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16059428 No.16059428 [Reply] [Original]

1. Calvin Ayre, the boss. Made a fortune operating illegal gambling websites.
2. Jimmy Nguyen, a Californian lawyer, "LGBT & diversity advocate". Would you trust a Californian lawyer promoting a product?
3. Craig Wright. Produced a ton of fabricated evidence of being Satoshi and plagiarized his papers. Do you believe this is the behaviour of an honest man?

Now, Craig started strangely saying how private keys don't equate ownership and miners can alter transactions...

>> No.16059443
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, cswright-abhiyaan01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not the correct thread

BSV will be the true ethrum killer and also king of coinmarketcap 2019
Do you not think that the Craig Wright team has not been working hard? Guess what? It has

what we have here is an opportunity of gold. a great possible victory if you might think
have you ever looked at a token or coin and thought to yourself that you would have purchased it if it was early btc? i know what it feels like to buy the early stuff - i am a big holder myself actually
and when i look at craig and do my own research into him, he is definitely the maker of btc
all of the signs are there for him to be the true mind behind the excllent product. so if you had this hope in the past, you may wish to consider what you have not been paying attention to up until this time
me? i am all in
if you are smart you will be also
And always remember, as Craig says:
Get in BSV
The real BTC!

Let us all celebrate now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwRZgtTEH08&t= [Embed] [Embed]
And now For a Bonus! Watch him DESTROY a hater!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIvqn87iAz8 [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.16059506
File: 283 KB, 615x684, 1559302004517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally doesn't fucking matter.

Wait a few months. If tulip trust ends up a scam, then BSV will die a quick death. Craig wouldn't be able to get a court order to get Satoshi's wallet even if he tried.

>> No.16059526

no it wont, every fucking bsv brainlet will come up with another shit why and how

>> No.16059552

You must be a latecomer to crypto.

The value proposition behind BSV is that it will stage an overnight flip on BTC. This isn't the first time something like this has happened. The original BCH chain opened at $10, and over weeks and months eventually one day hit a climax and peaked at $2.700 and 0.5 BTC.

This is what BSV offers a chance of happening. As soon as the tulip trust narrative fades, so shall BSV.

>> No.16059600

>Am I the only one to notice that BSV is basically run by crooks
yes you are the only one. nobody ever questioned the integrity of the BSV team ever before. this is a seriously high IQ take OP thanks for taking the time.

>> No.16059625

>Calvin illegal gambling
Not illegal. Calvin was the guy who made gambling go digital. He, with his company Bodog, was the father of the online gambling industry as we know it. Being the first he had to walk up the legal path alone and he attracted some attention from the law as this was something new, but in the end it turned out it was all legal. There is a interview out there with him talking about this. It is very interesting. He grew up on a pig farm and now he is a billionaire. Also most people don't know it, but he has a master in a STEM field.

>Jimmy. Would you trust a Californian lawyer
Jimmy is one of the best and most trusted lawyers in the Intellectual Property branch of law. He may look young, but he worked in the industry for more than 20 years and he worked with the largest F500 companies. He was one of the big shots. He may be gay, but if you have followed him, you know that guy can punch, and he has a lot of weight behind it. He is the real deal and one of the best in his field.

>Craig Wright scammer
Craig is Satoshi. If you read all his academic publications you will have no doubt about it. Even before he made Bitcoin he was one of the worlds most decorated IT security experts. Dyor, it is all out there in the public. Stop listening to "Crypto Influencers". They have an agenda. Craig is Satoshi and that is a fact that will never go away.


>> No.16059637

Og's are supporting BSV, its economic model doesnt fade away. We are building on solid foundations, but stay salty. You are nothing but a commie who disrespects thousands of patents in the pipeline. Fuck the whitepaper right?

>> No.16059641

Hi guys Craig here,

I just wanted to let you know I now have in my possession all 21 Million BTC and intend on market selling it all. For your sake, I suggest you invest in BitCoin (BSV) to hedge against the dumping of this cheap imitation known as "Bitcoin" BTC.

Warm regards,
Craig Wright
(Currently doing my fourth PhD in Law)

Sent from my iPhone.

>> No.16059642


>> No.16059643

BSV just.. work. Try make simple app like weatherSV on ETH or BTC. You cant.

>> No.16059663

>illegal gambling websites
wtf I love being forced by the government to do all of my gambling at billionaire jew owned casinos now

>> No.16059921

>Not illegal.
if its not illegal why does he never fly thru the us?

>> No.16060035

>if its not illegal why does he never fly thru the us?
tell me about that and please provide sources

>> No.16060122


>> No.16060210

The only thing the UIGEA made illegal was the processing of transactions by financial institutions for gambling on sites it deemed unlawful.

>> No.16060382

The truth kills the Core Coin (btc) kikes

>> No.16060591

>Calvin was the guy who made gambling go digital. He, with his company Bodog, was the father of the online gambling industry as we know it
So, he made money in a scam industry and you're saying he's not a con? OK then.

>> No.16060611

Just because you lost your money playing online poker doesn't mean Calvin is a scam. It might have something to do with your lacking skill set