my parents did it and they made it. Lol keep hating. Ultimately everything happens for a reason. You should focus on good and good people. The alternative is much worse.

>> No.16062679

You can never understand our morality because you're not one of us. You just don't belong here

>> No.16062687

But what your describing is not currency, its just voting and its still a shit system. I could sneak into someones new house wait there until its mine. I could go to a national forest and turn it into a giant private factory.
And how do things get done? Why the fuck would anyone build a factory if all they get is a share of the building and not even the product being produced.

If time is currency nobody will bother producing anything becuase no matter what you do you'll be just as wealthy as the guy born the same day.

What reward does the guy laboring over a farm get over the guy eating doritos and watching tv. Why would anybody be a politician or why would government even exist?

Ill ask again, how much food does one hour get you?

>inb4 everyone has to farm and do things for themselves
Society is built on specialization. Don't even start with that shit

>> No.16062707

By equal I mean equal by nature. Equal right to be heard equal right to compete equal right to be judged on merit and your actions rather then your origin. Owning property is not capitalism. People have owned property long before the new world was even known about. You need to look at the big picture.

Owning property in a society without the levels of corruption at have today is possible. But you want to make it about owning property or not. Its a stupid argument. Owning property is not exclusive to a system of haves and have nots. That's what capitalism is to me the perpetual condition of haves and have nots by fucking design.

>> No.16062730

You do have a country you stupid fucking faggot. You were conceived within the borders of a country.
>its not the immigrants who invaded
That's exactly what it is though.
>everything happens for a reason bro
>just focus on the good unless its rich people i don't like
You're not just a parasite leeching off the wealth someone else's grandparents built but your'e a normalfag too

>> No.16062757

>my personal definition of capitalism is what really matters
I know I'm repeating myself but kill yourself
>we are all equal
Where did you get this retarded idea. Nobody is born equal in nature itself. I bet you're religious too. Probably one of the three jew religions.

>> No.16062824
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compelling argument

>> No.16062832

It's very simple. When you are of school age you start school and you earn simply by not devolving into a shit head. Stay in shape, obey your elders, follow directions. No more social promotion. You get ahead by rejecting the degenerates and their culture.
When you are a young adult you get ahead by continuing your education or starting a family or providing assistance to the family you are already a part of.
As you get older you retain exclusive rights to vote for our against changes in things you are attached to. Things like your school, your neighborhood, the businesses.

Local elected physicals already hold arbitrary power over the type and degree of changes allowed in local government and business. Local politicians give out lucrative contracts without asking anyone anything. They deny liscences to operate to certain business for whatever reason they deem nessecary. All this ultimately incentives corruption on their part.

This would just take that power away from lobbyists and give it back to those who are attached to institutions out of prior time spent and not just greedy self serving types. The right to decide proposed changes yourself as the actual collective body of poeple who have invested time and other resources in an area or thing is better then continuing to let politicians destroy and sell out.

>> No.16062833

>Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
your actually basing your thoughts on some saying? Very logical.

>> No.16062837

>Owning property is not capitalism.

It is though.
Ok it's a bit more complicated than that in practice because there are practical limits to any system, but fundamentally that's what capitalism is.

It's the right for private individuals to have their ownership of their private property respected, including productive property. And their right to buy, sell, and manage that property according to their own will.

>People have owned property long before the new world was even known about.

People commonly owned personal property, the clothes on their back, etc.
They very rarely owned significant private property, such as the land they lived on or farmed, which at the time was the primary form of significant private property.

The privilege of owning that property was usually reserved for nobility.

>> No.16062866
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>obey your elders
>listen to some dumb boomers
yeah right

>> No.16062876

it's poo. bring on the multi-century collapse.

>> No.16062878

That's like saying the native Americans have a country. There are lots of people who are considered the outsiders and others even though they were born there because governments divide people. Ultimately you must admit that every govt has to pick and choose what they want. There will always be people left out and there will always be war or migration to deal with it.

>> No.16062905

>some saying
The wisdom of our forefathers should not be ignored.

>> No.16062921


>> No.16063045

Native Americans do have a country they are born in America you fucking retard. A nation and country are different things. In any case its up to the natives to carve their own future. They fucked up.

>> No.16063073

>going to school
Why would school anyone go to school lol. It would be better to instead spend that time sitting at home to ensure nobody time steals your house from you.

Just admit your system is retarded and not at all practical. Time has no intrinsic value to the advancement or betterment of society.

>> No.16063085

The people calling for "late capitalism" are mostly liberals on Twitter and Reddit. That should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.16063175

I run a company that started out as something legit, but then I got bored and tired of serving clients, and so I switched to the dark side. I am now scamming people. I earn more and I don't do much. The only problem is that I am bored (again) and depressed. The more I meet other businessmen, the more convinced I am that you can't win with hard work, but only by scamming. Ethics have no place. So I can't stop.

>> No.16063201

>calling for something we already have

>> No.16063226

It's hard to feel sympathy for you when you and your ilk come into the country and explicitly vote along the lines of reducing the power, standing and economic welfare of natural-born citizens, while simultaneously propagandizing your foreign culture and systems to be "better" than the pre-existing one and that said natural culture should be looked down on or minimized within its own borders. What happened to Columbus Day?

>> No.16063266

Do illegal shit

>> No.16063712


>> No.16063893

Lol yes they are both here but that doesn't mean they aren't disenfranchised and unsafe. All it takes is somebody like trump to initiate another trail of tears event out just wipe them out. You don't understand the viewpoint I'm trying to explain. There are lots of people born into shit situations who have to leave our otherwise choose between selling out or being a martyr.

The only people who have a actual right to complain about people coming here and making it on their own without taking welfare litterally just hard work would be the soldiers who keep America safe from invasion. But even then you see how they also aren't what they once were. Still, they are the one of the only ones who give more then they take. The rest of America is just shitheads either born here with an entitled destructive outlook or immigrants who freeload.

>> No.16063922

Ethics make no sense of you don't believe in a afterlife or reincarnation. You should believe in power and the use of force if you aren't religious

>> No.16063950


> "We're suffering now because of the effects of lobbyism, and that's a consequence of corruption, not of capitalism"

Lobbying is a byproduct of capitalism. Corruption is capitalised on (no pun intended) and is rewarded if one can go un noticed in a capitalists world.

>> No.16064165

fuck this thread, fuck commies, fuck keynesists
you bastards and your central planning bullshit nearly killed me by denying me of my natural right to freely trade with others—in my case, my money for someone else's medicine
cutoff day is both inevitable and fast approaching, you goddamned parasites

based as fuck
fiat might as well stand for Fund Immigrants Again, Trudeau at this point
fuck this keynesian economy of scams and gov't-private entity collusion that endlessly kills off any real competition and guarantees safety to companies whose output are 95% worthless shit products that are either designed like shit, break within a year of purchase, or both
stock prices going up don't necessarily mean that an economy is good—inexpensive costs of living mean that an economy is good, and the central planning enabled by communistic and socialistic policies and their sòylent advocates who have never had any experiences either within their tiny, miserable lives or their puny and unimaginative pseudointellectual minds raise the costs of living like nothing else

>> No.16064964

who the hell would lobbyists be able to lobby if there were no government to lobby
lobbying relies on there being a government that can be asked to grant special privileges
individuals who seek to benefit only themselves and their group at other people's expense will exist whether the system is capitalist, or communist—only difference is, in a purely capitalist system, these individuals have no government that can guarantee them an income
they either have to become full-time manipulative scammers in a market that is always increasingly sophisticated against fraud, deception, and lies—OR they have to actually produce goods and services that people genuinely want in a market that is always increasingly sophisticated in the realms of mass-and-precision manufacturing, design and engineering, data processing and collection, etcetera

>> No.16064974

> I dindu nuffin guys

>> No.16065007

How can capitalism be late when its as eternal as organic life forms

>> No.16065016

>Ultimately you must admit that every govt has to pick and choose what they want
This is why brownpipo fuck up their attempts at civilizations. You will come to burgerland and turn it into Argentina under presidente AOC.

>> No.16065030

This has to be bait
>muh trump
>muh veterans
>muh hardworking immigrants
You should do some more research

>> No.16065147

What part did I miss?

Everyday Americans are at each others throats but somehow keep buying crap from name brands and celebrities. They love to get together and destroy a city like baltimore but won't get together against the common enemy that will outlive them like it outlived their forefathers. Its the biggest meme in the world that educated Americans feel threatened and wronged by the most powerless segment of society.

Be a man. Work hard fight for your rights and join others when they fight for theirs. You will have unity which is the life blood of democracy. You have no choice but to vote for an elected official to decide things for you. Why you don't hold them hostage is your own fault. We love to talk about why big cities sick and flyovers are nicer but it has more to do with the unity of the people living there and the fear that unity keeps in the mind of the elected officials. Public schools and quality of life is better because of that. The amount of incumbents that get reelected shows how fucked this country is. People aren't even trying to do the right thing anymore. Everyone is looking to sell out and stick to the path of least resistance.

>> No.16065155

This is your brain on cuckservatism

>> No.16065215

I personally think welfare needs to end first and foremost for immigrants and degenerates with violent tendencies.

Free food should be made available to the hungry but get rid of personal welfare benefits. It doesn't work. People literally have a black market scam to process ebt and shit. Stop subsidising the scum or new and then let's talk about how bad the immigrants are realistically. They have little to no power. Easy to manipulate. Basically just want to survive and willing to work hard for you in exchange for it. How is this a guaranteed bagd thing? It's the fucking government that decided you have to compete with them. They have so many rules to protect the big businesses and the wealth of the rich but they willingly let you fight to the death trying to survive alongside the weakest segment of society. It doesn't have to be this way. Think about it

>> No.16065268

There's also less shitskins outside the city. Stop typing like a nigger.
Look democracy is a joke. Immigrants and racial diversity creates conflict. What common enemy? McDonalds? Get real you fucking nigger.

There's nothing more important than your community but if the community is 50% foreigners its not a fucking community just a cess pool of shitskins trying to make a quick buck.

We didn't destroy Baltimore either.

>> No.16065278

>welfare needs to end
>free food should be given to the hungry
Am i talking to a child. Is English really your first language?

>> No.16065314

>Late capitalism thread
Tell me, is the size of government only 10x, 100x, or 1000x as large as it was 100 years ago? All of the above is enough proof that America has not been capitalist for at least that amount of time. Arguably it ended when the first anti-trust bust happened in the late 1800s.

>> No.16065323

>immigrants have no power
>in a democracy
>muh hardworking
Look nigger i live in California, these spics are lazy as shit. Immigrants that do work directly benefit the "rich" and no one else.

You really really need to go back

>> No.16065340

>Capitalism is basically good for blah blah
>Capitalism is the epitome of every man for himself
Yet you never defined what it was for the sake of the conversation, nor do I believe you even know how to define it other than "people trading and money and stuff."

>> No.16065406

But why oh why do they keep coming learning your language competing with you and ultimately winning??? You think immigrants are just better at capitalism then you? While they learned broken English somehow they were able to find the secret plan to win while born and bred Americans were just too stupid?

Grow up. Immigrants are here because the ruling class wants them here. They survive and outright win where you lose because again the ruling class helps. The ruling class is the common enemy. Starting wars and creating poverty and destroying nations that ultimately cause the immigration. Then they force you to compete with the immigrants and then you cry about the immigrants. Get your head out of your ass. The branches and leaves are the symptoms not the root. Your root problem is that your government is trying to help anyone but you. Admit it dumbass. It's white politicians who are fucking you over and you are the major cuck who is too cowardly to point the finger at them. This government has earned goodwill around the world by helping even when it adds to the national debt but it never wants to help regular Americans.... Why? Why? Why? Even when there is a fucking hurricane its always the big corporations that get the money first. When do you wake up and recognize who your enemy is. Race and culture mattered when the world wasnt this connected and well known. Its a meme today to divide and impoverish the dumbasses who focus on it.

>> No.16065407

he speaks the truth. at this point, in America, capitalism is defended religiously rather than debated critically. To suggest exploration of a better system is akin to heresy.

>> No.16065465

Stop giving the degenerates ebt balances they can just trade in all at once for cash to fund drugs habits. Make it so there is a place serving food to people instead of giving them resources to aquire food which always leads to corruption. Further more such a local place where people gather for food can be used by government to give more benefits that also don't devolve into corruption or freeloading. It's pretty simple to understand.

>> No.16065550

How do the lazy survive? Crime or welfare im guessing. Both of which are bad things.

>> No.16065634

I don't want to break your heart or anything but I could go back and neet. I could move to Paris and neet. I have enough to live a cold selfish life but is rather be here. The fact that people like you want me to leave is hilarious. Please don't ever stop wasting your time trying to convince me to leave lol

In all seriousness the main thing about humanity is unity and strength in numbers. You regular Americans have been mind fucked into devaluing togetherness to the point where you mistrust your next door neighbour just because of his race or some narrative or news story but are perfectly willing to trust people that are in power with every incentive to fuck you over.

>> No.16065640

My thought of the day to invest more in coins like LITE and Telecoin..

>> No.16065812

They were just people. Not fucking gods. Quotes from people are bs at the end of the day.

>> No.16065831

How many gold backed notes can I buy this car for?

>> No.16065965

But Jefferson was qausi enlightened to be honest. His words reflect a common and simple idea that comforts all. The finding fathers weren't gods but the human species is basically shit save for people like them who throughout history chose to give more than take. Even though they were in perfect position to be self serving assholes with no regard for the far future.

>> No.16065974

Founding fathers* fucking auto correct

>> No.16065975

honestly 40 hrs/wk is a cakewalk especially if you're fast and can just goof off for 25% of the hours you're getting paid for
anyone who works less than 60 shouldn't complain if it's that bad for you you obviously didn't listen to your boomer parents who told you to pursue your passions

>> No.16065976

That's an incredibly woke of way of describing late stage capitalism. Used to be a great subreddit on the subject too, but it got co-opted by antifa pinkos a couple of years ago

>> No.16066164
File: 55 KB, 850x400, quote-the-establishment-of-a-central-bank-is-90-of-communizing-a-nation-vladimir-lenin-146-12-47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Fuck central banks. We can never be free until they are removed from existence. People think we have capitalism at the moment, we do not. Free market capitalism has been put into an induced coma for least the past 20 years, which is why our economy is so fucked up right now and why we have levels of inequality not seen since the 1920's.

>> No.16066306
File: 42 KB, 362x359, 232356643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironically, capitalism is better for the environment, as it punishes over consumption with price gouging, and encourages innovation by the same metric.

>> No.16066339

Late capitalism is a Marxian prophecy which, like most socialist movements and ideas cherrypicks examples (not even statistics) to uphold the ideology. Not even Pol tier, take it to x.

>> No.16066456

You have absolutely no clue about what the TRPF is. And if you knew about it, i guess you'll deny it's a reality. Just wait a couple decade, and you'll see how wrong you were.

>> No.16066729

It’s a CIA bait thread you big dummy.

>> No.16066813

You are such a retarded cunt it’s hard to believe you aren’t a larping JIDF faggot.

>> No.16066822

>Share your thoughts
>Late capitalism thread
Sure, just one easy payment of $1.50 and you can have one of my thoughts. *

>> No.16066844


*thoughts still remain as my property, they are only licensed for use in this thread only, with a royalty fee of 5% of all gross income OP makes from this thread, and license expires as soon as 4chan marks this thread archived

>> No.16066909

Lol nah not Jewish but honestly you might be a govt shill since you don't like the idea of people thinking rationally. Nothing im saying is as absurd as your hostility warrants which makes me think your just here to divide people and push an agenda. Fuck off and if you're not getting paid for this my condolences on your shit life.

>> No.16066995

You’ll hang kike.

>> No.16067162
File: 533 KB, 950x600, hitlermoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah youre a fucking retard if you blame capitalism for this.
>The operating principles of the big banks is a cesspool of greed, ethics and criminal intent and they give a very bad name to free market capitalism. During the housing bubble Wall street was considered the heart and soul of free market capitalism, but when they were in danger of total collapse they fell on their knees as socialists, begging the government and tax payers to bail them out.
>Many people have asked why the government bailed them out. Isn’t capitalism designed to get rid of the weak and the failed; so why didn’t we just let them fail? The answer was that they were too big to fail and allowing them to fail could have created a worldwide depression. In fact, in a meeting with Congress on September 18th, 2008. Treasury Secretary Paulson told the members that $5.5 trillion in wealth could disappear by 2pm of that day. In a meeting with Senator Sherrod Brown, Secretary Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said, “we need $700 billion and we need it in 3 days.”

So yes, im going to use the oft repeated socialism excuse "it wasnt real socialism" here and say this isnt real capitalism.

But its important to note, all economic systems eventually become corrupted in one way or another overtime. Capitalism is an economic system that holds up longer than socialism, and is less gruesome than socialism when it does become currpted. So like now where we have people working long hours to get relatively little money in exchange for their labor, the state cant really just withhold all food and resources until people agree to pay their reparations. Mind you, this is happening to some extent already (welfare), but at least in failed capitalism we have some degree of hope, where as a socialist economic collapse of corruption almost always leads to genocide.

>> No.16068011

>anyone who works less than 60 shouldn't complain if it's that bad for you you obviously didn't listen to your boomer parents who told you to pursue your passions
umm lol? 40 hes a week is shit and it is the boomers that say what you are saying. That work should be your only priority in life. that is pathetic

>> No.16068059

Uhh it is capitalism, dipshit. Business owners ask for bachelors degrees for jobs that dont need it so people have no choice but to go. Colleges are basically businesses in themselves overcharging to get a piece of paper. Housing is expensive in order to keep people wagecucking longer. Prices for homes are largely arbitrary and priced more than the cost of material and labor. All this creates debt slaves.

This system is made so the weak DO die, idiot. If you have no complicated in demand skills, you will have a shit paying job. Most jobs are like this as shown by the fucking stats. Republicans want to get rid of social programs too making that even more apparent.

I hate retards that dont even address the numbers I mention. Keep coping with reality, dumbass.

>> No.16068132

Shut up you sad cunt

>> No.16068274
File: 872 KB, 1417x859, fordMakeGet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This system is made so the weak DO die, idiot.
Im glad those in demand skills janice in hr displays are allowing her to supplement her welfare so she can get her nails done on thursdays and still afford her monthly payments on her mercedes.

>Republicans want to get rid of social programs too making that even more apparent.
muh republicans

The main problem is our determinations of "value" has been completely obliterated by jews. The problem with your argument is that youre trying to blame capitalism for problems the fed caused, capitalism has nothing to do with the "debt slaves" youre talking about.

>> No.16068294

my thoughts are it's starting to break down now. i see it everywhere i go. millions upon millions of military aged males working dead end jobs with no future. not gonna turn out too well.

>> No.16068353

> open a thread containing the words "late" and "capitalism"
> ignore the thread for the entire day
> come back and find a buck full of burgers and libtards
> take gasoline and burn
> social darwinism achieved

>> No.16068742

>So yes, im going to use the oft repeated socialism excuse "it wasnt real socialism" here and say this isnt real capitalism.
Who said something about socialism? Communism is about abolition of the State and wage labor. Keep that in your mind once and for all.

>> No.16068805

Capitalism has always been corporatism

>> No.16069573

i love u